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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 20:29:06 -0400 From: Pete Calinski <pete.calinski at> Subject: NPR beer program Here is an interesting NPR Science Friday program. Also some good links at the bottom. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 21:00:14 -0400 From: "Dennis Lewis" <dblewis at> Subject: PEX tubing for hot wort Has anyone ever tried PEX tubing for moving hot wort? I'm looking at options for connecting my kettle to my new Therminator. The spec say it's good to 80 PSI at 200F. Of course, my tubing will be slightly hotter and under only a "kettle-full" of pressure. I'm more concerned about off-flavor pickup from the plastic. Thanks in advance for the sage advice, Dennis Lewis Warren, OH Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 18:21:49 -0700 (PDT) From: Kevin Mueller <kmmuellr at> Subject: Dixie Brewing Blackened Voodoo Dixie Brewing's Blackened Voodoo was one of the first American dark beer's that I found that I liked. Then they stopped making it (or at least stopped distributing in Michigan). Now its back!! I saw a 6 pack the other day and picked it up, and now I'm savoring one of my favorites. Does anyone have a good recipe? Starting point or hints? I wouldn't mind trying my hand at trying to clone it. All grain or extract, whatever works! Thanks! Kevin Plymouth, MI (pretty close to 0,0 Rennerian) Return to table of contents
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