HOMEBREW Digest #576 Tue 05 February 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Bottles (dbreiden)
Pale Ale Recipe ("Hans L'Orange, Institutional Research, 492-8633")
Re: Brewpubs in Denver/Boulder (Jon Binkley)
Re: Recipe Archives (Alan Edwards)
Recipe Archives (bob)
5 Gallon Kegs for use with CO2 (Depeche)
KRISPY KREME Buckets (hersh)
removal (Ephram Cohen)
Re: Cooling water (John DeCarlo)
homebrew-request (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
Re: malt vs sugar for priming (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
bottle labels (Mary Jane Kelly)
Gusher (Jeff Chambers)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
[Please do not send me requests for back issues]
Archives are available from netlib at mthvax.cs.miami.edu
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 91 10:07:28 -0500
From: dbreiden at mentor.cc.purdue.edu
Subject: Bottles
I've seen more discussion about what kind of bottles to use. I realize this
is a perennial topic and many people are tired of reading about it, but I
just couldn't resist throwing in my $0.02.
I was given a case of Labatt's IPA as a gift. It was bottled in special 125
year anniversary bottles, very nice brown bottles--no label except around
the neck--instead, the glass is embossed with a picture of the original
brew house. These bottles are beautiful, and I was dismayed when I saw that
they were screw-top.
After thinking about it, I decided to try one for homebrew--they are returnable
bottles, the only drawback is the screw top. I went ahead with a crown cap.
I put it on very carefully. The seal looked pretty good, and the beer
carbonated just as well as the beer in "regular" bottles. This one data point
was rather encouraging, and I plan to use more of these bottles with my next
I have heard that screw type caps are available in some places. Has anyone
actually seen these? Better yet--anyone used them? Is any special equipment
needed to put them on bottles?
- --Danny
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 1991 08:59 MST
From: "Hans L'Orange, Institutional Research, 492-8633"
Subject: Pale Ale Recipe
Does anyone have a good recipe for a pale ale similar to Royal Oak? I would
prefer an all extract if you have it.
lorange_h%cubldr at colorado
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 09:52:50 -0700
From: Jon Binkley <binkley at beagle.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: Re: Brewpubs in Denver/Boulder
In response to Mark Castleman's query, Denver and Boulder each have one
The Walnut Brewery in Boulder is currently *THE* chic spot in Boulder.
There is always a line outside to get in. It is where the beautiful
people go to be seen. Once inside you get to pay a lot for food
and drink beer which is quite chilled and quite carbonated.
While also very popular, you can usually at least get through the
door of the Wynkoop Brewery in downtown Denver. The food is decent
and reasonably priced. They have a full range of beers, my favorites
being the Bitter and IPA, both served from hand-pumps. They usually
carry at least one insipid, chilled, over-carbonated beer, too, for
those who like that sort of thing.
Gosh, I hope my biases didn't come through!
-Jon Binkley
binkley at boulder.colorado.edu
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 09:45:09 PST
From: rush at xanadu.llnl.gov (Alan Edwards)
Subject: Re: Recipe Archives
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 91 16:35:58 CST
From: medrcw!bob at uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Recipe Archives
In HBD #575, Bob Whitehead (medrcw!bob at uunet.UU.NET) wrote:
| I've a proposal for the readership:
| I'm interested in collecting all the recipes I can find from the
| Homebrew Digest and compiling them into a book.
| With everyone's permission, I'll create the book of recipes and send
| a full set of master pages to the administrator of the Digest. He
| can do with it as he pleases; I'm sure that anyone who wanted a copy
| of the book would be willing to pay for it. I ask no money; simply
| keep my name in the front matter of the book as the person who
| produced it.
Actually, if all the recipes were compiled, I for one would rather have
the "electronic" version. On-line text is much easier to handle--I would
know where it was, it wouldn't take up physical space, I could scan for
keywords easily, etc. I can always laser-print a hardcopy later, if I want.
But don't let me stop you...go for it. It is a very generous offer.
| If there is an archive of the recipes available, I'd like
| information on how to download it or receive it by email.
I hate "me too"-fests, but since my letter has other (redeemable?) content:
Me too!
-Alan (you can call me Al)
| Alan Edwards: rush at xanadu.llnl.gov | Member: The Hoppy Cappers
| or: rush%xanadu at crg.llnl.gov | homebrew club, Modesto, CA
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 10:17:04 -0800
From: rkaye at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Depeche)
Subject: 5 Gallon Kegs for use with CO2
I have the chance to obtain some 5 gallon kegs, that the restaurant
business uses for Coke syrups in fountain drinks.
Has anybody had experience using these kegs? Are there any particular
advantages/disadvatages in using these types of kegs??
** Depeche **
rkaye at polyslo.calpoly.edu
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Date: Mon, 04 Feb 91 13:48:44 -0500
From: hersh at expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: KRISPY KREME Buckets
1) Make sure it is a type of plastic that is ok for Alcohol. Food grade
doesn't necessarily mean that carcinogens won't leach out in the prescence of
alcohol (hence the problems with the original type of plastic bottles liquor
is marketed in)
2) Don't soak plastic in CLorox. It is ok to disinfect it with clorox
solution. NEVER, NEVER leave it soaking in this. This will leave these flavors
in the plastic, and thus in your beer (Phenolic aromas & flavors).
- Jay H (Dr. Beer)
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 11:23:39 PST
From: ephram at violet.berkeley.edu (Ephram Cohen)
Subject: removal
Please remove me from the HB mailing list
Thank you
Ephram Cohen
Ephram at violet.berkeley.edu
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Date: Monday, 4 Feb 1991 14:37:52 EST
From: m14051 at mwvm.mitre.org (John DeCarlo)
Subject: Re: Cooling water
>Here's my little trick: Before I start boiling my wort, I put
>one of those 2.5-gallon bottles of OZONATED (not chlorinated!)
>in my freezer to chill.
>The water in the freezer should have a little ice in it, but
>don't worry. I recommend this method over the "sterilized" ice
>method for two reasons:
> 1)It's fast and easy (I imagine a lot of ice trays)
> 2)It's reproducible-it's easy to measure one bottle
> 3)It's a great quality control measure (it beats the hell out
> of D.C. Metro municipal water)
Hmmm. I have done that in the winter, just putting the container
out on the porch for several hours or overnight and thawing a
little indoors.
For those of us with little free space in our freezers, you can
get a bunch of those *huge* plastic cups that come with lids and
solid plastic straws. I pour boiling hot water in them to
sanitize, cover with plastic wrap, allow to cool to room
temperature, put in fridge to cool further, and put in freezer to
cool even further.
You can pop these huge ice cubes right out of the container into
your wort (a little tricky, they have to partially thaw before
they will come out). Then you stir them in the wort carefully
until they melt. You now have a cool wort you can
siphon/strain/pour into your carboy and add yeast to.
John "The first time is tricky, though, with the timing of
thawing ice, cooling wort, starter yeast, etc." DeCarlo
P.S. A neighbor who ran a homebrew supply store in Arlington had his water
analyzed and pronounced just fine for brewing ales.
Internet: jdecarlo at mitre.org
Usenet: at ... at !uunet!hadron!blkcat!109!131!John_Decarlo
Fidonet: 1:109/131
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 13:19:13 mst
From: hplabs!hp-lsd.cos.hp.com!ihlpl!korz (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
Subject: homebrew-request
There are two logins concerning the homebrew digest, one for posting,
and one for errors, comments to Rob, etc. Problems with delivery
as well as subscriptions & unsubscriptions should be sent to
hp-lsd!homebrew-request@ hpfcmr.fc.hp.com
Mail to this login won't get posted.
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 13:19:39 mst
From: hplabs!hp-lsd.cos.hp.com!ihlpl!korz (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
Subject: Re: malt vs sugar for priming
Duane Smith asks:
>What would be the ratio for priming if you want to substitute
>dry malt for sugar for priming.
Corn sugar has approx. 20% more fermentable sugar by weight than
dry malt extract. Therefore, to substitute, weigh your normal
priming corn sugar, add 20% and then weigh out that amount of
dry malt extract.
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 15:50:16 -0500 (EST)
From: Mary Jane Kelly <mk36+ at andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: bottle labels
Hello all.
For the first time last week I used B-Bright to clean
my bottles. This stuff worked great. I soaked the bottels
for 30 min in a solution of B-Bright and was able to peel (slide)
the labels right off. The stuff costs about 50 cents for 2 cases
of bottels and it does not hurt the beer.
Happy Brewing,
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 14:28:13 CST
From: motcid!red!chambers at uunet.UU.NET (Jeff Chambers)
Subject: Gusher
After eight batches, I've had my first mis-fortune with a gusher. What
exactly causes them? After my "Granny Smith Christmas Cheer" finally
stops gushing it is quite drinkable with no bad tastes at all. Furthur,
the longer I chill it, the less it gushes. Does anyone have the
diagnosis so I can prevent this sort of thing in the future?
I was thinking of renaming it to "Old Faithful Ale".
Jeff Chambers (unnet!motcid!chambers)
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Date: Mon, 4 Feb 91 21:57:22 -0700
From: dinsdale at chtm.unm.edu (Don McDaniel)
My parents just offered to buy me a 40 qt. stainless boiler for my
birthday (I guess I won them over with my partial mash beers at
Christmas). They found a pot at a local store for $95. That seems
reasonable from what I've seen on the net. The problem is that this
is a standrd stockpot that will cover only one burner. I've found
in my 16 qt. partial mashes that it takes an eternity to bring that
volume to a boil. I can't imagine getting seven gallons to a boil
with only one burner.
Does anyone out there know of a source for a 40 qt. boiler which will
straddle two burners (bottom at least 15" across). If not, how do you
all-grain brewers do it? Please e-mail responses to me. If I receive
any requests, I'll forward whatever I learn.
Don McDaniel
dinsdale at chtm.unm.edu
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #576, 02/05/91
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