HOMEBREW Digest #5904 Tue 28 February 2012

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Keg Filling ("Marc Gilchrist")
  Flushing ("A. J. deLange")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 20:33:38 -0800 From: "Marc Gilchrist" <mgilchrist at comcast.net> Subject: Keg Filling Dave says blowing out a keg with CO2 and filling with beer doesn't really remove the oxygen. I actually fill the keg with beer first and then blow it out with CO2 but using Dave's science I guess that doesn't do the trick either. Does anyone else have a thought on whether it is useful to blow out a keg either before or after filling with beer? Marc Gilchrist ======= Email scanned by PC Tools - No viruses or spyware found. (Email Guard:, Virus/Spyware Database: 6.19340) http://www.pctools.com/ ======= Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 00:40:33 -0500 From: "A. J. deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Flushing Flushing isn't, on the one hand, terribly efficient WRT CO2 consumption but OTOH isn't nearly as bad as Dave suggests. You start with a 5 gallon keg full of air at atmospheric pressure (0 psig). You now take 10 gal of CO2 at atmospheric pressure and force it into the keg. In actuality, of course, you hook up your gas bottle, set the regulator for 3 atmospheres (30 psig, 45 psia) and connect to the keg until the keg is at 30 psig. Either thinking in terms of the partial pressures (15 air, 30 CO2; 45 total) or the atmospheric volumes the contents of the keg are now 1/3 air and 2/3 CO2. Call this 'gas A'. Now bleed off back to atmospheric pressure. You have 5 gallons of gas A. Repeat. At the end of this second cycle you will have 5 gallons of a mix which is 1/3 gas A and 2/3 CO2. But gas A was 1/3 air so this new (gas B) is 1/9 air. After a third iteration the contents of the keg is 1/27th air which, as air is 1/5th oxygen means that you have less than 1% O2. At this point you have used 30 gal of CO2 at atmospheric pressure. One percent O2 is still, IMO, too much. A total of 5 repetitions would get you to 0.2/3^5 = 0.08% and would cost you 50 gal of CO2 (0.83 lbs i.e. 17% of a 5 lb bottle). Pushing out water definitely is more efficient in terms of CO2 usage (5 gal) but the water should be deoxygenated (boil, add a campden tablet). I've moved to brewing with steam and sterilize my kegs (Sankey) with it. After running steam through a keg for about 15 minutes the air is pretty thoroughly displaced. As soon as the steam comes off CO2 goes on and replaces the steam as it condenses. I've stored beer for up to 2 years in kegs prepared this way. This would be tough to do with Cornies. Return to table of contents
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