HOMEBREW Digest #3357 Wed 21 June 2000
Digest Janitor: janitor@hbd.org
Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of
Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.
URL: http://www.oeonline.com
Re: Diacetyl in SNPA? (Spencer W Thomas)
blowing (Spencer W Thomas)
Southwark White (LyndonZimmermann)
Re: Blanche de Chambly yeast (Spencer W Thomas)
Re: dry or wet crush (Spencer W Thomas)
The Last Word On Carlton Light ("Phil & Jill Yates")
Southwark and Mauri (Brad McMahon)
temp controlers (Susan/Bill Freeman)
Pop-tops, HSA ("Nathaniel P. Lansing")
Dry yeast, Aromatic malt, experimental beer, etc. (Jim Adwell)
HSA from "experts" ("Jim Busch")
Kit beers, humour, pH, and (wait for it) Aliens! ("Brian Lundeen")
Repost on Schlitz parameters and yeast question ("Dan Diana")
Hop Growth Down Under ("Mike O'Rourke")
BT Back issues ("Don")
Bankrupt companies ("Nigel Porter")
*** HBD SLAMDOWN! CANCELLED *** (mohrstrom)
Re: HSA and Bud (Spencer W Thomas)
Why do lagers take so long to clear? (Charley Burns)
* Don't miss the 2000 AHA NHC in Livonia, MI
* 6/22 through 6/24 http://hbd.org/miy2k
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!
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JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (janitor@hbd.org)
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 03:48:10 -0400
From: Spencer W Thomas <spencer at engin.umich.edu>
Subject: Re: Diacetyl in SNPA?
Go buy a little bottle of "artificial butter flavor." The flavor &
aroma of this come almost exclusively from diacetyl.
Add a drop to 12 oz of beer. Mix well. Sniff, swirl, taste.
If one drop is too much, try diluting it first, then adding.
Add another drop. Mix, sniff, etc.
With the right dilution, as you increase the amount of diacetyl in the
beer, you should first perceive a slight increase in sweetness, then
a butter-like aroma, then an obnoxious buttered-movie-popcorn stench.
I also find that I get a "tongue-coating," "slick" sensation from high
levels of diacetyl. I find "butterscotch" when the underlying beer
has a high level of maltiness, especially from caramel malts.
Even if you don't get "butter" you should confirm (or, less likely,
reject) your own sense of what diacetyl smells and tastes like.
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:22:09 -0400
From: Spencer W Thomas <spencer at engin.umich.edu>
Subject: blowing
On the occasions when I use a carboy (I'm usually doing my primary in
a plastic bucket), I start the siphon by "blowing" with CO2.
One of the hoses on my CO2 manifold has a "quick disconnect" fitting.
One of the tools that I can attach is a standard "air chuck" (like
you'd fill your tires with). And I forked out a dollar or so for a
tire valve stem.
I put the standard "orange cap" on the carboy, with the racking cane
through the center hole. I press the base of the valve stem against
the other hole in the cap, and apply the air chuck to it. With only a
few pounds of pressure, the CO2 pushes the beer right up the hose and
down the tube. Presto. No germs, no muss, no fuss.
When I'm racking from the bucket, I usually fill the racking cane and
tube with sanitizer (5-star StarSan or Oxine -- so no taste worries)
and clamp the end of the tube. The tube-full of sanitizer goes into a
small container to be discarded, then the beer goes into the receiving
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:00:05 +0930
From: LyndonZimmermann <lyndonz at senet.com.au>
Subject: Southwark White
To Phil Yates, yes, "Southwark" (South Australian brand owned by Lion
Nathan) have released a White (wheat) beer. Pleasant drop, not big or
phenolic, to be drunk cold. I tasted some during an Adelaide Amateur
Winemakers and Brewers Club meeting there. They have to be pretty certain
about the product, being able only to make mega batches. It's interesting
they're using the "Southwark" label, it used to be the mass consumption
label, then was shrunk to let "West End" become the leader and is now making
a comeback with more interesting styles. It seems over here the younger
generations don't drink what their parents drink, so the labels are rolled
over and reinvented to provide brand loyalty. I met a few of their brewers,
who have an interest and knowledge in beer way outside what they make, so
maybe there is hope for big brand commercial Australian beer yet.
I wonder what influence boutique home brewing has on the big companies, and
what market share home and micro-brewing has.
Lyndon Zimmermann
Adelaide, Australia
Lyndon Zimmermann
24 Waverley St, Mitcham, South Australia, 5062
tel +61-8-8272 9262 mobile 0414 91 4577 fax +61-8-8172 1494
email lyndonz at senet.com.au URL http://users.senet.com.au/~lyndonz
Coming to the ISES 2001 Solar World Congress? Find out more at
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:31:47 -0400
From: Spencer W Thomas <spencer at engin.umich.edu>
Subject: Re: Blanche de Chambly yeast
If all the Unibroue beers are made with the same yeast, then I've used
it. This yeast is fast, alcohol tolerant, and quite neutral (for a
"Belgian" yeast, anyway).
I used yeast that had been isolated from "Fin du Monde" (highly
recommended "tripel" style beer). It took a 1.080 wort to 1.010 in
two weeks at about 60-65F. The resulting beer was fairly clean (hard
to tell exactly how clean, as it was spiced), with almost no alcohol
"heat." For that beer, I would actually have liked more yeast
character. But the yeast certainly performed well.
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:50:18 -0400
From: Spencer W Thomas <spencer at engin.umich.edu>
Subject: Re: dry or wet crush
It is true that wetting the malt before grinding increases the torque
needed to mill it. But it sounds to me as if you added too much
I have a Corona mill.
I typically use about 1/4 cup (60ml) in 10 lbs (5kg). I
"toss" the grain with my hands until it feels like the moisture is
uniformly distributed. This process makes it a little harder to mill,
but I get much larger husk pieces.
One time, I added more water. That batch was much harder to mill.
>>>>> "JGORMAN" == JGORMAN <JGORMAN at steelcase.com> writes:
JGORMAN> Don't try a wet crush with a Corona type mill. You'll be
JGORMAN> one pissed off brewer and start inventing new 4 letter
JGORMAN> words.
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 20:26:12 +1000
From: "Phil & Jill Yates" <yates at acenet.com.au>
Subject: The Last Word On Carlton Light
I don't know if I can get this story across very well, particularly as most
of you have not yet got to Australia. Some Aussies though might get a
Working up in the Northern Territory, as was the case for many of us in the
flying game, trying to get our hours up, we often worked closely with
Jack (we knew him as Jacky Jacky) was a great help and often accompanied the
pilot on flights to Bathurst Island.
The first time the Publican there offered Jack a can of Carlton Light, Jack
opened it, sniffed it and took a sip.
"What's this bloody crap?"
Asked Jack.
"It's new and it's called Carlton Light" responded the enthusiastic
Jack's only response was :
"You got any coke?"
I tell this story as it was told to me and I make two points :
- It is a true story.
- It is not intended to reflect badly on Jack's assessment of the beer, in
fact quite the opposite.
Jack knew nothing of technical matters but he sure as hell knew he'd rather
drink a coke than a bloody Carlton Light.
Yet a whole lot of mamby pamby white Australian pseudo beer drinkers knock
thousands of litres of this crap down their throats every weekend. And they
think they are impressing people! Certainly not me.
I'd rather have a beer and a chat with Jack and his mates any day.
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 21:07:36 +0930
From: Brad McMahon <brad at sa.apana.org.au>
Subject: Southwark and Mauri
In HBD #3356 Phil Yates wrote:
Dave Edwards tidies up our little scrap and suggests that Southwark
(certainly I have not heard of it) is worth a try. As of about a month
two ago it was not available at the Adelaide casino but I shall keep
an eye
out for it. Must admit, I don't mind the Southwark stout at all.
Southwark White is their newest beer - only released a few months ago
and as
fellow South Aussie Dave Edwards said is limited to a few pubs, the
Bridgewater Hotel
being one of them. I'm not even sure it is in bottles. It is a wheat
beer in the
non-Bavarian style i.e. standard yeast and about 15 IBU's at the most.
The barman at the Bridgie said it was aimed at the female market.
I was going to tell him all about the wonders of rice lager but decided
against it and
had a Southwark White. Not bad, not great, I would probably drink it
during summer
which it most certainly isn't in the Adelaide Hills at the moment.
Southwark Stout is certainly not a bad beer. I believe it is exported to
the US
as Old Australia Stout.
Alexandre Carminati also writes:
Does anybody has proven Mauri Dry Ale Yeast (imported from Australia)
? I'd
like to hear some experiences prior to my one !
Mauri yeast is the yeast that Coopers use in their homebrew kit.
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 08:28:31 -0500
From: Susan/Bill Freeman <potsus at bellsouth.net>
Subject: temp controlers
I have found effective and consistent PID controllers from Omega
Engineering. I use 2 of their CN8592-DC1-DC2 units on "the perfesser".
Both work from thermocouples through solid state relays. Kinda like
"set and forget" for temp changes. One PID controls the recirc pump for
hot water to a heat exchanger and the other is used to control the water
temp in the HLT. The relays are SSR240DC25s. Contact information for
Omega Engineering is below. Their technical folks are a big help.
Leonardi is a sometime brewer. The usual disclaimers apply as to my
relationship to this company.
Customer Service- Cathy Ext 2291
Technical- Dennis Ext 2317
Technical- Vince Leonardi Ext 2319
TTSS-18G-6 Thermocouple
Hope this helps.
Bill Freeman aka Elder Rat
KP Brewery - home of "the perfesser"
Birmingham, AL
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 09:33:14 -0400
From: "Nathaniel P. Lansing" <delbrew at compuserve.com>
Subject: Pop-tops, HSA
Besides the litter that so many "poptop" rings created, like the
plastic six pack carriers the discarded pulltabs were causing
significant mortality in sea critters, hish and diving birds.
Swallowing the glitering/flashing tidbit as it sank was much
akin to swallowing a razorblade. A buddy had actually found
out the the tull-tabs made great bait, punch a hole in it and
put a hook throught the hole and the fish would jump all over
it! If it broke off from a specially large fish there was always 5 more
left in the 6er. He truely lamented the advent of the nondetachable
A discussion with someone regarding sulfur characters in ales vs
lagers set off that tiny light bulb. The wort aeration column that Bud uses
could be to help reduce DMS levels. It seems, to my palate anyway,
that though a touch of DMS with an all grain or corn adjunct beer would
accentuate the grain character; DMS may be incompatible with their rice
recipe, wanting to keep the "crisp" rice character. They *may be using the
column to drive off the DMS, something that is at higher levels from
the SMM in 6 row malt. Hard to say exactly if all they say is "to drive
off volatiles" but DMS is the first volatile that comes to mind, well
hop aroma is the first but I guess Bud needn't worry about that.
NO, I didn't say _all_beers must have hop aroma. Afterall, being
a dumbed-down Munich Helles, it shouldn't have much hop aroma.
N.P. (Del) Lansing
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 10:56:04 -0400
From: Jim Adwell <jimala at apical.com>
Subject: Dry yeast, Aromatic malt, experimental beer, etc.
Jethro/Rob and Paul aren't just pulling your collective legs about
Lallemand dry yeast; it really is good stuff, especially compared to the
dry yeasts of 10 years ago when I started brewing. I keep a few packets
around for use in those rare times when I have a yeast starter failure, or
I just want to brew on a whim. I've never been unhappy with the results.
G. M. Remake wants to know how much aromatic malt to use. Funny you should
ask; I brewed a batch of beer in April with 20% DWC aromatic malt, and the
rest mostly Vienna malt, and people are begging me for more; it turned out
great ( or 'awesome' as one friend said). I used a wheat yeast, Wyeast
3333, left over from a previous spiced wheat beer (no particular style) as
an experiment. I have one bottle left I'm saving just for me.
This year has become experiment year at Jim's Brewery; I have an oat malt
beer in secondary now, made with a neighbor's home malting experiment.
It's half oat malt, and half Briess Vienna malt. It tasted pretty good when
I racked it to the secondary fermenter, but it looks like beige mud, and
grayish-white stuff continues to fall out; after two days in secondary at
62F there's 2 inches of the stuff at the bottom of the carboy, over a thin
layer of yeast. I used a 'split mash' technique, which I 'invented' just
for this brew. I am planning to create a webpage account of the brewing of
this beer, if it turns out to be drinkable. :) BTW, I did a mashout at
170F, and maintained the sparge water at this temp, too. In spite of the
large percentage of oats, lautering took only 45 minutes. I suspect if I
hadn't mashed out, a stuck mash would have occurred. If you are an
advocate of no mash-out, we can call it a glyco-protein rest. :)
Which brings up a point, which is simply this: don't be afraid to
experiment, and don't be afraid to bend the style guidelines, or ignore
them altogether. I've never had to throw out a beer experiment, and
although a few were, well, unusual, they have all been drinkable, and I
learned something from each one. Life is too short to brew the same beer
over and over. But keep good notes.
Bill, how goes the clip-art search?
Cheers, Jim in Branchport, NY, pretty much due east of Jeff Renner
Jim's Brewery Pages:
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 11:16:17 +0000
From: "Jim Busch" <jim at victorybeer.com>
Subject: HSA from "experts"
Glen asks:
< I would
< like someone with the proper education and experience IN THE FIELD
< OF BREWING SCIENCE to explain or disprove HSA.
How about Dr. Narziss et al from Weihenstephan in Freising, Germany?
They have done a lot of research on the subject and it is from this
source (I imagine) that noted folks such as Dr Fix originally learned
of this issue and wrote articles that made it a topic among the small
scale brewers. (many of whom dont read German or subscribe to
Brauwelt). Now you wont find the absolute smoking gun black/white
answer but the research has been done and as a result all of the
major German sudhaus designers have taken a close look at their
systems in the interest of avoiding HSA.
Having said this, the folks at Seibel made good points here in the
past that there are other much more important factors relating to
beer stability to the craft and homebrewer. This doesnt mean we
should ignore the impacts and make intellegent choices in ones own
brewing practices. For a shipping micro focusing on lager beer in
the bottle though it is a subject that should be considered
seriously. But dont spend all your money eliminating HSA and then
buy a 1950's soda pop bottling line which assures high packaged
dissolved oxygen levels!
Jim Busch
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 10:39:34 -0500
From: "Brian Lundeen" <blundeen at rrc.mb.ca>
Subject: Kit beers, humour, pH, and (wait for it) Aliens!
My goodness, go on holidays for a week and you have to spend a full day at
work catching up on the HBD.
First off, the always entertaining Phil Yates made this startling
> Today for the first time in a long time I brewed a kit beer.
> Actually, it was a lot of fun and required so little time.
Don't go there, Phil. It's a slippery slope you're tredding on. Before you
know it, you'll be buying a case of Foster's, recapping it and calling it
homebrew. I know of what I speak for I nearly fell prey to this insidious
temptation myself a few weeks ago. Even worse, it wasn't even extract, it
was (gasp!) just-add-water wort. I don't know if you have things like that
over there (I like the ones put out by BrewHouse) but they are a Godsend to
the lazy. Dump 15 litres of high gravity wort into your fermenter, add water
to desired taste and alcohol level (they yield up to 23 litres), and pitch
your yeast of choice. Bam, you got beer.
I cut my teeth on these babies then leapt into all-grain. Anyway, after
finally getting in my Belgian Pilsner malt (and there's a whole 'nother long
story there about how good intentions will not only pave the road to hell
but also lead to the demise of homebrew shops whose reach exceeds their
grasp), I was ready to try my hand at my first lager. Naturally, I decided
to start with something simple, a Bohemian Pils. I mean, pils malt, Saaz
hops, how hard can it be. But I get ahead of myself.
Now for awhile, I've been toying with the idea of canning a bunch of
starters out of one of these BrewHouse kit worts, preferably something light
and flavourless, like their new (oh, joy) Mexican Cerveza kit (which
unfortunately are not authentic in that the limes are not included). This
comes back to my lazy streak and part of being lazy is not liking to brew up
starters, especially when you're looking at stepping up to nearly a gallon
for a good lager starter. Then this bright idea hits me. I've got a buddy at
work who likes making the BrewHouse beers. I'll get him to buy a Pilsner
kit, I'll ferment it for him with my 150mL "shampoo tube" of Wyeast
Bohemian, and Voila!, I have a huge yeast population for my own use. Now
technically, I should have made a starter for his beer (me bad) but in all
truthfullness, this guy doesn't have the most demanding palate. You mention
esters to this guy, and he'll think you're talking about your crazy aunt,
the one who refuses to admit she lives on the 13th floor of an apartment
block because the superstitious builder's numbering went straight from 12 to
14, and still plays chase the string with Fluffy, who passed on to Phil's
great cat-swinging grounds back in 1968. But I digress.
The point of this rambling is that I loved it. It was so easy, I was done in
a fraction of the time and believe me, I seriously questioned for a few
moments as I stood and pondered my piles of grains and equipment whether I
had made the right decision. The answer of course was a resounding YES and
perhaps we need to stray once in a while to realize where our heart really
lies, but I say again. Be careful, Phil. You'll never sleep well again with
the thought of an abandoned mash tun whimpering in your cold, dark cellar,
alone and neglected.
Next up, proving that no jab will go unnoticed, we found this sig line from:
> John Sullivan
> >From Humorless St. Louis -- The Comedic Wasteland
I apologize, John. I was dead wrong, you do have a sense of humour. Dry as a
Canadian lager, but there nonetheless. Good comeback.
Dave Burley comes up with a couple of interesting comments. He writes:
pH is not the determining "acid taste" factor, titrable
> acidity is.
I totally agree, but I wish you would bring your persuasive,
beat-them-till-morale-improves style over to rec.crafts.winemaking. There's
a few people over there who insist that acid taste should be adjusted by pH
levels and damn what the sodium hyrdroxide is telling you. I'm not enough of
a chemist to argue this point effectively, and who knows, maybe I'm wrong.
It has happened 3 times that I'm aware of. And maybe wine is different from
beer, but I would certainly like to hear more from you on this topic.
And while we're talking pH, you mention:
> Kunze ( p.195) as one example of the discussion of this
> phenomenon says:
> "By mashing within a pH range of 5.5-5.6 ( I assume measured
> at RT - DRB)
> which can be regarded as the optimum pH range for both
> amylases
This has got me totally confused. If you listen to some homebrew authors,
such as Greg Noonan, there is a special corner in H*ll reserved for people
who mash outside the 5.2-5.3 range. When it came time to brew my own Pils on
the weekend, between the soft water and the pils malt, the mash started out
at a horrific 5.7. Oh my God, what to do. I ran downstairs for my lactic
acid, which I had been led to believe would cause massive drops in pH with
each drop. I put in a half millilitre with little effect, then a millitre,
then two more. My God, it's still only at about 5.5. I've got one voice in
my head screaming, "For God's sake, be careful with that stuff, are you
trying to create a lambic!" Other voices are screaming at me while they beat
me about the head and shoulders with a mash paddle, "Get the pH down! Get
the pH down! Are you mad??!!! GET THE $%%^&*# pH DOWN!!!!"
Finally, I relaxed (but did not have a homebrew) and said, fine, this is
where it's going to stay and what happens, happens. It seemed to convert
according to my expected efficiency. I guess time will tell how this turns
out. BTW, the krausen on this from my little BrewHouse "starter" population
was like nothing I've ever seen. Beautiful stiff meringue peaks with a light
dusting of yeasties that made it look like it was just starting to brown
under the broiler. Lovely.
Anyway, I'm getting nervous that Pat's going to cut me off at the knees (I
won't add the usual continuation of that line) but I cannot let the
following statement by Glen Pannicke go by without comment:
>I'm with you on HSA. I just think debating an
>issue based on very little information is what's fakakta. We could
>postulate, theorize, research, argue and debate all we like, but we still
>probably wouldn't come up with the truth because we're not properly
>educated, equipped or funded to take on something like this. We might as
>well be discussing the existence of aliens here.
This is a very flawed analogy, Glen, as the existence of aliens is no longer
seriously questioned by right-thinking individuals. Did the documentary Men
in Black not teach us anything? Who do YOU think built the vast network of
underground tunnels where the Russian military is waiting to pounce on an
unsuspecting America? Come on, Glen, get with the pogrom... ooops, slip of
the tongue, program.
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 08:54:10 -0700
From: "Dan Diana" <dands at ftconnect.com>
Subject: Repost on Schlitz parameters and yeast question
I'm reposting this because I forgot to put a subject on it the first time.
>A few more comments on Jeff Renner's posting in Homebrew Digest #3352 (June
>15, 2000). For reference, Jeff writes:
>Schlitz was my beer of choice back in the late 60's, too. can't say why,
>but I convinced a friend's father who owned a restaurant and bar in
>northern Michigan to switch his tap to Schlitz, and it went over well with
>his patrons.
>Kirby Nelson of Capital brewing in Middleton, WI, developed a recipe for
>the WI sesquisentennial and "Great Taste of the Midwest" beer festival in
>summer, 1998 from old Schlitz logs (I think, he would only hint very
>broadly last time I asked, but I think that's what I heard earlier). They
>subsequently brought out a similar beer as part of their regular year
>'round lineup called "Capital 1900," although the recipe is not that old.
>Anyway, as they make it now, it's 1.052, 30% white corn grits (somewhat
>unusual), 22 IBU, all German hops (the one in 1998 used Cluster bittering
>hops, I think. You can get white grits at the grocery store - don't get
>the instant ones. Unfortunately, they're fortified with iron, which may be
>a problem. Or you could use yellow corn meal, which I prefer, or flakes if
>you don't want to do a cereal mash.
>My guess is that Schlitz of thirty years ago may have been more like 1.044
>or 46 and 18 IBU. BTW, I occasionally buy a 40 oz. Schlitz. It's way more
>tasty than the standard run-of-the swill. I understand that they went back
>to their earlier recipe after sales dropped. However, I have a sneaky
>suspicion that they may use corn syrup. Just a suspicion based on the low
>cost of the beer, nothing else.
>Good luck.
>Jeff's suspicions on the Schlitz of 30 years ago (see pasted message below)
>is pretty consistent with what Fred Eckhardt reports in his Essentials of
>Beer Styles (1989 edition). He quotes Schlitz's profile as follows:
> OG=1.043
> FG=1.010
> % ABW=3.5
> IBU=11
> color=2.5 SRM
>From surveys of literature, I think Schlitz was brewed from a recipe of 6
>row malt and corn grits. Unfortunately, I could not find any ratios. I'd
>guess that amount of grits in the recipe ranged from about 65% (for a
>standard domestic beer) to around 20% (typical premium to super premium
>beer) based on what Eckhardt calls out in his discusssion of these two
>categories. By the way, articles around the 1981 timeframe of Schlitz's
>collapse indicated that the amount of malt used in Schlitz was increased to
>address the perceived quality issues. Hence, there is some evidence that
>they were tweaking the recipe to cut costs.
>Hops were likely to be the Clusters variety. Given the low level of
>bitterness (Eckhardt quotes 8-12 IBU as being the taste threshold), the hop
>addition schedule was not trying to provide much flavor or finish hopping.
>Instead, I'd guess that they were going only for bitterness additions near
>the beginning of the boil.
>I've never seen any discussion on Schlitz's yeast. They touted having a
>culture which I suspect was a proprietary strain. Does anyone out there
>any info on what yeast they used or a suitable substitute?
>Hope this help, Please respond with corrections, comments and
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 11:10:02 -0500
From: "Mike O'Rourke" <morourke at easween.com>
Subject: Hop Growth Down Under
Which direction do hops grow Down Under?? Up here in Minnesota all mine are
growing clockwise. Also which way do your toilets flush clockwise or
counterclockwise-ala Bart Simpsion. . .Cheers
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 09:28:48 -0700
From: "Don" <don at steinfillers.com>
Subject: BT Back issues
I was lucky to receive a sufficient supply of back issues for our store. We
still sell them for the cover price - no additional mark-up. I will
respond to any email requests for specific issues you are looking for.
Stein Fillers
don at steinfillers.com
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:36:52 +0100
From: "Nigel Porter" <nigel at sparger.freeserve.co.uk>
Subject: Bankrupt companies
I too lost about 4 months subscription to BT. I appreciated the offer
to send me back issues back didn't take it up, as I guessed what
pressure they would be under and probably would not get anything.
As an example of how long these things take to sort out and example
from work.
We were owed 25000 pounds sterling by a company, when they
went belly up. We were but one of many creditors. 7 years later we
have recieved settlement from the receivers of 9000 pounds.
As creditors to BT who are only owed a few quid, we will be well
and truly at the bottom of the list when tying things up.
Give Steve a break, he's got enough in his life to sort out without our
constant griping. I have no connection to BT of Steve Mallery.
Nigel Porter
Guildford, UK
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 16:15:12 -0400
From: mohrstrom at humphreypc.com
The HBD SLAMDOWN!, scheduled for the National Homebrewers Conference this
week in Livonia Michigan, has been cancelled due to the recent outbreak of
hugs, handshakes and making nice on the Digest.
Originally intended as a fundraiser for the HBD Server Fund, the HBD
SLAMDOWN! was to have provided a "mano a mano" forum for the resolution of
on-going academic debates, questions of quasi-religious import, and
irreproducable experimental results.
Although the producers and promoters of HBD SLAMDOWN! reserve the right to
a last-minute staging of the event, if qualified participants emerge, plan
now to attend the HBD SLAMDOWN! event at NHC2001!
Mark (packing for Livonia) in Kalamazoo
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:13:55 -0400
From: Spencer W Thomas <spencer at engin.umich.edu>
Subject: Re: HSA and Bud
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Garofalo <pgarofa1 at twcny.rr.com> writes:
Peter> At last, the truth has come out! I, too, toured the A-B
Peter> pilot brewery, and confirm Phil Wilcox's desctiption of
Peter> "stripping" the volatiles from the hot wort with air. ...
My theory has two parts:
1. HSA affects "dark grains" the most. There are no dark grains in
2. HSA effects take a while to show up (6 months is one figure that
has been quoted here). Bud is pulled after 100 days.
So maybe they're getting HSA, but it just doesn't matter in that beer.
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:24:05 -0700
From: Charley Burns <cburns99 at pacbell.net>
Subject: Why do lagers take so long to clear?
Maybe three months ago I brewed a dopplebock. Its been at 33F now for at
least 8 weeks and just now clearing up.
10 days ago I kegged a steam beer (same yeast W2308) that is nearly crystal
clear at this point. Granted the dopplebock was a much bigger beer, but is
that the reason it takes 4-5 times longer to clear?
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