HOMEBREW Digest #536 Tue 13 November 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Pounds (Pierre-Yves Thoulon)
Irish moss and head retention (Ted Manahan)
RE>Homebrew Digest #535 (No (Rad Equipment)
Boiled Grains! (Martin A. Lodahl)
Nothing Exceeds Like Excess (Martin A. Lodahl)
Mead Recipes (jamesb)
GABF Barfs Again (florianb)
Spent Grain (Spam!)" (Spam!) (Spam!) (Spam!) (Spam!) (Spam!)
5 Gallon Fermenters;Boiling Grains (BAUGHMANKR)
state limits on alcohol content in beer. (John E. Greene)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
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Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 09:41:36 MET
>From: Pierre-Yves Thoulon <pyt at hpgneds1.grenoble.hp.com>
Subject: Pounds
Full-Name: Pierre-Yves THOULON
> How much is 3 1/2 pounds?
One pound is 454 grams. An easy way to convert pounds into kilograms is
to divide by two then substract 10%, e.g.:
3.5/2 is 1.75, minus 10% comes down to 1.75-.17=1.58kg.
Note that this approximates 1lb to .45 kg...
PS: Ever wondered wonder why most malt cans are 3.3lbs ? Because it comes
down to 1.5kg (make more sense, hey ? :-)
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Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 08:08:54 pst
>From: Ted Manahan <tedm at hpcvcbp.cv.hp.com>
Subject: Irish moss and head retention
Full-Name: Ted Manahan
Mike Charlton writes:
> irish moss not only attacks large protein
> molecules, but medium sized ones as well. George Fix warns never
> to exceed to maximum reccomended use of any clarifying agent.
This got me thinking; my last two batches have had very little head
formation and no retention. They are adequately carbonated, very clear
and clean tasting. I try to pass them off as "English Ales", but even
English Ales have better heads than these batches!
These two batches are the only two for which I have used Irish moss!
Now I like a clear beer, but the loss of head retention is too high a
price to pay! I'm going to make my next beer with no Irish moss, and the
one after that with about 1/2 the recommended dosage. Maybe I can find
a good compromise.
Ted Manahan
tedm at hpcvca.cv.hp.com
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Date: 12 Nov 90 08:44:44
>From: Rad Equipment <Rad_Equipment at rad-mac1.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: RE>Homebrew Digest #535 (No
Reply to: RE>Homebrew Digest #535 (Novem
I seem to be missing the last four entries from HBD #535. Generally in the
past Digests which are too large for my message system become "encapsulated" as
an individual file. This was not the case with this issue. Is it my system at
fault or did the contents list exceede the actual contents?
Russ Wigglesworth <Rad Equipment at RadMac1.ucsf.edu>
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Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 8:29:43 PST
>From: Martin A. Lodahl <pbmoss!malodah at PacBell.COM>
Subject: Boiled Grains!
In HOMEBREW Digest #535, Dan Needham talked to a feller in Berkeley
(never the home of slavish orthodoxy), who said:
> to throw the grain in the last 5 minutes of the boil for the same result.
> He also said don't worry about a grinder to crack the grain -- just quick
> pulse it in my blender about 5 times.
The following must be classified as hearsay, as I have never done
either of the above, but:
Boiling the grains for 5 minutes could quite conceivably give you
the worst of both worlds: some tannin extraction, and incomplete
malt sugar extraction. The method you've been using may be more
work, but it sounds much safer to me.
The problem with cracking grains in the blender has usually been
that some are reduced to powder while others are untouched. A more
reliable method is to put the grains in a sturdy plastic bag, and
crush them with a rolling pin.
= Martin A. Lodahl Pac*Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =
= malodah at pbmoss.Pacbell.COM Sacramento, CA 916.972.4821 =
= If it's good for ancient Druids, runnin' nekkid through the wuids, =
= Drinkin' strange fermented fluids, it's good enough for me! 8-) =
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to deliberately look for the astringency,
etc., I'd been promised was there. My present hypothesis is that
the blowoff method may have had some real value when the available
yeast & hops were of less exacting quality than some present
products. For example, I haven't tried a non-blowoff batch with Red
Star ale yeast ...
= Martin A. Lodahl Pac*Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =
= malodah at pbmoss.Pacbell.COM Sacramento, CA 916.972.4821 =
= If it's good for ancient Druids, runnin' nekkid through the wuids, =
= Drinkin' strange fermented fluids, it's good enough for me! 8-) =
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Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 9:14:06 PST
>From: Martin A. Lodahl <pbmoss!malodah at PacBell.COM>
Subject: Nothing Exceeds Like Excess
At the beginning of last month, I reported in these pages that I was
planning to use Wyeast "Vintner's Choice" Champagne yeast for a
barleywine, that it appeared to be packaged in a grape must, and
that I'd report on the results. I bottled it yesterday,
prematurely, and may well be looking at the most expensive failure
of my brewing career. Or then again, maybe not.
The recipe was a product of my personal credo ("anything worth doing
is worth doing to excess"):
For a 5 gallon batch -
12 lbs 2-row pale malt
2 lbs Munich malt
2 lbs crystal malt
4 lbs Edme light malt extract
4 lbs Alexander's light malt extract
4 oz dark molasses
1/4 cup corn sugar (priming)
Bittering hops: 0.5 oz Northern Brewer at 8%, 2 oz same at 6.9%
Flavor hops: 1.5 oz Kent Goldings at 5.2%
Finish hops: 0.5 oz Hallertauer pellets at 2.8%,
0.5 oz Cascade at 5.2%
Mash in: 18 qts well water at 140F, pH 5.3 (0.5 tsp gypsum)
Protein rest: none
Starch conversion: 2 hrs at 150-141F
Mash out: 5 min at 168F
Sparge: 5 gal at 168F, pH 5.7 (0.5 tsp gypsum)
Boil: 2.5 hours
Adds: Extracts, molasses, & bittering hops at 90 min
Flavor hops at 120 min
Finish hops at 140 min
As you can see, if I'd omitted the extracts and cut the pale malt
back to 10 lbs, I'd have the makings of a pretty fair ESB, but
noooo ...
I won't bore you with the trials of making this thing. It was not
an easy batch. Of more interest is the fact that the original
gravity was a whopping 1.126!!! I pitched the yeast (which I'd
cultured through two successive DME-based starters), and the ensuing
fermentation was, well, volcanic. The yeasties looked around,
chorused "All this, for ME??", and fell to. I think I heard a cheer.
Fully 1.5 of the 5 gallons in the carboy departed hastily through
the blowoff tube. When it slowed to a gradual stop and showed no
activity at all for more than a week, I gave up and bottled.
In retrospect, I should have taken a sample and measured the gravity,
then pitched the Red Star Pasteur Champagne yeast I keep in the
freezer for emergencies. That stuff will eat anything in sight!
The Wyeast had attenuated only down to 1.091, still heavier than most
of my starting gravities. The flavor is impossibly "syrupy", but with
no (other) obvious flaws. I put it in the cellar, and I think I'll
just sort of forget about it for a few months.
It has been a learning experience, though! I learned:
1. Wyeast Champagne yeast is not as attenuative as Red Star;
2. A batch this size strains the capacities of my equipment, even
the 33 qt kettle;
3. Enough is enough, and 1.126 is too much;
4. When in doubt, risk infection and sample.
Maybe I can pour it over ice cream ...
= Martin A. Lodahl Pac*Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =
= malodah at pbmoss.Pacbell.COM Sacramento, CA 916.972.4821 =
= If it's good for ancient Druids, runnin' nekkid through the wuids, =
= Drinkin' strange fermented fluids, it's good enough for me! 8-) =
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Date: Mon Nov 12 06:39:02 1990
>From: microsoft!jamesb at uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Mead Recipes
Does anybody out there make Mead?
I have just been fortunate enough to aquire 24# of Honey and would like
to try a couple of meads.
Please send any advice and/or horror stories you may have.
Any Recipes would be great also.
Thanx in advance
Jim Broglio
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Date: 12 Nov 90 12:57:37 PST (Mon)
>From: florianb at tekred.cna.tek.com
Subject: GABF Barfs Again
I suspected it was bogus, but this takes the cake:
> Brown Ale
>GOLD - Pacific Crest Ale, Hart Brewing Company, Kalama, WA
>SILVER - Tied House Dark, Tied House (Palo Alto Brewing)
>BRONZE - Bond Street Ale, Deschutes Brewery and Public House, Bend, OR
> Pale Ale
>GOLD - Pale Ale, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company/Sierra Nevada T, Chico, CA
>SILVER - Liberty Ale, Anchor Brewing Company, San Francisco, Ca
>BRONZE - Mirror Pond Pale Ale, Deschutes Brewery and Public House, Bend, OR
This is absolutely ridiculous. The Deschutes Brewery has won an award for
its hop-flavored goat urine. Now, they're going to advertise the award...
"Oh, we're so great, we won an award for our hop-flavored goat urine at
the Great American Swill Contest. Now all you yuppie ski bums can cruise
right down and feel justified in letting us rip you off! Now we are
excused for helping turn Bend, Oregon into another little Aspen. Yes! we
can bring in our slimy developers and raise the price of local real estate
and when they get thirsty and need a real good headache, they can come
right down and guzzle down this award winning swill!"
But it comforts me to know that just five miles up the road, off old
Deschutes Market Road, in a little log home with a cozy wood fire I sit
and sip pretty good home brew with my friends. Those same friends who
agree with me that the Deschutes Brewery Swill is, indeed, the worst beer
they have ever tasted.
I think I'm going to go home tonight and make an apple pie.
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Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 16:03:50 EST
>From: hplabs!lotus!"LDBVAX!DLANE (Spam!)" (Spam!) (Spam!) (Spam!) (Spam!) (Spam!)
Subject: Spent Grain
Ken Buswell <kenb at hpsmeng1.rose.hp.com> wrote:
> I would like to know what other grain brewers do with there spent grain.
> I've been brewing all grain beers for around 10 years now and have
> experimented with using the spent grain in things like muffins and bread.
Hmm. I never thought of that.
What I've been doing is setting it outside to dry, and then when
it's dry, putting it in the bird feeder. They love it.
Sometimes it's gone before I ever get a chance to put it in the
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dave Lane
Lotus Development Corp. dlane at ldbvax.lotus.COM
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Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 18:25 EST
Subject: 5 Gallon Fermenters;Boiling Grains
RE: HBD #535:
Kevin Carpenter wonders about using 5 or 7 gallon carboys
for primary fermentation. I strongly recommend using 5 gallon
carboys so that you get some blow-off. I think you'll find that some
of the residual astringency that lingers in the aftertaste of some
homebrews will disappear with the blow-off system. If you have any
doubts--as I've mentioned before--just scrape some of the brown crud
that is left around the top of the primary fermenter and taste it.
Hey! Green persimmons do not hold a candle to the bitter, astringency
you will taste. We spend a lot of time *AND MONEY* buying the
best ingredients, equipment, etc., etc. trying to hone in on the
world's perfect beer. Would you buy a couple of Tablespoons of that
stuff and add it to your beer if you had the choice? No way!! That's
why I've always told new brewers that the age-old debate as to whether
one should skim or not is just a pseudo issue. The real question is
whether one should skim or use the blow-off method. Personally,I think
the blow-off method is both safer (in terms of avoiding the risks of
contamination) and more efficient. About a hundred batches ago I
tried it and I've never skimmed again.
As for the beer or two that you might lose during the blow-off, who
cares? I give well over a quarter of my beer away anyway. I don't
begrudge a couple of more. Just call it a libation to the gods of
beer! They'll appreciate it and imbue you with a sense of relaxing,
not worrying...
Dan Needham, in the same issue, wondered about boiling blender buzzed
grains the last five minutes of the boil. It's my understanding that
boiling grains extracts tannins. Tannins are bitter and don't promote
smooth beers. I'd advise against it.
Boiling grains may also promote the development of phenols. I'm not
sure about that one. I'll have to check Malting and Brewing Science
and get back to you. Unless, of course, someone else out there in
Netland can enlighten us.
All this talk of beer has gotten me thirsty...let's see...will it be
an ale tonight? Yeah.....
Sante' !
Kinney Baughman
baughmankr at appstate.bitnet
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Date: 12 Nov 90 08:44:07 PST (Mon)
>From: jeg at desktalkdesktalk.com (John E. Greene)
Subject: state limits on alcohol content in beer.
Dennis Henderson writes:
>In California "beer" must be less than 4%. If the alcohol
>content is higher then it is either labelled as Malt Liquor
>*or* you must have a 'wine/liquor license' to sell it.
>Don't know which it is as I have drank/drunk/previously
>consumed beer here in California that seemed over 4%.
An interesting note here is that "beer" is defined as a lager and that
California does not have a limit on the alcohol content of Ale.
>Most nationally distributed beers are less than 4% as this
>is the level that most states use to define beer.
Based on the latest data compliled by the Beer Institute (formerly the United
States Brewers Association), the maximum permissible alcoholic contents for
beverages sold in the various states is as follows:
Alabama 4% by weight, 5% by volume
Alaska No limit
Arizona No limit
Arkansas 5% by weight for most malt beverages
California 4% by weight for beer;no limit for ale, etc.
Colorado 3.2% by weight except for malt liquor
Connecticut No limit
Delaware No limit
District of Columbia No limit
Florida 3.2% in dry counties; no limit elsewhere
Georgia 6% by volume
Hawaii No limit
Idaho 4% by weight in nonstate stores
Illinois No limit in most areas
Indiana No limit
Iowa 5% by weight in nonstate stores
Kansas 3.2% by weight except for liquor store
package sales
Kentucky No limit in most areas
Louisiana 6% by volume in most areas;3.2% by weight
in dry areas
Maine No limit
Maryland No limit
Massachusetts 12% by weight
Michigan No limit
Minnesota 3.2% by weight for most malt beverages
Mississippi 4% by weight
Missouri 3.2% by weight. Exception: 5% or "malt
Montana 7% by weight
Nebraska No limit
Nevada No limit
New Hampshire 6% by volume in nonstate stores
New Jersey No limit
New Mexico No limit
New York No limit
North Carolina 6% by volume
North Dakota No limit
Ohio 6% by weight
Oklahoma 3.2% by weight except for liquor store
package sales
Oregon 4% by weight for beer; 8% by weight for
other malt beverages
Pennsylvania No limit
Rhode Island No limit
South Carolina 5% by weight
South Dakota 3.2% by weight for "low point beer"; 6% by
weight for "high point"
Tennessee 5% by weight for most malt beverages
Texas 4% by weight for "beer"; no limit for others
Utah 3.2% by weight in nonstate stores
Vermont 6% by volume in nonstate stores
Virginia No limit
Washington 8% by weight in nonstate stores and
unlicensed establishments
West Virginia 4.2% by weight; 6% by volume
Wisconsin 5% by weight for most malt beverages
Wyoming No limit
In order to accommodate the differences in state regulations, most national
brands are brewed in two strengths, one at 3.2%, the other as high as 5.0%
alcohol by weight.
>Bonus Question: How does 'light beer' differ from the 3.2%
Light beers range from 2.4 to 3.2% by weight.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John E. Greene
Sr. Staff Engineer
Desktalk Systems Inc. uucp: ..uunet!desktalk!jeg
internet: jeg%desktalk.desktalk.com at uunet.uu.net
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