HOMEBREW Digest #5350 Fri 20 June 2008

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  re: Phenomenology and beer - pt 2 ("Boris de Mesones")
  RE: I Miss My Homebrew Digest (pacman)
  Re: I Miss My Homebrew Digest ("Michael P. Thompson")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 13:12:51 +0900 From: "Boris de Mesones" <demesones at gmail.com> Subject: re: Phenomenology and beer - pt 2 I find Steve's posts very interesting because he always tries to look beyond traditional believes questioning anything that does not square with his own experiences, and I personally think that many traditional brewing theories are very questionable. Steve Alexander writes: >Kunze (a book with too few references listed) Mr. Kunze was born in Dresden and spent many years of his life teaching at the brewing school in Leipzig. Maybe most of you have noticed already that this means working in the DDR (or GDR in English), in two words: communist Germany. The VLB (Berlin brewing institute) worked mainly with east German breweries during the cold war. After the fall of the Berlin wall, the VLB agreed with Mr. Kunze to write a book with the information "he had" from school about brewing. Being east Germany a communist country, I guess that many foreign books were forbidden and that books, papers and school materials written by the "regime" were considered as self made without the influence of western ideas, therefore they avoided references. I still remember what my first brewmaster told me during my first practical training in a brewpub in Berlin, he was an east German citizen and anti-communist but did not escape the communist propaganda, he said: -truth, is always in the books-. Yeah ! of course, in the communist books, because most of the western ones were forbidden. By the way, he did not accept any west German trainee ever. Some years ago Steve made another interesting observation about Kunzes book and the Reinheitsgebot (purity law), saying that there were many subtle references about brewing outside of the Reinheitsgebot in this book. Now you know why, the DDR had no Reinheitsgebot. Now lets write about body and viscosity. I think it is clear by now that body is not the same as viscosity. Recently, whilst trying to brew a beer following the "real" reinheitsgebot of 1516, I began to add raw barley to my malt grist. Initially i began with 20 per cent (because many brewing manuals say is the maximum enzymes can cope) and end up using 92 per cent of raw barley with no additional enzymes added (proving that many brewing manuals are wrong). The filtering was a nightmare, actually, it did not filter, but this is another story, the result was our best selling batch ever. A beer full of glucans and very clear. The viscosity was like thin oil, the CO2 bubbles were very small and went up in slow motion, the head was OK. This beer had high viscosity but the body perception was thin. I guess the paladar (sp?) was not sufficiently "touched" in all its senses. Later I tried a 100 per cent raw barley beer, but it did not work, it converted into porridge. Right now I am mashing a 55 per cent raw barley Stout a la "real" Guinness. The mash is already "thinner", less converted sugars, as with 100 per cent malted barley. Steve mentions Guinness stout as well. Ten years ago a German brewmaster told me that he visited some years before the Guinness brewery and saw that filtration took 24 hours. I guess this was due to high doses of raw barley. Arthur began using raw barley because taxes on malt imposed by the English were very high, I think he used much more raw barley that they do now and the silkiness and smoothness of the glucans has been replaced in part with nitrogen. By the way, here in Korea malt is taxed at two hundred and sixty seven per cent. Recently I tasted Cobra Lager beer, the UK-Indian beer brewed under contract, I think, in Poland. I was quite surprised because it had a similar silkiness as my heavy raw barley beers. I guess they have some "secret" in their production process. No wonder they have won several prizes in Europe, the beer is excellent. Back to my iodine test, its 30 minutes already at 65 C. Salud and cheers Boris de Mesones VLB Braumeister Jeju Brewery Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 23:36:18 -0600 From: pacman at edwardwadsworth.com Subject: RE: I Miss My Homebrew Digest I feel the same way. I put brewing on hold for about three years, due to a lack of space and time. I am now a homeowner with a nice garage and workshop, plenty of room. The first thing I did when I decided to exhume and resurect my brewery was sign up for the digest. I read the first few that were sent to me and was dissapointed to say the least. It's nothing like I remember! One, two, maybe four posts. I remember when it took two sessions to read all of them, and some were small novels. I learned everything thing I know about zymurgy and fermentation from the Homebrewers Bible and HBD (and of course trial and error). What's different now to cause such a lack of interest? What can we do to regenerate what we once had? Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:01:29 -0600 From: "Michael P. Thompson" <thompson at ecentral.com> Subject: Re: I Miss My Homebrew Digest On Jun 19, 2008, at 9:21 PM, Request Address Only - No Articles wrote: > Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 17:32:46 -0700 > From: "Dave Larsen" <hunahpu at gmail.com> > Subject: I Miss My Homebrew Digest > > I was going through some archives, and I realize how much I miss my > HBD. There was a day it was the center of the brewing world. > Competitions were announced. Grain mills were discussed. Rennerian > Coordinates were given. We had experts such as Dr Cone come in. We > argued the merits of the AHA. We fumed about Brewing Techniques. > And, hops, boy did we talk about hops. It used to be that if you read > HBD, you had your finger on the daily pulse of homebrewing, even more > than reading Zymurgy or any other publication out there. In this day > and age of blogs and podcast, is HBD obsolete? I sure to miss it. I don't miss it. I read it every day, and learn a lot from it. I prefer an e-mail format such as HBD rather than a blog or podcast myself, as I live in e-mail. A web forum or blog is something you have to go looking for. E-mail just appears magically in my inbox. Now I do realize that HBD has not been very active of late. It seems like there should be more messages. I wonder what's going on with that? NOTE: Based on my experience trying to send this message, a good part of the problem is the ancient technology used for the list server. Modern list software knows how to strip off multi-part messages and remove formatting. The HBD server is making me jump through all sorts of hoops trying to convince it that my plain text message is really plain text. Last time I tried to send a message to the list I finally gave up in frustration. Return to table of contents
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