HOMEBREW Digest #1756 Thu 15 June 1995
Digest #1755
Digest #1757
Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor
nutritious haze? (Robert Lauriston/Patricia Bennett)
GABF (jehartzl)
wheat beer explosion ("Dulisse, Brian")
RE: Widgets (MClarke950)
Re: Aging/Cold conditioning (Christopher Pickslay)
Home Brew Mailing List (DYNAMO10)
Pale Ale (Jeff Stampes)
Re: Belgian yeasts - De Koninck (Attila Thuroczy)
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Date: Fri, 9 Jun 95 23:04:04 -0700
From: robtrish at noif.ncp.bc.ca (Robert Lauriston/Patricia Bennett)
Subject: nutritious haze?
There have been lots of postings concerning finings and removing
haze from beer. There are some reasons to want to make a clear beer, but I
wonder if some of the concern is unfounded. You might want a haze-free beer:
-- to enter a competition in a category which calls for a haze-free
-- to serve to people who dislike haze (and can't be 'persuaded');
-- when the haze is yeast, in order to reduce yeast intake. A
question for the medical types: what are the effects of large yeast
intakes? Nucleic acid, gall stones, laxative, what's the scoop?
Lovers of Wit and Hefe-weizen like myself able to enjoy a beer with
haze. Are homebrewers trying to imitate commercial brewers, when commercial
brewers in turn are trying to catering to public preference? Make a hazy
beer and love it! What is the source of the concern? Aren't all those
proteins nutritious?
I've got a great little filter, but it's an extra step and seldom
worth the trouble.
Rob Lauriston, The Low Overhead Brewery (better between the joists)
Vernon, British Columbia <robtrish at noif.ncp.bc.ca>
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Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 11:11:20 -0600 (CST)
From: jehartzl at rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu
Subject: GABF
does anyone know when the great american beer festival in colorado is this
year? i have a friend who wants to go and has to book an airline ticket by
thursday at midnight and needs to know the date. private email please.
thanks in advance.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Jason Hartzler Office of Student Insurance
jehartzl at rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu Campus Box 2541
Benefits Counselor Normal IL 61790-2541
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Date: Wed, 14 Jun 95 13:54:00 EST
From: "Dulisse, Brian" <bbd4 at CIPCOD1.EM.CDC.GOV>
Subject: wheat beer explosion
there was a thread on this a while back, but i never saw any responses, so
here goes again . . .
i'm currently fermenting a wheat beer (all grain, single decoction more or
less out of warner), pitched sunday evening. i'm using a second generation
wyeast 3068 (first generation was my last batch of wheat beer, which tastes
great imho). within 12 hours of pitching, it was generating great gobs of
foam and whatnot out of the blowoff tube; by the time i got home from work,
the krauesen had fallen back to the usual inch or two on top, so i replaced
the blowoff tube with an airlock. at this point it's monday evening. the
airlock has been giving off a bubble every 5 - 10 seconds; nothing really
very different than past batches. this morning (wednesday), i checked
before work, and there was foam everywhere. this conforms to what someone
had reported several months ago (explosion around the third day). what is
interesting (and i don't recall seeing this in previous posts) was the
quality of the foam: it was quite creamy (i guess as oppposed to foamy),
almost like the head on guiness. there's no obvious off smell coming from
the carboy. temperature throughout the fermentation has been about 70f.
what is a plausible explanation for the discrete change in fermentation
output? similarly, why the different quality of the foam? my primitive
understanding on foam is that it is determined by the protein composition of
the wort/beer. if this is the case, does the change suggest that somehow
the protein composition of the wort changed overnight? what would account
for this?
email is fine; i'll summarize if there's alot of interest.
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Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 18:23:13 -0400
From: MClarke950 at aol.com
Subject: RE: Widgets
B.Wilson at strath.ac.uk ( Brian Wilson) asks:
>An article has been flowing in the british media regarding faulty widgets
>in cans of Tetley Bitter. Apparently due to a manufacturing error the
>widgets in the bottom of the cans can actually come away from the bottom
>and float to the top. It is then possible for the drinker to the swallow
>said widget. <snip>
>All of the ofending cans were recalled and we are told that this problem is
>an isolated incident. I wonder if anyone else has come accross this
>problem in drinking from cans with widgets in them.
Haven't experienced any problems with the few I've had. I did have a
Bodingtons this weekend and cut open the can to look at this thing. It was 2
pieces of plastic. The main piece of the widget was used to
anchor it (by friction) to the sides, near the bottom of the can. The
second smaller piece was used as cap to hold in the gases. I don't
completely understand how the gas gets released though. The
widget I looked at could *not* have passed thru the opening of the
can, but I'm sure there are different widget manufacturers out there.
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Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 17:02:02 -0800
From: chrispix at uclink2.berkeley.edu (Christopher Pickslay)
Subject: Re: Aging/Cold conditioning
Just my $.02 on this thread-
I drank all but the last bottle of my first batch over the period of about
two months, keeping the brew stored in the cupboard, and transferring it to
the fridge 2 hrs.-1 week before drinking. It tasted good, but didn't have
the greatest head retention or mouthfeel. The last bottle happened to sit
in the fridge for over a month, and I drank it tonight. What a difference!
It's like a different beer. It has an excellent mouthfeel and a nice thick,
creamy head. I'll be storing as much brew in the fridge as possible from
now on.
Christopher Pickslay
chrispix at uclink2.berkeley.edu
UC Berkeley
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Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 21:55:56 -0700
From: DYNAMO10 at mis.net
Subject: Home Brew Mailing List
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Date: Wed, 14 Jun 95 14:15:19 MDT
From: stampes at neocad.com (Jeff Stampes)
Subject: Pale Ale
I wouldn't ordinarily clutter up bandwidth with a recipe request,
but this is for a VERY special occassion....
Some friends near and dear to our hearts have invited Anna & I to
their wedding July 29. I was quite flattered when they asked that
I brew a batch of beer specifically for the event! Unfortunately,
they have several wheat and fruit beers already being provided, so
my hefe-weizen is not needed. They said their guests would generally
not enjoy dark beers, so I was thinking a pale ale...more specifically,
a light;y hopped, paler than most, pale ale. I don't want it too
bitter, it should go down smooth.
So I'm asking the collective wisdom to dig through those recipe logs
and find me your BEST all-grain pale ale. I mean the one that you
almost couldn't stop drinking until it was all gone, and your friends
creamed over it. E-mail to me please.
- -- Jeff Stampes -- NeoCAD, Inc. -- Boulder, CO -- stampes at neocad.com --
- -- Ultimate Frisbee...It's not just for dogs anymore. --
- -- Any fool can make bread out of grain...God intended it for beer! --
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Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 08:50:06 +0200
From: ath at merkur.sds.no (Attila Thuroczy)
Subject: Re: Belgian yeasts - De Koninck
Steve Zabarnick writes (about Belgian yeasts) in HBD #1754:
>Which brings me to a question. On a trip to the Netherlands last year, I
>tasted Palm and DeKoninck for the first time. These beers are wonderful,
>very drinkable brews, which have a wonderful balance of maltiness and yeast
>character (especially the DeKoninck). Has anyone out there tried to
>reproduce these beers? Is the DeKoninck yeast available? Would any other
>yeast strains serve as an acceptable substitute? Perhaps the Yeast Culture
>Co. Belgian ale strain? I've read that these beers are decoction mashed.
>Any comments?
>Steve Zabarnick
Here is the receipt I got from Marc de Jonge (the author of the decoction
FAQ (dejonge at geof.ruu.nl) :
- ----------
Receipt :
80% pilsner malt [actually a slightly higher kilned type, between
pils and pale]
10% munich [for a bit of extra flavour, see above]
10% dark caramel malt
Medium-hard water [not a Burton type of pale ale!]
24 EBU, Saaz [Belgian and Bohemian]
'de Koninck' yeast
Procedure :
Double decoction with rests at 54 and 67C.
OG 1048.
Add the last 10% of the hops 10 min before the end of the boil.
Primary ferment around 21C, secondary near 14C.
- ------------
Since De Koninck yeast is unavailable (?), I used Wyeast British Ale.
This yeast can stand a low temperature.
I have tried to make 'De Konink' twice so far, with no luck.
The first trial got to estery due to a high primary fermentation.
(Completed fermentation in 2 1/2 day at 23 C. - I didn't have a chance
to use a secondary fermentation :)
My second batch was all right with a malty taste, but it didn't hit the target.
(primary 19 C, secondary 15 C)
I think I will switch to another yeast next time.
A iron kettle is used for the boiling of the decoction part (that is
what I have read)
If you succeed, send me a note.
Good luck !
Attila Thuroczy (ath at merkur.sds.no)
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #1756, 06/15/95