HOMEBREW Digest #5984 Fri 28 December 2012

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Carbon Dioxide adapters for Small Tanks ("Wallace, Robert S [EEOBS]")
  Sodastream ("Steve Johnson")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 12:12:28 +0000 From: "Wallace, Robert S [EEOBS]" <rwallace at iastate.edu> Subject: Carbon Dioxide adapters for Small Tanks Pat Babcock asked: "Has anyone put together a rig to refill the little Cylinders from a draft system tank? Also, wondering if anyone has figured out an adapter to make those little cylinders useful for our draft systems?" I can't help you with the Sodastream CO2 system or refilling it, but I did make an "emergency" adapter which has a CGA 320 male carbon dioxide fitting that I can mount my beer system regulator on that adapts to a 1/8" NPT fitting on my son's paintball CO2 supply hose. I can get the paintball cylinder refilled almost any time at a sports store here in town, even on weekends. The local machine and welding supply store set me up with this simple two part adapter which gives me some insurance that I will always have enough CO2 around to dispense my beer at parties, etc. if my main tank is getting uncomfortably low in gas. It is worth the ca. $10 investment, just for the pace of mind. It may be possible to do the same thing with the soda system canisters. Good luck with the new soda system!! (I was looking at getting one of these too!) Rob Wallace Ames, Iowa Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 07:50:26 -0600 From: "Steve Johnson" <sjohnson3 at comcast.net> Subject: Sodastream Pat, I was wondering the same thing when I first saw the Sodastream advertisement. In particular, I was wondering about how it might be used to charge up a PET bottle for use with a liter or so of beer to take to our homebrew club meetings. I've been using those special carbonator caps for a while now, and our local guys at Rebel Brewer have found a source for stainless steel carbonator caps that have a much longer lifetime, apparently. But the Sodastream looked like it might have similar applications. I'll be eager to see if anyone responds to your query. Steve Johnson Music City Brewers Nashville, TN Return to table of contents
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