HOMEBREW Digest #198 Tue 11 July 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Roto-Keg, Martin (David Carter)
Freezing yeast cultures (Richard Hargan)
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Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 13:45:05 EDT
From: davidc at northstar3.Dartmouth.EDU (David Carter)
Subject: Roto-Keg, Martin
To Martin who is interested in round plastic kegs:
I lost your address. If you could send it to me
I'll get you the info you're looking for on the
Roto-Keg system.
david.carter at dartmouth.edu
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Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 15:51:36 EDT
From: Richard Hargan <HARGAN at UMDD.UMD.EDU>
Subject: Freezing yeast cultures
Shortly after switching from dry yeast to Wyeast liquid yeast, I decided
that I needed to find a way to get more than one batch of beer from a
single package of Wyeast. I recently bought a product called a "yeast
bank" which will, hopefully, allow me to freeze samples of liquid yeast
to be used at a later date.
After starting up the Wyeast sample, I pitched it into a gallon jug
containing about a quart of sterile wort. When the fermentation was well
under way I shook-up the jug to suspend the yeast and removed some of
the solution to several culture tubes supplied with the kit. The remaining
solution was pitched into 5 gallons of wort I had previously prepared.
Following the instructions in the kit, I refrigerated the culture tubes and
allowed the yeast (and anything else in suspension) to settle. I then
decanted the liquid and added something they call "freeze shield". The
culture tubes are then place in the freezer for future use.
Now for my question. Does anyone know what this "freeze shield" actually
is, and can it be purchased at a reasonable price uder a different name?
One person suggested to me that is was probably glycerine. Does anyone
have any experience with this product? If I can get a half dozen batches
of beer out of one package of Wyeast, then I will contine to use it, but
at $4.00 a pop liquid yeast seems a little expensive for one 5 gallon
batch of beer.
Thanks for your help.
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Richard B. Hargan hargan at umdd.umd.edu
Systems Programmer
Room 1309 (301) 454-2946
Computer Science Center
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-2411
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #198, 07/11/89
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