HOMEBREW Digest #646 Tue 28 May 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
(Kevin L. Scoles)
malty ale recipes? (Stephen Russell)
Getting "Bombed" on Homebrew (IOCONNOR)
Hops Question (Bret Olmsted)
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Date: Mon, 27 May 1991 02:47:21 -0500
From: kscoles at pnet51.orb.mn.org (Kevin L. Scoles)
May 26, 1991
I am new to the digest, and this is my first letter. Please forgive what the
ASCII transfer to E-mail does to its format.
I have brewed a Guinnessesque brew that turned out so well that I must share
it. I call it Mach Guinness and it has soured ale in it, so I will give you
both recipes.
Mach Guinness
5 lbs pale 2 row British malt
1 lb rolled barley
1 lb roasted barley
2 lbs ligth dry malt extract
2 cups corn sugar
2 Oz bullion Hops (1.5 boiling, 0.5 finishing) (preferably whole)
1 pkg Whitbread Ale Yeast
2/3 cup corn sugar
Mashed 5 lbs 2-row, rolled barley and roasted barley
Mashed in at 132 deg F.
Protein rest 30 min
Starch Conversion 2 hours at 153 degrees
Mashed out 15 minutes at 168
Sparged with 4 gallons 172 deg water
Add the 2 lbs dry ME and the 2 cups sugar. Bring to a boil. Add 1 1/2 oz of
hops. Boil 1 hour. Add 1/2 oz of hops, turn off heat, and let stand for 15
minutes. Cool wort to 72 degrees, strain into fermenter, and pitch yeast.
(note: I personally cool the wart in the boiler and then pour it through a
strainer to oxiginate it and remove the hops, as apposed to straining it
hot, which oxidizes it)
S.G - 1.066
T.G - 1.016
Ferment 7 days. Rack and settle 6 to 9 days.
one to two days before bottling, sour two bottles of ale. To do this, pour
two bottles of ale into a steril glass container. Cover with a clean cloth
secured with string or rubber band. Put in the cupboard (or somewhere
relatively dark and warm) and let stand one to two days. It should sour, but
not mold.
At bottling time, put 2/3 cup corn sugar in the sour ale, and boil for 10 to
15 min. Add this to the bottling container, and siphon wort into it. This
gives a good mixture without having to risk stirring it. Bottle and try in
two weeks. The flavour changes week by week and levels off after 6 weeks.
This stout is creamy, but not as heavey as some, with a head that takes
almost 30 seconds to form, lightly bitter, with that back of the throat
sourness from the soured ale.
Now, the beer I soured is a unique ale, and you dont have to use it, but it
is also very good, and I know it worked:
Ides of March Ale:
1 cup brewed Kenya AA coffee
.25 lb Black Pattent malt
.25 lb chocolate malt
.25 lb 40 deg crystal malt
1 lb rice syrup
1.5 lb light dry malt extract
1.5 oz Willemette whole hops
1 can Coopers Ale Kit
1/2 cup corn sugar - bottling
?? finings (follow directions)
In three gallons of brewing water, put Black Pattent and Chocolate malt.
Bring to a boil. After boil just starts, strain out grains. Add coffee,
crystal malt, rice syrup, dry ME and 1.5 oz willemette hops. Boil 45 min.
Add Cooper Ale Kit, and continue to boil 3 to 5 min. (much longer and the
finishing hops in the Coopers kit make the brew bitter)
Cool and pitch with Ale yeast from the Cooper Kit.
S.G. 1.046
T.G. 1.012
Ferment 7 days. Rack and add finings (or polychlar). When settled,
bottle with corn sugar.
Hope someone trys these and has as much luck as I had. Later - kls
UUCP: {tcnet, crash, quest}!orbit!pnet51!kscoles
ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!kscoles at nosc.mil
INET: kscoles at pnet51.orb.mn.org
Date: Mon, 27 May 91 12:00:44 EDT
From: srussell at snoopy.msc.cornell.edu (Stephen Russell)
Subject: malty ale recipes?
Hi folks,
I was wondering if any of you had successfully brewed any beers that resemble
malty British pale ales such as Fuller's ESB and all those various, wonderful
Scotch ales, and what were your recipes? Since someone recently had requested
a McEwan's recipe, I thought I'd chime in.
It seems to me that such a maltiness in aroma and flavor could be achieved
using German malts such as Munich, but as this is probably not the actual
ingredient in Fuller's (since the British use British malts and the Germans
use German malts), I'd like to know how to achieve that maltiness using British
ingredients. For all I know, this "maltiness" could be accomplished by some
combination of sugars like demarara or treacle, which I have never used myself
due to their lack of availability in my area.
Of course, part of the freedom in homebrewing is making German beers using
British ingredients and vice versa, so *any* recipes you have would be most
gladly accepted.
Date: Mon, 27 May 1991 13:30:00 EDT
Subject: Getting "Bombed" on Homebrew
OK, so you thought by my header, that I meant drunk when I said
"bombed." Well I got you to read this.
This weekend i got bombed by my own beer bottles. Luckily I wasn't
there when it happened, but it could've been pretty bad. One bottle
exploded in the case containers I keep my bottled brew in. So I
cleaned all the bottles and set them on the counter to dry. When I
returned, two more exploded and put glass everywhere. I'm really glad
I wasn't home!
A couple of weeks ago I asked about ending SG's of 1026 for an extract
ale. I used M&F premium to make this brew, and I added only crystal
and spray malt to it. My friend said that it tried to ferment more in
the bottle, and this caused them to explode. I waited almost two
weeks to bottle, so it should have stopped fermenting. What gives?
Any help would be appreciated.
If anyone wants this recipe to take revenge on someone, email me.
Date: Mon, 27 May 91 10:25:25 -0700
From: ez005426 at deneb.ucdavis.edu (Bret Olmsted)
Subject: Hops Question
My question pertains to hop growing. I planted two rhizomes in mid
March. One was a Hallertau the other a Willamatte. The Hallertau now
has reached eleven feet, while the Willamatte is six inches tall. I know
that the Willamatte is supposedly a slow grower but should it be that
slow compared to the Hallertau? Both of them get direct sun and lots of
water. For anybody in the San Jose area, is eleven feet good for first
year growth of Hallertau?
Bret Olmsted
InterNet: bsolmsted at ucdavis.edu
BitNet: bsolmsted at ucdavis
UUCP: ucdavis!bsolmsted
End of HOMEBREW Digest #646, 05/28/91
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