HOMEBREW Digest #1037 Mon 21 December 1992
Digest #1036
Digest #1038
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
add me to list (Knut Somme )
Hypercard ideas for the Mac (Carlo Fusco)
starch and iodine (Ed Hitchcock)
Home brew in Dallas & New Orleans? ("Robert Haddad" )
Homebrew and paralysis ~# (Delano Dugarm 36478)
yeast respiration (Pierre Jelenc)
Re: Iodine test (atl)
Sierra Neveda Celebration Ale (Roy Rudebusch)
Sparging methods (korz)
address for BBC (CPU-SPP generic account)
Recirculating Infusion Mashing System (M. Umehara)
Gummed labels for laserwriters (Steve Jacobs)
favorite lager yeasts (jim busch)
AHA (George J Fix)
German Suggestions (C.R. Saikley)
Kansas City brewpubs wanted (chris campanelli)
Peracetic acid (Joseph Nathan Hall)
Bubblegum ester? (Roy Rudebusch)
grain:mash water:sparge water (chip upsal)
First tangle with the meadasaurus (Mark Cronenweth)
Send articles for __publication__ to homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com
(Articles are published in the order they are received.)
Send UNSUBSCRIBE and all other requests, ie, address change, etc.,
to homebrew-request@ hpfcmi.fc.hp.com
Archives are available via anonymous ftp from sierra.stanford.edu.
(Those without ftp access may retrieve files via mail from
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**For Cat's Meow information, send mail to lutzen at novell.physics.umr.edu**
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 10:31:01 +0100
From: knut at stavanger.sgp.slb.com (Knut Somme )
Subject: add me to list
Please add me to your mailing list
knut somme
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 03:09 EST
From: Carlo Fusco <G1400023 at NICKEL.LAURENTIAN.CA>
Subject: Hypercard ideas for the Mac
Hi everyone,
I was looking through the archive at sumex-aim [Macintosh archive] and
I found a couple of items that may be useful for homebrewers using a Mac.
I found a 2 hypercard stacks, one is a record book and the other is
a stack designed for yeast research. I tried the record book and it seems
to work pretty good, there is also a calculator for converting SG to % alc.
which takes temperature into consideration. I have not tried the yeast
research aid. They can both be found at the following locations using
anonymous FTP.
136479 Jun 7 1992 home-brewers.hqx
112265 Sep 3 19:01 yeast-research-aid-12.hqx
I did not write them...I just thought others might be interested in them.
I am still looking for a recipe formulator for the Mac, but , I have had
no luck. Does anyone know of one?
Can someone tell me how to submit something for the HBD archive.
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Date: 18 Dec 1992 09:47:56 -0400
From: Ed Hitchcock <ECH at ac.dal.ca>
Subject: starch and iodine
Much of the starch stored in the grains is insoluble. This is converted to
soluble starch, and then to complex sugars, and finally to simple sugars.
The starches that remain insoluble at the end of the mash are the things you
try to get rid of by sparging through a filter bed, and racking of the trub.
The starch you want to test for with iodine is the soluble starch, since this
is what is converted to sugars.
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Date: 18 Dec 92 09:16:20 EDT
From: "Robert Haddad" <RHADDAD at bss1.umd.edu>
Subject: Home brew in Dallas & New Orleans?
I am on my way to the Dallas/Ft. Worth and New Orleans areas soon
after the holidays.
Any brewpubs/micros in these cities?
Robert Haddad
rhaddad at bss1.umd.edu
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Date: 18 Dec 1992 13:57:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Delano Dugarm 36478 <ADUGARM at worldbank.org>
Subject: Homebrew and paralysis ~#
In HBD #1035 Jed (parsons1 at husc.harvard.edu) writes:
"Recently, I gave some homebrew to a professor of mine who is eager to try it,
but told me that her daughter had heard of some case in California where seven
people had suffered paralysis because they drank someone's. . . homebrew. . . .
they weren't cured of this until some smart person injected fetal tissue into
their brains!"
Well this story does have some basis in reality, but the daughter got
certain parts of it wrong. According to NPR's "All Things Considered" broadcast
11/25/92 (sorry, I can't find a print source) several people in California ended
up with severe Parkinson's symptoms after consuming a poorly synthesized batch
of the drug Ecstasy (is it MDMA?). Some did show strong improvements after
fetal tissue was injected into their brains, much more than regular Parkinson's
sufferers. So I'm just planning to stay away from such home chemistry
experiments and let my yeast do my work for me.
I'd read her the section out of Papazian's book where he emphasizes that
no pathogens can grow in beer. Short of using a lead counterflow chiller, I
can't see how you could get anything worse than a hangover from homebrew.
Though I remember one hangover where I *felt* paralyzed the next morning. :^)
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 11:23:53 EST
From: Pierre Jelenc at cunixf.cc.columbia.edu
Subject: yeast respiration
I just read in "Yeast, a practical approach" that S. cerevisiae cannot
metabolize oxidatively sugars at a concentration above 1%. This
concentration corresponds to a gravity of only 1.010, and thus makes me
wonder about the recommendation to use a starter at S.G. 1.020.
If it's going to ferment anyway, what's the point of a medium-low
gravity? Will the yeast switch to respiration after having fermented
half the sugar, and if so isn't an airlock self-defeating? Any comments
by yeast experts?
(Incidentally, the book is lousy. Terribly edited, not proof-read,
inadequate methods descriptions.)
Pierre Jelenc pcj1 at cunixf.cc.columbia.edu
Columbia University, New York
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 10:09:36 -0800
From: atl at kpc.com
Subject: Re: Iodine test
> My question is: Will starch disolve in water? I didn't think it would,
> that is why I test an interior (endosperm?) part of a grain. I guess it
> must though, if so many people rely on that method of testing...and it works!
Doesn't malting convert insoluble starchs to soluble ones?
+------------------------------+ Andrew Lynch, atl at kpc.com
| Congratulations, Bill and Al | Kubota Pacific Computer Inc. Santa Clara, Ca.
| Now, don't screw it up! | (408)748-6345
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 08:57:00 -0500
From: roy.rudebusch at travel.com (Roy Rudebusch)
Subject: Sierra Neveda Celebration Ale
From: roy.rudebusch at travel.com
EG:>Does anyone have a recipe for S.N. Celebration Ale?
Steve Dresler (a brewer at SN) said to brew it in this manner:
OG 1066 TG 1017
10# 2-row
1 1/2# caramel malt (I'll use 60L)
1 oz Chinook 60 min
3/4 oz Cascade 30 min
1 1/4 oz Cascade 2 min
Run chilled wort through an additional 1/2 oz Cascades. (!)
Rack fermented beer onto 1 2/3 oz Cascade hops for aging (2 weeks).
Sounds good, let's brew it!
* OLX 2.2 * Safe sex?....Tried it, it's WAY too cramped!
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 13:20 CST
From: korz at iepubj.att.com
Subject: Sparging methods
Russ writes:
> So, it looks like we've now got sparging options. The "normal" sparging
>technique of adding water/draining/adding water/draining/etc. has a higher
>efficiency than the technique of adding all the sparge water at once and
>then draining. BUT, the first ("step") technique leads to a more acidic
>sparge, which will extract more tannins from the grains, a bad thing. The
>second ("batch") technique, while less efficient, should be less acidic.
I think we have three options, the third being draining *while* adding
water (i.e. adding water at the same rate as it's draining so that the
grain is always submerged (till you're done adding water).
Russ-- could you elaborate on why the acidity of the sparge would differ in
the different methods?
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 12:20:58 CST
From: cpu-spp at ct.med.ge.com (CPU-SPP generic account)
Subject: address for BBC
The address for the Boston Beer Company is:
Boston Beer Company
30 Germania Street
Boston, MA 02130
at least according to my notes. Could someone in the area please check this?
Also, who is a good person in the company to send letters of complaint
(assuming we won't get supoenaed too) to? I am assuming Jim Koch won't
really care what we think. Anyone know the director of marketing?
Thomas Manteufel IOFB
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 09:44:24 EST
From: umehara at NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL (M. Umehara)
Subject: Recirculating Infusion Mashing System
I'm looking for information on several topics. The first is
the recirculating infusion mashing system (RIMS) in the last special
issue of Zymurgy and I am thinking of building one. :-\ Has anyone out
there built, used or seen one? Also, I purchased the counter-pressure
filler from Fox and it works terribly. :-c How well do the others work?
(ie. Melvico and Benjamin Machine Products) And, I've kegged beer
several times and I can't seem to get them to carbonate naturally and
have to force carbonate them. Although they taste fine, why won't
they carbonate naturally? :-t
Finally, how did Schlitz win a gold medal? :- at
I would appreciate opinions, advice and comments. In lieu of that,
beer will suffice. %*) Thanks.
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 15:02:06 EST
From: steve at garnet.sgp.hp.com (Steve Jacobs)
Subject: Gummed labels for laserwriters
Lou Casagrande writes:
> My co-brewer and I have been looking for the kind of gummed labels
> which must be wet in order to apply them (this is to make their
> removal easier) which are also arranged in sheets so that they can be
> fed through a laserwriter. Of course, we want to design our own
I purchased a package of 25 pre-gummed, water-based adhesive sheets of
8 1/2" X 11" paper specifically designed for making labels.
The package states that it is photocopier safe (although they do not
guarantee compatibility with all brands of photocopiers).
I bought mine for $3.99 from:
Brew America
138 Church Street N.E. Suite F
Vienna Virginia 22180
(703) 938-4805
Standard disclaimers apply.
Steve Jacobs (KSI Inc)
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 15:49:34 EST
From: jim busch <busch at daacdev1.stx.com>
Subject: favorite lager yeasts
I am posting a question for a supplier of yeasts. He is interested
in providing two quality lager strains, Pilsner Urquell and one
other. Since I brew mostly ales, I thought I would turn to the
folks in digest land for suggestions. So...what are your top
two favorite lager strains?????
Jim Busch
busch at daacdev1.stx.com
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Date: 18 Dec 1992 15:13:36 -0700
From: Bruce Given <SCN146 at WACCVM.corp.mot.com>
TO:All downunder Homebrewers
FR:Bruce Given scn146 at waccvm.corp.mot.com
homebrewer's down Under !!!
Hi I would like to hear from any homebrewers in Australia ( Sydney)
as I it appears that I will be transfered from Montreal ( Canada) to Aust
early in the new Year how many active clubs are there ???
and anything related to homebrew activities look forward to hearing from
anybody. P.s. I am a expriate New Zealander but don't hold that against
me !!!!
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 17:28:07 CST
From: gjfix at utamat.uta.edu (George J Fix)
Subject: AHA
I have received a lot of private e-mail from people who have told me of
horror stories about how the AHA has ignored their submissions to Zymurgy,
or in other cases outright rejected them. What really frosts me off is that
most of this e-mail came from people I admire, and who bring a lot to the
table in terms of experience and insights. I always thought that the lack
of diversity and less than ideal technical content was due to a shortage
of submissions. This is definitely not the case. There are enough homebrewers
out there with interesting material and unique experiences to keep Zymurgy
loaded with good stuff for the forseeable future. I am truely astonished and
dismayed that the AHA has not made use of this diversity and wealth of talent.
For what it is worth, I am going to complain loudly to anyone in that
organization who will listen to me about this. This policy makes absolutely
no sense, either for Zymurgy or for those of us who subscribe to it.
George Fix
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 19:07:19 PST
From: grumpy!cr at uunet.UU.NET (C.R. Saikley)
Subject: German Suggestions
Hey All,
Good fortune strikes! It looks like I'm being shipped to Germany
for a couple weeks at the end of January. I'll be in the town of
Oberkochen, near Stuttgart. Anyone have suggestions (beers, breweries,
It's not too far to Munich, so I may venture there. Then there's the
possibility of a jaunt into Pilsen and Prague....Or maybe.....
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 20:27 CST
From: akcs.chrisc at vpnet.chi.il.us (chris campanelli)
Subject: Kansas City brewpubs wanted
I'm looking for brewpubs in Kansas, preferably Kansas City. Please send
any suggestions via private email. If anyone else is interested, I will
gladly repost. Thanks in advance.
chris campanelli
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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 17:21:44 EDT
From: joseph at joebloe.maple-shade.nj.us (Joseph Nathan Hall)
Subject: Peracetic acid
) Date: Thu, 17 Dec 92 11:41 CST
) From: korz at iepubj.att.com
) Subject: Iodophor and plastics
) I would really prefer to use Peracetic acid
) because I know that both Chlorine and Iodine are not the best things to
) dump down the drain. Peracetic acid is made from acetic acid and hydrogen
) peroxide both of which are much more friendly to mother nature than
) Cl and I. I'm still in the process of finding a suitable supplier.
Umm, what concentration of this fragrant stuff is required to do the
Why, you learn about new sanitizers every day here on HBD! Gummit,
I'm going to have to go out and buy a textbook to stay out in front
of the pack. :-)
Now, the drawback of peracetic acid is that it will cost you something
like $100 for 3/4 lb. And, of course, it can't be shipped by UPS.
uunet!joebloe!joseph (609) 273-8200 day joseph%joebloe at uunet.uu.net
2102 Ryan's Run East Rt 38 & 41 Maple Shade NJ 08052
Copyright 1992 by Joseph N. Hall. Permission granted to copy and
redistribute freely over USENET and by email. Commercial use prohibited.
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Date: Sat, 19 Dec 92 10:33:00 -0500
From: roy.rudebusch at travel.com (Roy Rudebusch)
Subject: Bubblegum ester?
From: roy.rudebusch at travel.com
JNH:>Subject: Bubblegum ester?
JNH:>What is the stuff used to flavor bubblegum that is prominent in the
JNH:>bouquet of some Belgian brews?
Potassium sorbate. Also used in children's toothpaste, cheep sweet wine.
Once you get acclimated to it, you can taste it lots of things.
I was once given a sample of "Canadian Spring water" in a grocery store,
"naturally sweetened with fruit juice", the lady said as I supped.
YUK! -- *big* Potassium Sorbate - at least 1000 ppm.
The taste stayed on my palate for a full hour.
If that is what is being used in some Belgium brews, "tis a shame".
* OLX 2.2 * Hold a hard drive to your ear. Listen to the C:
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Date: 20 Dec 92 13:40:10 EST
From: chip upsal <71762.317 at compuserve.com>
Subject: grain:mash water:sparge water
Any Ideas on the best ratios for malt:mash water:sparge water. I am
currently using the methods outlined in TCJOHB for infusion mashes --
However Mr. Fix's artical in the most recent Zymurgy has me worried that I
might be over sparging. He reccomends that mash water to sparge water
should be at no more then 1:1.5. Am I over doing it?
hbd >internet:homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com
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Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1992 21:36 EST
From: Mark Cronenweth <CRONEN at vms.cis.pitt.edu>
Subject: First tangle with the meadasaurus
I put a batch of basic mead into the primary 14 days ago. This consists of 1
gallon of boiled honey, yeast nutrient, acid blend, finings, topped up to 5
gallons. I pitched 1 package of wine yeast (rehydrated - no starter), attached
the fermentation lock, waited expectantly. It took 6 days to start bubbling at
the lock, but it's still going strong now. I'm worried by 2 things. First is
the smell of rotten eggs, which I've never gotten with fermenting beers.
Is this typical of wine yeast, or fermenting honey, or is something other than
the intended micros thriving in there? The second worry (I know I'm not
supposed to worry - but since I've already run afoul...) is the extended time
in the primary. Assuming this stuff has a long way to go, am I risking
off-flavors, etc. by leaving it in there on the trub? Should I rack to a
secondary? I don't want the fermentation to stick. The temp in my
Pennsylvania basement is about 63 degrees. About how long will mead take to
ferment out at this temp.? What can I do in case of stuck ferment, or just to
make sure the honey ferments out all the way - add new yeast at racking time?
I want this batch to be as dry as possible. Any help from you mead masters
would be wonderful. If anyone would like to discuss mead, contact me.
- --Mark Cronenweth, University of Pittsburgh, School of Education.
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #1037, 12/21/92