HOMEBREW Digest #5810 Sun 20 March 2011

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  Re: Dry Yeast (Denny Conn)
  Re: Dry Yeast (Denny Conn)
  RE: "Pitchable" yeast ("Bill Pierce")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 21:43:05 -0700 From: Denny Conn <denny at projectoneaudio.com> Subject: Re: Dry Yeast I'm afraid I'm going to have to differ with Mike's reply that a starter is unnecessary with Wyeast Activator packs. My own experience is that every beer I make a starter for is better than any beer I don't. That includes Activator packs. I'm well aware of what Wyeast says is needed, but if my own experience proves differently, that's what I must follow. And sources such as mrmalty.com back up my experience with facts and numbers. Denny Conn - -- Life begins at 60....1.060, that is! Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 21:43:14 -0700 From: Denny Conn <denny at projectoneaudio.com> Subject: Re: Dry Yeast I'm afraid I'm going to have to differ with Mike's reply that a starter is unnecessary with Wyeast Activator packs. My own experience is that every beer I make a starter for is better than any beer I don't. That includes Activator packs. I'm well aware of what Wyeast says is needed, but if my own experience proves differently, that's what I must follow. And sources such as mrmalty.com back up my experience with facts and numbers. Denny Conn - -- Life begins at 60....1.060, that is! Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 10:49:13 -0400 From: "Bill Pierce" <BillPierce at aol.com> Subject: RE: "Pitchable" yeast I would qualify Mike Parent's assertion in HBD #5609 that the Wyeast "Activator" packs and White Labs vials represent a "pitchable" population of yeast that does not require a starter. The truth is more complex. They are a "pitchable" population for a 5 gallon batch if the O.G. of the wort is roughly 1.045 or less, if the wort is well aerated, and if the yeast is very fresh (no more than about two months old) and has been handled properly (not exposed to warm temperatures during shipping, for example). The smack packs and vials do not contain an optimal population for pitching into the majority of homebrew batches. It's possible to get away with underpitching and have no serious consequences, as many of us demonstrate, but it does not represent best practice. It places more stress on the yeast, increases the time before fermentation begins (giving other microorganisms more chance to become established), increases ester production and can result in sluggish fermentation and lower attenuation (higher F.G.). I have too much time and effort invested in my beer to take chances with poor yeast management practices. Therefore in most cases I make a starter if I am using liquid yeast. Or I pitch rehydrated dry yeast for those styles for which it is appropriate. Brew on! Bill Pierce Cellar Door Homebrewery Burlington, Ontario Return to table of contents
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