HOMEBREW Digest #739 Mon 07 October 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
lambic (Andy Kurtz)
Using roto-kegs (David_Odden at osu.edu)
A call for recipes (Brian Smithey)
Re: bottle caps from hell (Chris Shenton)
Re: Munich Beer Recipe (Chris Shenton)
Over-flowing primary (Subhash Chandra Roy)
Re: Homebrew Digest #738 (October 04, 1991) ("Brian Kush")
Samuel Adams ("John Reed in Waltham, MA")
Hops in tea (Rob Malouf)
Sam Smith, etc. (GARY MASON - I/V/V PCU - 603-884[DTN264]1503 04-Oct-1991 1430)
Re: Homebrew Digest #738 (October 04, 1991) (Jim Goodenough)
inca cola ("Ihor W. Slabicky")
Re. Amylase (Andy Leith)
Re: Samuel Adams' Boston Ale (Andrew J. Worth)
Re: Bottlecaps from Hell (Judy Bergwerk)
Re: Samuel Adams' Boston Ale (Eric Allen)
Re: San Jose Bandido ("Doug Olson, ISVG West, Mtn View")
CompuServe Beer Forum (Robin Garr)
Belgian Abbey beers (ingr!b11!mspe5!guy)
Tube cleaning (joshua.grosse)
VIDEO (Jack Schmidling)
A few more random comments on England... (GARY MASON - I/V/V PCU - 603-884[DTN264]1503 05-Oct-1991 1426)
LIVERYEAST (Jack Schmidling)
Christmas Ale (Jim Grady)
Re: Sam Adams Beer. (KCDESCH)
Send submissions to homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request@ hpfcmi.fc.hp.com
[Please do not send me requests for back issues!]
Archives are available from netlib at mthvax.cs.miami.edu
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1991 09:40:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Andy Kurtz <ak35+ at ANDREW.CMU.EDU>
Subject: lambic
I was leafing through some back issues of Zymurgy and came across Pap's
recipe for a sour-mash lambic (spring '91, i think). I'd like to know
if anyone's tried this. Seems like a good way of adding some tang to
our wheat beers. Also, is there a retail source for belgian yeast?
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 11:03:16 EDT
From: David_Odden at osu.edu <dodden at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: Using roto-kegs
I've heard conflicting reports about Roto-Kegs (i.e. they don't work, or they
do). If one kegs low-carbonation pale ales (say, with about 1/3 cup priming
sugar) in them, do they work? (One report is that the seal blows out if you
prime the beer AT ALL). Or should I save my money?
Dave Odden
[Remember, UNIX is homophonous with the plural of eunuch]
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 09:33:38 PDT
From: smithey at esosun.css.gov (Brian Smithey)
Subject: A call for recipes
On Wed, 02 Oct 91 08:39:16 -0700,
night at mapme7.map.tek.com said:
Mark> Would every homebrewer who has brewed at least 10 batches post the recipe
Mark> of their ONE, and only one, FAVORITE batch?
Mark> Mark Nightingale night at tekig7.MAP.TEK.COM
Ok, here's mine.
Steam beer
9.5# Klages malt
1.5# Crystal malt 40L
0.5# Cara Pils malt
1.5 oz Northern Brewer whole hops, 6.9% 60 min
0.5 oz Northern Brewer whole hops, 6.9% 30 min
0.5 oz Northern Brewer whole hops, 6.9% 10 min
about 35 IBU
Wyeast #2007
125F Protein rest 30 min
155F Conversion 90 min
Sparge to collect enough that a 1 hour boil will still leave you
5 gallons of beer (brewing -- art or science?).
OG = 1.054, FG = 1.015, pretty close to Fred Eckhardt's "Beer Styles"
book, which was an excellent reference for this recipe.
Side by side with Anchor Steam, this beer was very close. The
color of this beer was a bit darker, and the late hop additions
gave mine a bit more hop flavor than Anchor. The bitterness was
right on, but my water has pretty high sulfate content; if you have
"better" water, you might want to bitter it a bit more.
- --
Brian Smithey
smithey at esosun.css.gov - uunet!seismo!esosun!smithey
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 12:44:18 EDT
From: Chris Shenton <chris at endgame.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Subject: Re: bottle caps from hell
On 3 Oct 1991 8:25 EDT, dab at pyuxe.cc.bellcore.com (dave ballard) said:
dave> When I boiled them [the bottle caps] for sanitation, the rubber
dave> lining came off of every single one. I decided to try again- this
dave> time just bringing the water to a boil, turing the heat off, and
dave> dumping the caps in. Within like 3 minutes half the caps were
dave> peeling.
I've always just soaked the caps in the usual dilute bleach solution, then
rinsed in warm water and let sit in the water until I need them. It's
worked very well for me, for the past four years...
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 12:49:07 EDT
From: Chris Shenton <chris at endgame.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Subject: Re: Munich Beer Recipe
On Thu, 3 Oct 91 11:07:14 CDT, bliss at csrd.uiuc.edu (Brian Bliss) said:
Brian> on Barvarian Weizen:
Did you mean ``Bavarian'', or ``Barbarian''? :-)
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 13:20:29 -0400
From: Subhash Chandra Roy <roy at mcnc.org>
Subject: Over-flowing primary
I've finished bottling my second batch, a weiss beer, but I had some problems
with 'too happy' yeast. I used an all extract batch (the american classic
wheat package from American Brewmaster in Raleigh, NC) and the WYeast for
wheat beers. The yeast attacked the wort and in 2 days, started overflowing
my primary, I had almost 2 quarts of overflowed liquid, is this normal with
WYeast? My first batch used Whitbread dry ale yeast and the fermentation
was not nearly as vigorous.
roy at mcnc.org
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 10:22:24 PDT
From: "Brian Kush" <bkush at us.oracle.com>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #738 (October 04, 1991)
In-Reply-To: MAILSEQ:rdg at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com's message of 10-04-91 01:00
Since I have not gotten into brewing my own beer yet, I am still stuck with
buying a keg at the local distributor. This limits me mostly to the domestic
beers, Michelob and Michelob Dark in perticular. I keep the keg in a
refrigirator in the garage at 35 degrees on CO2 at 10 pounds. The hose from
the keg to the spout is 4 feet. The beer pours and tastes great for a mass
produced beer.
My question is how long can one keg be kept in the above scenerio? I have had
a keg for three weeks and the last glass tasted fine.
E-Mail or post it here.
Brian Kush
bkush at oracle.com
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 14:42:33 EDT
From: "John Reed in Waltham, MA" <johnreed at BOSTON.vnet.ibm.com>
Subject: Samuel Adams
In HBD 738 Brian Smithey asks about Samuel Adams Boston Ale...Yes, it is
bottled and available, at least here in the Boston area. Boston Beer Co.,
which brews Sam Adams, contracts at least 2 other breweries to brew their
recipes. I think that the Stock Ale is brewed here in Boston, but may also
be brewed at one or both of the other breweries (Ithica, NY and
Pittsburgh, PA). I would think that it should be available out there on
the left coast, too.
BTW, I enjoy the Stock Ale; it's got a great balance of spicey hop character
and maltiness.
Has anyone tried this year's S.A. Octoberfest?
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1991 14:45 EDT
From: Rob Malouf <V103PDUZ at ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu>
Subject: Hops in tea
>fHomebrew relaxes you as much because of the hops as for the ethanol. If
>you want to prove this, make some tea from a few hop pellets, plugs or
>dried cones. Sweeten it a bit and drink up. You'll probably be asleep in
>a little while.
Before I go to bed, I often make a cup of "Roastaroma" (crystal malt and
chickory) tea and toss in a couple Saaz pellets. Mmmmmmmm. I've found the
Saaz works the best. The higher alpha hops, like Northern Brewer, are way too
bitter, and though I use a lot of Cascade in my homebrew, I found it a bit too
flowery for tea.
Rob Malouf
v103pduz at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 15:02:05 EDT
From: GARY MASON - I/V/V PCU - 603-884[DTN264]1503 04-Oct-1991 1430 <mason at habs11.ENET.DEC.COM>
Subject: Sam Smith, etc.
I JUST returned from three weeks in England, during which time I toured three
breweries and about twenty pubs, and sampled some of those brews fabled in
story and song. A few notes...
re Sam Smith diacetyl - during the tour of the Old Brewery at Tadcaster (a
private one, due to a fortuitous cockup of the dates by yours truly), we were
shown how they "reinvigorate" the fermentation by sucking wort from the
underfloor tank and spraying it through a flattened showerhead-like fitting
directly into the yeast in the above-floor stone square. That would appear to
be the answer to this question. I was surprised to discover that Oatmeal Stout,
Nut Brown Ale, and quite a few others were ONLY for bottles, and most of them
ONLY for export. I was equally surprised to discover that the recipe for the
Oatmeal Stout was designed by their importer here (Seattle - Merchant Du Vin)!
Could someone up that way possibly cajole the recipe out of them and post it?
Also toured Hall and Woodhouse and Heritage. The latter is now closed. Their
contract with Everards is up, and they have signed with a micro to brew and
dispense through a newly approved on-premesis pub/restaurant. They expect it
to be close to a year until opening. It will be sixty barrels a week until
expansion is required. The brewery is a listed building, so they have to be
careful about refurbishing to original characteristics (it is of Victorian
age). While there, we sampled Thomas Sykes Old Ale (formerly brewed there).
At 1100 OG and 10.2 ABV - WOW! It was only bottled - then only occasionally.
Highlights of the drinking part of the trip ( it WAS just a minor subagenda,
after all 8') were Gale's HSB; Theakston's Old Peculier and XB (went through
only the visitor center there); Sam Smith Museum Ale; Greene King Abbot Ale;
Ash Vine Bitter; Murphy's Stout; and still one of my favorites - Badger Best
Bitter by H&W. Went to one micro - Hop Back Brewery - and tried the Summer
Lightning. It came second in the Strong Ale category at the GBBF this year,
and was very good indeed.
General impressions are that Mild is definitely not something I would want
under any voluntary circumstances, and most ordinarys are too thin for my
taste. I guess that I confirmed that I really AM partial to the heavier brews
as I had suspected all along. One other generalization - the Midlands is not
the place to buy beer. Stick to the South(west) and the North. Now where is
my asbestos suit...
Counting down the two years until next time, I remain
Soberly Yours,
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 12:15:52 PDT
From: Jim Goodenough <jimg at hpsadm2.sad.hp.com>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #738 (October 04, 1991)
Could you please delete me from this distibution list?
Thanks, Jim G.
| Jim Goodenough Div 53, SAD <FAX> 707-794-4452 |
| email: jimg at hpsad Mail Stop: 1LR-H <voice> 707-794-3405 |
| |
| Clip Part Number: 5041-7250 |
| |
| |
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 15:30:47 -0400
From: "Ihor W. Slabicky" <iws at sgfb.ssd.ray.com>
Subject: inca cola
Subject: Odd Cola...
Somebody wrote in yesterday about a spruce cola sold in Canada and that
It's not a 'cola' but a 'clear soda - looks like ginger ale, but
smells like turpentine :-)
made me remember "INCA COLA" which is very popular in Peru and other
South American countries. It tastes exactly like Bazooka Bubble gum,
only you don't get a comic with it. It's incredibly sweet and
sicklingly gummy. They must use xanthum (sp?) gum.
I have bought Inca Cola in NYCity - lower East Side, in the bodegas, and
I have heard that it is available in Queens, also... try the Spanish
neighborhoods :-) I do agree with the taste description :-)
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 15:56:54 CDT
From: andy at wups.wustl.edu (Andy Leith)
Subject: Re. Amylase
Brian Bliss asks if anyone has added amylase to the secondary.
For one of my first brews I tried a partial mash using flaked barley
and crystal malt. A bad idea as there are no enzymes in the crystal
to convert the flaked barley. As a consequence by the time the beer
made it to the secondary it was still about as clear as mud. I added
about a teaspoon of amylase powder (from pig pancreas) to the secondary.
The beer cleared completely in about 24 hours. The final s.g was about
--Andy Leith
andy at wups.wustl.edu
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 17:16:53 -0400
From: worth at park.bu.edu (Andrew J. Worth)
Subject: Re: Samuel Adams' Boston Ale
Brian> Has anybody seen Samuel Adams Ale in bottles...?
Yup, its readily available here in Boston. I don't know anything about
where they will be shipping it. Probably wherever the gods of
capitalism tell them to. They also have an Octoberfest and a Double
Bock. At the ought-to-be world famous bar, Doyle's, in Jamaica Plain,
MA, they pour a 50-50 mix of Sam Adams' Lager and Ale and call it a
"J.P. Musty". 'tis good, and good for you!
BTW, does anybody know why Samuel Adams chose that name? I hear that
Sam Adams was more of a rabble rousing radical than a patriot, and he
effectively racked his father's brewing business into the ground.
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1991 14:45:14 -0700
From: judyb at waldo.asd.sgi.com (Judy Bergwerk)
Subject: Re: Bottlecaps from Hell
I've had the same thing happen with Tab caps, but I thought it was due to
boiling too long. I was lucky enough to have extras.
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 17:49:18 -0400
From: msdrl!allen at uunet.UU.NET (Eric Allen)
Date: Fri, 4 Oct
From: allen at msdrl.com (Eric Allen)
Subject: Re: Samuel Adams' Boston Ale
Yes, Samuel Adams Boston Ale is available in bottles.
I've been seeing it (and drinking it) for about six
months. It is sold all over NJ, NY and PA. I heard
that it was currently being brewed in Boston but soon
will be brewed in PA, also. I don't know if it is
available on the West Coast. I do know that the Boston
Lager has made it as far as Chicago (or maybe you
already have it on the Out There).
Eric Allen
Rahway, NJ
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 15:38:35 PDT
From: "Doug Olson, ISVG West, Mtn View" <olson at sx4gto.enet.dec.com>
Subject: Re: San Jose Bandido
> ... I think that Russ Pencin of the Worts of Wisdom (San Jose),
Uh, oh. Is he really? Hey Russ, we missed you at the Mtn View Small
Brewer's Festival last weekend. (Not really! His absence gave the
rest of us a chance! Last year, his beers walked off with half of the
first place ribbons and Best-of-show! This year, I think there were
at least half-a-dozen different brewers each copping multiple awards.)
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Date: 04 Oct 91 20:44:49 EDT
From: Robin Garr <76702.764 at compuserve.com>
Subject: CompuServe Beer Forum
In HB738, Darryl Richman writes:
>Also, there's a very active homebrew forum on CompuServe, sponsored
>by the AHA. Costs a bunch to get on and read it, but there's a very
>large and diverse population and a lot of interesting discussion. (How
>come nobody has mentioned Anchor's spruce beer here?)
Darryl, thanks for the plug, but to clarify the record, the CompuServe Wine
and Beer Forum enjoys a friendly, even symbiotic relationship with the gang
at the AHA, but we are not sponsored by them (nor they by us), nor is there
any really formal relationship. We welcome the AHA's participation in the
forum and encourage them to use our forum libraries to post AHA materials
of interest to the online brewing community. We've listed Charlie
Papazian and Dan Fink as more-or-less honorary "assistant sysops," and
we're happy to have their brewing expertise on line.
The forum, however, is an independent organization. Jim Kronman, a Los
Angeles-based engineer and wine writer, started it in 1985 as a wine-
appreciation forum. At the suggestion of the AHA, we added a beer and
homebrewing section in 1989, and it now comprises about half of the forum's
traffic. I'm Jim's associate, a writer (and home brewer) based in the extreme
outer reaches of suburban New York City.
While we acknowledge that CompuServe isn't cheap, we try to make the forum
worth the price; we also encourage the use of "autopilot" programs to maximize
time and cost efficiency on line.
We'd certainly welcome Internet folks who would like to drop in and check
us out, and I may be able to make a limited number of introductory CompuServe
"starter kits" with a couple of hours free time available to those (first
come, first served) who'd care to contact me via EMail. For those who already
hang around CompuServe, if you haven't found the forum yet, your choice of GO
BEER or GO WINEFO will get you there. SubTopics 13 (Technical Homebrewing),
14 (General Homebrewing) and 15 (Commercial Beer) are devoted to the amber
Robin Garr | "I have enjoyed great health at a great age because
Associate Sysop | every day since I can remember I have consumed a bottle
CompuServe | of wine except when I have not felt well. Then I have
Wine/Beer Forum | consumed two bottles." -- A Bishop of Seville
76702.764 at compuserve.com
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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 91 13:05:08 CDT
From: ingr!ingr!b11!mspe5!guy at uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Belgian Abbey beers
In Digest #738 Russ Gelinas writes:
> In my mailbox at work today: a bottle of Liefman's Kriek, direct from
> Belgium! Yeehah!
Russ, I too have recently had the luxury of aquiring some rather fresh
Belgian brews without leaving the country. A friend of mine is a Belgian
national and his parents are in the U.S. for a visit. His father brought me
7 bottles (5 different "brands") of Abbey beers from the south of Belgium.
(They live in Namur) I have Chimay blue ( 9% alc. ), Chimay white ( 8% ),
Trappistes Rochefort 8 ( 9.2% ), Trappistes Rochefort 10 ( 11.3% ),
Leffe ( 6.6% ), Maredsous Blonde ( 10% ), and Orval ( 5.2% ). He also brought
me 5 glasses from Belgium (he left with 6 but the Orval one got broken). I
am going home tonight and try one or two of these. They also brought a 750ml
bottle of "Blanche de Namur", a "white" beer brewed in their home town. It
was corked and secured with a wire cage, much like champagne. It was light
colored, crisp, and refreshing. The hop bouquet was very noticable and my
wife said "It smells like flowers". I think perhaps this was a wheat beer.
Yeehah indeed!!
- --
Guy D. McConnell, Systems Engineer | |"All that is gold does not
Intergraph Corp. Mail Stop CR1105 | My | glitter, not all those who
Huntsville, AL. 35894-0001 | opinions | wander are lost, the old
Computer and Storage Technology | are just | that is strong does not
Evaluation Group | exactly | wither, and deep roots are
uunet!ingr.com!b11!mspe5!guy | that. | not touched by the frost."
(205)730-6289 FAX (205)730-6011 | | J.R.R.T.
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Date: Saturday, 5 October 1991 10:44am ET
From: joshua.grosse at amail.amdahl.com
Subject: Tube cleaning
In HBD 738, Bryan Gros writes:
>the question is, now my blow off tube is coated with hard brown stuff
>on the inside. how do i get this out? or do i need to clean it?
Soak it overnight in a chlorine solution, as you would for sanitizing.
That will take care of it.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Josh Grosse jdg00 at amail.amdahl.com
Amdahl Corp. 313-358-4440
Southfield, Michigan
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Date: Sat, 5 Oct 91 11:11 CDT
From: arf at ddsw1.mcs.com (Jack Schmidling)
Subject: VIDEO
To: Homebrew Digest
Fm: Jack Schmidling
Jack Schmidling Productions is pleased to announce the release of our latest
An easy to follow how-to on making root beer, gingerale and beer at home.
Our "Easy Beer Process", will change the way you look at home brewing.
This exciting new video will show you how to make your own delicious root
beer and ginger ale with that old fashioned taste. We will also show you how
to brew high quality beer and ale for a fraction of the cost of commercial
We demonstrate how to make root beer from a commercial extract and ginger ale
from fresh ginger root, with materials and equipment found in any kitchen.
Learn how to bottle home-brewed beverages with a simple process that, not
only guarantees perfect carbonation but also eliminates the problem of
exploding bottles, so common to home made beverages.
Commercial American beers contain up to 100 additives and so-called adjuncts
that have nothing to do with beer. By definition and tradition, beer is made
from barley malt but the major brewers have taken the liberty of substituting
rice and corn for barley malt and if that isn't bad enough, they adulterate
it further by substituting plain old sugar for much of the malt. This is
precisely why most American beer tastes more like carbonated saki than beer.
Learn our Easy Beer Process and make beer so good, you will wonder why you
ever liked commercial beer. Through the magic of time-lapse and
micro-photography, we show you how barley is malted, how yeast produces
alcohol and carbonation and why hops is essential to beer. We visit a
dedicated home brewer who grows his own hops and a local brew shop with a
dazzling array of home brew products.
We then show you how to improve on Easy Beer with simple modifications to the
basic process, as your brewing skill increases.
Finally, we take you on a tour of very special commercial brewery. This is
one of the only American brewers that adhere strictly to the German tradition
of Rheinheitsgebot, using only barley malt, hops, yeast and water.
"BREW IT AT HOME" (54 min VHS).....
Price $29 + $3 Shipping and handling
Illinois residents add 8 sales tax.
ONE TIME offer to HBD readers:
If you send money NOW, no questions, letters, flyers, previews, credit cards,
stamps etc..... the price to HBD'ers is $12 + shipping.
Send $15 and a note saying "HBD", along with your shipping address and it's
on the way, in time for holiday giving.
Jack Schmidling Productions
4501 Moody
Chicago, Il 60630
For more info on this and other JSP videos,
email to: arf at ddsw1.msc.com
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Date: Sat, 5 Oct 91 14:42:36 EDT
From: GARY MASON - I/V/V PCU - 603-884[DTN264]1503 05-Oct-1991 1426 <mason at habs11.ENET.DEC.COM>
Subject: A few more random comments on England...
I used the CAMRA Good Beer Guide, and discovered what we all have known from
the computer business for years - GIGO! I tried Gale's HSB first at a pub in
Yeovil, as recommended in the GBG. It was singularly unspectacular. We then
went to a pub that served evening meals, and recounted the experience to the
publican. He said "if you want to try a REAL HSB, have one from here". He
pointed at his 150 year old French water pump, converted - with much time,
effort, and pain - to a beer engine. It was spectacular! It was simply a
matter of cleaning the pipes on a regular basis, and proper handling of the
beer. So, the lesson is...the Guide is just a Guide, and subject to personal
tastes. I found that I did as good a job finding good beer without it as with
Samuel Smith sells their exhausted yeast (all but about 10 per cent, which they
use to ferment the next batch) to several folks, including Boots the Chemist. I
brought back some Boots yeast sachets to try - perhaps I will find a flavor
difference in the results.
Lastly, something very ironic. Due to the vagaries of world economics, one of
the most traditional of English products - their real ale - is served, in what
I guess to be eight out of ten pubs, in French glass! Arceroc is the name you
peer at through your empty pint glass most of the time. The dozen I brought
home with me, however, are decidedly British.
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Date: Sat, 5 Oct 91 22:10 CDT
From: arf at ddsw1.mcs.com (Jack Schmidling)
To: Homebrew Digest
Fm: Jack Schmidling
Subject: Liverwort
> Looking inside, I saw a slab of liver clinging to the side of the boiler.
Using my spoon, I found another clogging my tap, and many small specimens as
What caught my attention in your article was the title because in addition to
brewing beer, I have spent about 5 years trying to grow liverwort in my
backyard garden, with only limited success.
Liverwort is a very primitive land plant that is thought to be transitional
between aquatic and land and of great interest to evolutionary biologists.
It is hard to grow because it requires water for the sperm to travel to the
female plant but drowns easily in too much water.
Now, to your "liver wort". Last week I racked my first batch of (commercial)
all grain from primary to secondary and got exactly what you described
(except for color) in the yeast sludge. I took the usual care not to disturb
the yeast with the syphon only to find when cleaning the fermenter that I
could probably have turned it upside down without disturbing it. It was just
like a half inch sheet of (white) liver.
Not likely any connection between your liver wort and my liver yeast other
then "mouth feel".
BTW, I have made all grain before but only with home-made malt. This may,
however be the first time I get to drink it. All the home-made stuff was a
disaster. I have since come to learn that what I was making was crystal malt
and this does not good beer make.
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Date: Sun, 6 Oct 91 14:12:35 EDT
From: Jim Grady <jimg at hpwald.wal.hp.com>
Subject: Christmas Ale
The weather is starting to get cool around here so I thought I would
brew the Christmas Ale that Kinney Baughman posted here last August
(HBD #693). There has been some discussion about whether the second
call for 3# of amber dry malt was a typo. I made yesterday it without the
malt and the O.G. was 1.049, not 1.069 as the recipe stated. The carboy
was full and 1.049 should make a respectable beer so I relaxed, didn't
worry and was already having a homebrew. It is bubbling away and smells
great! I think that next time I will add the extra 3# of malt.
Chris (sorry, I didn't save your last name) said that he had had the
same experience.
- --
Jim Grady |
Internet: jimg at hpwala.wal.hp.com | "Better thin beer than an empty jug"
Phone: (617) 290-3409 | - Danish Proverb
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Date: Sun, 6 Oct 91 17:52:46 EST
From: KCDESCH at ucs.indiana.edu
Subject: Re: Sam Adams Beer.
Heck you can buy Samual Adams bottled lager all over the place. But I'm afraid I know only of the midwest areas. Like Chicago area or Milwaukee.
As long as we're on the subject of microbreweries. I would like to recommend
Sprecher to anyone travelling through or living near Milwaukee. While their
seasonal Mai Bock is my favorite they also brew a most complex amber. Each sip of the amber is complete from the first wiff of hops to the fresh grain aftertaste.
Well anyway I hope you get your handss on the Bostonian lager. They dryhop with Hallertau. That makes it terribly tasty!
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #739, 10/07/91
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