HOMEBREW Digest #544 Mon 26 November 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: Newsgroups (ac1)
Puritans, cont... (Norm Hardy)
dilutions (Chip Hitchcock)
Hops for Liberty Ale ("KBS::TONS::HOLTSFORD")
Re: Cincinatti brewstuff (dbreiden)
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Date: Fri, 23 Nov 90 14:31:17 +0000
>From: ac1%csug.cs.reading.ac.uk at hplb.hpl.hp.com
Subject: Re: Newsgroups
I think that the volume of the group is probably sufficient to warrant
turning this into a newsgroup.
Also, a newsgroup would probably get more contributions - simply because you
have to search out a mailing list, but newsgroups `appear' in front of you
and draw your attention to them.
I would suggest, though, that a newsgroup should have a charter of discussing
home wine making along with home beermaking, not just as a sideline.
Yours etc, | e-mail: ac1 at csug.cs.reading.ac.uk
Captain B.J. Smethwick +-----------------------------------------------
in a white wine sauce with | There's a blood red dragon on a field of green
shallots, mushrooms and garlic.| Calling me back to the black hills again.
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Date: Fri, 23 Nov 90 09:45:28 PST
>From: polstra!norm at uunet.UU.NET (Norm Hardy)
Subject: Puritans, cont...
The phone line got knocked out during the last entry so this may be
slightly repititious if half of the entry made it through.
Many homebrewers are purists, or puritans. Most say to not use corn
sugar or brown sugar or rice syrup or non barley or wheat malts.
Personally, I am kind of like that too. But last year I made a great
British Bitter that used 8 oz of Hawaiin brown cane sugar. It made for
a nice underlying sweetness that was hard to pinpoint but obviously
present. It did very well at the AHA finals, although that is not
always an indicator of excellence.
Norm Hardy
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Date: Fri, 23 Nov 90 18:29:39 EST
>From: cjh at vallance.eng.ileaf.com (Chip Hitchcock)
Subject: dilutions
> The gravities are high, since they mix with soda water at bottling time
for final dilution and carbonation.
Has anyone experimented with what Dave Miller refers to as "high-gravity
brewing"? He mentions and dismisses a technique involving late dilution,
without enough detail for me to get a feel for the variations and probable
This procedure is not confined to beer; in PROOF, Dick Francis, who usually
gets his fact structure straight, says that many scotches are distilled to
ca. 110-proof, shipped south in tanker trucks, and diluted with distilled
water at bottling plants near London.
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of C02 to be dangerous---but you don't want to schlep
carboys, or work with the accumulated smell of spilled-and-spoiled beer, or
work with \any/ pressurized gas, in a poorly-ventilated area anyway. (I would
also wonder about whether the typical keg-pressure bottle has enough
volume to fill even a small room; at a very rough guess, the ones I've seen
hold a fraction of a cubic foot, which would expand by a factor of ~1000 if
it were liquid---say enough to fill a 6x8 storage room to a depth of 2-4 feet
if nothing disturbed it.)
There are plenty of ways you can hurt yourself homebrewing, but the most
likely ones are probably all standard home/kitchen things---burns, dropping
things on yourself, breaking glass, and lifting heavy things the wrong way.
C02 should be way down the list....
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Date: 25 Nov 90 14:37:00 EST
>From: "KBS::TONS::HOLTSFORD" <holtsford%kbs.tons.decnet at clvax1.cl.msu.edu>
Subject: Hops for Liberty Ale
Greetings, Homebrewers --
My current favorite commercial beer is Liberty Ale. I'm getting pretty close
to duplicating its general characteristics -- body, head, color, EtOH,
overall bitterness -- but I haven't quite found the right hop flavor and aroma.
I've come closest by using Willamette, (c. 1 oz for 10 minutes of the boil
and c. 1 oz dry-hopped in the secondary). I'm wondering if the beer judges
among you would enlighten me as to name of the hop variety used for flavor
and aroma in Liberty Ale. I'd also appreciate any other suggestions (or
recipes?) from folks who have brewed Liberty-like Ales.
Thanks in advance, and happy brewing.
Tim Holtsford
Over-educated, underpaid Pointy-Head
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Date: Sun, 25 Nov 90 23:27:50 -0500
>From: dbreiden at mentor.cc.purdue.edu
Subject: Re: Cincinatti brewstuff
Jeff Casey told us about his experiences in Cincinatti. I found this quite
I found Vail Ale for sale in a supermarket in Evansville, IN. I bought it with-
out reading the label too closely. I naively thought it was brewed in Colorado.
Much to my surprise and (initially) chagrin, I found it was brewed in Kentucky.
(In Evansville, IN, we take a dim view of Kentuckians--nothing personal, just
our standard hatred--like North vs. South Dakota, Newfies and the rest of
Canada, etc.) But I found it was a very good brew--I'd buy it again without
hesitation. I'd love to try it fresh from the brewery.
Regarding Hudepol, etc. My roommate is from Cincinatti and introduced me to the
pleasure of Christian Mohrlein beer. If you see it, try it. It is quite good.
It is brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot (pardon the spelling--I'm guessing)
which makes up for Ohio River water. See, being from Evansville, the first beer
I knew of made from Ohio River water was Sterling--which isn't too bad, but it
ain't too good.
Finally, on an unrelated note: Any advice on travelling with homebrew?
I'm flying to Portland, OR this spring and would like to take a couple (like 6)
of bottles to a friend out there. Need I be surepticious? Any advice on
packing it? If possible, I'd like to get it there without shaking it up too
much--I may be asking too much, but I'd thought I'd ask anyway.
- --Danny
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #544, 11/26/90
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