HOMEBREW Digest #5452 Tue 18 November 2008

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  Re: Commercial sparging ("Joe Walts")
  wlp300 ("Darrell G. Leavitt")
  Re: Commercial sparging (Kai Troester)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 06:56:53 -0600 From: "Joe Walts" <jwalts at gmail.com> Subject: Re: Commercial sparging Hey Fred, Both of the commercial breweries I've worked at collected the same volume of wort regardless of the grainbill. The only exceptions were for high-gravity beers that would have exceeded the capacity of the mash tun. In those instances, they maxed out the mash tun and collected as much wort as they could without sacrificing gravity. One of the breweries had a two-vessel brewhouse and the other had a four-vessel brewhouse. For what it's worth, here's a simplified outline of how I formulate recipes: -Start with a target end-of-boil volume and gravity. -Determine the required runoff volume and gravity from the expected boiling rate. -Determine the brewhouse efficiency based on the required runoff gravity. -Determine the grainbill from the runoff volume, runoff gravity and brewhouse efficiency. -Pick a target water-to-grain ratio and mash with an appropriate amount of water. -Sparge until the target runoff volume is collected. Neither brewery really cared about hitting a specific mash WGR. Well, maybe they did when they designed their grain augers and water plumbing. I figured out the values at both places, but I don't remember where I wrote them down. I want to say that a typical WGR at the two-vessel brewery was around 1.8 qt/lb. Is that the type of info you're looking for? Joe Madison, WI Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 08:23:11 -0500 (EST) From: "Darrell G. Leavitt" <leavitdg at plattsburgh.edu> Subject: wlp300 For those who were interested: I bottled the Hefe that I made with the wlp300 yeast that smelled odd in the primary. I can report that the brew tastes very good. I suppose that I was over-reacting. Darrell Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 08:41:27 -0500 From: Kai Troester <kai at braukaiser.com> Subject: Re: Commercial sparging > I don't believe I have ever read how much wort volume is typically > collected from a mash in a commercial brewery. I suspect it is > directly proportional to mass of the grist, but it may vary > significantly for very large beers and very small beers. Does anyone > reading the Digest have any figures? Fred The amount of wort collected from a commercial lauter system is not much different than from a home brewing system albeit a little less. To calculate the amount you would need to know that the OBY (overall brewhouse yield) of a commercial mashing and lauter system is between 96 and 99% and that the boil-off for a 60 min boil is about 6-7% (much less than what home brewers usually get). Based on that 100 kg of grist will give you about 660 l of 11.3 Plato kettle full wort resulting in about 623 l 12 Plato cast-out wort. Also note that commercial mash thickness is fairly thin (~ 4-5 l/kg) which is necessary to be able to pump and stir the mash. These numbers are for large commercial breweries with technologically advanced brewhouses. I'm not sure about the situation in small scale micro breweries. I'd assume that the brewhouse yield is lower and the boil-off rate is higher. Kai Return to table of contents
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