HOMEBREW Digest #136 Wed 26 April 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
goodbye (jhersh)
Re: "fading taste" (florianb)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
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Date: Tue, 25 Apr 89 15:03:09 edt
From: jhersh at rdrc.rpi.edu
Subject: goodbye
As many of you have noticed I have not been active lately on this network.
Thats because I have been job hunting. I have found a new one in the Boston
area (hello WORT PROCESSORS) so I'll be dissappearing for a while. Please
remove me from this mailing list. If my new employer has internet access
I'll get in touch and re-appear. If not I'll try to get Mike F. to keep
me posted. It's been fun chatting with y'all.
- jay h.
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Date: 25 Apr 89 09:47:03 PDT (Tue)
From: florianb%tekred.cna.tek.com at RELAY.CS.NET
Subject: Re: "fading taste"
David Benjamin writes:
>I've just brewed my first batch of beer.....
>it tastes almost like water by the time it gets to the back of the tongue
I add 3 tsp gypsum to all my brews, in the brewing water. It has cured
the lack of body in my case.
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