HOMEBREW Digest #5347 Tue 17 June 2008

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  re: Body and Viscosity (Ben Hanson)
  Re: mounthfeel and viscosity (Kai Troester)
  Re:  Sanitizers (Rick) Theiner" <rickdude@tds.net>
  Re: Sanitizers (Thomas Wilberding)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:14:23 -0400 From: Ben Hanson <ben at transprintusa.com> Subject: re: Body and Viscosity Interesting. I would add that "perceived" body and mouthfeel does not correspond well to gravity alone. A fine example is a relatively light Kolsch style beer brewed with WLP029, which I perceive have a rich mouthfeel, versus a similar ale, finishing at the same gravity fermented with US-05, which I perceive as more watery. I think a physical gravity reading is far outweighed by an experienced judge's perception of whether the beer is "right" or not. Ben Ben Hanson Beer and Computer Geek Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:30:27 -0400 From: Kai Troester <kai at braukaiser.com> Subject: Re: mounthfeel and viscosity > If one could predict the viscosity of a beer, one could formulate/ > adjust the recipe to achieve the desired viscosity (body). Predictive > formulas come from experimentally determining the relationship > between variables. If we change variable X, then we can predict what > variable Y will be. And one can't do that unless he measures these. > Why does one hop give more bitterness than another? We only know > because we started measuring things. The problem with predicting the viscosity is the same as predicting the limit of attenuation (fermentability) of a wort. It heavily depends on mashing parameters and the malt that is used. The problem is much more complex than predicting IBU or color. The only thing practical that we could come up with is how viscosity can be affected and rely on a trial and error scheme to reach a targeted viscosity. The data on how to change the viscosity is out there. Big brewers have to worry about it as it affects the performance of their beer filtration system. Kai (Massachusetts) Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 9:44:48 -0500 From: "Eric (Rick) Theiner" <rickdude at tds.net> Subject: Re: Sanitizers At the risk of being accused of commercialism, I'll toss in some answers. First let me explain that One Step dissociates into sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide (the same stuff that is historically known as a disinfectant.) In the process of destroying microorganisms, peroxide itself degrades (just how oxidizers work as sanitizers; it's the same for bleach). This is why you shouldn't try to sanitize a dirty container-- not only will the Organisms "hide" in the soil, but the soil will degrade the sanitizer, too. >1. How long in advance can a stock solution be made and how should it be >stored? I make up about 3 gallons and consume/discard it for a 5 gallon >batch at prep time and again and bottling time. This stuff ain't cheap! >Can I ,make up more and let it set for a few weeks which is my brewing >schedule. If you seal the container and keep it in a cool, dark place then you will maintain activity for a while. How long depends on how much you have abused the solution in terms of letting it contact organic material (but this does not include heavy agitation-- I have examined how well a One Step solution maintains activity when processing bottles with a Jet-Pump bottle sprayer and there is almost no degradation at all after 4 cases). >2. I have one of those pump type bottle sanitizers which squirts solution >into a bottle and lets it drain down. I usually give a bottle about 5 >squirts. Is that enough? I do three. Personal preference, I guess. >3. Does the solution wear itself out? I use about 2 quarts in the >reservoir of the gizmo I described above to cycle through about a case of >bottles (12 oz). is the solution still capable of sanitizing at the end of >a case? I usually change it for each case. See the comments to previous answers above. In my personal use, I simply use the same reservoir. Sometimes, though, I will hit a bottle that was not cleaned or not as clean as I thought it was. As soon as I see some soil in the bowl, I dump it and refill it. Hope this helps! Rick Theiner LOGIC, Inc. (Makers of One Step and Straight-A, and other stuff) Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:36:21 -0400 From: Thomas Wilberding <tom at wilberding.com> Subject: Re: Sanitizers Have a listen to the following: http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/archive/search.php?story=Talley&dosearch=yes http://media.libsyn.com/media/basicbrewing/bbr03-29-07.mp3 StarStan can be stored diluted for quite a while as long as the pH remains under 3.0 and it does not get dirty (it will turn cloudy if the soil level gets too high). Iodophor should not be stored diluted. It loses its sanitizing power when stored this way and should be made up fresh for each session. Tom Wilberding Midland, MI Return to table of contents
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