HOMEBREW Digest #3325 Mon 15 May 2000

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		Digest Janitor: janitor@hbd.org
		Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of 
		Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.
				URL: http://www.oeonline.com

  re: Kiltlifter Ale ("Jeremy J. Arntz")
  custom bottle caps ("Jimmy Hughes")
  my 2 cents (FredScheer)
  Zymurgy & AHA ("Dean Fikar")
  Re: Beer Engine Parts ("Michael Allison")
  AHA Board ("John A. Carlson, Jr.")
  Request for CAP  thoughts (Jeff Renner)
  Rust on stainless steel ("Jim Suggs")
  Kiltlifter ale (AKGOURMET)
  Re: custom bottle caps (phil sides jr)
  Re: AHA Elections (phil sides jr)
  Re: Pigs Love Their Trough (phil sides jr)
  Upsetting People And Repaying Friends ("Phil & Jill Yates")
  starting a  rhubarb (Clark)
  RevRims ("Francois Zinserling")
  RevRIMS (William Macher)

* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! * 18th Annual Oregon Homebrew Festival - entry deadline May 15th * More info at: http://www.hotv.org/fest2000 Send articles for __publication_only__ to post@hbd.org If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!! To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to request@hbd.org FROM THE E-MAIL ACCOUNT YOU WISH TO HAVE SUBSCRIBED OR UNSUBSCRIBED!!!** IF YOU HAVE SPAM-PROOFED your e-mail address, you cannot subscribe to the digest as we canoot reach you. We will not correct your address for the automation - that's your job. The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit. More information is available by sending the word "info" to req at hbd.org. JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (janitor@hbd.org)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 03:39:11 -0400 From: "Jeremy J. Arntz" <arntz at surfree.com> Subject: re: Kiltlifter Ale I didn't know if you checked their website: http://www.moylans.com/ but here's what is says: KILT LIFTER SCOTCH ALE: Our Scotch style ale is a perfect compliment to the holiday season. Big, robust and bold! Often called a "winter warmer, this beer is a Scottish strong ale with an extremely rich and full body. It is best enjoyed before or after a satisfying meal and should be allowed to warm up in order to enhance its rich malt flavors.The beginning specific gravity is 1.080 and the resulting beer is about 8.0% alcohol by volume. Here is also the description of the Pike Pub and Bewery offering of the same name: Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale History Scotch ale is the strongest of all "Scottish" ales. It is sometimes called "wee heavy," or the Scottish equivalent of England's barley wines. Scotland's cool, damp climate is best suited to the growth of barley, and thus the country's brewers became accustomed to working with minimal quantities of hops (which they were not anxious to purchase from England). Scotch ales are rich and malty and often accented with a touch of peat-smoked whiskey malt. Taste Unlike the lighter "Scottish" ales, this is an authentic heavy Scotch ale. It is lightly hopped with a strong malt character, and a hint of peaty smokiness. Warm fermentation produces fruity esters and balances the sweet malt character. Jeremy Arntz Insomniac Homebrew http://www.meditationzone.net/brewing "You can sleep when your DEAD!" Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 07:56:21 -0400 From: "Jimmy Hughes" <inspector at bmd.clis.com> Subject: custom bottle caps How about buying some of the 3/4" round labels and printing on them, then apply to the cap? Haven't thought about it until now, but will probably buy some this afternoon. I will let you know how it works out. Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again.............. Check out the free items, go to, http://www.ncinspections.com scroll down, click on the free after rebate link........ Save money, enjoy........ Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 08:40:42 EDT From: FredScheer at aol.com Subject: my 2 cents Matt: With Ray Daniel's as Editor of Zymurgy I'm looking forward for lot's of improvement editorial wise. I think that the AHA (and especially the readers of ZYMURGY) will have now a competent Editor with Homebrewing background. As a former longtime Editorial Advisor to THE NEW BREWER magazine (at that time Virginia Thomas was the Editor), I can assure you that I was never handet an article with any comments as to what to do. I only wish that future Editors (ZYMURGY, THE NEW BREWER, and so on), Board of Directors, Advisors, and what ever titles they have, would have brewed several batches of beer before taking this type of positions. That way they would understand the needs of the Brewers regarding what should be printed or not. I know for sure this will happening with ZYMURGY and RAY DANIELS. I'm looking forward for lot's of great issues of Zymurgy in the future. "St. Patrick's" <stpats at bga.com> Subject: AHA Board wrote: >>Except for Pat Babcock who showed he's unfit because the >>digest didn't come out Friday morning :-) Its a little like >>changing tires when the problem's under the hood. I don't think that Pat Babcock is unfit as you posted here at the HBD. As the JANITOR of this forum, Pat done a lot for the Homebrewing scene. By the way Pat, are you running for the AHA Board? If so, I hope you get elected..................and I know, you brewed beer! Fred M. Scheer Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 08:04:50 -0700 From: "Dean Fikar" <dfikar at flash.net> Subject: Zymurgy & AHA Matt writes: >Re: Ray Daniels and Zymurgy >Does anyone know if Daniels has any real editorial control over what type of >articles will be run in Zymurgy, or is he simply handed an article and told, >"Make sure this is fundamentally correct"? If the latter, there is little >reason to hope for improvement in the content of the magazine. I can assure you that Ray is quite involved in the article selection process and actively edits articles. He recently asked me to write an article for an upcoming Zymurgy on warm weather brewing which I was honored to do. He picked the topic, gave me a rough outline of topics he would like to see covered, and generally coached me through the whole process. Through the miracle of email we passed info & edits back and forth a couple of times and within one day of my rough draft he had edited it to my satisfaction and we were done. I personally am pumped about Zymurgy and the direction it is headed with Ray at the helm. On a related note, I must say that my experiences with the AHA have been pretty positive. I'm amazed to read some of the comments from long-time members whom I respect who apparently suffered through some tough years with the organization but most seem to agree that things have gotten better recently. My perspective is a little different in that I've only been a homebrewer for a little over three years and an AHA member for about as long so I guess I missed some of the shenanigans of the past. I'd urge some of the more veteran brewers who quit the AHA back in the lean years to give it another look. With people like Paul Gatza, Rob Moline, and Ray Daniels now on board I can't help but think that the future is pretty good. Dean Fikar Fort Worth, TX Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 10:47:18 -0400 From: "Michael Allison" <mallison at heldref.org> Subject: Re: Beer Engine Parts Hello all, Just wanted to thank everyone at the digest and my local homebrew club (BURP) for all their help in my quest for replacement parts for my Cornelius Beer Engine. I thought I'd share my resources in finding the parts. I ended up calling the guys over at Brewin Beagle out of Chicago. They are the North American representatives of Singleton Services in North Yorkshire (The people who helped Pat Babcock with his parts). I also got a very nice email from Leon Singleton of Singleton Services saying he could track down just about any parts I needed. I also got a lot of useful information from Paul Pendyke at U K Brewing. Barry at Brewin Beagle was extremely helpful. Instead of replacing just the seal in my beer engine, he just sent me a reconditioned pump cylinder. Needless to say, my beer engine is running like a charm and I can't wait to hook it up to my new kegging system. Thanks again. Cheers! Michael Allison Washington, DC Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 11:58:48 -0600 From: "John A. Carlson, Jr." <jac at iex.net> Subject: AHA Board Dear HBD: My name is John Carlson and I was asked by Dr. Mike Hall to be a candidate for the AHA Board of Advisors. I have been homebrewing since ~1990 and and very active in my local home brew club (Hop Barley & The Aler's). I am a National BJCP Judge and judge commercial beer as well. I try to brew at least once a month and remain alert to what is going on in the National Homebrew scene. I also am the director of the Colorado Brewers Guild (the state trade assn. for Colorado Craft Brewers). Like Louis, I am a lawyer by trade. I am interested in promoting the return of the American Beer Culture and try to do what I can to be an advocate for American Craft Beer. I am also involved in the guild's annual public tasting event: The Colorado Brewers Rendezvous. Every July about 40 Colorado craft brewers gather by the banks of the Arkansas River in Salida Colorado to celebrate our craft and industry. The event will take place on July 1 this year. Please stop by if you are in Colorado. Thats about it. If elected I will try to represent the views of the membership to the best of my ability. Cheers, - --John John A. Carlson, Jr. Voice 303-664-9096 FAX 303-665-4394 jac at iex.net Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 15:27:57 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <nerenner at umich.edu> Subject: Request for CAP thoughts Brewers I am writing an article on pre-pro lager/Classic American Pilsner for the upcoming special Zymurgy issue, and solicit your thoughts on this great style. Brewing experience, judging experience (both as entrant and judge), thoughts on the style, your non-homebrewing (and maybe standard comerical beer drinking) friends' reactions when they've had it, anything else you think I meigh like to hear about. Thanks. Jeff PS - For Matt Arnold - I've been communicating with Ray Daniels on this, which makes me feel he's really the one with the hand on the tiller. -=-=-=-=- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, c/o nerenner at umich.edu "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943. Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 16:38:37 -0400 From: "Jim Suggs" <suggs at pile.org> Subject: Rust on stainless steel So i've got a converted keg as a boiling kettle, and i'm starting to notice a little bit of rust inside. This is most probably due to harsh treatment; i'm not the kindest person to my equipment. I know stainless steel is supposed to be passivated against such things. I must have done something to depassivate it. So here's the question: is there any easy way to re-passivate stainless? I skimmed the article at brewery.org (it may have been by John Palmer, or it may not), and could only glean "oxidizing acids." my personal favorite of these at work is nitric acid, but i don't feel compelled to bring that home and monkey with it. thanks, -suggs corning, ny Jim Suggs Brewer, Centerfielder, Worker of the Thunder Broom. suggs at pile.org http://people2.clarityconnect.com/webpages4/jvsuggs/index.html Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 20:15:59 EDT From: AKGOURMET at aol.com Subject: Kiltlifter ale I asked for a clone recipe for Kiltlifter ale in the last issue and sure enough, a HBDer pointed me in the right direction. In the March 2000 issue of Brew Your Own magazine there is an all grain recipe from the brewmaster at Moylan's. Can't get much better then that! Bill Wright Juneau, Alaska www.gourmetalaska.com Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 21:22:17 -0400 From: phil sides jr <psides at technologist.com> Subject: Re: custom bottle caps "steve lane" <tbirdusa at hotmail.com> asks: >I know that all of us have seen the overruns at the brew store and was >wondering if anyone has found a source to have custom bottle caps printed. You would need to print millions to make it economical.... I work part-time in a BOP/Homebrew Supply Store and we are still selling the Longshot 1996 (Boston Beer Company) overruns and have been since 1997 I think. We buy them in huge lots so I know there are plenty left still. Phil Sides Jr. Concord, NH Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 21:27:51 -0400 From: phil sides jr <psides at technologist.com> Subject: Re: AHA Elections Matthew Arnold <revmra at iname.com> wrote: >plaid-girded Skotrat can't do it, no one can. I'm not an AHA member currently, Then you need not have an opinion as to who gets elected. I don't mean to single you out Matthew, but I really do not understand why EVERYONE reading the HBD is not an AHA member. Has the AHA done anything to hurt homebrewing? Or have they done anything to hurt you personally? They may not be everything everyone wants them to be, but on balance, I can't help but think they only help our cause. Just my opinion... Phil Sides Jr. Concord, NH Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 21:37:28 -0400 From: phil sides jr <psides at technologist.com> Subject: Re: Pigs Love Their Trough "Phil & Jill Yates" <yates at acenet.com.au> writes: >shelves strategically placed where one can rest his beer and have a fag >whilst chatting at the trough. Wow! The visual I am getting... I don't even want to get on that train ;-) Phil Sides Jr. Concord, NH Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 20:44:21 +1000 From: "Phil & Jill Yates" <yates at acenet.com.au> Subject: Upsetting People And Repaying Friends >At the Burradoo Hilton there are >shelves strategically placed where one can rest his beer >and have a fag >whilst chatting at the trough. These were my own words and are probably way out of date. At times I suspect I am nearly as far out of date as Dave Burley (don't worry Dave, you and I will be left standing to have a beer together). Someone recently mentioned to me they were going into Sydney to see Savage Garden. "Must be some display of noxious weeds" I concluded. Jill burst out laughing and told me they are a pop band. Funny how the years get away from you. I thought it was only yesterday I was "up with things" but suddenly I'm just a middle aged silly old fart brewing his own beer. By "having a fag" I did mean smoking a cigarette, and I mention this to appease those who privately noted alarm that I was inviting private emails from half of San Fransisco. I guess I would be pushing the point to mention that once I was a gay young bachelor? Now I just know I am going to get another email from James Binkowski about "off topic" posts (James doesn't post himself, but expects me to keep him entertained, and gets most irate when I fall short of his expectations). So before Jimmy can jump on his keyboard, can I mention my Ayinger yeast? A tiny little sample was sent to me in a tiny little vial of sterile water. All the way from the USA, compliments of The Artist Formerly Known As Kap'n Salty. It had been in transit for a few weeks before it turned up in Burradoo and so we were unsure of it's viability. I set about reviving it in a 200ml starter and she was up and running in no time. Now fermenting strongly in a three litre starter, it will be used to ferment this weeks lager. Girls of the billiard room, look out for this one!! Wes Smith dug up the following : >Brauerei Aying has a long-standing reputation for >excellence in beer and hospitality. Although Ayinger >Brewery was founded in a picturesque village 25 >kilometers from Munich in 1878, the site of the Ayinger >Gasthaus Brewery Hotel has been one of Bavaria's most >famous restaurants for more than 500 years. Wes has dug up a whole lot more Ayinger info. We are both keen to give this yeast a burl (sorry, that means "a go"). Something different from our usual White Labs or Wyeast supply. Many thanks to The Kap'n for sending this special yeast. Speaking of sending things, I recently mailed to Ray Kruse a little something in thanks for his skunk oil. Ray is dubious. Reckons if and when it shows up he's gunna shoot it first and open the box later. What's he think I'm sending? Honest Ray, it really is a bottle of Rice Lager. Please don't shoot it first! I feel a bit guilty because I promised Jeff Renner a bottle of Mudgee Mud a year ago and still haven't honoured the promise. To make me feel even more guilty, what I had saved for him endured many months in the fridge in a PET bottle before it succumbed to consumption. But I blame Steve Alexander for this. He got me so revved up about oxidisation I wasn't game to send a PET sample to Jeff that had sat there for so long. You know what? It tasted brilliant! Sorry Jeff. And sorry Steve, I should have mentioned I was also a bit thirsty. Anyway, before I encourage another email from my mate Jimmy, I shall sign off and will report on the results of my Ayinger yeast. Cheers Phil Baron and Brewer of Burradoo Safely North of Richard Pass Very Safely East of Dr Pivo Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 09:19:36 -0400 From: Clark <clark at capital.net> Subject: starting a rhubarb Hi List, Does anyone have an idea for an all-grainer using rhubarb or rhubarb with strawberries perhaps? I have a huge crop of it this year and I began thinking that it might not be too bad in an ale of some sort. I tried a cherry-raspberry ale last year, but I let it sit too long in the secondary and the flavor of the fruit suffered. My wife usually adds lemon or orange zest in the mix when she makes pies. Would wheat or honey be a good addition to a potential batch? I have a Bavarian lager yeast saved from a boch that I would like to use before it gets too warm in the basement. Any suggestions would certainly be appreciated. I usually go with 5 gallon batches. One more thing. I have a corny with ball-lock fittings. The Williams catalog states that pin lock and ball lock fittings are not interchangeable on kegs. I can get more kegs real cheap, but they are pin lock. Are the hole sizes through the top of the keg different for each style? Can I change my ball lock to a pin lock by drilling out the holes if that is the difference? TIA for the help. Dave Clark Eagle Bridge, New York Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 11:54:07 +0200 From: "Francois Zinserling" <francois at designtech.co.za> Subject: RevRims Hi, William I've been toying with the same idea (Reverse RIMS) for some time now. Some benefits that I perceive are : 1. Improved heat transfer - straight RIMS has to push the heat down into the mash, where RevRIMS would have better convection upwards. 2. Improved flow-rates - which you have confirmed already. 3. Much smaller chance of a stuck mash. 4. Better flow around individual particles - the mash would form a suspension of loose particles, where RIMS may cause channeling (or rat-holing) of liquids. No 3 is of concern : I thought the inverse may in fact be true, that the liquid would find a straight path upwards, and not "cover all the particles" as hoped for. What are your experiences on this ? Regards ZING(ZA) Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 20:14:16 -0400 From: William Macher <macher at telerama.lm.com> Subject: RevRIMS Hi Francois and everyone, Francois Zinserling wrote: >I've been toying with the same idea (Reverse RIMS) for some >time now. Some benefits that I perceive are : >1. Improved heat transfer - straight RIMS has to push the heat >down into the mash, where RevRIMS would have better convection >upwards. My guess is that as far as heat transfer within the mash tun, it is probably about the same regardless of what direction the flow goes. But, if you have high flow rate with a revRIMS than a conventional RIMS, then you can input more heat per unit time into the liquid passing through your heating chamber, and get quick temperature changes if you want them. >2. Improved flow-rates - which you have confirmed already. This probably most important if you have a mash tun geometry that demands a deep grain bed. My thinking is that if the mash tun had a large surface area and shallow-depth grain bed, then recirculation rate would not be limited the way it is in my converted keg mash tun, with its 16 inch diameter. >3. Much smaller chance of a stuck mash. At the end the flow is in the standard direction, down through the grain bed. But since at that time as very slow flow rate is desirable, the stuck mash does not seem to be an issue. It certainly was for me at the beginning with normal RIMS flow direction, especially with wheat beers. >4. Better flow around individual particles - the mash would form a >suspension of loose particles, where RIMS may cause channeling >(or rat-holing) of liquids. This seems to be true, at least intuitively. I am not sure how much channeling actually occurs during the high flow period of a normal RIMS since at that time the grain bed tends to compact somewhat. >No 3 is of concern : I thought the inverse may in fact be true, that the >liquid would find a straight path upwards, and not "cover all the particles" >as hoped for. My limited experience so far indicates that with reverse flow "stuck" is still possible, but much easier to clear up if it happens. It seems that the husks and light particles are the culprit with a revRIMS. Whaterver tends to float, rather than sink, wants to be carried to the "false top" and clog the holes in it, while the grains themselves tend to either stay in suspension or fall back towards the bottom. I will have to take a better look at this when I get time to do another batch. Almost certainly next weekend! >What are your experiences on this ? >From what I see so far I am pretty happy with this revRIMS setup. It performs, at least with respect to ability to recirculate at a high rate, just as I was hoping my original RIMS would. Or more like, what I was EXPECTING it to do. Digging out 20 lb. of soggy grain in order to clear a stuck mash is not fun. I did that several different times on different brewing days! Looks like those memories will fade fast now... Hope this is of some help. Bill Macher Pittsburgh, PA USA Return to table of contents
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