HOMEBREW Digest #221 Sat 05 August 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Sweet stouts (erik henchal)
Homebrew digest entry (ERIC HALLMAN)
ginger beer, yeast culturing (BROWN)
Re: cold break (Gordon Hester)
Date: 4 Aug 89 07:31:00 EST
From: henchal at wrair-emh1.army.mil
Subject: Sweet stouts
Lance Smith asks about sweet stouts.
A common method for adding non-fermentable sweetness to your stouts
is to add lactose (milk sugar). Lactose is available from fine
beer and wine supply houses orr health food stores. You will have
to experiment with how much to use for the taste notes that you are
trying to develope.
Erik A. Henchal
<Henchal at WRAIR.ARPA>
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Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 09:16 EDT
Subject: Homebrew digest entry
Greetings all,
Does anyone out there have experience with using honey as an adjunct. I
am making a wheat beer and someone suggested adding 2-3 pounds of honey for a
5.5 gallon batch. What kinds of non-fermentables are in honey and how will
this affect by beer. Okay, okay, I confess..I have already made this and now
I'm worried that this was a mistake. My final specific gravity was 1.089!!!
It's fermenting now and so far nothing out of the ordinary. With such a high
sugar content I am worried that the level of alcohol will stop the
fermentation before all the sugars are converted. What have I done? Have I
made a Barley wine? Will this be any good? Inquiring minds want to know.
Thanks in advance.
Eric Hallman
Durham, NC
(919) 471-3949
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Date: Thu, 3 Aug 89 17:10 EST
Subject: ginger beer, yeast culturing
A while ago I mentioned I was going to mix up a batch of gingered beer,
remembering my good experiences with ginger drinks in the past. Well, I did
it and its pretty good. Here's the recipe:
(for 5 gals.)
6 lbs. light dry extract (unhopped)
5/8 lb (2.5 cups) crystal malt
100 grams (about 4 oz.) grated ginger
20 g Northern Brewers leaf hops (14% alpha acid) (boiled 1 hr.)
14 g Bramblings leaf hops (steeped 10 min.)
1 pack Edme Ale yeast
I boiled the malt in 5 gallons water, and force cooled. OG was 1050. Its a
light amber color, with a slight sweetness. The ginger comes through
nicely. If it sounds good to you, give it a try! I have been making
all-grain mashes over the past year -- this was a nice alternative both in
amount of time involved and in the nature of the beer. This is much lighter
and very thirst-quenching for the summer months.
Thanks to Erik Henchal and other for yeast culturing techniques. A couple
questions: How do you ensure sterile transfer of cultures? Does flaming the
lips of the container work well? I have a sort of damp house, which seems to
harbor lots of lactobacilli. Has anyone used those germicidal lamps with any
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Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 15:14:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: Gordon Hester <gh0t+ at andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Re: cold break
here's a novice question (the kind I'm best at):
two or three recent posters have discussed cooling wort and bandied
about the term "cold break." I can't find it in CJoHB (maybe due to
lack of index, maybe because it's in the section on mashing that I
have yet to venture into). I have no other reference books to check.
so what does it mean? what is its significance? and is it anything
that we extract brewers should even be concerned with?
thanks for any info you can provide. BTW, I'm still interested in opinions
about brands of dry yeasts.
gordon hester
gh0t+ at andrew.cmu.edu
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