HOMEBREW Digest #1133 Tue 04 May 1993

Digest #1132 Digest #1134

		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  dmna, sulfur etc (ROB THOMAS)
  manifold use (Ed Hitchcock)
  Mail-Order Belgian Grains ("Anderso_A")
  drinking, diving, momilies, etc (Richard Childers)
  FTP ing ("Hobson, Kevin")
  Cooker/boil post combo (Robert Schultz)
  Guinness on the high seas... (Al Richer)
  Am I ready to go all-grain? (David Hinz)
  GENIE, Momily (Jack Schmidling)
  RE: What's up with Jim Koch (David Ferguson)
  Litigator (korz)
  Cosmic Brew (Markham R. Elliott)
  Coming Soon: Beer That's Out of This World ? (John Brooks)
  mash efficiency (Ulick Stafford)
  I don't "hate" Jim Koch (Jeff Frane)
  Extraction Rates (Lee Menegoni)
  liberty ale (Darren Aaberge)
  3 gal kegs revisited (Sandy Cockerham)
  Need an address ("Robert M. Peitzsch")
  Evanston Challenge, results (Jack Schmidling)
  CO2 Tanks (bsolmsted)
  Brewpubs in Columbus, Indy, and Chicago (Alan Christopher Braddock)
  Whitebread Yeast and Brewpubs (Phil Hultin)
  Biscuit malt (Bob Devine)

Send articles for __publication_only__ to homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com (Articles are published in the order they are received.) Send UNSUBSCRIBE and all other requests, ie, address change, etc., to homebrew-request@ hpfcmi.fc.hp.com, BUT PLEASE NOTE that if you subscribed via the BITNET listserver (BEER-L at UA1VM.UA.EDU), then you MUST unsubscribe the same way! If your account is being deleted, please be courteous and unsubscribe first. Archives are available via anonymous ftp from sierra.stanford.edu. (Those without ftp access may retrieve files via mail from listserv at sierra.stanford.edu. Send HELP as the body of a message to that address to receive listserver instructions.) Please don't send me requests for back issues - you will be silently ignored. For "Cat's Meow" information, send mail to lutzen at novell.physics.umr.edu
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 May 93 12:44:51 MET DST From: ROB THOMAS <THOMASR at EZRZ1.vmsmail.ethz.ch> Subject: dmna, sulfur etc hello all, Herb wrote about the Maltery trip in hbd 1132. > on the question of DMNA, it's dimethylnitrosamine, the major (in terms of amounts and toxicity) nitrosamine found in beer. It gets there all the way from the malt. More often than not malts are treated with burning sulfur during kilning. The effect of this is to decompose the nasties into nontoxic dimethylamine. A side effect, appart from filling the atmosphere with sulfur dioxide, is that the malts contain more sulfur (in the form of sulphates etc) and often the acidity of the malt is increased. > as to the hormone used in germination, it's gibberellic (sp) acid. This is indeed found in nature, in very many seeds and seedlings. It is what is found in "rooting powder" used by gardeners to make plant cuttings take root. It isn't in any way related to mammalian (human) hormones, and has no effect on the body. (A related hormone is acetylene, this stimulates the ripening of fruit... try putting a young tomato (green) in a bag with a little. It'll ripen alot quicker.. but watch out for flames otherwise it'll be fried tomato.) Returning to malting, I tried making caramel malt this weekend. It turned out quite good, though the real test will be a full batch of ale brewed with it. My process was as follows: steep 1 kg whole lager malt in water for 12 hours (over night) then drain and put the grains in a covered pyrex dish in the oven at 65-72 degC for 2 hours. This mashes the insides of the fully moistened grains. The temperature is the theoretical optimum under these (abnormal) conditions. After this time, the grains could be squeezed between my fingers releasing the hot(!!!) sweet contents. I didn't do this to all of them ofcourse, otherwise I'd get no malt. I then warmed the oven to 120 degC and dried/baked the grains, being careful to stir regularly, otherwise toffee quickly formed on the bottom of the dish. The length of time you leave the grains influences the final colour, I left mine for 2 hours to give a medium (sorry not very scientific description) roast. The insides of these grains is like toffee, though possibly still a bit wet (sticky). Any way, that's all I wanted to say, Rob Thomas. Return to table of contents
Date: 03 May 1993 10:12:03 -0300 From: Ed Hitchcock <ECH at ac.dal.ca> Subject: manifold use Peter Maxwell asks: >A second question relates to use of a manifold for sparging. When is the >manifold put in? After mash-out (where I presume I'd have to stir >everything up to get it on the bottom of the pot) or is it in the pot the >whole time? My manifold is in a bucket, not the pot. I do one of three things. I can mash in the pot and dump it into the bucket on top of the manifold for sparging. I can put hot water and grain in the bucket on top of the manifold and do a single stage infusion mash (ie just let it sit there for a while), then sparge. I can put warm water and grain in the bucket on top of the manifold and do a decoction mash. Some people have tha manifold in the pot, but mine is made of PVC, so I don't like the idea of placing it on a burner. Have fun! Ed Hitchcock/Dept of Anatomy & Neurobiology/Dalhousie University/Halifax NS ech at ac.dal.ca +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Remember, God created the world in six days, | | and that was without the benefit of power tools! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ Return to table of contents
Date: 3 May 93 04:36:35 EST From: "Anderso_A" <Anderso_A%55W3.CCBRIDGE.SEAE.mrouter at seaa.navsea.navy.mil> Subject: Mail-Order Belgian Grains Message Creation Date was at 3-MAY-1993 09:23:00 Greetings, Does anyone out there in HBD-Land know of Mail-order businesses dealing in Belgian Grains? In particular, I am interested in the Belgian (DeWulf-Coysens) "Special B" caramel malt that MPM wrote about for use in Scotch Ales in the last issue. Thanks Andy A Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 07:49:37 -0700 From: pascal at netcom.com (Richard Childers) Subject: drinking, diving, momilies, etc Ed Hitchcock says : "Don't drink and dive." In passing, I wanted to add that alcohol's influence increases as you go deeper ( IE, as pressure builds up ). I forget the formula but it's a fierce increase in influence. _Really_, don't drink and dive. The Schmidmeister says : "ANNOUNCING THE EASYSPARGER" Cool !! Tom Romalewski says, regarding "momiles" : "I haven't been able to find this word in any dictionary. I have seen this word used before. Could it be that the author really wanted to say "anomaly"? Or is this a slang term used in homebrewing lingo?" I think it's slang. Dunno the etymology or deriviation but it translates, roughly, into "wives' tale", if context is a correct guide. IMHO, this does not mean it is _untrue_, rather, unverified grapevine gossip that may be true but needs further examination. And Carl notes : "Unlike the usual sort of channeling, I would expect channeling in a mash to put you in contact with future spirits." < groan > (-: - -- richard The silliest thing I ever read, richard childers, pascal at netcom.com Was someone saying "God is dead." The simple use of The Word Negates the second, and the third. ( Duke Ellington, _Sacred Concert_ ) Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 03 May 93 11:05:00 EDT From: "Hobson, Kevin" <HobsonK at magic.dcrt.nih.gov> Subject: FTP ing Could someone please enlighten me on FTPing to sierra? More specificly, I want to ftp a digest, are they available in a DOS format? zipped somewhere? I am under the impression that the ftp-able files under /pub/homebrew/digest are unix based zipped files. Is there a way to convert them? Help please. I thank you ahead of time. Please e-mail directly unless you feel others may benefit. I have never posted before (never needed to, it seems like every time I am about to my question is answered that morning!). I cannot tell you all how much I enjoy this listserv. (I swear one of my hop shoots grew an inch on Saturday afternoon!) Kev 8^) Return to table of contents
Date: 03 May 1993 09:35:07 -0600 (CST) From: Robert Schultz <Robert.Schultz at usask.ca> Subject: Cooker/boil post combo Has anyone tried the 10-15 gallon electric water heaters for mashing/boiling? I saw one on sale: 12 gallon (UK), 115 volt (220 would be better) for $115 CND (that should translate to about $90 US). These are glass lined, so one would have to be careful cutting (grinding) the lid off, but otherwise the unit is insultated and temperture controlled, with the added feature of a 'bottom tap'. I would put money on the fact that they would be great for mashing, but I wonder how they would work for boiling??? The Costco 120,000 BTU sounds like the right size to boil 10 gallons of wort. Coleman also sells a camp cooker - but only 45,000 BTU. I am in the throws of ripping apart an old natural gas water heater and converting the burner to propane for cooking my wort, but it too was only rated at about 40,000 BTU. Gas water tanks have the flame tube running up the centre which doesn't do much for a 'pot' Robert. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 11:29:46 EDT From: richer at desi.HQ.Ileaf.COM (Al Richer) Subject: Guinness on the high seas... This is from the "Irish Emigrant", an email newspaper featuring items of interest to Irish expatriates and those working abroad. - The two ships which carried bulk Guinness from Dublin to Liverpool have made their last voyage. The crews of the two vessels staged a protest against their redundancy terms for the last few weeks but this was eventually resolved. About 40 seamen have lost their jobs. Guinness will in future be taken from the brewery in special tanks and loaded on board other ships. If they used this same technique to ship elsewhere, could this perhaps explain the distinctive "tang" in guinness here in the States? "The bilges are flooding, Captain!" "Pump it into the container tanks. No one will notice..." Tongue firmly in cheek, Alan J. Richer - -- Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 11:09:20 CDT From: hinz at memphis.med.ge.com (David Hinz) Subject: Am I ready to go all-grain? Greetings. I've got half a dozen extract batches under my belt (some were with specialty grains), and I really enjoy the brewing process. I *THINK* I'd like to try an all-grain batch, and I'd like to make sure that I understand the basic principles involved. So, here's what I understand the process to be: 1> select a recipe & get the ingredients 2> crush the malt (or buy it crushed) 3> start the WYeast pack, then make a starter (I'm already using this method) 4> malt the barley OK, this is where it gets complicated, right? I want to basically make a barley soup type of concoction, and keep the mixture at 150-160 degrees, temperature decided by how much fermentables vs. body I want. Right? OK, now I've let it sit at, say, 155 degrees. What's a protein rest? What's this about heating it up to two different temperature levels so the different enzymes can do their stuff? Am I worrying? OK, so I have my 'soup'. Now, I need to sparge. So, I take my soup, pour it into my lauter tun (which I haven't made/bought yet). Which design is best? (uh oh, I'd better not start that one. How about 'which design is fairly easy to build and will last, cost isn't all THAT important') So, I sparge, limiting the flow so that I get good extraction from the grain bed. I go through my sparge water, and recirculate it until clear? Is that the case? I'm not too clear on that bit. Anyway, I finish my sparging, and I have somewhere around 5-6 gallons of wort at this point, right? From here, it's familiar. So, have I missed anything, or misunderstood anything (probably)? Is that all there is ?!??!?!?! It really doesn't seem like a lot more than just using specialty grains, with the exception that the specialty grains aren't sparged as completely, it seems. Thanks for any info you can provide. The differences between my all-extract and my "some specialty grains" (is this partial mash?) batches have convinced me that it's worth the extra effort! Thanks! Dave Hinz hinz at memphis.med.ge.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 12:03 CDT From: arf at genesis.mcs.com (Jack Schmidling) Subject: GENIE, Momily >From: RMCGLEW.BUSSYS at mhssmtp.mdso.vf.ge.com (MCGLEW, RAY) >Subject: On-line brewing resources > I just looked at the on-line brewing resources from the listserv. As an avid user of the GEnie system I'd like to put a plug in for it. I've been on it for over a year and enjoy it quite a bit. For users with local nodes there is no charge other than the $4.95 monthly fee (most people have local nodes),.... Let me add my two cents here also. On the downside is that it can get pretty slow during the busy periods but considering that it is free compared to Compuserves opressive fees, it is a great trade off. The only other problem is that it is not as active as CIS or HBD but that seems easy to rectify. To re-iterate, GENIE beer formum participation is included in the $4.95 monthly fee. Compuserve charges $6 per hour for participation in their beer forum. That may not sound like much but for any kind of interactive participation, keeping it under $100 per month is not easy. I suppose the AHA got in bed with CIS before there was a Genie but at this point in time, I think it is time to reconsider the association. It is really a dis-service to promote a service that is so expensive when other alternatives are available. If anyone wants sign up info on Genie, just call... 800 638 9636 >From: tmr1 at hotlg.att.com >Subject: YO' MOMILY The history of the word is as follows: Some years ago, my wife thumbed through a book titled "MOMILIES" at a friend's house. It consited of page after page of those silly little things that MOM used to tell us we must do because she said so. Some of them were good advice and many were just plain silly. js Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 10:06:23 PDT From: David Ferguson <davidfer at microsoft.com> Subject: RE: What's up with Jim Koch I don't want to accused of spreading rumors, so let me emphasize that the following is founded on word of mouth only. I was told during a tour of a local brewery that Sam Adams is contract brewed out of the Weinhard's brewery in Oregon as well as others across the country. Would this disqualify it as a microbrew? Does anyone know if this is true? Dave Ferguson Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 12:23 CDT From: korz at iepubj.att.com Subject: Litigator It turns out that my suspicions were correct... the name "Litigator" for S(tm) A(tm) Doublebock [sic] was too good to have not been already mentioned. Jim Ellingson coined the name. Al. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 18:16:45 GMT From: u4imdmre at cpc41.cpc.usace.army.mil (Markham R. Elliott) Subject: Cosmic Brew Hello Fellow Brewers, I'm back to share a newsworthy item I found in the Saturday, 1 May edition of my local daily newspaper, the Jackson, MS _Clarion Ledger_. The article is one of about 8 that appears each day "highlighting" little snippets of info about world events (with arrows to a country on a world map, as to enhance our geographical education). Dateline OBERPFAFFENHOFEN, Germany Beck hopes yeast in space brews cosmic beer - ---Don't look now, but the German beer of your future may be orbiting overhead on the shuttle Columbia. A tube of Beck and Co.'s ingredients is fermenting aboard the shuttle to determine whether weightlessness and cosmic rays can genetically alter yeast to produce tastier beer. Experts at the University of Munich will make sample batches after the yeast is returned, said company spokesman Hans-Joachim Allgaier. Beck may know by the end of the year whether it has a commercially viable mutant. "We wouldn't sell it as space beer," Allgaier said. "We're too conservative to market beer like that. Besides, it wouldn't taste like space." ============================== END OF ARTICLE ============================ ?Beck and Co.? Is this the same Beck as in Beck's beer from Bremen? I hope something works for them, 'cause even though I like a dark beer, their stuff don't do it for me, especially after having had a sampling of some dark home-brewed. Noch einmal, bitte!! Mark - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Markham R. Elliott u4imdmre at cpc41.cpc.usace.army.mil Information Technology Laboratory (601) 634-2921 Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, Mississippi USA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 1993 11:47:56 -0700 (PDT) From: John Brooks <jbrooks at u.washington.edu> Subject: Coming Soon: Beer That's Out of This World ? *********** The following article was drawn from the Associated Press and appeared in the May 2 Seattle Times: "OBERPFAFFENHOFEN, Germany - Don't look now, but the German beer of your future may be orbiting overhead on the space shuttle Columbia. A spiral tube of Beck and Co.'s finest ingredients is fermenting aboard the shuttle, to determine whether the weightlessness and intense cosmic rays of space can genetically alter yeast to produce tastier beer. Germans may be tittering that their national passion for beer has been taken to the limits, literally. Beck's lovers hope the already prized brew will taste even better. The yeast is among the less weighty of the 88 experiments in Columbia's payload, which is being monitored at a space center outside Munich. The $570 million program includes research into everything from energy- conserving turbine blades to semiconductors to robotics. The yeast experiment is one of several aboard the shuttle enabling scientists to observe changes in living cells in a weightless environment." OK - let the beer naming begin!! "Weightless Beer" (it's less filling) "Intergallactic Ale" "Star Wars Stout" ***************************************************************** John Brooks * * University of Washington * "Don't worry, * jbrooks at u.washington.edu * * ph: (206) 543-9149 * Be hoppy!" * fx: (206) 543-7654 * * ***************************************************************** Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 14:57:35 EST From: Ulick Stafford <ulick at bernini.helios.nd.edu> Subject: mash efficiency Bob Sweeney writes in hbd1132 >section of Zymurgy I computed rates between 19 and 28 pts/lb/gal, with an >average of about 24. Even these supposedly very good beers--I mean they placed >in a national contest so they must be good, right?--were lower than the 30-35 >pts/lb/gal rates I often see quoted on the HBD. So what gives? Rates, I 2 points. I brew 5 gallon batches or so, but always want 6+ gallons of wort. Up to 1 gallon will be the hop trub, I will collect wort for priming, and will lose some volume to yeast trub in racking, and even through evaporation and loss of volume. Therefore the actual wort efficiencies of those batches may well have been higher. The second point is that lesser extraction can result in less astringency and hence smoother - better beers. However, many consider this to be wasteful. Yesterday I brewed and extracted about 8.4B per lb per US gallon - highish but I am usually over 7.5 (30 sg points approx) for the 6 gallons I collect, but for the 5 gallons of beer I produce, the efficicy drops to 28 for my batch yesterday, or better than 25 for the average. __________________________________________________________________________ 'Heineken!?! ... F#$% that s at &* ... | Ulick Stafford, Dept of Chem. Eng. Pabst Blue Ribbon!' | Notre Dame IN 46556 | ulick at bach.helios.nd.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 1993 13:01:09 -0700 (PDT) From: gummitch at techbook.com (Jeff Frane) Subject: I don't "hate" Jim Koch In the most recent Digest, Al Korzonas explains why "we hate Jim Koch." I don't hate anyone (except, perhaps, my ex-wife and Eliot Abrams); certainly I don't hate Jim Koch, and I'd rather Al Korzonas didn't speak for me. In reality, Koch's bad odor goes back a lot farther and includes a lot more than his overly-litigous behavior or his ridiculous "lambic" beer. He's a wheeler-dealer, and is guilty of most or all the excesses associated with wheeler-dealers. But the microbrewery business has its share of wheeler-dealers, too; not necessarily as successful(!) as Koch, but they are out there. And, as others have pointed out, Koch -- for al his deceptions -- has succeeded in awakening a mass audience for flavorful, all-malt beers that is much larger than anything the micros could have done alone. Personally, I'll reserve my hatred and outrage for people who commit far greater crimes than Jim Koch's marketing ploys. - --Jeff Frane Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 10:00:21 EDT From: Lee Menegoni <necis!lmenegon at transfer.stratus.com> Subject: Extraction Rates Whenever I read the tremendous extraction rates people get it reminds me of the comment one of my golf partners said: " I Always do worse when someone else keeps score" That aside. Mashing and sparging technique will impact extraction. A poor crush and poor mash , ie incomplete conversion, will reduce the potential extraction. A poor sparge will leave converted sugars in the grain further reducing extraction. I get between 28 and 30. Equipment can also be a factor. I noticed when I reduced the height of the false bottom in my Zappap lauter tun I improved extraction. Over sparging for the sake of better extraction can lead to astringent flvors 'from the extraction of husk tannins. A usual cause for poor extraction in the beggining phase of all grain brewing. Is sparging. What was the grain bed temp? The PH of the sparge water? Temp of sparge water? Did you stir the contents of the brew pot before taking a sample? Did you temp adjust the samples sg before doing your calulations? What method was used to calculate the extraction: I use (temp adjusted sg of pre boil wort * vol of preboil wort) / total grain bill - -- Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 12:51:23 PDT From: dra at jsc-ws.sharpwa.com (Darren Aaberge) Subject: liberty ale To my knowledge I have never tasted a beer that has been dry hopped. I have always been happy with the results of steeping the hops at the end of the boil. But this last weekend I was able to taste Anchor's Liberty Ale. Wow! If I closed my eyes I could believe I was drinking a glass of hops. Being from the Pacific Northwest, this is a good thing. So now I have to try dry hopping. Does anybody know what kind of hops Anchor uses for dry hopping? Does anybody know what kind of yeast they use for their liberty ale? I am assuming that since they call it an ale they do not use the same yeast as they use for their steam beer. Is the yeast in the bottle the yeast that is used for fermentation or do they add a different yeast for conditioning? Darren Return to table of contents
Date: 03 May 1993 15:42:01 -0500 (EST) From: Sandy Cockerham <COCKERHAM_SANDRA_L at Lilly.com> Subject: 3 gal kegs revisited I posted several months ago asking for info on 3 gal. kegs. Slowly, I got replies. In the middle of all that I took a vacation to the Bay Area (where I visited Anchor and some other great places). Needless to say, I have been procrastinating on the keg thing... BUT, in the meanwhile I had a birthday and was given a *complete* system including a 3 gal. keg. Of course, we all know that one keg isn't enough. So, here is the information I was given. 1. Brewhaus in Knoxville,TN 1-800-638-2437 3 gal(??fitting) 39.95 2. St.Pat's of Texas Brewer's Supply 1-512-832-9045 3 gal pin 38.00 3 gal ball 47.00 3. BCI in Brighton,TN 1-800-284-9410 3 gal(pin or ball) 34.50 they also have 10 gal.kegs. 4. Brewmaster in San Leandro, CA 1-510-351-8920 no longer carry the 3 gal for 25.00 (BUT, the 5 gal are currently 20.00!) 5. Brewmeister(not sure of location) 1-916-356-5602 3 gal kegs 45.00 (all new rubber and stainless plugs). These are posted in the order I received the information. I have since ordered from BCI, but have not yet received my order. Hope this helps someone find a source! Sandy C. From: COCKERHAM SANDRA L (MCVAX0::RX31852) To: VMS MAIL ADDRESSEE (IN::"homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com") Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 03 May 1993 17:32:40 -0500 (EST) From: "Robert M. Peitzsch" <ROB at Pharm.SOM.sunysb.edu> Subject: Need an address Hi everybody! Back when i was a lowly grad. student in New Orleans, I used to order all of my stuff from a place called Simplex. If I remember correctly, it is in either Wis. or Minn. Unfortunately, I have lost their address. Does anybody out there have it?? Thanks much, Rob rob at pharm.som.sunysb.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 16:43 CDT From: arf at genesis.mcs.com (Jack Schmidling) Subject: Evanston Challenge, results Here are the results of the Evanston First, Third Homebrew Challenge. BEST OF SHOW First Place: Bill Seliger, Classic Dry Stout Runner up: Gary Kramer, American Pale Ale 2nd Runner up: Daniel Mossell, German Wheat CATAGORIES LIGHT LAGER First Place: Jack Schmidling, Bohemian Pilsener 2nd Place: Bill Seliger, German Pilsener 3rd Place: Carle Rollins, American Standard Lager DARK LAGER First Dan Kasen, Traditional Bock 2nd Ray Daniels, Traditional Bock 3rd Walter Gude, Dopplebock LIGHT ALE First Gary Kramer, American Pale Ale 2nd Scott Brandt, American Wheat 3rd Jon Fischer, Belgian Strong Ale DARK ALE First Bill Seliger, Classic Dry Stout 2nd Bill Seliger, Robust Porter 3rd Al Korzonas, Sweet Stout MIXED First Andy Badeker, German Kolsch 2nd Daniel Mossell, German Wheat 3rd Ray Daniels, German Dunkelweizen MIXED-SPECIALTY First Ray Daniels, Sparkling Mead 2nd Bill Seliger, Herb Beer 3rd Glen McDavid, Specialty ................ For the easymasher skeptics, at least two of the winners that I know of were made with the system that can't work. js Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 14:59:33 -0700 From: bsolmsted at ucdavis.edu Subject: CO2 Tanks I am interested in the amount of 5 gallon kegs a twenty pound CO2 tank will dispense. I know it has been posted before. If someone could kindly point me in the right direction. Thanks. Bret Olmsted bsolmsted at ucdavis.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 1993 20:56:59 -0400 From: Alan Christopher Braddock <braddock at wam.umd.edu> Subject: Brewpubs in Columbus, Indy, and Chicago o and Brewpub fanciers, A while ago I asked about info on good brewpubs in Vermont. The response was so great -- my tankard runneth over! Now my housemate is planning a trip home to Iowa next week and he'll be passing through Columbus OH, Indianapolis, and Chicago. He knows about Berghoff's in Chicago, and he knows where to go once he's in Iowa, but if anyone could suggest other places, we'd be grateful, especially since I'm from Iowa too, and I make the same trip once in a while. Thanking you in advance for the brew route info! -- Alan B. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 May 1993 21:50 EDT From: Phil Hultin <HULTINP at QUCDN.QUEENSU.CA> Subject: Whitebread Yeast and Brewpubs Another datapoint in the saga of the "old" Whitbread yeast. The local brewpub, a fine outfit worthy of many more tourist dollars BTW, has always used a Whitbread yeast. At about the same time that George Fix tells us the production of this yeast was switched to a Canadian plant and the problems began, I and several other fans noticed serious consistency problems in the lovely hand-pumped real ale served at this pub. One week, yummy, the next, yucky. Too much of odd fruit flavours and way overattenuated. Tasted like cheap homebrew, you know the sort of stuff I mean. Anyhow, of late these problems have tapered off, and recent pints are back to being pretty yummy again. So, I for one think the data fits the proposed history. BTW, I also would like to get a Maltmill but nobody in this neck of Canada has ever heard of the *&%$#$% thing. Also, the cost of importing just one would bankrupt me. Jack, do you have any suggestions for us? As a political aside, perhaps this is a good example of why IMHO the so-called free trade deal sucks big rocks. Cheers, P. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 03 May 1993 19:28:55 -0700 From: Bob Devine <devine at postgres.Berkeley.EDU> Subject: Biscuit malt Jim Busch <busch at daacdev1.stx.com> says: > The biscuit malt would seem > ideal for use in Scotch Ales and other darker ales and even > in small quantities in amber ales. Yes, I tried some in a batch for a basic ale and found that the biscuit malt adds a distinct taste from the usual crystal malt. For the next batch in this style I will probably increase the amount used. Since a common name for Scotch beer is "Wee Heavy" maybe I could call this ale a "Wee Light". Bob Devine Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1133, 05/04/93