HOMEBREW Digest #220 Fri 04 August 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
re: stout adjuncts (Darryl Richman)
RE: Homebrew Digest #218 (August 02, 1989) (")
Re: temperatures and liquid yeast culturing (florianb)
Stouts and Mugs ("Lance "Bub" Smith")
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Date: Thu, 3 Aug 89 06:52:20 PDT
From: Darryl Richman <darryl at ism780c.isc.com>
Subject: re: stout adjuncts
Marc writes about his experiences with the darker side of the malt. (I
especially liked the black ale!) One adjunct he doesn't mention, which
I would not leave out of a stout, is some flaked barley. This is what
gives Guiness its creamy white head and rounds out the body. Although
stouts are black, you really ought to mash this stuff. If you are an
extract brewer, the way to get the most out of this is to mash it 1:1
with pale malt by holding the grains in water at 155F for 30 minutes.
I would use .5-.75 lb in a 5 gallon batch.
On the other hand, if you are all-grain brewing, I have had many
compliments from the following recipe:
"Crying Over Spilt Stout"
For 15 gallons:
22 lbs Klages (2 row)
2 Roasted Barley
2 Flaked Barley
.5 Chocolate
Water with a lot of temporary hardness (e.g., lots of carbonate)
4-5 oz High alpha hops (for example, 4.25 oz of 10% Eroica)
This produces a beer with an OG around 1.048 and a rich, creamy
body with a balanced bitterness. It is very dark, but not
completely opaque. Makes a great substitute for your morming
coffee ;-).
Yes, the name refers to a huge tragedy. The first time I made this, I
was doing it as an all grain demo at the Falcon's local shop. I Use
plastic carboys at home, but the shop carries glass ones. I was
filling carboys and rocking them back and forth to knock down the
head. I must have roled the last one over a pebble, because there was
this distinct =click!= noise, and then 5 gallons of wort started
running everywhere. *sob*!! So Mammas, don't let your babies rock
them carboys on the floor!
--Darryl Richman
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Date: Wed, 2 Aug 89 12:36 CDT
From: "What do you mean, what flavor is it? It's a bloody albatross!"
Subject: RE: Homebrew Digest #218 (August 02, 1989)
Thought I'd let everyone know the status of my first batch of homebrew.
I bottled about four weeks ago (next Saturday), which was a nightmare -- I
must have spilled a pint of beer -- because I bottled by myself and the
syphon was too short. End result was about 35 bottles of stout. Having
been told horror stories about exploding bottles and glass shards that go
through everything, I put them in a plastic-lined box, and then put that
in a box, and put that in a kitty-litter container (minus kitty litter) for
good measure. No explosions. (I may have underprimed a bit, not wanting to
over-prime and not sure how compressable corn sugar was and what the margin
of error was.)
I have seen virtually no activity in the bottles (except for minute bubbles
in some). I have heard that a yeast cap forms. I couldn't detect any such.
I was fairly convinced that I had a case of flat or dead beer. I decided to
open up one of the less full ones (about two and a half inches of head space
(I need to get a ruler! My perception of size is not reliable.)) as a test
case. It tasted a bit strange (maybe an "uncured" taste), but it definitely
had carbonation (which didn't last very long nor produce much of a head).
It didn't taste like Guiness (but then, I didn't expect it to). It tasted
more like Mackieson or Bass Ale. I figure another couple of weeks, and it
should be drinkable.
I followed Papiazan's recipe for Cushlamachree Stout, except that I used a
stout kit (from County Laois, Ireland), about 2 lbs corn sugar, and then I
used Williamette hops as finishing hops.
- Ted
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Date: 03 Aug 89 10:29:02 PDT (Thu)
From: florianb at tekred.cna.tek.com
Subject: Re: temperatures and liquid yeast culturing
My grateful thanks go to Erik A. Henchal for his detailed discussion
of yeast culturing. This is exactly the information I've been looking
for in regard to propagation of yeast. At the end, he asks:
>To Florian Bell: Hey Flo...Did I hear you correctly when you said
>that the temperature in your neighborhood is in the high sixties
>MOST of the year. Are you talking daytime temperatures? How cold
>at night?
No, not in the "neighborhood" but in my HOUSE. This is due to the
phenomenal insulation properties of logs. As for the ambient temps,
in the summer the swing is from 90 degrees daytime to fourty degrees
at night, easily. We also have about a good two months growing
season (central Oregon). After considerable suspended animation
up to the end of June, my hops is now flowering. I hope the frosts
hold off until the buds are ripe.
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Date: Thu, 3 Aug 89 21:03:00 CDT
From: "Lance "Bub" Smith" <lsmith at umn-cs.cs.umn.edu>
Subject: Stouts and Mugs
I have a have a question about milk/sweet stouts.
Does anyone have a good recipe for making a sweet stout? What I'm looking
for is a clone of a Mackeson Triple Stout for late night/after dinner sipping.
I understand that Mackesons (Whitbred) makes theirs by adding cane sugar
and then pasteurizing it to stop fermentation of the sugar. OK. I can't do
David Line suggests adding sacchrine to sweaten the beer. I don't want to
do that.
Miller suggests mashing at a different (higher?) temperature. Sorry, I'm
not a masher yet.
That leaves two options that I can see. Lactose or underhopping with an
under achieving yeast. Anyone have a good recipe/technique they want to
suggest? I have the lactose all set and I can cut back on my Northern
Brewers, but you'll never get me to use Red Star B{)
On the subject of Stout Hearted Men (and women) I now have the back
issue of Zymurgy with Charlie's Oatmeal Stout. I can e-mail folks
the recipe if they're interested.
lsmith at umn-cs.cs.umn.edu
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