HOMEBREW Digest #30 Mon 19 December 1988
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Applying science (Darryl Richman)
Need help with carbonation control... ("Anthony M. Giannone")
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
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Date: Mon, 19 Dec 88 05:24:35 PST
From: Darryl Richman <darryl at ism780c.isc.com>
Subject: Applying science
Having just read Cheryl Feinstein's introduction, her profession piques
my interest, and perhaps she can provide some more information. I have
a high school quality microscope: coarse and fine adjusting, 2 oculars
at 10 and 15x, 3 objectives at 5, 20, and 40x, an understage aperture
control, and a mirror. I've been through a number of breweries and
they all seem to have a lab with a lab microscope. I've looked at
yeast starters through this, and by gosh, there are lots and lots of
little cells floating around in it. My question is, how can I make use
of this to better understand my yeast? How can I determine the yeast
density? What stains are useful for seeing the yeast, and what are
useful for seeing other infecting agents? What other tools should I
acquire to aid me in this endeavor?
--Darryl Richman
(The Falcon's Nest homebrewer's BBS Sysop--818 349 5891)
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Date: Mon, 19 Dec 88 09:45:45 EST
From: "Anthony M. Giannone" <giannone at ccm.bbn.com>
Subject: Need help with carbonation control...
I have just one question before I pop open the first bottle of
my holiday brew (Mistletoe Malt). I have been homebrewing for
almost four years and the one factor I have had some trouble
with is the carbonation level. I have always used all-malt
(extract) recipies and I prime with corn sugar (usually about 1/3
cup). My results have varied from semi-flat to champagne levels
of carbonation.
Is there some way of determining how much priming sugar to use
(if any)? I'd appreciate any information you could provide.
thanks and Happy Holidays,
tony g
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