HOMEBREW Digest #284 Mon 23 October 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
It's the water? (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Checkoslovian Hops (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
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Date: Sun, 22 Oct 89 13:22:59 MDT
From: roberts%studguppy at LANL.GOV (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Subject: It's the water?
> I recently read a newspaper interview with the brewmaster at a local
> micro-brewery here in San Diego. In the interview, he claimed that
> San Diego tap water (which is truly scummy) is great for brewing with.
> He said that, in general, the more gunk is in the water, the better it is.
> Now, I'm a neophyte to brewing, so I don't know if this is tongue-in-cheek
> or not. Any opinions?
I've heard the same thing said with respect to the River Lithy(sp), from
which Guiness is made.
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Date: Sun, 22 Oct 89 13:36:38 MDT
From: roberts%studguppy at LANL.GOV (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Subject: Checkoslovian Hops
A friend of mine is from Checkoslovia, and when I described to her the
home brew process, she said "I can have some Check hops shipped here
by my relatives. Are you interested?" When I quit salivating, I
assured her that I was _most_ interested. Yesterday, the package
arrived, with promises of more if desired. There were two 50 gram
paper bags labeled "Chmel", which I am told is Check for "hops".
As I write this there is a batch of "Chmel" beer boiling in the pot
downstairs. I am making it with 6# light unhopped syrup, 1# wild
honey, and ~1.5 oz (~3/5 of the 50 gram bag) Chmel for boiling and the
rest for finishing. It tastes good & smells wonderful. I'll let you
know how the finished product turns out.
I wonder what I should call this batch: Honey Checks, perhaps?
Douglas Roberts |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |When choosing between two evils,
Box 1663, MS F-602 |I always like to try the one
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 |I've never tried before.
(505)667-4569 |
dzzr at lanl.gov |
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