HOMEBREW Digest #1738 Tue 23 May 1995

Digest #1737 Digest #1739

		Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor

  CO2 Pressure Fluctuations (Terence McGravey {91942})
  CO2/N2 & Guiness (MicahM1269)
  Pico-System Pump Problems & stuff ("Robert Waddell")
  Re: Wheat malt ("R. James Ray")
  False Bottoms/Recirculation/Grain Bed Tech (Kirk R Fleming)
  Brew happenings on Long Island ("Rick Gontarek, Ph.D.")
  Gelatin ("Mark A. Melton")
  Decoction Technique (dflagg)
  High Gravity All Grain Mashing (kegster)
  Samuel Adams Boston Lager (Beersgood)
  T.R.A.S.H. V Winners (RCBEER)
  stuck fermentations/Franklin malt/mercury (Andy Walsh)
  FTP to homebrew archives ("Philip Gravel")
  Beekeeper's Brown ... a treat for the extract brewers! (Jim Graham)
  Looking for small ale recipe (R. Mark Jones)
  Praise be gelatin! ("Timothy P. Laatsch)
  New book announcement (LeRoy S. Strohl)
  Mercury - it's in the water (kevin)
  "Oily" ingredients (smtplink!guym)
  Mercury thread lives on! (Domenick Venezia)
  computer modeling of beer fermentation (Gary A. Meier)
  Unmalted wheat (kit.anderson)
  crystal malt, hop plant, grain type (HOMEBRE973)
  Corny Keg Aspect Ratio (Ben Rettig)
  Mercury Thread Spreads Beyond The Internet (dsanderson)
  Styles & Creativity (Part I), by Sam Piper (dhvanvalkenburg)
  RE: Friendly Faces (Tim_Fields_at_Relay__Tech__Vienna)
  Mystery Grains, Weiss Squad (Russell Mast)
  Coconuts and Copper (Russell Mast)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 09:54:30 -0400 From: Terence McGravey {91942} <tpm at swl.msd.ray.com> Subject: CO2 Pressure Fluctuations Greetings, Chris Sack responded to my dilemma of pressure fluctuations from the CO2 regulator. Two problems Chris mentioned were : 1) Fermentation was not quite finished 2) Temperature of the keg changed I think I can definitely rule out both of these. My final gravity fell right where it was expected to. As for point 2, my keg system is in my basement which maintains a steady cool temperature. My kegs are kept in a fridge and are fed by the CO2 tank which is outside the fridge (to prevent moisture in the regulator and leave enough room for 2 kegs in the fridge). Even if fermentation were not complete, I can't see the pressure climbing as much as it does. I will try Chris's experiment by putting some water in another keg and put pressure on it to test it out that way and post the results. Thanks Chris ! Dom Venezia also questioned why I kept live pressure on my kegs. I do this when artificially carbonating - 48 hours under 15 lbs of pressure into the refrigerated beer - works perfectly for me ! Also recently because of the problem I noticed. Terry McGravey Methuen, MA "TO BREW...AND TO SERVE" tpm at swl.msd.ray.com Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 10:23:28 -0400 From: MicahM1269 at aol.com Subject: CO2/N2 & Guiness For my 2 cents worth on this subject, it is the faucet not the gas that makes the creamy pour. I have three of those Guiness faucets on my home draft setup and they pour almost any beer with that same texture of foam. I am dispencing with premixed 70% N2, 30% CO2 gas. micah millspaw - brewer at large Return to table of contents
Date: 20 May 95 10:37:00 MDT From: "Robert Waddell" <V024971 at Tape.StorTek.Com> Subject: Pico-System Pump Problems & stuff Hi, All, Well, thanks to the many responses that I have received concerning the problems that I was having with my new Pico-System pumps, I've come up with a plan for the next batch. It seems that these type of pumps are not self priming and are quite sensitive to *any* air bubbles in the housing. I think that the secret is to fill the vessels *through* the pumps with the garden hose. That should eliminate any air bubble problems. The problem with a few of my hop flowers getting through the copper screen will be solved by putting a copper "Chore Boy" under the pickup tube. I'll also put one under the tube in the mash vessel to catch any "rogue" grains that might find their way to the spray head. %^) Thanks to everyone who responded to my post. Even Mike O'Brien from Pico-Systems responded. I just can't speak highly enough about this system. I thought that the move up from extract brewing to all grain in a Gott cooler was a profound difference. This setup is celestial. Even the way that they pack everything for shipping was remarkable. I guess the only improvement that I can make now is to build a micro-brewery with a "Bohemia" type modular system and hang out a shingle. I'm not affiliated, and all that. Just a HAPPY customer. Robert (I don't think I can hold Pico responsible for the divorce) Waddell V024971 at tape.stortek.com Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 09:48:16 -0700 (PDT) From: "R. James Ray" <ray902 at uidaho.edu> Subject: Re: Wheat malt On May 19 Frank Caico wrote: > Wheat will not *lighten* the body, but will in fact increase the body. Wheat > is not as high in fermentable sugars as barley malt is and therefore does not > produce the effect you describe. I have been colecting some info on malting and particularly wheat malt for a potental research project. I was suprised to learn that wheat malt yields higher extract than barley. I think that must be because wheat is hulless. The increased body and mouthfeel come from proteins. R. James Ray Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 11:29:32 -0600 From: flemingk at usa.net (Kirk R Fleming) Subject: False Bottoms/Recirculation/Grain Bed Tech Regarding recirculaton Lance asks: - ---------------------------------- >What difference does it make whether it takes 1 quart to >get clear runoff or 5 gallons to get clear runoff? This is a good question--mine is this: what difference does it make if it *ever* runs clear? When doing stovetop mashing of an all-grain beer I don't do recirculation at all. I maintain the temperature by sitrring the mash frequently enough. When the mash goes into the kettle it of has a good deal of particulate matter in it. I have noticed no difference in the final product between this technique and recirculated. Assume no husks get into the kettle--none do in my process. >The grain bed is the actual filter anyway, not the screen, so why >restrict the flow. Not sure what you mean by 'why restrict the flow'. The screens I've described are only about 10% open vs your 70%, but this isn't due to a desire to restrict the flow. It's only that 10% open provides ample flow and 1) that's what the first pre-fab screens had, or 2) that was the practical limit of how many holes I could drill in my plate. So I don;t think there is a concious effort to resrict the flow with the screen design. If you're talking about maintaining a reduced recirculation rate during a temperature soak, *my* only objective is to ensure minimum distrubance to the grain bed. I know someone out there has claimed recirculation itself has a deleterious effect on the beer--I wish I could cite this and I definitely don't know if it has been substantiated or not. I'd like to hear your comments on these issues...as well on one more: I think everyone's heard the story: the husks fall to the bottom of the grain bed and provide a filter bed that small particles get trapped in. Is this another Momism? Has anyone allowed the grain bed to drain for several hours, then actually attemped to section it and look at the particle size distribution? Do I have the Momism wrong, or is it just me that has never seen any evidence of such a distribution? Kirk "...besides, one finger is all any *real* American needs, anyway." (Al Bundy on power tool safety) Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 20:00:26 -0400 (EDT) From: "Rick Gontarek, Ph.D." <GONTAREK at FCRFV1.NCIFCRF.GOV> Subject: Brew happenings on Long Island Hi there everyone. Anybody know of decent bars/brewpubs on Long Island? I will be at Cold Spring Harbor for 5 days starting on the 23rd, and would be interested in hearing of any cool places to visit while I'm out there. I hear there's a new brewpub out there...anybody have any details? Anyway, CSH in near Huntington, so if anybody has some suggestions of bars, etc., I'd appreciate hearing about them. TIA. Rick Gontarek gontarek at fcrfv1.ncifcrf.gov Owner/Brewmaster of the Major Groove Picobrewery baltimore, MD soon to be relocated to frederick, MD Return to table of contents
Date: 21 May 95 00:27:40 EDT From: "Mark A. Melton" <75452.277 at compuserve.com> Subject: Gelatin Matt Kelly (HBD 1734) asks about using gelatin if Irish Moss has been omitted during the boil; and will this help prevent chill haze. In 39 years of home brewing, I have found that neither IM nor gelatin have helped clarify the resulting beer. Neither gelatin nor Irish Moss prevent chill haze. Gelatin when added to the beer shortly before bottling forms a coating on the sides of the bottle that can be removed by twisting the bottle sharply, after which it will fall to the bottom as sediment. This has nothing to do with keeping the yeast on the bottom nor does it prevent the yeasties from conditioning the beer. I have had some success in reducing chill haze by a 3-week secondary rest (it's not exactly a secondary fermentation as there are no overt signs of fermentation) at as cool a temperature as possible, then clarifying with Polyclar about 3 days before bottling. Chill haze in lagers can be reduced by chilling to 32 dF for 3 weeks then clarifying as above. It is a waste of time to use Irish moss, and worse than nothing to use gelatin. Mark A. Melton Home brewer since 1956 (1936 with my father) Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 12:06:47 -0400 From: dflagg at agate.net Subject: Decoction Technique > Mike Inglis says: >have never done a decoction before and was just wondering what the >detailed procedure for "pulling the thick part of the mash" is. I use a scoop/strainer that came with wife's "Fry Daddy" mini deep fryer. It's like a very wide, shallow spoon with slots. The secret is to pick up as little fluid as possible. Don't press it dry or wait until it stops dripping but use a utinsil that allows most of the fluid to drain off when you take a scoop. The husks of grain will retain all the fluid you need. ************************************************************ Doug Flagg | "A Homebrew a day... dflagg at orono.sdi.agate.net | Keeps the Worries away!" ************************************************************ Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 21 May 95 18:38:00 UTC From: kegster at genie.geis.com Subject: High Gravity All Grain Mashing Hey folks, I'm about to embark on the oddesy of making an imperial stout. I am aware of, and understand, many of the considerations of high gravity brewing (i.e. proper aeriation, suficient yeast starter, stringent temp control during fermentation). What I'm looking for advice on is the mashing process. What is it that prompts brewers to use only the first runings of a mash to make a strong beer? Does it have to do with the tannins that would be extracted during sparging? I'm ready and willing to be educated... <g> -chris kagy, asst. sysop, zymurgy RT, GEnie -- Sent using Online Servant 1.32 Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 18:41:32 -0400 From: Beersgood at aol.com Subject: Samuel Adams Boston Lager Can anyone tell me how to emulate Samuel Adam's Boston Lager with extract? I have a good friend who thinks this is nectar from heaven and I would like to be able to make him some. Let me appeal to you proselytizing zeal - if I could make a beer that was similar to this he would probably start brewing himself! Thanks, Dave Petersen Crete, NE Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 21:57:51 -0400 From: RCBEER at aol.com Subject: T.R.A.S.H. V Winners The Three Rivers Alliance of Serious Homebrewers fifth homebrew competition was held on Saturday, May 20. We had 235 entries. Thanks to all who entered and congratulations to the following winners. T.R.A.S.H. V Winners _American Ales First Place - Bob Joseph , Second place - Christopher Solis , Third place - Larry Steinmetz _Dark Lagers First place - Bob Joseph, Second place - D&K Dugarm, Third place, Mark Martin _Belgian / French Ales First place - Phillip Kaufman, second place - George Pace, third place - Phillip Kaufman _Bock First place - Gregory Walz, Second place - Gregory Walz, Third place - Bill Campbell _Brown Ale / Steam First place - Eleanor Hallam, second place - Rolf Erickson, Third place - Neuman & Geidel _Cider First place - Tony Knipling, Second place - Martin Stokes, Third place - Larry Grunden _Continental Pilsner First place - John Chernoff, Second place - John Fries, Third place - Bob Wolff _English Bitter First place - Phillip Kaufman, Second place - Rock Roberts, Third place - John Chernoff _Fest / Alt First place - George and Karen Neuman, Second place - Stephen Kurpienski, Third place - Neuman / Stewart / Davis _Fruit Beer First place - Curt Speaker, Second place - D&K Dugarm, Third place - Jonathan Rubin _Herb beer First place - Bob Rexroad, Second place - Don Van Ollefen, Third place - Larry & Jan Steinmetz _Light Lager First place - Curt Speaker, Second place - Pete Land, Third place - Stephen Kurpienski _Mead First place - Bill Campbell, Second place - Robert Joseph, Third place - Rolf Erickson _Pale Ale First place - D&K Dugarm, Second place - Phillip Kaufman, Third place - Richard Allen _Porter First place - D&K Dugarm, Second place - Steven Zabarnick, Third place- Steve Jones _Strong Ale / Barleywine First place - Paul Devine, Second place - Jonathan Rubin , Third Place - Steve Jones _Sweet Stout First place - Robert Joseph, Second place - Gregory Walz, Third place - George Pace _Dry Stout First place - Rolf Erickson, Second place - Jonathan Rubin, Third place - Martin Stokes _Wheat Beer First place - Neuman / Geidel, Second place - Larry Szramowski, Third place - Rolf Erickson BEST OF SHOW - Robert Joseph - " BOBS ALE " - American Ale Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 12:50:18 EDT From: awalsh at pop03.ca.us.ibm.net (Andy Walsh) Subject: stuck fermentations/Franklin malt/mercury I rarely get a stuck fermentation, but whenever I try and make a tripel I get one! I recently made a tripel that stuck at 1.040 after starting at 1.090. I believe that tripels are *very* sensitive to getting stuck due to high initial glucose levels. I don't have a textbook handy, but I believe this is known as the Crabtree effect: the idea being that above a certain glucose concentration, the yeast bypasses the aerobic phase at pitching, and starts fermenting the glucose straight away, causing fermentation problems later. (if this is wrong I'm sure all the Al robots will correct me!). I used a huge, healthy 3944 (white) starter, and aerated with an aquarium thingy etc.. I am especially careful when making tripels, but they still get stuck. Once before I aerated a tripel again after a very slow 3 month (!) fermentation. Well it worked, and restarted the yeast. The beer was delicious for about 2 months, but deteriorated after that due to oxidation. This time I added "Modiferm" which is just beta amylase (I think), which also restarted the ferment after about a day. The trouble is, that these are just fixes for a problem I would sooner avoid in the first place. I worry about adding enzymes, as of course it changes the sugar content of the beer that I carefully nurtured in my mashing schedule. The beer may ferment, but Is My Beer Ruined? (this deserves an acronym "IMBR"). Enough rambling - the point is, for all you expert tripel brewers out there, do you ever have a similar problem, and if so, how do you avoid it? I thought of leaving out the brewing sugar from the boil, (reducing initial glucose levels), pitch the yeast, wait until peak krausen, then adding the sugar at this stage, hopefully getting a proper ferment. Any suggestions are welcome. ****** Ken Willing talks about Franklin malt that I have also started using. Additional data: 8% protein content, high 30's soluble nitrogen ratio (Referred to as "Kolbach Index" in Europe and Australia). This means it would produce wort with very low FAN, if no protein rest is used. The maltster recommends a protein rest, otherwise it won't ferment, but obviously with such a low protein content you don't really want to do that with respect to body, head retention etc.. In regard to Ken's comments, I was wondering about using a protein rest around 55C to maximise protease activity.. ie. breaking down the large haze-forming proteins, rather than the desirable medium sized proteins. My question is, does such a rest break the large polypeptides down to (desirable) amino acids for the yeast to use, or (useless) smaller proteins? In any event, yeast nutrient (ammonium salts) may be the way to go, as a protein rest does not appear desirable with this malt. I'll do some tests on this Ken, and get back to you. ****** As a kid I tried to get out of going to school by heating a mercury thermometer with a match. I cracked the glass unknowingly, then stuck it in my mouth to show Mum how sick I was. Well it broke and I swallowed the lot. That was more than 20 years ago. For those of you who know me, it might explain my current condition........ ***************************** //// Andy Walsh from Sydney //// awalsh at ibm.net //// phone 61 2 369 5711 ***************************** Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 00:10:46 -0500 (CDT) From: "Philip Gravel" <pgravel at mcs.com> Subject: FTP to homebrew archives ===> Bob Sinnema has problems listing the homebrew archives: > Finally, is it possible to have some of the directories at >ftp.stanford subdivided? Whenever I try to get a file listing ("dir" >command) for the docs directory (and for the yearly archives), I can >never get the complete list. Usually, I end up with the first 20-30 >files (thru c*) and the last few files (w* to the end). Sometime, I'd >like to see the entire list -- its been a great resource for me and I >know there's more out there. That's odd. I don't know why that's happening. Have you tried: ftp> ls |more The |more will cause the display to be shown a screen at a time. Also, you might want to use a Web browser that supports ftp. That will show you the files in a directory as a list on a Web page. - -- Phil _____________________________________________________________ Philip Gravel Lisle, Illinois pgravel at mcs.com Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 16:58:11 -0600 (CDT) From: jim at n5ial.mythical.com (Jim Graham) Subject: Beekeeper's Brown ... a treat for the extract brewers! It's been quite a while since I've had a good recipe to post to the digest, but this one definitely deserves to be passed along! This one is for the extract brewers---I'm limited by space, $$$, etc. (mostly space), and still brew from certain kits (i.e., the ones I really like) every now and then. Not too long ago, I decided to brew a brown ale using, along with the standard stuff for the kit, honey. The result is every bit as good as I'd hoped. I hope you'll enjoy it, too. Basically, I took the Ironmaster Brown Ale kit, used corn sugar instead of malt (I was feeling really cheap that day), and added honey. I call it Beekeeper's Brown, and it goes something like this: - --------------------------- CUT HERE --------------------------- For 6 U.S. gallons: 1 Ironmaster Brown Ale beer kit about 5.5 cups corn sugar, as with just about any kit 2 lbs honey (*NOT* boiled) 1/2 cup corn sugar for priming Started Sun 30 April, O.G.: 1.045 Bottled Sun 14 May, F.G.: 1.000 (*) Sampled today, 21 May, and it's already *VERY* nice! (*) It needed that full two weeks---as usual with honey, the fermenting started very early, went full steam for a long, long time, and went very much to completion. - --------------------------- CUT HERE --------------------------- Comments: medium bodied brew, nice full flavor, and generally a very nice brown. I'd like to think that I'll be able to save some for when my mom and step-father (who is from England) arrive in town next month, but I'm not so sure that's going to happen. ;-} I'm not sure how I found time to brew this one during that time period (I was busy working on a huge network upgrade at work, which I'm glad to say went extremely well!), but I'm glad I did! :-) This one isn't just good ``for a kit beer'' ... it's good, period. :-) Enjoy. --jim PS: As always, comments, suggestions, etc., most welcome. - -- 73 DE N5IAL (/4) MiSTie #49997 < Running Linux 1.0.9 > jim at n5ial.mythical.com ICBM: 30.23N 86.32W || j.graham at ieee.org Packet: --OFFLINE-- (Ft. Walton Beach, FL) E-mail me for information about KAMterm (host mode for Kantronics TNCs). Return to table of contents
Date: 22 May 95 06:23:52 EDT From: MARK LINE <100561.2424 at compuserve.com> Subject: SUBSCRIPTION INFO I have recently purchased The Beer Hombrewing Guide CDROM and found your e-mail address on it. Although I only a novice when it comes to brewing beer I would be interested in learning more, so with that in mind I would like to ask for somemore information on the Homebrew Digest and wether or not it is possible for a UK resident to subcribe to it. Also do you know of any magazines on beer brewing that I might be able to obtain. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 08:36:52 -0400 From: aodhan at worldweb.net (R. Mark Jones) Subject: Looking for small ale recipe I am looking for some small ale recipes. I plan to brew a few batches of small ale for some camping trips I'll be making during the next few months. Thanks, -Mark. ====================================================================== R. Mark Jones . Socair Information Resources 1201 South Courthouse Road . Apartment 726 . Arlington, Virginia 22204 World Wide Web consulting . Macintosh database/networking/consulting aodhan at worldweb.net (Internet) Socair (America Online) http://worldweb.net/~aodhan/aodhan.html ====================================================================== Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 08:44:21 -0400 (EDT) From: "Timothy P. Laatsch <LAATSCH at kbs.msu.edu>" <LAATSCH at kbs.msu.edu> Subject: Praise be gelatin! Hey All, Well, I finally tried it----gelatin, that is. I boiled about a cup of water and placed it in a thoroughly cleaned and sanitized 8 oz. mayonnaise jar, added 1/2 packet of Knox(tm) unflavored gelatin, allowed to cool, and added directly to the secondary 2 days prior to kegging. The effect was amazing! Visibly noticeable clarification in the carboy within about 8 hours and steadily improving as time continues to pass. It appears as if this practice will become part of the SOPs in my brewery. Incidentally, the mayo jar also makes a great irish moss rehydration vessel. I also tried IM rehydration for the first time this past weekend----I'm convinced the wort was already more clear in the primary, but I could have just had anticipatory hallucinations or something. Re: starters. FWIW, I prepare 600-ml starters at about 1.050 OG with a few hop pellets and culture the yeast in a 1000-ml Erlenmeyer. I pitch an inflated Wyeast packet and top the flask with aluminum foil. I vigorously swirl the starter every time I get the chance. The foil and swirling presumably keeps things aerobic, which builds higher cell counts. I let this mixture "ferment" out and pitch within a day or so. I almost always have vigorous ferments within 12 hours with the ale yeasts I've tried. Recently, I was forced to wait an additional week before pitching (the starter "beer" had completely clarified and tasted very nice while brewing!). As a result, vigorous fermentation did not occur until about 20 hours after pitching (this was 1084 Irish). As always, YMMV. Dion: My mailer couldn't reach yours, so thanks for the info on the upcoming book---I look forward to it. Eamonn (sp?), you got "Tim" just right---now try my last name. ;-) And thanks for the RIMS info---keep it coming! Bones *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* | Timothy Laatsch |email: laatsch at kbs.msu.edu | All-grain | | Graduate Student |phone: 616-671-2329 | but only | | Michigan State University |fax: 616-671-2351 | half-way | | Kalamazoo, MI | | sane | *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 8:46:29 EDT From: LeRoy S. Strohl <lstrohl at s850.mwc.edu> Subject: New book announcement Found an advance publishing announcement in last week's publisher's Weekly: author: Miller, Dave title: Dave Miller's Homebrewing Guide publ: Storey isbn: 0-88266-905-2 date: September 1995 - -- Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 07:59:04 -0600 (MDT) From: kevin at wheels.aar.com Subject: Mercury - it's in the water Something I thought would be fun to throw out here, in this mercury discussion, is the amount of free metalic mercury that is found in the Arkansas River, here in Colorado.... I know of several people who run gold dredges (recreationally), and one guy says that he will commonly extract up to 1/4 lb of mercury from the Arkansas River during a Satrurday afternoon operation, in the areas where the old prospectors would sluice for gold with mercury in their equipment. Knowing how common it is to find mercury in the river, the water analysis content of mercury from the river is very low and safe. Yet, much of that water passed thru the area where the mercury exists commonly! Kevin - -- Kevin Hass WB0DPN ! ! PGP public key by request via email kevin at wheels.aar.com ! Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 08:15:48 MDT From: exabyte!smtplink!guym at uunet.uu.net Subject: "Oily" ingredients On the subject of adding ingredients containing oil to beer (as in coconut), I have added coffee and chocolate with no problems. My recipe for "Mocha Java Stout" in the Cat's Meow includes 4 oz. of Ghirardelli unsweetened chocolate and 2 cups of brewed coffee. The head on that brew was incredible. The one thing that I noticed was that there were gobs of something that I took to be cocoa butter floating on top during fermentation. It could be that all the oils congealed in the relative coolness of the wort and were rendered harmless. On another subject, a couple of weeks ago I opened up the Charlotte Observer and what to my wondering eyes did appear? A picture of our esteemed Professor Kinney Baughman with a sign around his neck and a big smile on his face. Kinney, I hear that Charlie has come up with yet another slogan to use: "Will teach for food." (-; -- Guy McConnell /// Exabyte Corp. /// Huntersville, NC /// guym at exabyte.com "And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so I had one for dessert." Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 07:42:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Domenick Venezia <venezia at zgi.com> Subject: Mercury thread lives on! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry--but ... From: DocsBrew at aol.com Subject: Toxic...like it or not! >Sweden has recently outlawed mercury amalgams, and Germany has outlawed them >on pregnant women - don't you think that means something? Whether the ADA >says so or not, lots of research has shown dental amalgams to be quite >toxic. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So publically cite the references on this "lots of research". I'll get copies and publically withdraw my criticism if I'm convinced. >Remember that textbooks are for reference, and don't always reflect real >life. Numbers are fine, but don't believe everything you read. Amen, though I missed your point. >Doc. What kind? PhD? Medical? Domenick Venezia ZymoGenetics, Inc. Seattle, WA venezia at zgi.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 10:49:30 -0600 From: gameier at fmc.com (Gary A. Meier) Subject: computer modeling of beer fermentation The following abstract just crossed my desk, though the article was published late last year. I thought it might be of interest to this group of computer-literate brewers. Note: I don't have access to this journal, so I haven't actually seen this paper. I'm not connected with the authors or their employer. A FLAVOR MODEL FOR BEER FERMENTATION, Gee, Douglas A.; Ramirez, W. Fred (Dept Chem. Eng., Univ Colorado, Boulder) published in _J._Inst._Brew_, 1994, 100(5), 321-9. "A new beer fermentation model is developed based upon fundamental knowledge of biochemical pathways. The model can be subdivided into a growth model, an amino acid model, and a flavor/aroma model. Experimentation allowed for accurate model parameter identification. The results demonstrate the capability to accurately describe batch beer fermentation dynamics." Perhaps if someone in net-land finds the paper useful/interesting they could post more information here. ************************************************************************** Gary Meier, Ph.D. Senior Research Computational Chemist FMC Corporation Agricultural Chemical Group phone: (609) 951-3448 Box 8 fax: (609) 951-3835 Princeton, NJ 08543 email: gameier at fmc.com Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 07:52:43 -0500 From: kit.anderson at acornbbs.com Subject: Unmalted wheat >Unmalted wheat seems to be widely available in health food stores >both in the cracked and uncracked form. Will using the already- >cracked version negatively effect the my flavor of my wit? I've read >that once you mill your grain it must be used relatively soon. >Thanks. >Marla Korchmar Health food stores also carry wheat flakes. These are unmalted and precooked so they don't need to be boiled or crushed. Just add them to the mash. I use 50% pale, 40% malted wheat, and 10% wheat flakes for wits. Kit "Travels With Chiles" Anderson Bath, Maine <kit.anderson at acornbbs.com> * Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 11:39:28 -0400 From: HOMEBRE973 at aol.com Subject: crystal malt, hop plant, grain type Several points: Has anyone steeped crystal malts from DeWolf-Crosyn (Belgian malts) using the 170 degree F for about 30 minutes and then used the iodine test for starch conversion. I have done this twice and got very dark blue-black colors on the superenatant indicating much starch with cara pils. Should this be so? Crystal malts are supposed to be premashed in the hulls, so no further mashing is necessary. Darren Tyson asks about some Briitish malt he recieved and wondered what it was. He should chew it and taste it besides smelling it. Is it sweet? Jim Webb asked about planting hot rhizomes. The direction they're planted is not critical as they will find which way is up. It will just take longer. The idea is to look where the active shoots will bud from and let that part aim upwards. Andy Kligerman homebre973 at aol.com "I'm from the Gobment and here to help you!" Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 11:10:47 EST From: blrett at most.magec.com (Ben Rettig) Subject: Corny Keg Aspect Ratio >fermenter geometry > "ideal situation" is when the aspect ratio is 1:1 or less, and that it should >> not exceed 2:1. The aspect ratio of Corny kegs is a little over 3:1, I >think, > compared to about 1.5:1 for a 6.5 gallon carboy. I use Corny Kegs to ferment also. A potential solution to this problem is to lay the Corny down. Rotate the keg until the "GAS IN" inlet is oriented up. Elevate the connection end of the tank about 3 inches. Put a scrap 2"x4" under the lid end. This will move the head space up under the GAS IN inlet. Then use an old connector with some tubing in some kind of blow off arrangement. A 5 gal. Corny will normally lay down in a beer refrigerator with about 1/2" to spare. Great for lagering. Haven't calculated the aspect ratio for horizontal yet. Any takers? Brewing in the Heartland, Indiana! Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 12:54:06 EST From: dsanderson at msgate.cv.com Subject: Mercury Thread Spreads Beyond The Internet For those of you who can still find a way to relax and... be amused about the carryings on of this thread, I though you might find this interesting. For those of you who can't, try to lighten up a little. I received an EMail this morning from someone who read a posting I placed on the HBD on May 6th(about) which was subsequently PUBLISHED on page 1 of a Home Brewer's Newsletter in Maine. Attached are one of the notes I received this morning and my original HBD posting. Hey everyone, don't ya know a joke when ya hear one? Sincerely (ha ha ha), Dave attachment 1: I thought that when you suggested to the person who broke the thermometer to send the kettle to you that it might be a joke and a good way to get a nice brewing kettle. The reason I was concerned is that that article was on the front page of M.A.L.T. s news letter(a Maine brewers club publication) and I think that whoever put it there thinks it is legitimate. Boy you never know where what you say will end up do you. Thanks. Phil The Malt Extract attachment 2 HBD Posting: Lee writes: >A while back I broke a floating thermometer while measuring the temp of >some water I was heating (cold outside + hot water = busted thermometer). >The mercury flowed into the water in the kettle. I immediately poured >out the water, and the mercury exited the kettle in a nice clump. >I continue to use this kettle (Volrath stainless 38qt) for all my >brewing. Do I risk mercury poisening? Lee, Yes, I'm afraid your Volrath 38qt stainless kettle is ruined. The mercury would have formed a molecular bond to the stainless steel surface which would leach back into your beer in lethal doses over time. In fact, it is no longer safe for you to store it in your home and it would be an ecological disaster for you to dispose of it in an ordinary dump or land fill. I strongly suggest you immediately send it(post paid) to a trained professional,like myself for proper disposal. p.s. I guess I should have included my address. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 11:08:58 PST From: dhvanvalkenburg at CCGATE.HAC.COM Subject: Styles & Creativity (Part I), by Sam Piper The following was written by Sam Piper for the Barley Bandits News letter. Since Sam does not have access to the Net, I am putting this out for him. I apologize for it's length, as it wasn't written with the net in mind, but I do feel that creativity is important which is why I am posting it. Because of its length I am posting it in two parts. Private responses may be sent to him through me at: dhvanvalkenburg at CCGATE.HAC.COM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BEER JUDGE PROGRAMS I once heard a comedian say, "If you're not going to kick a guy when he's down, then when are you? I guess if you're in a brawl, there's some sense to that. And right now the American Homebrewer's Association and the Home Wine & Beer Trade Association are brawling. Their Beer Judge Certification Program (or the AHA HWBTA BJCP, which is pronounced like an explosive sneeze, for the acronymicly gifted) has gone down for the count to be replaced by Ninkenski knows what. It seems the two associations can no longer stand the sight, smell,or suggestions of the other and reached for their dueling Pilsners. Plainly, this hobby isn't big enough for the both of them. So I think this is a good time for someone as caustic as myself to get in a few kicks. First, let's examine beer style categories. Most people think you need to have categories and beer style standards & definitions to have a contest and judge beer. I mean, how the hell are you going to fill out the damn score sheet if you don't have the standard of a category to compare an entry to? this could be utter chaos! If you don't have categories and standards, then all you can say is whether or not the beer you are judging looks good, tastes good, and if you would like to drink it again. Now if that ain't anarchy then God didn't make little green bombs and there ain't acid rain in Indianapolis. Just think of it. What if someone made a pale yellow barley wine? Well, right away you're in a fix because these suckers are suppose to be dark brown. Says so in the style book! Maybe the guy over filtered? Sorry Sam Warmack-- everybody knows you can't do Yellow Dog Wine. Toss it out. Spices? Bubble Gum has spices Piper-- give it to that kid selling the 1958 Mickey Mantle baseball card for $450 and maybe he'll cut you a deal. VIVA LA CONFORMITY! Well, listen up, ole horse drop, you say-- if standards and style definitions are so damn bad, did you ever try to judge the Specialties? How do you deal with all that nonsense? Apricot Lambic, indeed. Who ever herd of apricots in a salad dressing? But we do manage to judge Specialties, don't we! And how often does the specialty category end up either first or second in the "best of show" round? Could there be something to this Anarchy? The problem I have with beer judging and beer style categories and standards is that they are creative death. Nobody ever grew in life by always trying to copy someone else To copy is to exercise in technique and technique alone. Consider the American Pilsner, the white bread of beer, clone city. Any biologist trying to get the Nobel Prize for cloning should consider switching from poison frogs eggs to Pilsner beer kegs. Who can tell one American Pilsner from another? This is progress? Since when is sheer banality and lack of product differentiation something to strive for? True, the labels are all different. But consider the net effect of having a beer judge program with style STANDARDS and the encouragement of conformity to that standard: the emphasis is all on technique and copy. Any feature that makes a beer unique is in contrast to that style definition and counts against the entry. This process not only kicks an innovative brewer in the teeth, but it contaminates the expectations of the entire brewing community! Such emphasis on style standards reduces the sensibility of judges, those people who should be the champions of excellence, to being champions of conformity. HUMBUG! HUMBUG, I say! ------------------------------------------------- To be continued.....See tomorrow's HBD Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 14:31:04 EST From: Tim_Fields_at_Relay__Tech__Vienna at relay.com Subject: RE: Friendly Faces In HBD 1737, Guy observes: >Recently, I've become concerned that we on the HBD haven't been presenting >as >friendly a face towards newcomers as we might - and in some cases, OUR >treatment of these newbies will determine whether they stay in the hobby, >or >leave for some other endeavour. Agreed. Some of these "less-than-friendly-faces" have sounded rather elitest. How quickly some forget their own humble beginnings. Thanks for the observation, Guy. Tim Fields Timf at relay.com Relay Technology, Inc., SQL/DS Division Vienna, VA, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 13:39:56 -0500 From: Russell Mast <rmast at fnbc.com> Subject: Mystery Grains, Weiss Squad > From: Darren Tyson <TYSONDR at SLUVCA.SLU.EDU> > Subject: What kind of grains do I have? > > Greetings fellow hoembrewers, > > One type is approximately the same color as the British > Crystal malt I had recently purchased, however, the grains > have a MUCH stronger odor.... And the grains inside > the husks appear darker than the husks themselves. Sounds like it's either a very dark crystal, a toasted (eg. Biscuit, victory) malt, or possibly an aromatic/munich style malt. > The other type of grain I received is a darker grain that > looks identical in color to the British Chocolate malt I > have, however, the smell is much more sharp like the other > grain in question. Sounds like black patent. Maybe it's roasted barley. > From: walter at lamar.ColoState.EDU (Brian J Walter (Brewing Chemist)) > Subject: Re: Vice > Schneider is the one brewery that I know of that _doesn't_ use a lager > yeast to bottle with. I had a friend bring me a bottle from France and > the yeast I worked up was definitely a weizen yeast. Excellent. > Oh, and just a nit, but it is generally accepted that the weizen yeast is > just a strain of S. Cervisiae (sp?) and not Dulbruckii (sp?). Well, I've read that Dellbrooky (sp!) is just a "race" of Sara-Vichy-Yay (sp!), so maybe we're both correst. (?) > Basically just another bit of common lore that won't die. Just another grain of salt to take with any speciation. I've made, and intend to make again, very good weizens from Wyeast 3688. If it's not really Delbruckii, or if it's not really what they use in Bavaria, well, that's fine with me. (But, I am curious about the truth...) > "If I were Satan, I would have a mountain bike" - Butthead I second that! -R Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 14:20:57 -0500 From: Russell Mast <rmast at fnbc.com> Subject: Coconuts and Copper > From: "Robert W. Mech" <76271.3507 at compuserve.com> > Subject: Hop Oil/Coconut Oil/Oil Slick > I got a good response on the Pineapple, and alot of concern about the coconut > oil affecting head retention. My response to most people's concerns was the > fact that Hops too include oil, and dry hopping doesnt seem to affect head > retention (or at least not significantly). The quantity of oil in hops is extremely small. I don't know whether a large amount of these would negatively affect head retention or not, but 1 oz. of hops does NOT contain 1 oz. of hop oils. The taste treshold for hop oil is MUCH lower than that for coconut oil. So, to get a similar "quantity of taste" from coconut oil as you do from hop oil, you'd need a LOT. Probably enough to ruin your head formation and retention. (Like I said, I don't know if hop oil will ruin it, but I know coconut oil will wreck your head faster than you can say "hey".) That's not to say you shouldn't go ahead. There's more to life than head retention, and I'd be willing to try a coconut beer sometime. > If I used a "Dried" form of coconut in the boil (like a > hop) would I extract too much oil? Almost certainly. Dried coconut still has lots of oils. (Read the nutrition information.) It's possible that the "coconut" flavor comes from something OTHER than the oil, so it's possible you might be able to find some way to extract the flavor without extracting the oil. Dried coconut isn't the way. > From: "terence tegner" <tegbrew at iaccess.za> > Subject: Copper breweries > > Hello from Africa again Cool again. > copper ... copper ... copper ... copper../ > The MBAA has an article on fermenter construction in their book > PRACTICAL BREWING which states that fermenters used to be made from > all sorts of materials, including wood, and were commonly lined with > copper. > My advice to them who are thinking of constucting homebreweries on > these line is, GO FOR IT. If its good enough for the master brewers, > its got to be good enough for me. Well then. Anyone have any first-hand experience tossing a couple pennies into the boil or fermenter? I was considering using pennies as "boiling stones" a couple batches ago, but I was worried about copper getting into my beer. (Oops.) Next batch, I'll give it a shot, maybe with a 'split batch'. -R Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1738, 05/23/95