HOMEBREW Digest #5345 Sun 15 June 2008

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  mouthfeel and the Journal of American Society of Brewing Chemists (Scott/Linda Bruslind)" <analabor@peak.org>
  Body vs. Mouthfeel (David Harsh)
  Sanitizers (Tom Puskar)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 21:26:20 -0700 From: "Analysis_Lab (Scott/Linda Bruslind)" <analabor at peak.org> Subject: mouthfeel and the Journal of American Society of Brewing Chemists A search of online ASBC Journal articles (www.asbcnet.org) for 'mouthfeel' yields only 3 hits, surprisingly. I was expecting Dr. Karl Siebert's name all over this topic. Dr. Michael Lewis' (UC Davis) abstract is below- Sensory Evaluation of the Mouthfeel of Beer Susan A. Langstaff, J.-X. Guinard, and M. J. Lewis, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis, CA ABSTRACT The sensory attributes that constitute the mouthfeel of beer were identified and defined using descriptive analysis procedures. Nine terms were found to be important in describing the mouthfeel of 30 commercial beers: sting, bubble size, foam volume, total CO2, density, viscosity, oily mouthcoat, astringency, and stickiness. Principal component (PC) analysis indicated that the first PC was defined by bubble size, sting, and total CO2 (carbonation attributes) on one hand, and viscosity, density, astringency, stickiness, and oily mouthcoat (fullness and afterfeel attributes) on the other. Lager-style and wheat beers were generally high in carbonation attributes; ales and Vienna-style beers were of lower intensity. Stouts and barleywines were characterized by high intensity of fullness and afterfeel attributes along the first PC. Keywords: Beer, Mouthfeel, Sensory evaluation, Principal component analysis Best regards, Scott Bruslind Lebanon, OR Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2008 10:26:00 -0400 From: David Harsh <dharsh at fuse.net> Subject: Body vs. Mouthfeel Greetings- Several people have discussed this, so I thought I'd throw in my $.02. Mouthfeel encompasses all non-flavor sensations on the palate during tasting - such as astringence, creaminess, alcohol warmth, carbonation, body, etc. Body represents the "thickness" or viscosity sensed, and is thus a subset of mouthfeel. I've probably left out important parts of mouthfeel as I'm writing this quickly, but the major point I want to make is that mouthfeel covers all tactile sensations, while body deals with only one aspect. The desire to equate these with a specific numerical value is understandable, but as long as we aren't measuring beer color spectrophotometrically and assigning a numerical score - and we could mechanically measure head retention as well - I think we should accept that the lack of a physical measuring method isn't a deal killer. And do we really want a scoresheet that says "2.2 to 2.5 volumes CO2 expected from the style guidelines, the Volumeizer 2000 <tm> indicated 2.57, therefore 60% deduction for carbonation"? I don't. Of course, if we did, we could do away with those pesky judges and their opinions about beers in competitions. Dave Harsh BJCP National Bloatarian Brewing League Cincinnati, OH Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 21:34:58 -0400 From: Tom Puskar <tpuskar at optonline.net> Subject: Sanitizers I hope this hasn't been covered too much before, if so point me to the appropriate threads and how to access the archives. I used to sanitize exclusively with bleach (Clorox and the like) and have recently switched to One Step. I have a few questions: 1. How long in advance can a stock solution be made and how should it be stored? I make up about 3 gallons and consume/discard it for a 5 gallon batch at prep time and again and bottling time. This stuff ain't cheap! Can I ,make up more and let it set for a few weeks which is my brewing schedule. 2. I have one of those pump type bottle sanitizers which squirts solution into a bottle and lets it drain down. I usually give a bottle about 5 squirts. Is that enough? 3. Does the solution wear itself out? I use about 2 quarts in the reservoir of the gizmo I described above to cycle through about a case of bottles (12 oz). is the solution still capable of sanitizing at the end of a case? I usually change it for each case. Is there something better than One Step? I've used it on about 5 batches so far and haven't had any trouble other than making it up each time and then tossing it out. Once I drink a bottle of homebrew, I usually rinse it and soak it in a dilute bleach solution until I have about a case of bottles. Then I wash them, rinse but not sanitize and then store until needed. Then I rinse in hot water and sanitize just before use. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks, Tom in Howell, NJ Return to table of contents
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