HOMEBREW Digest #3312 Sat 29 April 2000

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		Digest Janitor: janitor@hbd.org
		Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of 
		Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.
				URL: http://www.oeonline.com

  yeast propagator ("Pannicke, Glen A.")
  Kentucky Yeasties ("Jeremy J. Arntz")
  RE:  Syrup questions HBD 3309 ("Houseman, David L")
  stills and sake (AlannnnT)
  Carbonation Question (Jim Welsh)
  Question for Dr. Cone (msnyder)
  Great Canadian Homebrew Conference and Competition ("Rob Jones")
  Re: Update on finding Woodruff syrup (Trevor Hyde)
  BudSwill contributes to STDs ("Bob Sutton")
  RE: Big Brew 2k (C.P.)" <cfrey at ford.com>
  Tasty Stakes (Jim Bermingham)
  Big Brew recipe (C.P.)" <cfrey at ford.com>
  Beer of the Day Calendar ("Philip J Wilcox")
  Scott Snyder's yeast (cbuckley)
  Infusion jars, Cardamom, and Woodruff (Nathan Kanous)
  Jockey Box follow-up ("Spies, Jay")
  woodruff syrup, BT, Vol.7, #1 (Marc Sedam)
  Cardamom again: sources of 1,8 cineole (Jim Adwell)
  Just a little jab! ("Brian Lundeen")
  Hydrogen Peroxide (Brad Miller)
  NYC Bars - my $0.02 (Victor Macias)
  HB Competition (Patrick and Jennifer Fimbres)
  Woodruff Syrup (Dick)

* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! * 18th Annual Oregon Homebrew Festival - entry deadline May 15th * More info at: http://www.hotv.org/fest2000 Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!! To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to request@hbd.org FROM THE E-MAIL ACCOUNT YOU WISH TO HAVE SUBSCRIBED OR UNSUBSCRIBED!!!** IF YOU HAVE SPAM-PROOFED your e-mail address, you cannot subscribe to the digest as we canoot reach you. We will not correct your address for the automation - that's your job. The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit. More information is available by sending the word "info" to req at hbd.org. JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (janitor@hbd.org)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 15:48:55 -0400 From: "Pannicke, Glen A." <glen_pannicke at merck.com> Subject: yeast propagator In a previous post I asked if there would be interest in a homebrew scale cylindro-conical yeast propagator. After posting I have seriously questioned my sanity and wondered if I need a new hobby. However, I have received a number of private responses (thank you all) and it seems that there is a large enough interest in designing a mini-scale yeast propagator for yeast growth and collection. I am not alone in my screwiness ;-) So far the requirements list is as follows: 1. Conical bottom to allow for layered settling of yeast, trub and particulates 2. Yeast collection valve at bottom of tank 3. Sidewall valve to allow for sampling and draining of spent media 4. Airlock or other method of aseptically venting gas 5. Volume sufficient to contain approx. 1 gallon of wort/growth media +20% headspace 6. Sterile air or oxygen aeration system 7. Circulation/agitation system 8. Temperature control 9. Ease of cleaning and sanitization 10. Low material cost & easy construction by the layman Plastics are easier for most people to work with than metal or glass. Since a majority of us use household bleach as a sanitizer in our hobby, I'm considering using an empty bleach bottle as the housing. Why? Cut off the bottom and invert it. Now, it's already pretty damn close to the suggested height:diameter ratio and cone angle for a cylindro-conical. It should be easy to clean and sanitize plus, it already has a hole in the bottom. As for the handle and the volume of the cone which it's displacing, I don't think that it's a big problem. Just think of it as a convenience in handling. Best of all, certain brands come in 1.5 gallon sizes and they're free (after you use up the bleach). As for possible problems: Contamination/cleaning problem around inside of handle if it is hollow? Will yeast be retained in hollow handle instead of cone? Is non-food grade plastic really an issue here? Is a transparent/translucent plastic desirable or detrimental? For the yeast collection valve and sidewall drain/sample valve, these items should be readily available from your homebrew supplier. They're easily removable with gaskets to facilitate cleaning/sanitizing. Possible problems: Contamination of propagator through opening of valve following sampling/collection. Availability of a straight bore (vs. angled) plastic valve for collections. Attachment of collection valve to opening of jug. The lid could be constructed simply from another empty plastic container of slightly larger diameter and would only need to fit loosely on the top. Even plastic wrap and a rubber band would suffice at this point. Since we're not worried about oxidation of the liquid media/wort at this point who cares? As long as it protects the tank from settling dust, mold spores and particulates. Possible problems: I know someone will want this hermetically sealed ;-) I know there's much discussion about oxygenation and stirring in other veins as of late. Many methods are possible here but I believe that both items may be covered in one simple solution. Even the smallest aquarium pump will push enough air through a plastic hose down into the wort/media close enough to the bottom of the tank to sufficiently aerate AND agitate the liquid at the same time. The pump could push air through a 0.22 micron sterile filter and through a plastic hose up to the point at which it enters the tank. The tank lid could be fitted with a hard plastic tube (racking cane) which has been pushed through a grommetted opening in the lid top which would allow adjustments in depth to be performed. The end of the cane can then be fitted with an aeration stone which can either be as disposable as the cheap fish tank kind or as expensive as the sintered stainless. Everything past the sterile filter is easily sanitized in bleach or iodophor. I don't see much in the way of problems here. As for heating and cooling, heating can be achieved through the use of an aquarium heating element. They come fully immersible and are internally regulated, thereby eliminating the need for a separate sensing and controller circuit. Cooling is more difficult, but I've been successful in keeping a 3 gallon fermenter in the 45 - 50 F range for 12 hours using just 2 blue ice packs and an insulated box. Wide open for suggestions here... As for a rack to hold it all upright, I'm thinking PVC pipe or aluminum brackets. This is all more up to personal choice and available materials. I'd like some suggestions from the collective regarding possible problems I've overlooked or solutions to ones I didn't. Suggested enhancements are always appreciated, and while I'd love to have it all done in stainless or glass with neat things like CIP balls and PLC controls, I want to keep the first prototype simple, yet effective. I'm currently collecting the above materials (I can already scrounge half of them from around the house). I'll keep track of materials and costs, plan some tests on growth rates and then post my results to the interested parties on the HBD. I can smell those gears burning, guys! Carpe cerevisiae! Glen Pannicke http://www.pannicke.net "He was a wise man who invented beer" - Plato Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 15:45:56 -0400 From: "Jeremy J. Arntz" <arntz at surfree.com> Subject: Kentucky Yeasties Kentucky Yeasties I have a question about yeast genetics. I have read that yeast shouldn't be used in more than three fermentation cycles do to the production of mutated cells. Your basic case of yeast inbreeding. I just salvaged some yeast from my last batch and I used a basic "washing" process. I used distilled water to help suspend the viable yeast cells from the trub. I ended up with only a small amount of final yeast sediment. However I probably could have been more patient and rescued a higher percentage of the little buggers. I had a tremendous amount of trub and sediment almost 2L while suspended in a minimal amount of beer. It was my first all grain batch. I got a good cold break and accidentally siphoned a good portion of the protein into the fermentor. Anyway the point of my question is that I plan to use this yeast in a few weeks and last night I started the process of stepping up my starter. I plan to step up once a week then once more a few days before I brew. In between steps I am storing it in the refrigerator. Anybody had experience with this? Finally, going back to where I started. I was wondering about stepping up a starter and the production of mutations. As I said I have heard the rule of thumb of only using yeast for 3 batches. Then technically stepping up a large starter could be counted as three "batches". Yes or No? And if No then why? It seems to me that the size of the cycle wouldn't matter to the yeast. Granted I am no geneticist! Thanks once again for your help! I am looking forward to using all the all grain/mashing advice I got from my last post on my next batch, which will be Scottish Heather Ale. Should be an interesting summer brew! My apologies to all our Kentucky friends! I couldn't resist the urge to use that title! Jeremy (arntz at surfree.com) "Draft beer , not people." (:-o)<><////////> Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 16:49:08 -0400 From: "Houseman, David L" <David.Houseman at unisys.com> Subject: RE: Syrup questions HBD 3309 Ron Montefusco might be better able to address the woodruff syrup formulation than I, but I have had a little practical experience using woodruff. I first encountered woodruff in beer not in Germany as an adjunct to Berliner Weisse, but as Woodruff Ale produced in Northern California (forgot who). Loved it. Called the brewer and he hinted at the process, not wanting to give away his trade secrets. Woodruff is a ground cover. The essential oil is produced upon drying so one must use dried woodruff leaves. The oil is not soluble in water but is in alcohol. So initially I created a tincture of woodruff using vodka and that worked well. Later I just dry "hopped" with woodruff and the alcohol in the beer worked fine. For a woodruff syrup of course one would need to create a basic sugar syrup that is then flavored with the tincture of woodruff and colored green. The tincture will be green from the woodruff, but additional green food coloring might be used. For those interested in the woodruff ale, create a basic light ale (lager or pils malt and neutral ale yeast -- 1056). Keep hopping rate to balance but not assertive. Cascades is complementary to woodruff and one could dry hop a little cascades along with the woodruff. A little woodruff goes a LONG way, so probably no more than 5 grams (if that) of dried woodruff for a 5 gallon batch would be plenty. This is a very interesting herb beer. David Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 22:12:10 EDT From: AlannnnT at aol.com Subject: stills and sake Hi ya'll, I'm trying to find a digest for fans of distillation and distilled spirits. Anyone? Racked my first Sake, well, 'racked' is a funny word for Sake. I squeezed my first 2 gallons. If you've never tried making Sake, you don't know what your missing. The bag of lees feels like a cold cow's udder. Nice image, eh? Alan Talman Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 22:39:36 -0500 From: Jim Welsh <jwelsh at execpc.com> Subject: Carbonation Question I brewed a Duvel-like clone and have been lagering it in secondary for about one month. I have been having problems in the past carbonating lagered beer in the bottle. I typically prime with 3/4 cup of corn sugar and wait 2-3 weeks. This time around, I have been considering pitching a small amount of champagne yeast in the bottling bucket and then bottling. My question is: will this cause my bottles to burst. Is there a better way of carbonating this beer. Thanks in advance! Jim Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:44:51 -0500 From: msnyder at wm.com Subject: Question for Dr. Cone Greetings to all. I have a what appears to be a simple question for Dr. Cone. I have several vials of pitchable liquid yeast that I won at a beer festival. However I failed to use them within their expiration date. In fact, they are now approximately 1 year expired. Assuming I am able to get a successful starter going from these yeasts, what would prevent the strain from remaining true to it's original form and being used? Will the yeast strain degrade or less desirable attributes increase? This information would also be a boon to those of us who like the discounted prices available on expired liquid yeasts at our local homebrew shop. Thanks Mark Snyder Atlanta, Georgia Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 07:05:44 -0400 From: "Rob Jones" <robjones at pathcom.com> Subject: Great Canadian Homebrew Conference and Competition The entry deadline for this year's GCHC is fast approaching. Entries must be received at BrewYourOwn, 168C MCcaul St, in Toronto by 5:30pm Saturday April 29. Judging will take place on May 6th. The April issue of the CABA Times is being mailed on April 28th. CABA members should get their copy soon. Friday May 12, 8-11 p.m. Kick off GCHC weekend with a HOMEBREW HOUSE PARTY in Toronto. Enjoy an informal evening of homebrew and camaraderie. Get an opportunity to taste the beer your board has been brewing! If you would like to attend, please contact Robin Griller at rgriller at chass.utoronto.ca or call the CABA phone line at (416) 812-6732 to RSVP and get directions. Please bring a few bottles of your homebrew for other CABA members to taste. A $10 donation will be requested to cover snacks and expenses. NOTE: Due to the homebrew houseparty, there will not be a pre-conference dinner at the BierMarkt. SATURDAY MAY 13. GCHC 2000. Royal Canadian Legion 101, 3850 Lakeshore Blvd W, Etobicoke. Doors open at 9 am, registration at 9:30 am. Conference starts at 10:00 am. Speakers include Christ White of Whitelab Yeast Inc.; Phil DiFonzo; Paul Dickey; Alan McKay; Mike Duggan and more. Members rates are: Conference only (lunch included): $40; Awards Dinner $30; Conference & Dinner $60. Slightly more for non-members. See the April issue of the CABA Times (which will be going in the mail on Friday) or our webpage http://realbeer.com/caba for more details! SUNDAY MAY 14TH. Post-GCHC Brunch at the Granite Brewery. ALSO COMING SOON: June 2nd is the entry deadline for the Aurora Brewing Challenge, Edmonton, AB. This will be the Canadian Qualifier for MCAB III. An entry form will be included with this month's CABA Times or can be found on the web page. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 07:49:22 -0500 From: Trevor Hyde <Trevor.Hyde at marquette.edu> Subject: Re: Update on finding Woodruff syrup A local store in Milwaukee carries both the raspberry and woodruff syrups, fairly cheaply as I remember (less than $4 a liter). The store is Discount Liquor (Phone: 414-545-2175), located at 50th and Oklahoma. Trevor Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 08:40:03 EDT From: "Bob Sutton" <anerobe at hotmail.com> Subject: BudSwill contributes to STDs In today's news.... - ------------------------- Cheap beer is a leading contributor to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, according to a government report that says raising the tax on a six-pack by 20 cents could reduce gonorrhea by up to 9 percent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study, released Thursday, compared changes in gonorrhea rates to changes in alcohol policy in all states from 1981 to 1995. In years following beer tax increases, gonorrhea rates usually dropped among young people. The CDC analyzed the drops in gonorrhea rates following different tax increases and came up with the estimate that 20-cent increase per six-pack would lead to a 9 percent drop in gonorrhea rates. Chesson cited the example of a 16-cent per gallon _ about 9 cents per six-pack _ tax increase in California in 1991. Gonorrhea rates in the 15 to 19 age group dropped about 30 percent the following year. Drops in other states were not as dramatic. During the study, various states raised beer taxes 36 times. Gonorrhea rates among in the 15 to 19 age group dropped in 24 of those instances, and rates among those 20 to 24 dropped 26 times. In both age groups, men seem to be more affected than women by higher beer prices. ``This study suggests these strategies could have a significant impact in reducing sexually transmitted diseases among young people,'' said Dr. Kathleen Irwin, chief of health services research and evaluation for the CDC's division of sexually transmitted diseases. the more I drink, the better you look... (I have my limits Fred....) Bob Fruit Fly Brewhaus Yesterday's Technology Today ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:04:39 -0400 From: "Frey, Chris (C.P.)" <cfrey at ford.com> Subject: RE: Big Brew 2k Hmmm, I really have no clue regarding SRM. I get about 80%+ efficiency. My starting gravities are between 1.055 and 1.060; with Wyeast 1056 I generally get down to the 1.012-1.015 range final gravity. The IBU's change with the aa% of the hops; typically I am getting approx. 40 IBU's, a bit higher, a bit lower, depending . I usually get around 35 IBU's with every ounce of Perle I use (assuming somewhere around 7.5-8.0 aa%). I typically boil for 75-90 minutes and wait 10-15 minutes before I add the perle. I do this to allow the boil to "settle", as I do 10-25 gallon batches, this becomes pretty important. The Cascades are usually in the 5% range. The color is light, that resembling a SNPA. The CRystal generally dictates this as the base malts usually only give me 2-4oL. Call me at 734-944-6618 (H) or 313-390-02339(W) if you have any further questions. Looks like I will have 25 brewers brewing up 80 gallons of Nearly Nirvana and another 25 gallons of assorted brews for the national AHA meeting (Porter, Scotch, Brown). Chris Frey Credit Insurance Product Management 313-390-2339 cfrey at ford.com - -----Original Message----- From: Megown, Mike MAJ ASA-I&E [mailto:Mike.Megown at hqda.army.mil] Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 6:53 AM To: 'Crispy275 at aol.com' Subject: Big Brew 2k I seen the recipe in Zymergie and again this AM in HBD. But what I'm looking for is the specifics...i.e. the target OG, target IBU's, (and % at which time during the boil), target SRM, and finally what the FG should be. You posted the recipe up but that doesn't do much good because everyones system is different. You may be getting 85% eff, while I only get 74% there's a big difference. So if you could just provide me with that info I can take it from there. I am runing site 14, in Fredericksburg, Va. F.L.A.B. Brew Club Site. Right now it looks like we will be doing 1bbl it may be more if we can get more brewers involved. thanx, Cheers! Mike Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 07:11:49 -0500 From: Jim Bermingham <bermingham at antennaproducts.com> Subject: Tasty Stakes Ed Seymour had a Post Script to Jeff R. about his CAP tasting like cream corn but being very tasty with stake. Anything you eat with a Stake is probably going to be tastier than the stake itself. I have some old Momma cows that, if butchered would probably taste like a stake instead of a steak. Also I keep getting Phil & Jill's BS all over my boots when working those critters. Regards to all, Jim Bermingham Millsap, TX. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:17:20 -0400 From: "Frey, Chris (C.P.)" <cfrey at ford.com> Subject: Big Brew recipe Uh, just found some notes, the actual gravity tends to be more toward 1.050 - 1.055. I have been boosting that up a bit lately, but the SNPA clone calls for a bit lower than what I have been brewing lately. Also, I just read the most recent HBD note of the last few days and the question of FWH with Perle hops came up and I have to admit that this is again one of the more recent varients that I have been playing with. I have FWH using both the perle and the Cascade, but for an actual SNPA clone it would certainly be FWH with Cascade. As I mentioned in a previous post, I LIKE THE HUGE CASCADE FLAVOUR AND NOSE! So, adding an ounce of Cascade while sparging into my brewing kettle, adding a 1/2oz. per 5 gallons of Cascade at 20min and 10min is something I enjoy. while I have good notes, after 19 attempts my memory gets muddy. I will brew my Nearly Nirvana Pale Ale Clone #XX the day before NHD, as I will be teaching a number of people how to do all grain the next day, so I wouldn't be able to focus on my own batch. Chris Frey Credit Insurance Product Management 313-390-2339 cfrey at ford.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:36:29 -0400 From: "Philip J Wilcox" <pjwilcox at cmsenergy.com> Subject: Beer of the Day Calendar All, Saturday's Beer is from Novomestsky Pivovar. The calendar calls it Kvasnicovy Light, Which I don't think is correct. My notes say Kvasnicovy Lezak, which would be Lager not light if I remember correctly. I'm Sure Dr. Pivo will correct me If I'm wrong. What they don't tell you is that this brewpub is one of the most Stunningly beautiful brewpubs in the world. I had dinner there a few weeks ago (4/6/00). The brewhouse is in the back on the main floor where half the seating is also located. The rest of the seating is in the lagering cellars. There is a spiral staircase leading down, and at each quarter turn there is a lagering tunnel bored into the earth. And they are simply Gorgeous!!!!!!! The floors have been tiled, the walls plastered and hand painted. There are booths and tables of simple but rugged construction. We sat in the very bottom. It was a wonderful meal. They have pretzels on the table when you get there. Beers are served in Mass liters. Be carefull on the trip to the WC (bathroom), it is a half step down with a low door overhang to begin with. After climbing the spiral stairs stepping down and ducking can be trickier than it sounds. If you ever make it to Prague, have dinner here then try to find you way to U Flecku. Their beer is dark and smooth and suprisingly light. Call it a Czech Mild. Pivo Proceem!! Phil Wilcox Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:43:59 -0400 From: cbuckley at newsoft.com Subject: Scott Snyder's yeast Scott writes: 2.) I have been pitching my liquid yeast (after popping the package and letting it sit for a couple of days) directly into my brew, after cooling the brew of course. I have never made a liquid starter and the beers (ale, lager, weiss) always come out fine. Am I missing a whole 'nother side of brewing? I do notice that there always seems to be about a day's lag time to the start of active fermentation and then it slows quickly. But, again, the beers seem to come out well. Scott, I posted a similar question one or two months ago. I have tried using starters and pitching lots of yeast. My lag times have gone from "two to three days" down to hours. The end result is not noticeably better (to me). Disclaimer--: I am not trained in the "art and science" of beer tasting, I use the "tastes good / not so good" method. I do like the fast start and better attenuation I get with starters or just lots more store bought yeast. I suggest you try it once and see if the pay is worth the work. I'm going to continue to use them or just pitch a lot more yeast, mostly because I like the short lag and the better attenuation. brew well my friend........ - ---Question. - I have used starters and I have pitched lots of liquid and dry yeast (from the store) into my wort. Both methods attenuate well and have short lag times. Is there any reason one is better than the other? I know that "lots" of yeast can cost several dollars, other than price is there a reason the use a starter instead of just large amounts of fresh store bought yeast.? thanks ----- Happy brewer Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 08:47:41 -0500 From: Nathan Kanous <nlkanous at pharmacy.wisc.edu> Subject: Infusion jars, Cardamom, and Woodruff Hi All, The first and last...first. Thomas Lowry asks about an infusion jar for making flavored vodkas and Don Lake is on a quest for some Woodruff Syrup. I'm considering making some woodruff syrup myself. The real issue is the chemical characteristics of the "essences" that we wish to extract from the woodruff. I'm considering a maceration (mix and let it sit...think infusion jar) in an alcoholic solution (grain alcohol) and an aqueous solution to see what happens. I can then put the "infusion" into some simple syrup. We'll see what happens. Kudos to Spencer for putting a touch of cardamom in his Maibock. Not necessarily a "clean" scientific experiment, but it is better than some of the brow beating that goes on. Hope this helps? nathan in madison, wi Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:53:26 -0400 From: "Spies, Jay" <Spies at dhcd.state.md.us> Subject: Jockey Box follow-up All - Our much revered and hard working janitor Pat Babcock responds to Michael Rose's question about whether to discard the 5 ft of 3/16" tubing at the end of the run of SS coil... >>>Definitely keep it! The balance at each end of the coils is much different due to the temperature drop within the coils themselves. The hose lengths and inner diameters are specified such that the beer effectively sees the same temperature/pressure/resistance relationships on each side of the coils or cold plate for the expected cooling achieved within the coils...(snip)...also note that the system is in balance at 35psig...(snip)<<< Pat's dead on, here. If the system is in balance, don't muck with it. One note though... If the system is in balance at 35 psi, and you have carbonated your keg to, say, 12 psi, you'd best be sure to unhook the keg between uses, drink it up fast, or dispense with mixed gas. Leaving 35 psi of dispense pressure of 100% CO2 on a beer that has been carbonated to 12 psi will quickly overcarbonate your keg. Mixed gas is a nice option because the partial pressure of the CO2 is much less (about 1/3 less) and you can leave it hooked up for quite a while. As an aside, Beer Beer and More Beer (NA,YY) sells a 50' SS coil that is 3/8" ID and only requires about 12 psi to push. Problem solved! BTW, I don't think we take nearly enough opportunities to publicly thank Pat and Karl for the endless and often thankless hours that they put in bringing the HBD to our cyber-doorsteps each and every day. Without them, the wealth of brewing information and overabundance of amusing flame wars would not be available for us. With the demise of BT, their contributions to the brewing community are even more appreciated, at least by this brewer. Keep up the good work, guys...we love ya! Jay Spies aka BaltoBrewer Wishful Thinking Basement Brewery Baltimore, MD Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:55:47 -0400 From: Marc Sedam <marc_sedam at unc.edu> Subject: woodruff syrup, BT, Vol.7, #1 One of the last issues of Brewing Techniques (noted above) had an article on Berliner Weiss. I seem to recall that the author had listed a source for woodruff syrup. I also know that the Dock Street Brewery in Philadelphia has had it for their beers. Hope it helps, Marc Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 08:50:56 -0400 From: Jim Adwell <jimala at apical.com> Subject: Cardamom again: sources of 1,8 cineole Got a chance to surf the net last night, so I searched for "1,8 cineole" on various search engines, and found that a variety of substances contain 1,8 cineole. A partial list: basil (basil beer, anyone?) eucalyptus laurel bay (is this the 'bay laurel' leaves used in cooking?) lavender myrtle turmeric allspice (a "water essence" of allspice was found to contain 5% 1,8 cineole) blueberries (?!?) Australian tea tree oil (0-15%) Also found that 1,8 cineole is a solvent and is highly flammable. I looked back through my notes on the first cardamom beer I brewed and found that I "dry-hopped" 4 cardamom pods in the secondary. I still have several bottles of this batch, now 8 months old, so I tried one last night; tastes like christmas cookies. No wonder I didn't finish it off months ago. FWIW, I gave a number of bottles to a woman who works with my wife; she (not my wife) absolutely loved this beer. I don't like it at all. Cheers, Jim Jim's Brewery Pages: http://home.ptdprolog.net/~jimala/brewery/ Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 10:14:05 -0500 From: "Brian Lundeen" <blundeen at rrc.mb.ca> Subject: Just a little jab! > > Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 08:29:38 -0500 > From: "Louis K. Bonham" <lkbonham at hypercon.com> > Subject: Patent law / Dr. Cone > While putting together the speakers for MCAB I, I had been > trying to get Dr. > Chris White of WhiteLabs to fly in and speak at the > conference. I noticed that Chris White will be the keynote speaker at this year's Great Canadian Homebrew Conference. It doesn't look like Dr Cone will be involved. I guess just the prospect of speaking at a more prestigious event than MCAB was enough to lure Dr White out this time. ;-) Cheers Brian Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 08:51:57 -0800 From: Brad Miller <millerb at targen.com> Subject: Hydrogen Peroxide In the last episode Loren Crow asked about using H2O2 for sanitizing. Actually H2O2 is better than using the famed Idophor. While it is rather cheap, it is not sporicidal but H2O2 is. Remember that H2O2 is light sensitive and should be stored in a brown bottle or it will break down and become ineffective. So I guess when your mom put that stuff on your skinned knees she actually knew what she was doing. Happy Sanitizing! Brad Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 10:46:13 -0700 From: Victor Macias <VMacias at foxsports.net> Subject: NYC Bars - my $0.02 Greetings, all. Since the Burp Castle and Brewski's have been mentioned a couple of times, I thought that I'd chime in with my experience. I live in Los Angeles, I love Belgian beer, and when I heard about the Burp Castle, I couldn't wait to get there. My fiance and I were in NYC over New Year's, and we went to the Burp Castle one evening. Sure, there were nice murals on the wall. Sure, the "waiters" (to use the term VERY loosely) were dressed like monks (complete with the stench of not bathing for quite a while). Fine, I thought. Let me see the beer list. It was good, but they didn't have the first couple of choices that my fiance wanted. Fine. I started with a Celebrator Dopplebock (because that was less expensive than most of my other ridiculously-priced choices) and proceeded to light a cigar. I figured, "this place is gray (and I do mean GRAY!) with cigarette smoke, so my single cigar shouldn't be a problem". Wrong. Shortly after lighting it, one of the stinky monk-waiters came over and asked me to extinguish it. I asked him to explain his reason for asking me to put it out, given the already heavily-polluted atmosphere. He couldn't give me a good reason. I continued to smoke my cigar, finished my first and last beer, and we left. We went next door to Brewski's (who, by the way, had no problem with my cigar) and we drank, and drank, and drank. Victory Hop Devil (AWESOME!), several Brooklyn Brewery beers (excellent), and a couple of Corsendonk Browns (speak for themselves). Ah, freedom... - --- Victor Macias Pacific Gravity Homebrewers - Culver City, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 13:57:11 -0700 From: Patrick and Jennifer Fimbres <patnjen at azstarnet.com> Subject: HB Competition Greetings Brewers: The Rillito Creek Homebrew Club is thrilled to host the BJCP and AHA Sanctioned Flightline 2000 Homebrew Competition. Event Essentials are as follows: Judging will take place May 19-20, 2000 in Tucson, Arizona. Entries are due not later than May 15 2000. BJCP registered event with all categories, plus homemade soda (1999 Style Guidelines). Online registration is preferred (Please Go to The Web Site), traditional registration is acceptable. A two bottle requirement. A graduated entry fee scale for competitors with multiple entries. High quality of judging with BJCP judges and quality control program. Also hosting a Beer Judge Certification Program exam the same weekend. Interested Competitors and Judges go to: http://www.quimbytech.net/flightline/ - -- Patrick Fimbres Rillito Creek Brew Club Tucson AZ "Beer, if drank with moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit and promotes health." -- Thomas Jefferson Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:56:19 -0400 From: Dick <dickgl at lek.net> Subject: Woodruff Syrup This is an easy one (I think). I solved the problem several years ago. It did not even occur to me that there might be a commercial woodruff syrup out there. I made my own. A simple syrup (sugar and water) that you can find in any basic recipe book and the addition of woodruff extract and you have it. Best Dick Return to table of contents
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