HOMEBREW Digest #5813 Wed 23 March 2011

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  Arkansas State Fair Competition ("Ken Haycook")
  RE: Reusing yeast (Calvin Perilloux)
  RE: Reusing yeast (Gabe Toth)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 09:49:00 -0500 From: "Ken Haycook" <k.haycook at sbcglobal.net> Subject: Arkansas State Fair Competition This year's ASF HB Competition will follow this schedule: September 9th: Begin receiving entries at Arkansas State Fair Grounds September 23rd: Last date to receive entries at Arkansas State Fair Grounds October 21th: 1st round Judging 5:00pm 10:00pm, Arkansas State Fair Grounds October 22nd: 2nd Round Judging 5:00pm 10:00pm, Arkansas State Fairgrounds October 23rd: Best of Show Judging 1:00pm 10:00pm, Arkansas State Fairgrounds BOS Winners can earn up to $100. See our website at www.centralarkansasfermenters.com for more details. BTW, this competition is still restricted to Arkansas Residents only. Ken Haycook 501-223-0030 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 11:51:41 -0700 (PDT) From: Calvin Perilloux <calvinperilloux at yahoo.com> Subject: RE: Reusing yeast Glyn, I do a lot of yeast repitching. It saves money, of course, but as other posters like Dave Houseman and Bill Pierce pointed out, the main benefit is that repitching can give you a very healthy fermentation for higher OG beers. That's a real benefit when brewing a Doppelbock, for example. You get a cleaner fermentation and better attenuation with more yeast at the beginning, and the most practical way for homebrewers to do that is to start with a "small" beer and use the yeast for the "big" beer. As for the mechanics of it... Sometime I do an immediate repitch; other times a repitch days later with saved yeast. If the initial beer is a "clean" one with a clean yeast cake and not much trub, AND it also exhibits very clean fermentation, I will pitch a new batch of wort straight on top of the yeast cake in the same fermenter. When I do this, I drain the first beer off of the yeast only very shortly before the next wort hits it. If that initial beer is loaded with hops and trub, then I pull as much of yeast out as I can using yeast rinsing techniques, similar to the process that Mike Dixon shows in his article that lives on in the bowels of HBD: Check his article: http://hbd.org/carboy/yeast_washing.htm If I'm not brewing the same day I rack, I store the yeast in an Erlenmeyer flask (or brewpub's White Labs yeast bottle) very cold until I can brew. I'm reluctant to rack beer off of yeast and then leave that yeast in the fermenter without "food" and exposed to oxygen at room temperature for a day or more while it awaits my next brew. If you want to simply repitch from a batch of current yeast, I wouldn't hold the yeast more than a couple of weeks. Various yeast strains hold up better than others, and if the yeast has been kept for more than a week, I always decant some liquid off and smell AND taste it before I consider whether to repitch the yeast as-is or not. (Ideally, I'd use a hemocytometer and check the viability counts, too, but I've been too lazy.) I've found that with proper yeast handling, yeast can actually be kept at 32F for months. I've even held some types for about a year in Erlenmeyer flasks. Is it still pitchable? Not at that point! It usually reeks of autolysis, and the wort/beer taste is even worse! But you can wash it and make another starter and get it going again. I've done this with year-old yeast and had award-winning results in the subsequent beers. I initially started reusing, storing, washing/rinsing, and rejuvenating yeast to save money, but now it's partly just because it helps me keep a preferred yeast strain that might only be available seasonally. And sometimes I just can't help it -- I don't want to toss out a liter of healthy, active, clean yeast! That's just the tip of the iceberg. You could write a book about yeast re-use, storage, and washing. (As some have.) Just search the HBD archives for more info. Calvin Perilloux Middletown, Maryland, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:59:34 -0600 From: Gabe Toth <gabetoth at hotmail.com> Subject: RE: Reusing yeast David Houseman mentioned reusing the yeast bed from one beer for subsequent batches, and I'd like to pick his (and anyone else's) brain about this. Racking one beer and immediately pitching new wort directly onto the existing bed has been my practice for a few years, but I've always wondered about it's limitations. Does anyone else worry or wonder about the effects of the trub that's in there? And what are the upper limits of reusing yeast with this approach? With good sanitation practices and yeast nutrient added to every brew, I've gone well over 20 batches with the same yeast. The larger population seems less likely to mutate, or at least any mutation gets crowded out. Eventually, I start feeling like i'm pushing my luck and change to a new, fresh yeast. I just, last week, phased out two yeasts, a kolsch and a belgian, that i started using last summer and were still going strong. But it seems to me that, as long as the system stays sanitary and the yeast receives proper nutrition, the process could go on ad infinitum. Any thoughts? Thanks. Gabe Toth P.S. I want to add, on my sixth attempt at sending this, that it was an incredibly frustrating, hourlong process of sending, getting bounced, and re-editing to get my text just right so that it wouldn't get rejected. Whoever edits this edition of the digest can remove this from the actual email that'll get sent out; I just wanted to say that this is an aggravating and obtuse system, and I'll think very hard about whether future submissions are worth the frustration. Return to table of contents
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