HOMEBREW Digest #1134 Wed 05 May 1993

Digest #1133 Digest #1135

		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  re:brewpubs in Columbus OH (Mark A Fryling)
  Correction, PU on Draft (Jack Schmidling)
  Where's the hops? (Diane Palme x2617)
  RE: Mail-Order Belgian Malt (David Holsclaw)
  extraction & Zapap (Jim Busch)
  More on Cosmic Beer (Markham R. Elliott)
  Pubs and Such (WAUTS)
  liberty ale notes (Tony Babinec 312 329-3570)
  Fear of Clear Beer (HOWED)
  Priming with Honey? (CW06GST)
  Re: What is brewing in New York City (Riccardo Cristadoro)
  dmna, sulfur etc (Sean Dyer)
  Re: Sammy Adams & Belgian Malts (Jeff Frane)
  sparge water volume (Ed Hitchcock)
  Hunter Air Stat Range Extension ? (Timothy J. Dalton)
  IBU Competition Results (bickham)
  momilies (Daniel Butler-Ehle)
  Oregon Brewer's Festival (Mark Garetz)
  Special B Mail Order Source, Anchor Liberty Info (Mark Garetz)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 May 93 8:19:39 EDT From: Mark A Fryling <mfryling at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> Subject: re:brewpubs in Columbus OH Greetin's I can supply some info regarding Alan Christopher Braddock's request for brewpubs in Columbus OH. The newest (and I think best place in town) is called Barley's Ale House. It's located on High street just north of downtown across from the comvention center in an area called the Short North. They have a nice pale ale, an irish red ale and an excellent porter all of which can be bought in pint or 1/2 yard glasses. The food is quite good too. Alternatively, check out Hoster's in the Old Brewery district (just south of downtown also on High street). They have a varying array of light and dark lagers and also a very nice menu for dinner. Enjoy!! Mark Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 07:42 CDT From: arf at genesis.mcs.com (Jack Schmidling) Subject: Correction, PU on Draft For the record, I referred to an article on nitorgen use in brewing by Geroge Fix and he has been inundated with questions on it. Unfortunately, the article was not written by Fix. It was sent to me by George and I got so engrossed in the information that I never bothered reeding the authors names. It is from the MBAA Technical Quarterly, Vol 29 and the authors are David Taylor, Bamber, Brown and Murray, all in the UK. Sorry George. ................ My wife and I had dinner at the Edelweiss Inn, 7650 Irving Park in Norridge, IL and stared at a point of sale ad for PU through most of the dinner. We presumed it was the usual skunky, sedimented six pack stuff so we just sampled the Germans wines. When the wine was gone, I started drooling over the PU again and much to our delight, the waitress told us it was on draft. At this point, in the meal, I couldn't really appreciate it but for those in the area, it's there and $2.50 will get you ten ounces in a genuine PU glass. Sure be fun to bring the C-P filler and send a few plain brown bottles off to the National. Who me? Actually, I wouldn't take the chance because real people probably don't like it anyway untill someone tells them it's the world's greatest beer and they must like it. js Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 07:51:02 CDT From: dspalme at mke.ab.com (Diane Palme x2617) Subject: Where's the hops? Hello all! I just have a quick question which would serve to dispell any worries I might be having about my newly planted hops. About 2 weeks ago I planted 3 hop roots in the back garden and I have yet to see any progress. Now, the weather up here in Wisconsin has been far from perfect (lots of rain, pretty chilly, temps in the mid-30's to low 60's, usually around 45). I am starting to wonder whether or not my little ones will ever poke their pretty little hoppy heads out above the ground or if they are just shy. Any input from some other hop growers in the upper-midwest would be greatly appreciated. By the way, should I be fertilizing these guys? If so, what do all of you recommend? I have some ordinary vegetable fertilizer but is there a particular brand which works the best. Ohmigosh(!), they might grow even faster if I start to feritilize them. Hmmm. Maybe I had better bolt the door after I do that (assuming they cooperate and _start_ growing) :-). Much appreciated in advance... Diane - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Im Himmel gibts kein Bier | drum trinken wir es hier! | dspalme at mke.ab.com These opinions are mine. Most of the people I work with wouldn't want to hear my opinions, much less assume that they are those of Allen-Bradley. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 1993 08:51:32 +22306512 (CDT) From: dhholscl at rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (David Holsclaw) Subject: RE: Mail-Order Belgian Malt > Greetings, > Does anyone out there in HBD-Land know of Mail-order businesses > dealing in Belgian Grains? In particular, I am interested in the Belgian > (DeWulf-Coysens) "Special B" caramel malt that MPM wrote about for use in > Scotch Ales in the last issue. > Thanks > Andy A North Brewing Supplies 9009 South 29th Street Franklin, WI 53132 (414) 761-1018 Brian North carries the De Wolf-Cosyns malts and a lot of other great products. <standard disclaimer about only being a satisfied customer> - ------------------------------ David Holsclaw dhholscl at rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 9:55:03 EDT From: Jim Busch <busch at daacdev1.stx.com> Subject: extraction & Zapap About this thread on extract efficiency and in particular the use of a Zapap lauter tun: <Equipment can also be a factor. I noticed when I reduced the height of <the false bottom in my Zappap lauter tun I improved extraction. Over <sparging for the sake of better extraction can lead to astringent flvors <'from the extraction of husk tannins. Two comments here: 1) When approaching the end of the lauter, tip the buckets so that they lean forward at an angle. Put something under the back of the buckets to support them. Watch for grain matter coming out & terminate runoff at this time. What this does is clear out the higher SG "trapped" runoff in the flase bottom below the outflow. 2) Build the sucker with a BOTTOM outlet. Design it so the spigot is as flush as possible to the inside bottom of the lauter tun. In this arrangegment, the amount of false bottom "dead space" is irrelevent. The grain particulate matter will be flushed out early in the recirc process and will run clean until the final runoff carries grain matter to the spigot. Your extraction will improve. This is my current lauter tun design and it works great. you just need to suspend the buckets/pot so that the spigot will clear the support structure. Good brewing, Jim Busch Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 14:05:39 GMT From: u4imdmre at cpc41.cpc.usace.army.mil (Markham R. Elliott) Subject: More on Cosmic Beer Another note on beer in space, as a follow-up to my posting on Cosmic Beer on 3 May. Anyone catch _The Tonight Show_ with Jay Leno the night of 3 May? Apparantly he too heard about the Beck beer experiment, and had a comment or two about the shuttle Columbia's problems and cargo. Went *something* like this... You guys hear about the trouble the space shuttle has been having lately? First the toilet breaks, to conserve energy they have had to shut off most all of their lights, and have got no hot water. Oh yea, they are having a good time on the shuttle. And .... they are making beer up there! Really, no kidding. Some German company has sent up some stuff to see how it does. Can you imagine, a bunch of guys, weightless, no lights, with free beer and a broken toilet ... Well, he told it funnier. Noch einmal, bitte!! Mark - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Markham R. Elliott u4imdmre at cpc41.cpc.usace.army.mil Information Technology Laboratory (601) 634-2921 Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, Mississippi USA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to table of contents
Date: 04 May 1993 09:17:09 GMT From: WAUTS at CWEMAIL.ceco.com Subject: Pubs and Such To: Homebrew Publications HOMEBRE1 - CWEMAIL Subject: Pubs and Such - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello all, I have a friend going to Octoberfest, the lucky SOB. He is going to be in Bavaria, specifically Munich and Wurtzburg. If you know of some good pubs and/or breweries in these areas could you please forwardthe info to me via private email. Also, a few club members are planning a trip to Oregon for the AHA competition, they plan on taking the week after the competition to drive to San Luis Obispo and would like to hit all? the brewpubs and micros along the way. If you know of any along this route please forward the info to me via private email. Thanks in Advance. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 1993 09:44:34 -0500 (CDT) From: tony at spss.com (Tony Babinec 312 329-3570) Subject: liberty ale notes Liberty Ale is fairly high in gravity, at 1.060 - 1.062 in starting gravity. Malts are all U.S. pale malt, though I would be inclined to throw in a bit of light crystal. Color is on the light side. Hops are all Cascades. Liberty Ale is fairly bitter, and I think has something like 45 IBUs of bitterness. As a homebrewer, add Cascades several times during the boil, and dryhop with some Cascades. Try 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce of Cascades hops for at least a week in the secondary. Pellets are more convenient. Regarding yeast, I don't know what Anchor uses, but the homebrewer can use Wyeast "American" Ale or culture some Sierra Nevada yeast from a bottle of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. In the bottle, Liberty Ale sometimes tastes a bit one-dimensional. I had some fresh on draft recently and it was deliciously balanced and perilously drinkable. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 1993 11:03 EDT From: HOWED at bcvax1.bc.edu Subject: Fear of Clear Beer I was sitting down with the Boston Globe this morning, when I happened upon a article that caught me totally off guard: "It's Clear, All Right, But Is It Beer?" Featured in the article is a picture and a review, of sorts, of Miller's lastest creation, "Miller's Clear." This may not be news to many of you, but here are some of the things written about this "beer" in the article. 122 calories per bottle, with a "full-flavor" [according to Miller, that is. The author took this complimentary six pack and wandered around Boston, getting bartenders to try the beer and give their opinion. All but one said basically that they think that "most beer drinkers will try Clear once before quickly returning to their regular brands." Some of the more colorful quotes were these: "It tastes like sparkling water with a hint of beer." "If you keep filtering and filtering beer, you eventually get back to water." "It tastes like Alka Seltzer that's gone flat. It has no grit. I couldn't give it away." The one bartender who did like the stuff is apparently a bartender in a rather upscale hotel, whose work uniform consists in a black wasitcoat and tie, with a Hawaiian orchid in his lapel...and worked for Miller for 14 years. Finally, here's the end of the article: "But I think you should put the color back. I think you should put the flavor back. And especially I think you should do what most of these Boston bar- tenders suggest: Put the beer back. -Nathan Cobb" Unclearly Brewing Beer, Dave Howe HOWED at BCVMS.BC.EDU Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 04 May 93 11:28:59 EDT From: CW06GST <CW06GST at SJUMUSIC.STJOHNS.EDU> Subject: Priming with Honey? This past weekend I was at a homebrew exposition and one of the guys there was hawking honey for mead and beer. We got to talking (and drinking his fine mead) and I asked about using honey to prime beer with. He told me that in order to prime with honey you need about a pound (standard small jar available in supermarkets) and that it takes about a month to carbonate. Is this information accurate? Has anyone ever done this before? Any and all responses are appreciated. Erik Zenhausern cw06gst at sjumusic.stjohns.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 8:42:00 PDT From: rcristad at weber.ucsd.edu (Riccardo Cristadoro) Subject: Re: What is brewing in New York City I am about to start graduate school in New York City. I wouldn't think of leaving my brewing back in California! Does anybody know of brewpubs or more importantly home brew shops in the city? Thanks in advance STEVE BOXER Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 1993 11:38:08 -0500 (CDT) From: sean at wubios.wustl.edu (Sean Dyer) Subject: dmna, sulfur etc Disclaimer: This is not a flame, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some use from the plant physiology courses I have taken (programming usually doesn't require you to know about plant hormones :) ) >In HBD #1133 Rob Thomas says: > .......as to the hormone used in germination, it's gibberellic acid. This >is indeed found in nature.......It is what is found in "rooting powder" Actually GA is used to force blooming. The class of compounds that I think you're thinking of is auxins. Auxins stimulate rooting and cause elongation of stems (etiolation). Many commercially used auxins and GAs are in fact completely synthetic. (I vaguely remember that Agent Orange is auxin-like)(Maybe someone with better information can correct me) > (A related hormone is acetylene, this stimulates the ripening of fruit...) I think you're thinking of ethylene. Ethylene does in fact accellerate ripening. Brewing Question: I have just disolved a small business that sold homebrewing kits, so I have ~110 #s of pale Laaglander malt extract to use up. I also have 50 #s of 40L crystal, 50 #s of roasted barley, and a lot of cascade(alpha 5.4%) and galena(alpha 14%). I have found that the malt extract recipes that I have made just aren't as good as the all grain brews I've made. I do a full volume boil, use a wort chiller and Wyeast, but it's still not as good, and its nearly as much trouble as a full mash. Does anyone have any suggestions for improving my extract brews so that I can use up this DME and grain? Also if anyone has any good recipes using just the ingredients I have I would really appreciate it if you could post them or mail them to me. -Sean Dyer Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 1993 10:03:33 -0700 (PDT) From: gummitch at techbook.com (Jeff Frane) Subject: Re: Sammy Adams & Belgian Malts Sam Adams is not and never has been a microbrewed beer. From its inception it was contract-brewed, originally in Pennsylvania and for the last couple of years here in Portland at the Blitz-Weinhard Brewery. I think they also did some pilot brews in Germany, although this might just be Kochype. People interested in purchasing Belgian malts ought to contact Tim Norris, who runs a small business out of his home in Chicago. I don't have his address handy, but he can be contacted by e-mail at his CompuServe account: 71650.1020 at CompuServe.COM Tim offers an excellent selection of the malts, excellent prices and his service is impeccable. I recommend him highly. I just received, as a matter of fact, my second order of Belgian malts. Even with shipping costs from Chicago to Portland, the malts cost about 2/3 what they would have cost from my local retailer -- if he carried them. - --Jeff Frane Return to table of contents
Date: 04 May 1993 14:21:18 -0300 From: Ed Hitchcock <ECH at ac.dal.ca> Subject: sparge water volume I seem to recall that in Fix's article on HSA (at least I believe that is the source) it was mentioned that the volume of sparge water should not exceed 1.5 times the mash volume. I don't quite see how this works if you want to make beers of different gravity. One uses different volumes of mash water with different quantities of grain to make a 1034 bitter or a 1060 bock. For the 1060 beer you may get away with using 1.5 times mash water for sparging, but for the bitter it'll be more like 2.5 times, otherwise you just won't make up the volume of wort to 5 gallons. Did I misremember? Does this make sense? ed ____________ Ed Hitchcock/Dept of Anatomy & Neurobiology/Dalhousie University/Halifax NS ech at ac.dal.ca +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Remember, God created the world in six days, | | and that was without the benefit of power tools! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 14:22:54 -0400 From: Timothy J. Dalton <dalton at mtl.mit.edu> Subject: Hunter Air Stat Range Extension ? Has anyone tried to tinker with their hunter airstat to drop the lower limit of the control range down from 40F to 32F or so ? I'd be willing to sacrafice control from 75 to 90F on the upper end to gain on the lower end... I know that my fridge can handle this range, but I'd rather use the external controller (digital numbers have this 'soothing' effect...) ;-) Tim Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 May 1993 14:24:51 -0400 (EDT) From: bickham at msc.cornell.edu Subject: IBU Competition Results A. Belgian Ales Brewer Style Club ---------- ------------- ---- 1. Ken Morton Flanders-style Kriek IBU 2. Barry Cooper Trippel IBU 3. William Hitt Chimay Clone UNYHA(Rochester) B. English Brown/Mild/Strong Scotch Ales 1. Rob Bradley English Brown none 2. Paul Anderson Strong Scotch IBU 3. Andre Pruitt Mild IBU C. English Style Ales 1. Ken Morton Ordinary Bitter IBU 2. Scott Bickham Ordinary Bitter IBU 3. Kieran O'Connor Pale Ale IBU D. American Style Ales 1. Ken Morton California Common IBU 2. Kieran O'Connor Pale Ale IBU 3. Mike Lelivelt Pale Ale IBU E. Porter/Barleywine 1. Lee Turner Barleywine ABCNY(Syracuse) 2. Chris Stamp Robust Porter IBU 3. Ben & Kristin Fox Brown Porter IBU F. Stout 1. Franklin Moore Imperial Stout IBU 2. Chris Stamp Sweet Stout IBU 3. Bob Talkiewicz Sweet Stout BYI(Binghamton) G. German Style/Specialty Ales 1. Julian Zelazny Altbier BFOD 2. Andre Pruitt X-Mas Beer IBU 3. Tim Artz Altbier BURP F. Wheat/Belgian White 1. Scott Bickham Belgian White IBU 2. Mike Lelivelt Belgian White IBU 3. Lew Jansen Weizen IBU Best of Show - after some serious debating, a tie was declared between Scott Bickham's Belgian White and Ken Morton's Flanders-style Kriek. - -- ========================================================================= Scott Bickham | LASSP and Materials Science Center | bickham at msc.cornell.edu ========================================================================= Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 04 May 93 13:52:13 EST From: Daniel Butler-Ehle <DWBUTLER at MTUS5.cts.mtu.edu> Subject: momilies In Homebrew Digest #something-or-other, Tom Romalewski says the following: >In the Homebrew Digest #1131, Jack Schmidling uses the term "momilies" in >the following message on mash temperatures: ....... > >I haven't been able to find this word in any dictionary. I have seen this >word used before. Could it be that the author really wanted to say >"anomaly"? Or is this a slang term used in homebrewing lingo? Neither is really true. "Momily(tm)" comes from a series of books by someone whose name I can't remember. The books are about things your mother always told you that weren't quite true. The term "momily" is trademarked by the author. About a year(?) ago, someone on this list started applying the term to all those millions of things that some people think are LAW but really aren't. (Oh my gods! If don't siphon the cooled wort off the trub, your descendants will MUTATE! You're entire batch will be DESTROYED if you don't have your pH adjusted to exactly what Miller recommends!) I guess that identifying momilies(tm) helps us keep in mind that for every "law" in homebrewing, there is a beer that won awards by breaking it. Cheers! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_\K\eweenaw \R\eal Dan Butler-Ehle \A\le Calumet, Michigan \E\nthusiasts \U\nited for dwbutler at mtus5.cts.mtu.edu \S\erious -or- \E\xperimentation in DWBUTLER at MTUS5.BITNET \N\aturally- \E\ffervescent the U.P.'s best homebrew club \R\efreshment _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_\S\cience Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 04 May 1993 10:09:37 From: garetz at brahms.amd.com (Mark Garetz) Subject: Oregon Brewer's Festival Can anyone provide me with info and a contact number for the Oregon Brewer's Festival to be held after the AHA Conference? Thanks Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 04 May 1993 10:08:15 From: garetz at brahms.amd.com (Mark Garetz) Subject: Special B Mail Order Source, Anchor Liberty Info > Andy A asks if there are any mail order suppliers for Special B and other Belgian Malts St. Pat's of Austin (512) 832-9045 carries Special B and other Belgian malts. Great stuff. > Darren Aaberge asks about Anchor Liberty Ale: The hops used are Cascade. In homebrew terms the dry hopping rate is about 2 ozs per 5 gallons for about two weeks at reduced temperature (around 50-55F). At Anchor they are added to the conditioning tank. Also be aware that Liberty also receives a healthy dose of finishing hops. For more information on *how* to dry hop, my article on this topic will be out in a few weeks in the next Zymurgy. As to their yeast, the only thing I know for sure is that it is a different strain from the Steam yeast. Liberty is fermented in deep tanks (as opposed to the shallow tanks for their Steam and Porter) and at a slightly higher temperature (but not much). There is a good chance that Sierra's yeast is related to the Anchor, but this is pure speculation on my part. Anchor did help the SN boys get started. Anyway, you won't go wrong with SN yeast when trying to clone Liberty. Culture from a bottle or use Wyeast "Chico". Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1134, 05/05/93