Homebrew Digest Sunday, 26 May 1996 Number 2050
Shawn Steele, Digest Janitor
Thanks to Rob Gardner for making the digest happen!
stuck fermentations (Kathy Booth)
Cajun Cooker - Convert to Natural Gas? (Stan Fisher)
Re: Pub Etiquette (Chickengrrl)
Beer fridge question (Rich Edmondson)
re: chillers + HUNTER AIRSTAT (cdp at chattanooga.net (C.D. Pritchard))
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From: Kathy Booth <kbooth at isd.ingham.k12.mi.us>
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 08:52:51 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: stuck fermentations
I order yeasties during the winter and I fear it got frozen in shipment.
A partial mash ale quit at 1.021 and was decidedly sweet. I mixed up 3
gal more of wort and tried to get it to finish but it quit at 1.020.(All
well aereated)
I bottled 4 gal anyway to try it carbonated and cold. It was too sweet.
I got 3#more of dme and a new yeast and got a rolling ferment and
combined with the previous brew. After a day+ I added in the contents of
the bottles, but it seemed to quit fermenting.
Given the order of sugars that yeasties prefer, what would be the best
way to referment stuck fermentation. All at once ...some of the previous
wort bit by bit.....lots of splash for aeration? Your advises would be
appreciated. Cheers....Jim Booth in Lansing, Mi
P.S. Thanks to Shawn for the work in getting the changeover on the HBD.
These computer retoolings never seem to go as smooth as we'd hoped.
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From: Stan Fisher <stanf at goodnet.com>
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 07:10:04 -0600
Subject: Cajun Cooker - Convert to Natural Gas?
What steps are needed to convert my Cajun Cooker to natural gas
from propane?
Can this be done? Anyone tried it?
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From: Chickengrrl <smw1 at axe.humboldt.edu>
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 07:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Pub Etiquette
I would say that if you receive a pint that isn't full with beer
(head counts too) that you should feel just in asking for it to be topped
up. You may look a little penny-wise, but its your right as a consumer.
Consider this: most pint glasses I've seen only hold a 16 oz if you have
them filled to the very brim(I did this with water, which has no head, at
least not where I'm from) and about 4 pubs in the SF bay area just got
busted by county weights and measures for selling "pints" that were as
low as 12oz. I think if a pub says pints are $3, then for $3 they should
serve an honest pint! (I do cut some slack if its spilled by serving or
they're in a hurry)
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From: Rich Edmondson <rich_e at HiWAAY.net>
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 10:31:54 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Beer fridge question
Wouldn't you know it? Two weeks after I get my kegging system and
have a couple corny's filled with homebrew, the fan that blows the air
from the freezer to the fridge has gone out. I'm 99% sure it is just
the bearing, but it is useless none the less. The refrigerator is
probably 20 years old, and is a Sears brand.
Question is, is this a problem is that is repairable, or is it not
really "worth the money"? And does anyone know what a good source is
for parts for old fridges?
I guess if all else fails I can use it for lagering. It seems to stay
at about 50 degrees without any airflow :-)
- --
St. Rich "Welcome to the shoooooow."
rich_e at hiwaay.net - Tom Petty
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From: "JOHN C. THOMPSON" <0005096260 at mcimail.com>
Date: Sat, 25 May 96 11:41 EST
Subject: HBD Problems
- -- [ From: John C. Thompson * EMC.Ver #2.3 ] --
I have know received ~20 copies of HBD 2044. I have tried every thing I can
think of to get this to stop, including unsubscribing and they are still
Are any other subscribers having this kind of problem? These extra copies are
coming in on my business email and creating a lot of problems and
If this is the best AOB can do, I cast my vote for someone who knows what
doing to take over the digest.
Sorry if I sound like I'm upset, but I am.
John Thompson
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From: cdp at chattanooga.net (C.D. Pritchard)
Date: Sat, 25 May 96 13:21 EDT
Subject: re: chillers + HUNTER AIRSTAT
Gregory King <GKING at arserrc.gov> posted in 2044:
>To get the same volume of water flowing through chillers with different
>tubing diameters, the chiller with the narrower tubing must be longer.
>The relationship is inversely proportional to the square of the tubing
??? Other variables being equal, the narrower tubing requires a shorter
Also, per the empirically derived Hazen-Williams equation, the flow varies
with diameter^4.87, not 2. A good Mech. or Civil Engr. text has the details.
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DONBREW at aol.com posted in 2045 on the Hunter temp. controller:
> My suggestion is to go to Radio Shack and get a new thermistor to attach
>to the probe wire, then make a new probe by inserting the thermistor into a
>brass tube after GOOP(tm)ing the assembly to seal up the tube and insulate
>the solder connections. You could use silicone or epoxy I suppose.
Here's something that works even better: Smear some silicone over the
thing, insert into some heat-shrink tubing, shrink the tubing and wipe away
the excess silicone that's extruded via the shrinking.
C.D. Pritchard cdp at chattanooga.net
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