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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:48:05 -0500 From: Matthew Brooks <mabrooks12 at> Subject: pH meters Certainly anyone can read up and pontificate like experts about pH meters, buffers and such as some on this site certainly do. Drift is not just common on the cheap ones but also on the expensive ones ! It really is a matter of proper storage, cleaning and usage. If you think you can use a pH meter successfully at any temperature beyond room temp or somewhere close you are in for a let down. There are so many factors that come into play with pH probes that I don't recommend using them at all in brewing unless you can control the conditions and know how to overcome the many issues that come into play. Unlike other professed experts on this site, I use pH meters daily for over 25 years, and I have used the most expensive units and the cheap ones with success! I stand with Mr. Houseman in that for general brewing related pH measurement it is likely best to go with strips and make sure the temp is stabilized at or near room temp! Sent from my iPad Return to table of contents
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