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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 21:23:17 -0700 From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at> Subject: IBF Fest List San Diego County Fair International Beer Festival Fest list now available at: Hope to see you June 26th or 27th! Chad Stevens Beer Events Coordinator San Diego County Fair Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 12:02:06 -0400 From: drsmith <hbd at> Subject: Mash tun size? I've been doing extract brewing for quite a long time. At times I've played with doing some all grain batches here and there, but not enough to really have a good idea of how much grain can be mashed in a certain size of vessel. I'm right now preparing to move to 10 or 15 gallon batches as well since the investment of time isn't that much more than it would be for doing the usual 5 gallon batch. The question on my mind lately is how much grain and water fits in a 10 gallon space. I already have a 10 gallon cooler that could be used for a simple infusion mash, but I'm uncertain if I can hit a 1.060 gravity with it if I'm attempting a 10 gallon batch size. Any help or insight from the more experienced all-grain brewers out there would be much appreciated. Also, if anyone has used a Blichmann Boilermaker and can write a small review of it, I'd appreciate that as well. I need a bigger pot to go to the larger batch size and I'm thinking of getting one of these with the false bottom so I can have a bit more flexibility than the cooler provides. Thanks. - --Darrin Rochester, NY Return to table of contents
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