HOMEBREW Digest #5585 Thu 30 July 2009

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  Force Carbonation.. ("Doug Lasanen")
  Force Carbonation ("A.J deLange")
  How to delead ("iris.accountants@gmail.com")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 07:29:57 -0400 From: "Doug Lasanen" <Dlasanen at fuse.net> Subject: Force Carbonation.. Tim Hamrick asks about "Forced Carbonation" Here's my procedure that works everytime. Rack beer to clean and sanitary keg. Remove air by adding small amount of co2 and purging a couple times. Chill overnite........Then raise regulator pressure to 25 to 30 psi. Replace the normal "In" adaptor (Grey if Ball lock keg) with an "Out" adaptor. (Black if Ball lock Keg). Place that hose with adaptor on the Keg "OUT"......Shake the keg for 30 to 45 seconds while co2 is going in. This will get the co2 into suspension. Place keg back into fridge for a couple hours to overnite...........Next, pour a pint........you may need to relieve some pressure, as it will have a bit too much pressure, but will not be "Over Carbonated".........then set regulator to your normal serving pressure, 8psi works good for me, and reattach hose to the "IN" connection. I have 3 to 4 feet of hose on each of my kegs and get a perfect pour most every time. If I take a get on a road trip and just use the tap with no hose, then I will have "Over Carbonation". Hope this helps! Cheers! Doug Lasanen Bloatarion Brewing Leage Cincinnati, Ohio Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 09:12:26 -0400 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Force Carbonation Patience! It takes a long time for a large quantity of beer, especially in a Sankey Keg to get fully carbonated. For me it is usually at least a week before I see any carbonation, two weeks before the beer is sufficiently carbonated to drink and three before I'm at the level I like. Then in takes months for the CO2 to really meld with the beer and produce the meringue like head I look for in my lagers. The reason it takes a long time is that in a keg you have a rather tall column of beer and the CO2 only contacts it at the surface so that is where it initially dissolves. When CO2 dissolves the "chemical potential" (a function of the concentration in the solution) of CO2 in the beer increases and will continue to do so until it equals the chemical potential in the head space (a function of the CO2 pressure). What drives the flow of CO2 into the beer is the difference in chemical potential and as the beer takes up gas this difference decreases and so does the flow. It is also a chemical portential gradient along the column of beer that causes CO2 to diffuse downward. What I am trying to get across is that the flow at the surface is decreasing even before the bottom of the keg has received an appreciable amount of CO2. The way to speed up the process is to make the potential difference between gas and beer uniform throughout the volume and this is done in two ways. The method used by the pros is to disperse the CO2 throughout the beer in tiny bubbles by use of a carbonation "stone" which is typically a hollow sintered stainless steel cylinder closed at one end and into the other end of which CO2 is admitted. The method usually used by homebrewers is to mix the beer which they do by attaching a gas line to a Corny keg and then inverting it or rolling it. If you do this you will hear the regulator passing gas as the keg is agitated thus indicating that CO2 is dissolving. I prefer to just put it on line and let the keg sit because this is sort of enforced lagering time. By the time the beer is carbonated sufficiently to drink most of the yeast has dropped, most of the junkbuket has dissipated and it's better beer. The following 2 formulas may be useful to you. They are fits to the ASBC carbonation tables and thus replace them: V = 3.2694 + 0.076221*P - 0.042274*T where P is in psig and T in Fahrenheit is valid over a range of 32 to 60 F, is subject to rms disagreement with the published table of 0.003 volumes and exhibits a peak error of 0.15 Vol. V = 3.4281 + 0.14562*P - 0.07437*T - 6.6194E-5*P*P - 0.0012952*P*T + 0.00053484*T*T is more accurate. RMSE is 0.00006 Vols with a peak error of 0.034 WRT the table. Whereas you can go somewhat outside the given range of temperature and pressure with the first because it it linear you do so at your peril with the second. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 08:00:03 -0700 From: "iris.accountants at gmail.com" <iris.accountants@gmail.com> Subject: How to delead Hello, How to delead? What should I watch out for? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much. Thankyou, Susan Return to table of contents
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