HOMEBREW Digest #208 Sun 23 July 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
on using returnable soda bottles (blumenthal at home with the armadillos)
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Date: Sat, 22 Jul 89 04:48 CDT
From: beckley at beehive.att.com
I'm on vacation until July 31, 1989. I'll respond to your mail if needed
as soon as I get back.
Owen Beckley
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Date: Sat, 22 Jul 89 12:44:42 CDT
From: brad at cs.utexas.edu (blumenthal at home with the armadillos)
Subject: on using returnable soda bottles
On the most recent batch, we found ourselves running out of bottles,
so we were scrambling for everything we could find (tense up, worry,
drink another homebrew, we need the bottle :-). We used a six-pack of
ten-ounce coke bottles in addition to the other random stuff, and they
worked just fine. They were filled with very little headspace, so
the resulting beer was about as carbonated as anything we've
bottled. Of course, the bottles are clear (or at best, lightly tinted
green), so there's the problem of light damage, but the other side of
the coin is that it's easier to see how the conditioning is coming
along (how clear things are, how much sediment is piling up, etc.).
Also, since they're only ten ounces, you don't feel like you've wasted
as much beer when you can't restrain yourself and drink a bottle
before its time.
Take care,
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #208, 07/23/89
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