HOMEBREW Digest #2879 Thu 19 November 1998
Digest Janitor: janitor@hbd.org
Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of
Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.
URL: http://www.oeonline.com
Brass/Lead (Jack Schmidling)
Wife Beer 1.0 ("Richard Scott")
Expensive beer. ("Gregg Soh")
Orval clone ("Jens P.Maudal")
preserving labels ("Chris Bersted")
O2 Regulators (Andrew Stavrolakis)
re: pppbbbbbbbbtttttttttt ("Spies, Jay")
Pat and Karl kudo ("Spies, Jay")
Lauter tun outlet diameter (Nathan Kanous)
Xmas draws near . . . ("Spies, Jay")
Spots before my eyes! (Brad_Plummer)
Proto-germanic brewing (Tidmarsh Major)
More Zymurgy and Nottingham (Paul Gatza)
Nottingham Yeast (Richard Johnson)
RE: Igloo/Gott coolers (Jack Phillips)
Chimay White / Cinq Cent (Matthew Arnold)
NPT thread thread ("Larry Maxwell")
aluminum question (Adam Holmes)
Zymurgy/Nottingham (Mark_Ohrstrom/Humphrey_Products)
Darcy's Law (Scott Murman)
solution for sticky rye (was: pressure sparging) (Alan Edwards)
Alt decoction (Troy Hager)
Nottingham Yeast (Herbert Bresler)
Xmas traditions (Mark Tumarkin)
Dry yeast for Altbier?? ("Hans E. Hansen")
I am so dry... So dry I be... (pbabcock)
Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!
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JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (janitor@hbd.org)
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 22:32:11 -0800
From: Jack Schmidling <arf at mc.net>
Subject: Brass/Lead
William Graham <weg at rmi.net>
" The gist of the experiment was that aluminum levels were measured
in wort before and after a boil in aluminum. The aluminum levels
were identical.
" My question is: has this been done for "deleaded" brass?
" So why haven't we tested it even to the same level we tested for
Who'se "we"? Have "you" tested anything?
I, for one, tested and reported results from mashing, boiling and
fermenting in kettles with EASYMASHERS installed that had never
had any treatment whatsoever. The samples were sent to a lab
along with control samples of the water that was used to brew
the batch. Guess what?
The water had MORE lead in it then the beer.
To be totally honest, both numbers were in the noise and at the
limits of detectability but the water sample actually did have
a higher value for lead.
Needless to say, I abandoned the plastic SLEEZYMASHER(r) project
and had another beer.
"My fittings are stainless steel.
Mine are all brass "loaded" with lead.
If I thought folks would pay $100 for an EM, I suppose I would offer
one in stainless.
- --
Visit our WEB pages: http://user.mc.net/arf
ASTROPHOTO OF THE WEEK..... New Every Monday
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 00:14:48 -0600
From: "Richard Scott" <rscott57 at flash.net>
Subject: Wife Beer 1.0
In an on-going effort to maintain spousal support for my homebrewing,
she-who-cannot-be-ignored asks if good clone recipes for <gasp!> Zima or
<gulp!> 2-Dog Lemon Brew can be shared. I've tried keeping a plentiful
supply of wine-in-a-box, but she has her heart set on clear-near-beer.
Oh, the shame..... Please, no flames....
Richard Scott
Coppell TX
Home of the Dallas Stars !! ..... and a semi-good football team, too.
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 00:51:31 PST
From: "Gregg Soh" <greggos at hotmail.com>
Subject: Expensive beer.
Dave Burley says about a new beer named Buddy to be sold in Japan,
".............has a lower price in these restrained economic times in
Japan. The price? a 12 oz can sells for $1.20 versus $1.80 for beer!
Yeah, per can."
Here in Singapore, SNPA and Anchor Steam go for almost US$4 a bottle!
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 12:45:43 +0100
From: "Jens P.Maudal" <jensmaudal at bu.telia.no>
Subject: Orval clone
Roger Protz describes the making of this beer fairly
detailed in the "European Beer Almanac"
86% pale malt(of 4 different types)
13,5% Caravienne malt
White Candy sugar (350 kg per brew)
Hallertau and Styrian Goldings hops, dry-hopped with Kent Goldings.
same yeast for the primary and secondary and a different (lager)
yeast for the bottle priming.
The IBU is not specified, only mention generous use of bittering
hops resulting in a tart bitterness.
I am wondering if anybody has tried making Orval and have a
good recipe to share.
- --
Jens P.Maudal
"Bottoms up everybody"
Norbrygg page.. http://www.ifi.uio.no/~ketilf/norbrygg.cgi
My humble page. http://w1.2328.telia.com/~u232800221/index.htm
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 07:56:00 -0600
From: "Chris Bersted" <ctb967f at mail.smsu.edu>
Subject: preserving labels
Brad Maubeck inquired about preserving labels for his Xmas brew. I have had
some luck spraying my labels with Krylon Crystal Clear Acrylic 1303. Labels
typically come off in the dishwasher, or easily slide off (glue stick to
secure them), but the picture on the label is preserved pretty well
Chris Bersted
Springfield, MO (may miles SW of Jeff Renner)
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:24:09 -0500
From: Andrew Stavrolakis <andrew_stavrolakis at harvard.edu>
Subject: O2 Regulators
I checked with a local welding supply firm regarding my O2 regulator; they
were very nice and pointed out that converting to CO2 is as simple as
changing the CGA fitting on the regulator. A few people have pointed out
that the 150lb gauge may not be sensitive enough for kegging purposes; I may
swap that out as well. I *didn't* realize that a CO2 tank would cost $70
-$90 - Holy smokes!
Looks like I may have saved a few bucks anyway.
Thanks to all who replied to my question...
andrew_stavrolakis at harvard.edu
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:42:02 -0500
From: "Spies, Jay" <Spies at dhcd.state.md.us>
Subject: re: pppbbbbbbbbtttttttttt
Mikey Beck intoned thusly -
>>>glad to be born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA,
And you live outside of Bawlmer, hon? You have the fortune of being
associated with *2* cities that brew(ed) some of the worst beer on the
planet - I.C. Light and Natty Bo. Now I see why you brew your own.
Jay Spies
Wishful Thinking Basement Brewery
Baltimore, MD
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:57:50 -0500
From: "Spies, Jay" <Spies at dhcd.state.md.us>
Subject: Pat and Karl kudo
All -
Scott Abene reminds us that the 2-year mark of Pat and Karl's
stewardship of the HBD is almost upon us, and says:
I just want to wholeheartedly second that one. The HBD is a fantastic
resource that probably wouldn't be here without the daily efforts of Pat
and Karl, who work quietly away making this list available to us all and
delivered without cost to our doorstep. They are not recognized for
their efforts or publicly thanked nearly enough. Great work, guys.
Jay Spies
Wishful Thinking Basement Brewery
Baltimore, MD
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:00:12 -0600
From: Nathan Kanous <nlkanous at pharmacy.wisc.edu>
Subject: Lauter tun outlet diameter
Howdy folks! Recently changed my mash / lauter tun. Replaced the 3/8 inch
ID copper"ring manifold" with a pizza pan false bottom. I also changed
from 3/8 inch ID copper to 1/2 inch ID copper for my outlet. I've had a
little difficulty with some stuck runoffs. I've never had problems with
the 3/8 inch ID ring manifold (even with a 50% flaked rye roggenbier...slow
but not stuck). Is it possible that the larger bore copper tubing is
drawing wort at a high enough rate to cause the stuck run-off? What size
"runoff" tubing are people using? I use a converted keg. Thanks.
nathan in Madison
Nathan in Madison, WI
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 10:19:59 -0500
From: "Spies, Jay" <Spies at dhcd.state.md.us>
Subject: Xmas draws near . . .
All -
Okay, here's the deal. I recently got the question posed to me that I
love to hear from my SO. "What do you want for Christmas" (She shops
early; I don't get around to asking that question until sometime in mid
December . . .) My answer? "Well DUH -- beer stuff" (ok not exactly in
those words).
My question concerns aluminum. I've pretty much gleaned from the digest
that the aluminum/Alzheimer's thing is mostly speculation (and really,
I'm much more likely to die of liver failure before Uncle Al ever has a
chance to visit), but since I saw a *20* gallon stockpot on sale for
about $140, I'm leaning toward this as my Xmas request. How
durable/cleanable are aluminum pots?? I know it's a softer metal than
SS, but will it pit with repeated boilings of a relatively low pH wort?
Does it stain/retain gunk easily? The one I saw was sort of "brushed"
looking. Who uses these things as boilers, MT's, HLT's??
Jay Spies
Wishful Thinking Basement Brewery
Baltimore, MD
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:28:04 -0600
From: Brad_Plummer at crow.bmc.com
Subject: Spots before my eyes!
Yes, collective. This is yet another
<echo sound on> IS MY BEER RUINED? <echo sound off>
Brewed an extract heffeweizen on Sunday and pitched an 800ml starter of
Wyeast 3068 Weihenstephan. High krausen (sp?) was 12 hours later.
Never had a beer take off like that but then again this was the first
time I've taken the time to do a proper starter. The 6.5-gallon carboy
was borrowed from a friend. It was reportedly 'clean' but I used TSP
and rinsed well. Sanitized with Iodophors. I use a chest freezer for
temp control and held this ferment at 68F. You can really smell the
banana when you open the lid. This AM (Wednesday) I noticed there is
no activity through the airlock (quick ferment?). Still have a 1-inch,
rocky head on the beer but there are several spots around the edge that
are turning black and look like mold. Not in the middle of the head but
just at the top edge where it touches the glass. Is this normal? This
is also the first time I have fermented in glass. Maybe this IS normal
and I have just never noticed it before (wishful thinking). Comments?
Brad Plummer
Georgetown, Texas
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 10:35:29 -0600
From: Tidmarsh Major <ctmajor at samford.edu>
Subject: Proto-germanic brewing
I'm glad to see both Don Beistle and Dave Burley responding to my post
about the origins of 'wort' and even baiting me a bit.
The traditional explanation for basing 'wort' on the meaning 'root' is
that root also meant spice, hence a transferred meaning of an infusion
of spice and thence narrowed to the specific infusion of malt (first
instance in the OED, ca. AD1000, is "hwaetene wyrt": wheat wort). My
knowledge of German linguistic history is pretty weak, but I suspect a
similar relation between Modern High German 'wurz' (root/foot of the
mountain) and 'wuerz' (root of plant/spice).
Don's argument for an alternate proto-germanic etymology is an
interesting one. 'Worth' derives from the Indo-european *wer, meaning
to turn. Thus the 'worth' of the malt is that it 'turns' into beer.
ALso related to this Indo-european root is the Old English 'wyrd'
(ancestor of modern 'wierd'), meaning 'fate.' Beer is the fate of malt?
I like the thought, but I'm not sure such folk-etymology is enough to
convince me.
Tidmarsh Major
Birmingham, Alabama
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 10:12:42 -0700
From: Paul Gatza <paulg at aob.org>
Subject: More Zymurgy and Nottingham
Although the article was not finished in time for the Yeast Special
Issue of Zymurgy, the March/April Zymurgy will have a technical article
regarding the advances in the quality of dry yeasts and the changes in
the production processes of dry yeasts. The article is co-written by
Clayton Cone of American Yeast, Dr. Thomas Tompkins, an expert on yeast
contamination and member of the ASBC, and Dr.Tobias Fishburn, who
studied at the Technical University in Munich. The latter two authors
work on R&D for Llallemand.
- --
Paul Gatza
American Homebrewers Association (303) 447-0816 x 122
736 Pearl Street (303) 447-2825 -- FAX
PO Box 1679 paulg at aob.org -- E-MAIL
Boulder, CO 80306-1679 info at aob.org -- AOB INFO
U.S.A. http://www.beertown.org -- WEB
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Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 12:49:11 -0500
From: Richard Johnson <ricjohnson at SURRY.NET>
Subject: Nottingham Yeast
With all of the discussion about Nottingham dry yeast, I thought I might add
this little ditty. When visiting a Hops Bar & Grille (a chain in the
southeast) recently, I ordered a sampler. I thought all four of the beers
were pretty good. When talking with the "Brewmaster" I asked if he used 1056
as a lot of brewpubs do. To my surprise he said they (all Hops) use
Nottingham dry yeast. I then asked him if they rehydrate. "No, we just pitch
it right out of the pack". They are not allowed to deviate in order to
maintain consistency within the chain. The "Brewmaster" was a former
restaurant employee trained on the Pub Brewing system.
BTW, they do list a couple of their beers as lagers, but they use the same
yeast just cold conditioned.
Brewing in Mayberry,
Richard Johnson
Mt. Airy, NC
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 98 09:34:00 -0800
From: Jack Phillips <jphillip at FUTUREX.COM>
Subject: RE: Igloo/Gott coolers
Jeff wrote
>I've recently begun to use a 10 gallon Igloo for the sparge water, so I
really don't need the third kettle. Folks have >posted here in the past
that the Igloo is safe for hot liquids, and I've had no warping, but the
smell of the hot container >after I'm done leaves me with some health
concerns. I do wonder what kind of plasticizers or other nasties are
being >leached into my sparge water. It has no taste, but that's not
I can't speak about the Igloo cooler, however I have used a 10 gallon
gott cooler as a mashtun for about 2 years, and have never detected any
off flavors that might have originated from the materials the gott was
constructed from, nor has any judge reported any off taste that would
indicate a leaching of contaminants from the plastic liner. As I brew a
lot of
"American Pils" for my beer drinking friends with no "taste", I believe
that you would notice any off flavors if they were present
Jack A. Phillips Placerville,Ca
A few miles east of Charley and 2000 miles west of Jeff
Brewing on the Timberline
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 18:08:30 GMT
From: marnold at ez-net.com (Matthew Arnold)
Subject: Chimay White / Cinq Cent
Earlier this year at one of my homebrew club's meetings, the styles of the
meeting were Strong Ales and Belgian Ales. It gave me my first opportunity to
try Chimay White / Cinq Cent. Let's just say it was love at first taste. I've
searched the archives and found only one clone recipe, a reprint from Brew Your
Own. I also found the Brewing Techniques "Brewing in Styles" article by Martin
Lodahl on Belgian Trappist/Abbey Ales, but that's about it.
I assume a good base would be German or Belgian Pilsner malt with about a pound
of light candi sugar. The Lodahl article lists the original gravity as 1.071. I
don't know what IBU level to shoot for, but it must be relatively high. I've
also read that Hallertau, Saaz, or Goldings (Styrian or East Kent) would be
good choices for hops. I'd probably try to culture yeast from a few bottles of
Chimay or maybe just use Wyeast #1214 which I've heard is supposed to be the
Chimay strain.
Any thoughts? Any recipes?
- -----
Webmaster, Green Bay Rackers Homebrewers' Club
http://www.rackers.org info at rackers.org
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 10:32:09 -0800
From: "Larry Maxwell" <Larry at bmhm.com>
Subject: NPT thread thread
Further to this, uh, thread, I briefly looked into this terminology
once, and from what I recall, "NPT" means "national pipe
thread, tapered," and "MPT" and "FPT" are often used
informally to refer to male pipe-thread and female pipe-thread,
whether tapered according to the NPT standard or having
some other kind of thread.
BTW, I enjoy these peripheral threads about pipe standards
and the etymology of brewing terms. Linguists and plumbers,
don't be afraid to keep posting!
Larry Maxwell
San Diego
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 11:59:27 -0700 (MST)
From: Adam Holmes <aaholmes at lamar.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: aluminum question
Hey, hearing about people using aluminum brewpots has got me wondering =
about the price of these things as well as specific sources to obtain =
them. All I read about is expensive stainless steel pots or converting =
used kegs to use as pots. Aluminum may be a nice alternative. =20
Adam Holmes
Fort Collins, CO
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 14:12:25 -0500
From: Mark_Ohrstrom/Humphrey_Products at humphreypc.com
Subject: Zymurgy/Nottingham
> From: AlannnnT at aol.com
> Subject: Zymurgy and Nottingham
> ... Andrew, did you notice that the Zymurgy article stated that the
sample beers
> were all shaken in transport to the tastings?
My recollection is that just *some* (unidentified) kegs were agitated. If
they *all* were shaken, we could at least derive some inference about the
flocculation characteristics of the yeasts.
Generally, I found this "AHA Road Test" to be poorly conceived and
executed. Why bother to test dissimilar types of yeast in sub-optimal (for
the yeast's "style") worts?
I have been playing with the Nottingham since Big Brew '98 with very
acceptable results (and how can I beat the convenience?) My (unanswered by
Zymurgy) question is: Are there any other dry yeast "styles" (by Danstar
or another brand) that are of equal quality?
Perhaps the next time, the HBD contributors could aid in designing the "AHA
Road Test". Brian (Rezac), are still on the list? Comments?
Mark in Kalamazoo
"Never try to teach a Pig to sing -- it wastes your time, and it annoys the
Pig ... "
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 11:32:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Scott Murman <smurman at best.com>
Subject: Darcy's Law
Folks keep bringing up Darcy's Law and how it relates to lauter
design. IMO, it's irrelevant to the problem. What the micro-flow
(and diffusion, etc.) between each grain particle looks like, while it
may be interesting, is not significant for predicting how the
macro-flow of sparge liquer through a lauter tun will look.
We do know exactly the downward mean velocity through the lauter tun,
because we control it with our outlet valve. There isn't a "discharge
coefficient" involved in the macro-flow - I can raise the mean
velocity through the grainbed simply by opening my valve. I think
it's possible to achieve an exit velocity that's pretty darn close to
the maximum predicted by ignoring the grain completely.
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 11:50:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Alan Edwards <ale at cisco.com>
Subject: solution for sticky rye (was: pressure sparging)
Thomas Murray Writes:
> "I read somewhere that a German brewer of Roggenbier uses some
> kind of pressure sparging technique to force the sparge water
> through the grain bed. The grist had a high percentage of
> rye in it, something like what you suggested (65%) as I recall."
Peter Santerre replies:
| This got me to thinking - (Uh oh)
| Would it be possible to put in an 'easy masher' type pickup
| on the end of the 'Out' line in a corney keg and use this to
| do a pressurized mash?
If you are trying to solve the problem of getting a stuck mash when making
a rye beer, let me share my recent experience mashing with 33% rye *malt*
(as opposed to flaked or raw). My experience supports that if you do a
beta-glucan rest, and a protein rest, that there is a reduced chance of
the sparge getting stuck. Mine didn't stick at all, although it took
2 hours and 45 minutes to collect all of the runnings.
I took a clue from a thread a while back in the HBD, and got further
clarification and help from George DePiro. (Thanks George!)
5 pounds 2-row pils malt (pils for the extra beta-glucanase)
4 pounds rye malt (33%)
2 pounds Munich malt
1 pound caramel malt
Mash schedule:
35 min at 104F; mash in and beta glucan rest
20 min at 122F; protein rest
100 min at 150F; starch conversion
15 min at 168F; mash out
(These are the actual times--I was shooting for 30, 15, 90 and 15 minutes
Since I mash in a 10 gallon RubberMaid cooler, I used a combination of
boiling water additions and decoction to step the mash; and ended up with
a pretty thin mash--about 17 quarts of water was added, total. That ends
up to be about 1.4 quarts per pound. I started out with a thick mash and
discovered a fun way to dough-in at 104F...mix it with your hands!
Anyway, the sparge never threatened to stick, but it was pretty slow--almost
3 hours to complete.
Just plan for the extra time.
-Alan in Fremont, CA
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 11:50:46 -0800
From: Troy Hager <thager at bsd.k12.ca.us>
Subject: Alt decoction
HBD Brewers:
I too have been rereading all the great posts about alt brewing and am
getting ready to brew one soon. I have decided to do a single decoction and
use 100% Weyermanns Dark Munich malt.
After combing the back issues of BT and the HBD archives on decoction
schedules, I have come up with this:
Mash in at 145F - rest for 30 mins.
Pull a thick decoction and slowly ramp up to 155F - rest for 15 mins
Slowly bring to boil - boil for 30 mins
Add decoction to mash to raise to 167F
Hold at 167F for 30 mins.
All of you alt and decoction experts - what do you think?
Suggestions/critiques welcomed!
Private emails are fine!
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 18:09:37 -0500
From: Herbert Bresler <bresler.7 at osu.edu>
Subject: Nottingham Yeast
Dear Colleagues in brewing,
With Andrew Stavrolakis' post about Nottingham Ale Yeast bringing the
recent Nottingham posts to at least 4, I feel compelled to add another --
while we're on a roll...
I have never used this yeast, but have been interested in it ever since I
took a brewpub tour in San Diego and nearby environs last March. I visited
at least 10 different brewpubs, and I think at least half of them were
using Nottingham yeast almost exclusively. Many different styles, all good
to excellent beers, with only Nottingham! One brewer even brewed his
Hefe-Weizen with it and it was fabulous. He managed to get the esters just
right by controlling fermentation temps, mash schedule and grain selection.
[I admit to being negligent in not posting the results of my brewery tour.
Maybe I'll get out my notes and try to put something together for HBD.]
I have purchased a packet, but being a liquid yeast user and yeast rancher,
I haven't gotten around to using it yet. I was not able to locate a source
for Nottingham Yeast as a liquid culture. [Anybody out there know of one?]
I'm so unused to dry yeast that it hasn't reached the top of my list.
Andrew's suggestion for using Nottingham yeast in a Barleywine sounds
great. After having just gotten around to reading the Barleywines article
in the last BT, Nottingham sounds like it fits the bill very well - high
attenuation, neutral character, clean, alcohol tolerant, good floculator...
I want to learn more about this yeast strain, so I encourage everyone with
experience with Nottingham Yeast to please share their experiences with us
through the HBD. Could be an interesting thread, who knows.
Good luck and good brewing to you all,
in Bexley (Columbus), Ohio
40degN, 83degE
(We here in Columbus don't generally consider Ann Arbor the center of
anything around this time of year, except perhaps our disdain; so I'll
refrain from JR-relative measures -- at least until after Saturday's game.)
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 18:43:44 -0500
From: Mark Tumarkin <mark_t at ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Xmas traditions
I know it's a little early but thought you all might enjoy the following
Santa was very cross. It was Christmas Eve and NOTHING was going right.
Mrs. Claus had burned all the cookies. The elves were complaining about
not getting paid for the overtime they had while making the toys. The
reindeer had been drinking all afternoon and were dead drunk. To make
matters worse, they had taken the sleigh out for a spin earlier in the
day and had crashed it into a tree.
Santa was furious. "I can't believe it! I've got to deliver millions
of presents all over the world in just a few hours - all of my reindeer
are drunk, the elves are on strike and I don't even have a Christmas
tree! I sent that stupid Little Angel out HOURS ago to find a
tree and he isn't even back yet! What am I going to do?" Not knowing
what else to do, Santa went down in the cellar and brought up a firkin
of 1982 Bigfoot barleywine. He started hitting it pretty hard and
getting even more pissed off every minute.
Just then, the Little Angel opened the front door and stepped in from
the snowy night, dragging a Christmas tree. He says "Yo, fat man! Where
do you want me to stick the tree this year?" And thus the tradition of
angels atop the Christmas trees came to pass......
I had no idea this was how the tradition started. Hope you all have your
holiday beers and winter warmers well under way.
Mark Tumarkin
Gainesville, Fl
way south of Jeff, and waaaay south of Santa
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 15:57:54 -0800
From: "Hans E. Hansen" <hansh at teleport.com>
Subject: Dry yeast for Altbier??
Hi all.
My local store is out of any Wyeast appropriate for
an Altbier (German Ale 1007, Kolsch 2565, or
European Ale 1338). Are there any dry yeasts that
could work?
Al K.'s book claims that most "Lager" dry yeast is
really cool fermenting ale yeast (p. 469). If this
is so, what about YeastLab Amsterdam Lager, or
YeastLab European Lager? Do they give an appropriate
Hans E. Hansen
hansh at teleport.com
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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 23:00:01 -0500 (EST)
From: pbabcock <pbabcock at mail.oeonline.com>
Subject: I am so dry... So dry I be...
Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...
With all the hubbub regarding dry yeasts of late, I just had to pipe in:
When educating the Eison New Jersey Brew Crew, I used nothing but dry out
of convenience. The Honey Wheat was one of the CLEANEST I've ever brewed.
I think it was Whitbread...
See ya!
Pat Babcock in SE Michigan pbabcock at oeonline.com
Home Brew Digest Janitor janitor@hbd.org
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The Home Brew Page http://oeonline.com/~pbabcock/brew.html
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