HOMEBREW Digest #533 Thu 08 November 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: In defense of sugar (John DeCarlo)
RE: Flaked barley (Barry Cunningham)
Flaked Barley (Martin A. Lodahl)
New Orleans Brewpubs (Jennifer_Glass)
Brewing with liqueur extracts ("William F. Pemberton")
Re: dry "hopping" spices (jonm)
Re: Malt Liquor (John DeCarlo)
dry-hopping spices (Kevin Vang)
Fleming's Christmas Ale Recipe (BAUGHMANKR)
Drillin' a cork (sandven)
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Date: Wednesday, 7 Nov 1990 07:39:18 EST
>From: m14051 at mwvm.mitre.org (John DeCarlo)
Subject: Re: In defense of sugar
One more important note on this issue. Many British ales are brewed with
sugar of some sort or another to achieve the particular taste. And they
also win awards. So, if you know what you are doing, go for it.
Internet: jdecarlo at mitre.org
Usenet: at ... at !uunet!hadron!blkcat!109!131!John_Decarlo
Fidonet: 1:109/131
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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 08:26 EST
>From: rick!moby!sushi!pdk at ulysses.att.com
Thanks for the homebrew information; please cancel my subscription
until I get a new news-feed path. I hope it will be soon.
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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 08:42:01 EST
>From: abvax!calvin.icd.ab.com!bwc at uunet.UU.NET (Barry Cunningham)
Subject: RE: Flaked barley
In all the recipes that I have ever seen using flaked barley as an adjunct,
it is mashed in order to convert the starches to sugars. Books with recipes
using flaked barley include Ken Shales books "Brewing Better Beer" and
"Advanced Homebrewing", Dave Line's books "The Big Book of Brewing" and
"Brewing Beers Like Those You Buy", and Dave Miller's book "The Complete
Handbook of Homebrewing". In all of these, the recipes using flaked barley
require that it be mashed with a diastatic malt syrup (such as Edme DMS or
Munton & Fison Diastatic Malt Extract) or with some pale malt (the exact amount
required varying with the enzyme content of the malt). Just boiling or
steeping the flaked barley in water or wort without any diastase should
result in a large amount of starch being dissolved in the wort.
Yours in foam and haze,
| Barry Cunningham {cwjcc,pyramid,decvax,uunet}!bwc at icd.ab.com |
| Allen-Bradley Company, Inc. or ICCGCC::CUNNINGHAM |
| 747 Alpha Drive or BWCUNNIN at MRGSD at REMNET |
| Highland Hts., OH 44143 phone: (216) 646-5241 FAX: (216) 646-4484 |
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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 7:59:34 PST
>From: Martin A. Lodahl <pbmoss!malodah at PacBell.COM>
Subject: Flaked Barley
In HOMEBREW Digest #531, Geoffrey Sherwood added a half-pound of
flaked barley to a normal recipe of his, and:
>.... When I drained the beer into the primary, it foamed like all getout.
>... Within a day it had clogged the airlock (blowing it out
>of its hole), popped the lid of the fermenter, and drained brown foam glop
>down the side of the fermenter ...
> ... Anyone have any similar experiences?
Yep. Flaked barley is fun stuff. It produces loads of beta
glucans, which do indeed help head retention, as well as making my
Stout somewhat "stouter". I fear it has the same effect on me, as
well. For a masher, it means that sparging will truly be a
challenge, with very slow (but clear!) runoff, and greatly enhanced
potential for the dreaded "set mash".
My flaked barley stout has always generated much more blowoff than
anything else I make, with the foam standing firmly in the catch
jug, where others collapse. The finished product always has an
impressive head: appx. 0.25", when carefully poured, of wonderfully
creamy foam that lasts and lasts, and leaves delicate lacing on the
glass. I prime with (usually) 0.5 cup of corn sugar, occasionally
less, for a 5-gallon batch.
Your method of steeping it, rather than mashing it, would result in
a greater yield of complex, long-chain proteins in the wort, so you
could probably get a good effect with less (4 oz, maybe?). Despite
the dramatic process, you'll probably like the effect on the flavor
and mouthfeel. From the proportions of crystal & chocolate malts in
your recipe it appears that you're seeking the smooth rather than
the aggressive; the flakes smooth thing out quite nicely.
= Martin A. Lodahl Pac*Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =
= malodah at pbmoss.Pacbell.COM Sacramento, CA 916.972.4821 =
= If it's good for ancient Druids, runnin' nekkid through the wuids, =
= Drinkin' strange fermented fluids, it's good enough for me! 8-) =
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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 11:00:32 EST
>From: Jennifer_Glass at ub.cc.umich.edu
Subject: New Orleans Brewpubs
Next week I will be attending a conference in New Orleans. Does
anyone know of any good brewpubs there? I will be staying in the
Hyatt Regency and I won't have a car, so any place I go will have
to be relatively close.
Please e-mail any responses to me directly--there have been lots
of postings on brewpub locations etc...and they are lengthy and
annoying to those who aren't interested.
Thanks in advance----Jennifer
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Date: Wed Nov 7 12:33:24 1990
>From: "William F. Pemberton" <wfp5p at euclid.acc.virginia.edu>
Subject: Brewing with liqueur extracts
I have an idea for making specialty beers that I would like to bounce
off the readers out there. I am wondering if anyone has tried using any
of the liqueur extracts as a flavoring for homebrew.
I have seen (and tasted) beers made with Root Beer extract that is
intended for making root beer soda at home, so I figure that the any of
the soda extracts would be fair game. But, I have not seen any beers
using the liqueur extracts. Are they the same thing, just different
flavors (and different intended use)?
Looking through what is available, here is some of the extracts that I
think might be interesting:
Almond - Might go well to make a real nut brown ale
Coffee/Kahlua - Might be real interesting in a stout
Does anyone out there have any experience using any of these extracts
for beer brewing? Any reason that it might not be a good idea to give
it a try?
Thanks in advance!
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Date: Wed Nov 7 08:53:08 1990
>From: microsoft!jonm at uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Re: dry "hopping" spices
I've never tried it, but how about coriander? The last time I was at
The Unicorn in Seattle, Angus tried to sell me a (costly) bottle of
beer brewed with coriander instead of hops. He told me that the use
of coriander in brewing predates the use of hops ... it has similar
preservative qualities.
I can't tell you how it tastes, because I didn't buy the bottle.
They're always trying to sell you the expensive stuff at The Unicorn,
and one develops a natural resistance. I was planning to go there
for dinner tomorrow, though, so maybe if they still have it I'll try
a bottle and let you all know how it was.
Jonathan uunet!microsoft!jonm
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Date: Wednesday, 7 Nov 1990 15:37:33 EST
>From: m14051 at mwvm.mitre.org (John DeCarlo)
Subject: Re: Malt Liquor
>From: tking at ux.acs.umn.edu
> 1. Malt Liquor. What is it? How would you brew it? One of my
> favorite beers is Mickey's Malt Liquor, and I would like to
> try to duplicate it at home. Problem is, no one seems to
> know what makes "Malt Liquor" different from "Beer."
Well, it has been explained to me thusly. The United States has
as many different liquor laws as there are states and counties
and cities. Many regulate beer as a low-alcohol beverage
differently from "liquor" as a high-alcohol beverage. Thus, some
higher-than-average alcohol beers are classified as malt liquor.
I don't think it has to be too strong (greater than 5%, 6%???).
I was talking to a guy in Ottawa who had looked into exporting
real Canadian beer to an area in Florida that had a large
Canadian population. Unfortunately, he would have had to relabel
the beer as "malt liquor" because it is stronger than most U.S
John "Figuring out a recipe that is like a beer you buy is a
whole 'nother problem" DeCarlo
Internet: jdecarlo at mitre.org
Usenet: at ... at !uunet!hadron!blkcat!109!131!John_Decarlo
Fidonet: 1:109/131
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Date: Wed, 07 Nov 90 15:33:12 CST
>From: Kevin Vang <MN033302 at VM1.NoDak.EDU>
Subject: dry-hopping spices
re: Tim Holtsford's question on increasing spice flavor and aroma by
Try making a spice 'tea' by steeping your spices in a cup or two of boiling
water, then strain the tea and add to your fermenter. This will extract
flavor and aroma (use your nose to judge the progress of the extraction)
and also will insure sterility. You can speed the process up to about two or
three minutes with a microwave oven.
Good luck,
Kevin Vang
mn033302 at ndsuvm1
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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 16:48 EST
Subject: Fleming's Christmas Ale Recipe
Merry Christmas to All:
Following is Phil Fleming's recipe for Christmas Ale that I mentioned a
couple of weeks ago. The recipe is in the latest special issue of Zymurgy
so I assume that it is now public domain.
Ingredients for 5 gallons
3 1/2 pounds Munton and Fison Stout Kit
3 1/2 pounds Munton and Fison amber dry malt extract
3 pounds Munton and Fison amber dry malt extract } ?? Typo ??
1/2 ounce Hallertauer hops (60 minutes)
1/2 ounce Hallertauer hops (5 minutes)
3/4 pound honey
5 3-inch cinnamon sticks
2 teaspoons allspice
1 teaspoon cloves
6 ounces ginger root
6 rinds from medium size oranges
Wyeast No. 1007 German ale liquid yeast
7 ounces corn sugar for priming
*O.G.: 1.069
*T.G.: 1.030
*Primary fermentation: 14 days at 61 degrees F.
*Age when judged: six months
Simmer spices and honey (45 minutes). Boil malt and hops (50 minutes).
Add finishing hops and boil (5 minutes). Cool, strain and pitch yeast.
The second call for 3 pounds of M & F amber dry malt extract is probably a
typo in the magazine. 7 pounds of extract and 3/4 pound of honey would
give you an O.G. of around 1.069. 10 pounds of extract would give you an
O.G. much higher than that.
Though he doesn't say so, it sounds like Phil did not brew the honey and
spices together with the extract but mixed them together in the fermenter.
This was a great beer in Oakland. I'm brewing up my batch this week-end!
Kinney Baughman
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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 90 15:02:21 MST
>From: sandven at hooey.unm.edu
Subject: Drillin' a cork
Howdy - I've been using a 1/4" blowoff tube and am expecting a big grenade one
of these days. I have an extra rubber stopper that fits a 5 gallon carbouy (
I think that the stopper is a #8 or 8.5) but it is drilled for 1/4" tubing.
Question: how does one go about making a 1/2 " hole ?? I tried a regular drill
bit but the rubber stretches - A sharp knife won't really cut a round hole -
taping the tube to the stopper seems a silly (and unclean) solution - and
the local brewshop doesn't carry stoppers drilled for 1/2 ". Will an auger
type bit be the ticket ?? Can I order one or maybe get a sympathetic fellow
brewer to send me one or two. I really think that a blowoff tube makes sense,
but am tired of racing home at night to see if I've blown up the cat ...
Thanks for any help,
steve (sandven at wayback.unm.edu)
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #533, 11/08/90
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