HOMEBREW Digest #6 Wed 09 November 1988
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
ciders contd (Jan Mark Noworolski)
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Date: Thu, 3 Nov 88 10:50:13 EST
From: Jan Mark Noworolski <noworol%ecf.toronto.edu at RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: ciders contd
re: Brian Atkins digest of halloween
I would cerainly also be interested in finding some howto books with nice
cider recipies. To date the best I've got is the basic recipe described above
(with obvious cambden tablet, etc refinements). This was done by my homebrew
store (a photocopy of one page in -I do believe TCJOH?). This would imply that
there are no books.... Could this be?
re: champagne yeast
I was always under the impression that you used champagne yeast in cider to
get the high (reasonable) alcohol content- but now that I think about it
wouldn't ale or lager yeast die sooner thereby resulting in a sweeter cider
( and eliminate the need for fixins)?
Thanks to all those who suggested either freezing at some sg or adding fresh
(soft) cider just before bottling (or after). One problem though- as far as I
can recall primary fermentation takes the sg pretty far down (1.010-1.015?)
so what am I supposed to do- bottle it 4 days after initial fermentation?
Update on the cider front: My new batch is fermenting just beautifully after
4 days in the primary (and I'm getting more and more impatient).
noworol at ecf.toronto.edu
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