HOMEBREW Digest #5554 Thu 21 May 2009

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  RE:  Priming (stevesveil-hbd)
  Re: Priming ("")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:14:20 -0700 (PDT) From: stevesveil-hbd at yahoo.com Subject: RE: Priming I have a different question ... After the priming solution has been mixed into the beer can it stratify/separate? Do you need to keep mixing it? Or is this just homebrew folk lore? Thanks for any insight, Steve Seeley Shingle Springs, CA Between Sacramento and Tahoe just off HW50 Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 18:12:00 -0700 From: "" <chrisn at wt.net> Subject: Re: Priming I've been kegging for years now, but recently I've been priming my kegs, mainly because getting my CO2 bottle filled has become more difficult. I prime my kegs so I can use nature to carbonate instead of the bottle. I will typically use 1/2 cup of table sugar, boiled in about 1-2 cups of water, for a 5 gallon corny. One practice I developed when I was bottling, but I have not seen in this discussion, is adding the sugar syrup to the beer while hot; that is, why cool it to room temperature? I'll siphon about a gallon into the keg (or bottling bucket, when I was bottling), then add the near boiling syrup. My reasoning is that a cup or two of boiling sugar solution is going to be brought down to ambient pretty quickly when it hits the beer, so what difference is it going to make? If it isn't going to make any difference, then why spend the time and effort to cool it? Maybe the cold syrup has a harder time mixing with the beer. I've been doing it this way for years, and I haven't noticed any problem. Obviously, in the keg, it will eventually mix completely due to diffusion, but I don't think the hot syrup is harming my beer. Is there something I'm missing? Chris North Return to table of contents
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