HOMEBREW Digest #5858 Thu 07 July 2011

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  How to use a HERMS system (Kevin Eggemeyer)
  Re: How to use a HERMS system ("David Houseman")
  Re: How to use a HERMS system (Mike Schwartz)
  RE: How to use a HERMS system ("Mike Patient")
  Ginger beer/kefir grain questions (David Huber)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 02:37:10 -0500 From: Kevin Eggemeyer <keggbrewer at gmail.com> Subject: How to use a HERMS system I'm for saving the enzymes! But it's not always easy. Beta-amylase's optimum temperature is between 144F to 149F. It is heat sensitive and rapidly denatured at even slightly higher temperatures----very rapidly inactivated at 158F. Heating the circulating wort in a HERMs above this temperature will change the enzyme profile of your mash. So, this potentially doesn't leave much room for a temperature difference to drive the heat transfer. The question is: Will the change in the mash enzyme profile affect the character of the beer to a noticeable extent? The answer, in part, depends on what the attenuation level of the beer is supposed to be. Higher attenuation beers would need more care regarding the maximum temperature to which the wort/mash is exposed. Of course, enzyme activity is not stable over time either and also falls off, so you have to get their quickly AND without a large "Delta T" creating enzyme destroying hot spots. Kevin Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 07:12:33 -0400 From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at verizon.net> Subject: Re: How to use a HERMS system Bruce, I have a HERMS system from More Beer. Instructions, my practice and experience has the HLT about 10 to 15 degrees hotter than the temperature you are trying to achieve in the mash tun. Enzyme deactivation is not just exposure to temperature but also the time at the temperature. If you are pumping wort through a HERMS coil, it isn't spending much time at the higher temperature and it's a small percentage of the wort at any time. When the HLT is the same temperature you are trying to achieve, the mash tun takes a very long time to reach that temperature because you are approaching the temperature asymptotically, averaging the lower temperature of the mash tun with the heated wort at the target temperature. Going higher means that you will hit the target temperature much quicker. I have not had a problem deactivating enzymes with my HLT set at say 165 move my mash tun from 132 to 150 and then maintain the 150 for an hour. I then set my HLT to about 180 to 185 and by the time it is at that temperature the HLT is ready to move the mash tun up to a 168-170 mash out temperature. Dave Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 07:39:33 -0500 From: Mike Schwartz <mjs at seadogboats.com> Subject: Re: How to use a HERMS system Bruce Fabijonas asked "How to use a HERMS system" I used one for many years. It used 20 feet of 3/8" ID copper tube in a coil in the HLT. I would set my HLT at about 170F to do the rise to saccharification temperature and 185F to do the mash off, so about 20F degrees above my target mash temperature. This allowed the temperature to rise roughly 1 to 1.5F/ minute, though it slowed some as it approached the target temperature. Never had any issues with destroying enzymes prematurely. I suspect that the brief time that the wort spent in the tube at the elevated temperature was not enough to destroy the enzymes to a degree that would affect the conversion. I used this system on a wide range of beers including a weizen that was 70% wheat malt where I did steps at 110F (combination acid, ferulic acid, beta glucan), and 153F. Mike Schwartz Beer Barons of Milwaukee beerbarons.org worldofbeerfestival.com Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 12:26:52 -0400 From: "Mike Patient" <mpatient at rta.biz> Subject: RE: How to use a HERMS system It is my understanding that you want to set the HLT to the target temp. HERMS is a slow ramp, that is what you are getting. If you feel the wort is cooling too much in transit, set it a degree or two higher, but if you set the HLT to 155, you are mashing at 155. How slow are you talking about? I feel some people exaggerate when they say how fast their mash rises. The following website is very useful http://sdcollins.home.mindspring.com/HERMS.html Mike Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 14:22:22 -0400 From: David Huber <n3uks.dave at gmail.com> Subject: Ginger beer/kefir grain questions I recently listened to an interview with Raj Apte from the 31 August 2006 Basic Brewing Radio podcast (http://media.libsyn.com/media/basicbrewing/bbr08-31-06.mp3) regarding using the ginger-beer plant to make beverages, and I checked out his presentation given at the 2006 NHC (http://www2.parc.com/emdl/members/apte/GingerBeer.pdf). I recently started making my own kefir and I love ginger beer, so I wanted to give this a shot. Unfortunately, the source he cites back then, Fermented Treasures, doesn't seem to be in business any longer. I think I found another source to get the plant, but doing some more digging around I am confused between ginger beer plant and what seems to be called water and/or sugar kefir. Are they the same? I can find a fair number of people on-line who are selling "water kefir," but hardly anyone who is selling the ginger beer plant. My guess is that we're talking about the differences between, say, WLP001 and WLP002, but I want to make sure I get something that makes decent ginger beer and other soft drinks. On this same topic, has anyone tried throwing these grains into a beer? I'm wondering whether the lactobacillus and the yeasts can thrive in a secondary, or whether they would just die out from the alcohol and the low pH. Dave Huber Jessup, Md. Return to table of contents
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