HOMEBREW Digest #5552 Tue 19 May 2009

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  Priming Spices (was: Priming Solutions) (Alexandre Enkerli)
  RE: priming solutions ("Mike Patient")
  RE: priming (Josh Knarr)
  re: priming (steve alexander)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 01:28:34 -0400 From: Alexandre Enkerli <enkerli at gmail.com> Subject: Priming Spices (was: Priming Solutions) Has anybody put spices in their priming solution? If so, how did it work? Coming late to the party, but I've been thinking about using priming solutions as a way to impart different flavours. In the past, I've primed with maple sugar and I was pretty sure that the maple flavour was stronger than with other sugars. DIdn't do a side-by-side experiment but the idea that different priming ingredients could work to impart flavours stuck with me. See, I'm brewing some spiced beers for my soulmate, these days. She really loves spices. A beer I've brewed recently was heavily spiced but seemed to her to be lacking in spice flavours. Made me think. For that batch, I put some spices near the end of the boil and some at knock-off. Altogether, a rather large quantity and diversity of spices. Bottled directly from primary (DME solution in bottling bucket), thinking that some aromas might be lost in secondary. (Besides, it finished rather low and was a lighter beer.) While spices are very present in the beer, I could agree with "She For Whom I Brewed" that some spices were hard to distinguish. So I thought about syrups. Variations on "simple syrup," with added flavourings. Thinking diverse spices including star anise, dill, caraway, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, etc. One advantage with those flavoured syrups is that you only steep the spices for a short amount of time, so it's easy to control against overextraction (contrary to adding spices in the secondary). And aroma/flavour compounds are released directly in the bottle, so they're likely to remain present by the time the bottle is opened. And it's quite easy to do. Another well-known option is to do a potion, but I didn't really like the results when I tried it. So... Thoughts? Cheers! Ale-X in Laval, Apparent Rennerian Coordinates [888km, 62.5] http://www.informalethnographer.com/ Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 07:18:13 -0400 From: "Mike Patient" <mpatient at rta.biz> Subject: RE: priming solutions Everyone has their level of comfort with adding the priming solution. If you don't feel comfortable yet mixing in the priming solution, or siphoning the beer into it, perhaps you would feel better taking the time to put the solution evenly among all the containers. If you are using bottles I have found that a normal turkey baster usually works fine. Figure out how much solution needs to go in each container and measure out the amount, if your baster doesn't come with the appropriate lines on it, take a marker and draw one. This is a good was to insure even distribution. Don't forget to give the bottle a light shake to mix it around. I usually just tip mine over a few times lightly. The important thing is to make sure the sugar gets boiled and is free of contamination. Also, the solution is often faster, and much less of a mess. I am new to this HBD, I really enjoy the service it provides. Mike Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 08:30:19 -0400 From: Josh Knarr <josh.knarr at gmail.com> Subject: RE: priming Speaking of the topic - I'm buying a house with a basement so I finally have a chance to do some lagering and belgians. What's anyone's experience and newbie advice for lagering? About belgians? I've always been curious to experiment with priming yeast - anyone do that? Having read BLaM, it doesn't cover it in technical depth. They simply say they do it or give it a fresh yeast slug. Thanks, Josh - -- P. J. O'Rourke - "Never fight an inanimate object." Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 11:46:37 -0400 From: steve alexander <steve-alexander at roadrunner.com> Subject: re: priming John W.. says ... > I boil a pint of water with the priming sugar for about > ten minutes. I then put the priming solution into the bottling bucket > and rack the beer on top of it. The priming solution gets mixed as the > beer flows into the bucket. I then stir the beer well, but also gently > to minimize exposure to the air. Randall R makes a very similar suggestion. You'll find many reports in the archive that the "syrup" simply readily mix to a uniform state with the beer. Inconsistent carbonation probably due to non-homogeneity is the result. Obviously John's & Randall's method works for them, but then we don't have any quantifiable handle on the strength of his "syrup", the force & duration of his siphon or the amount of 'gentle stirring' involved. I don't see how this contradicts Fred's comment. The point is that without enough convection/agitation problems will occur. -S Return to table of contents
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