HOMEBREW Digest #742 Thu 17 October 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Lost Articles (Rob, Digest Digester)
Yeast and Spec. Grav's. (Daniel L. Krus)
Boston Ale (hersh)
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Date: Tuesday
From: Rob, Digest Digester
Subject: Lost Articles
If you sent in an article recently that has not appeared in the digest
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Also, for all those who are worried about missing digests, there have
been *no* digests sent out since last week. The last one was #741,
dated October 9.
If you sent me a message asking about what happened, I probably
ignored it. Sorry, but it's impossible to reply personally to
everyone. You'll also probably notice that I've stopped sending
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Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1991 22:58:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: D_KRUS at UNHH.UNH.EDU (Daniel L. Krus)
Subject: Yeast and Spec. Grav's.
There's been a few questions lately about yeast and characteristics associated
with them. Here is a retype of some information I received from Wyeast
relative to their yeast. This information was obtained a while ago and
supposedly this was to be updated and expanded. If anyone has the latest
update I would appreciate a copy of it from you since Wyeast wasn't too
tickled that I contacted them directly. Sorry if there are any typos.
Some yeast strains are more active and vigorous than others. Lager strains
in particular do not show as much activity on the surface as many of the
Ale strains. We provide an adequate quantity of yeast to complete fermen-
tation with varying amounts of lag time depending on strain, freshness,
handling, and temperature. If you find it too slow, make a starter as
recommended on the package. In any event, a closed fermenter with an
airlock is recommended.
The slow onset of visible signs of fermentation can be improved by starting
fermentation at 75 deg. F (24 deg. C) until activity is evident, then
moving to your desired fermentation temperature. A few degrees does make
a significant difference without adversely affecting flavor.
The normal temperature for Ale yeast range from 60-75 deg. F (16-24 deg. C)
A few strains ferment well down to 55 deg. F (13 deg. C). 68 deg. F (20
deg. C) is a good average. Lager strains normally ferment from 32-75 deg.
F (0-24 deg. C). 50-55 deg. F (10-12 deg. C) is customary for primary
fermentation. A slow steady reduction to 32 deg. F (0 deg. C) during
secondary fermentation typically works well.
The fermentation rate is directly related to temperature. The lower the
temperature, the slower fermentation commences. Fluctuations in tempera-
ture such as cooling and warming from night to day can adversely affect
yeast performance.
Apparent attenuation of yeast normally ranges from 67-77%. The attenuation
is determined by the composition of the wort or juice and the yeast strain
used. Each yeast strain ferments different sugars to varying degrees,
resulting in higher or lower final gravities. This will affect the resid-
ual sweetness and body.
All brewing yeast flocculate. The degree and type of flocculation varies
for different yeast. Some strains clump into very lary flocculate. Some
floc very little into a more granular consistency. Most yeast strains
clump and flocculate to a moderate degree.
Typical pH range for yeast fermentations begins at about 5.1 and optimally
4.8. During the course of fermentation the pH reduces to typically 3.9-
4.1 and as low as 3.1 in some wines.
The alcohol tolerance for most brewing yeast is as least to 8%. Barley
wines to 12% can be produced by most Ale strains. Pitching rates need to
be increased proportionally to higher gravities. Alternately, Champagne
and Wine yeast can be used for high gravities sometimes reaching alcohols
to 18%.
Ales (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
1007. Our original Ale Yeast of German origin. Ferments dry and crisp
leaving a complex yet mild flavor. Produces an extremely rocky head and
ferments well down to 55 deg. F (12 deg. C). Flocculation is high and
apparent attenuation is 73-77%. Optimum fermentation temperature:
62 deg. F (17 deg. C).
1028. British #2 (London Ale previously British Ale). Rich minerally
profile, bold woody slight diacetyl production. Medium flocculation.
Apparent attenuation 73-77%. Optimum fermentation temperature: 68 deg.
F (20 deg. C).
1056. American Ale Yeast. Ferments dry, finishes soft, smooth and
clean, and is very well balanced. Flocculation is low to medium.
Apparent attenuation 73-77%. Optimum fermentation temperature: 68 deg.
F (20 deg. C).
1084. First considered just British, but now more specifically Irish.
Slight residual diacetyl is great for stouts. It is clean smooth, soft
and full bodied. Medium flocculation and apparent attenuation of
71-75%. Optimum fermentation temperature: 68 deg. F (20 deg. C).
1098. British Ale Yeast from Whitbread. Ferments dry and crisp,
slightly tart and well balanced. Ferments well down to 55 deg. F (12
deg. C). Medium flocculation, apparent attenuation 73-75%. Optimum
fermentation temperature: 70 deg. F (21 deg. C).
1338. European yeast from Wissenschaftliche in Munich. A full bodied
complex strain finishes very malty. Produces a dense rocky head during
fermentation. High flocculation, apparent attenuation 67-71%. Optimum
fermentation temperature: 70 deg. F (21 deg. C).
Lager (Saccharomyces uvarum)
2007. Our original Lager Yeast Strain. Specific for pilsner style
beers. Known as many things, we call it Pilsen. Ferments dry, crisp,
clean and light. Medium flocculation. Apparent attenuation from
71-75%. Optimum fermentation temperature: 52 deg. F (11 deg. C).
2035. American Lager Yeast. Unlike American pilsner styles. It is
bold, complex and woody. Produces slight diacetyl. Medium floccu-
lation, apparent attenuation 73-77%. Optimum fermentation temperature:
50 deg. F (10 deg. C).
2042. Danish Yeast Strain. Rich, yet crisp and dry. Soft, light
profile which accentuates hop characteristics. Flocculation is low,
apparent attenuation is 73-77%. Optimum fermentation temperature: 48
deg. F (9 deg. C).
2124. Bohemian Lager Yeast. The traditional sazz yeast from Czechoslo-
vakia. Ferments clean and malty, rich residual maltiness in high
gravity pilsners, medium flocculation, apperent attenuation 69-73%.
Optimum fermentation temperature: 48 deg. F (9 deg. C).
2206. Bavarian Yeast Strain used by many German breweries. Rich flavor,
full bodied, malty and clean. Medium flocculation, apparent attenuation
73-77%. Optimum fermentation temperature: 48 deg. F (9 deg. C).
2308. Munich Yeast from Wissenschaftliche in Munich #308. One of the
first pure yeast available to American homebrewers. Sometimes unstable,
but smooth soft well rounded and full bodied. Medium flocculation,
apparent attenuation 73-77%. Optimum fermentation temperature: 50 deg.
F (10 deg. C).
Saccharomyces delbrueckii, S. cerevisac
3056. Bavarian Weissen. A 50/50 blend of S. cerevisiae and
Delbrueckii to produce a south German style wheat beer with cloying
sweetness when the beer is fresh. Medium flocculation, apparent
attenuation 73-77%. Optimum fermentation temperature: 56 deg. F (13
deg. C).
Wine Yeast
3021. Prise de mousse, Institute Pasteur champagne yeast race bayanus.
Crisp and dry, ideal for sparkling and still red, white and fruit wines.
Also can be used for Barley wines. Optimum fermentation temperature:
58 deg. F (14 deg. C).
3028. French wine yeast ideally suited for red and white wines which
mature rapidly. Enhances the fruity characteristics of most wines.
Optimum fermentation temperature: 72 deg. F (22 deg. C).
Malo-lactic Bacteria
Leuconostoc oenos
4007. Malo-lactic culture blend isolated from western Oregon wineries.
Includes strains Ey2d and Er1a. Excellent for high acid wines and low pH.
Softens wines by converting harsh malic acid to milder lactic acid. Can be
added to juice any time after the onset of yeast fermentation when sulfur
dioxide is less than 15 ppm.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There have also been some questions about Spec. Grav's. and conversion to 60
deg. F (15.6 deg. C). The following is the information that came with my
This hydrometer gives an accurate reading when the temperature of the
liquid is 60 deg. F (15.6 deg. C). The following tables show how to
correct for temperature difference.
--------------- Spec. Grav.
deg. F deg. C Correction
------ ------ ----------
50 10.0 - 0.5
60 15.6 0
70 21.1 + 1
77 25.0 + 2
84 28.9 + 3
95 35.0 + 5
105 40.6 + 7
Specific Gravity is: 1.100 at 84 deg. F.
Correction figure is: + 3 to correct to 60 deg. F.
Corrected Spec. Grav. is: 1.103
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I plot Correction vs. Temperature and keep this plot in the back of my
brewing note book for quick and handy visual reference. This data does not
yield a linear relationship thus a graph is quicker to work with than some
polynomial equation.
I hope some of this information helps.
| Internet: D_KRUS at unhh.unh.edu | Daniel L. Krus |
| Compuserve: 71601,365 | Parsons Hall |
|-----------------------------------------------| Department of Chemistry |
| "A good word is an easy obligation, but not | U of New Hampshire |
| to speak ill, requires only our | Durham, New Hampshire 03824 |
| silence, which costs us nothing." Tillotson | (603) 862-2521 |
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Date: Wed, 16 Oct 91 16:26:16 EDT
From: hersh at expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Boston Ale
The Boston Ale is brewed in 2 places.
A lot of the draft Ale, particularly for local consumption is brewed here in
Boston in the Jamaica Plain brewery using what used to be Bill Newman's Albany
Amber brewing setup. I am told that the bottling line there is fully functional
and that from time to time they do bottle some of the Boston Ale brewed there.
However most of the Boston Ale found in the bottles is brewed at the F.X.
Matt's brewing company in Utica, N.Y. under contract. Also some of the keg beer
found outside the Boston market is brewed there as well.
The Lager product, both bottle and draft is produced by the Pittsburgh Brewing
Co. of Pittsburgh. Pa. under contract.
This information is correvt as of sometime earlier this summer when I was at
the brewery, though these arrangements are fluid (get the pun :-), and of
course may have changed.
- Jay
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hopfen und Malz, Gott erhalts
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #742, 10/17/91
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