HOMEBREW Digest #3473 Wed 08 November 2000

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  low gravity brewing (amgrady)
  Two-Hearted Ale--some recipes ("Kevin Kutskill")
  Are you serious (Steve Lacey)
  dead sparrows (Steve Lacey)
  Yeast Questions (Bob Hall)
  Two Hearted Ale ("Jim Verlinde")
  San Antonio Brewing Supplies ("Todd M. Snyder")
  Arkansas Common (Jeff Renner)
  Beer and the election ("Pannicke, Glen A.")
  re: Beer tubes revisited (The Artist Formerly Known As Kap'n Salty)
  Re: Some interesting and informative historical points (Jeff Renner)
  Re: Gump reports ("patrick finerty jr.")
  Will the true bladder fermenter please stand up ("Pannicke, Glen A.")
  Two Hearted ("Jones, Steven T")
  "Servo-myces"  and the "Zn problem" ("Alan Meeker")
  Re: RIMS/HERMS Piping ("Daniel C Stedman")
  steeping bag hopping ("Richard B. Dulany Jr.")
  Re: 3-way valve ("Brian D. Kern")
  Tom Moench - Politics and Beer (Jim Bermingham)
  Oh so sad (Beaverplt)
  Political Rants/Beer Engines/Two Hearted ("Darryl Newbury")
  Boston Trip ("H. Dowda")
  Degrees baume to %v/v ("Fab & Simon")
  Pathetic (Cabeca Dopenis)
  Re: Pseudo-lager ("Richard Pass")
  Green Bullets (Randy Ricchi)
  Yeast for British Mild? (RBoland)
  re: ..."Pathetic"/new yeast/rennet ("Stephen Alexander")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 08:55:19 -0500 From: amgrady at together.net Subject: low gravity brewing I have a question regarding the low gravity brewing discussion that has been going on... In my simple system, I make 5 gallon batches where I generally use 8# or more of grain, and then sparge to ~6.5 gallons, and boil to 5.5 gallons. I get about a 1.048-1.050 OG for this type of 'minimum batch', and the last runnings are just OK/borderline...any more sparging, and astringency comes out. If I just use less grain, then at the end of the sparge I am going to be really wringing out the tannins, and the OG will be quite low at the end...SO, I am not going to make a 5 gallon, 1.040 or less batch of beer by just reducing the grain bill, as that will be one astringent beer! SO - it seems that there are several choices for making a 1.040 or less OG beer: 1) Make a smaller batch (3-4 gal) using a smaller grain bill; 2) Use a 'normal' grain bill and dilute before boil; 3) Use a 'normal' grain bill and dilute after the boil; 4) Make a 'normal' batch and dilute after fermentation; 5) something else? It seems like everyone ought to have this 'problem', so what do you do? Or are any of the above basically the same, results-wise? regards, Matt Grady Burlington, Vermont Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 22:07:28 -0500 From: "Kevin Kutskill" <beer-geek at home.com> Subject: Two-Hearted Ale--some recipes In response to a request to post a Two-Hearted Ale Recipe, here ya go. Our homebrew club (Clinton River Association of Fermenting Trendsetters), has informally adopted this beer as its mascot, and we have diligently been researching and experimenting, to try to duplicate this Nectar From Kalamazoo. We think we have come close (at least our taste buds think so). The key is a heavy blast of Centennial hops, in bitterness, flavor, and aroma. Here is one of my latest batches, similar to the recipes from other club members. Larry's IPA Batch size: 10 Style: India Pale Ale Date Gravity Brewing: 11/09/99 1.063 Racking: 11/12/99 1.021 Bottling: 11/22/99 1.016 Alcohol: 4.9% (w/w) Alcohol: 6.1% (v/v) Ingredients: Klages 20.0 pounds Crystal 10 2.0 pounds Cara Pils 1.0 pounds Centennial 2.0 ounces 60 min 9.7 % AA 34.7 ibu leaf Centennial 2.0 ounces 20 min 9.7 % AA 12.5 ibu leaf Centennial 2.0 ounces 5 min 9.7 % AA 7.4 ibu leaf Centennial 2.0 ounces Dry Hopped 9.7 % AA 6.7 ibu leaf =========================================================== sorry, just typing in the recipe is giving me a craving for a pint of it. Hang on. . . . . . . . . . ok, that's better (tastes good!) =========================================================== Extraction efficiency: 80 % Boil size: 11.0 Gallons Mashing schedule minute degrees Fahrenheit 60 148 75 170 135 170 Fermentation Wyeast #1056 American Ale Slurry Primary fermentation: 6-1/2 Gallon Carboy Secondary Fermentation: 5 Gallon Carboy Primed with: 12 PSI CO2 ========================================== Now, just about a month ago, we were fortunate to have the opportunity to talk to an individual that was closely related to the brewing of this beer, and he gave us some guidelines for the recipe, on a per-barrel recipe size. Scaled down to a 10 gallon batch, it goes something like this: Bell's Two-Hearted Ale Batch size: 10.0 Brewer: Style: India Pale Ale Date Gravity Plato Brewing: 1.063 15.4 Racking: Bottling: 1.010 2.6 Alcohol: 5.6% (w/w) Alcohol: 7.0% (v/v) Ingredients: Klages 25.0 pounds 60 min mash Crystal 40 3.0 ounces 60 min mash Centennial 2.6 ounces 60 min 9.9 % AA 58.4 ibu pellet Centennial 5.2 ounces Dry Hopped 9.9 % AA 0.0 ibu pellet Extraction efficiency: 70 % Boil size: 11.0 Gallons Fermentation Bell's Yeast ============================================= You can see that they are pretty similar, but the one detail that we haven't been able to nail down is the attenuation of the beer/final alcohol. Sources put the starting gravity at 1.062 and the alcohol by volume at 7.0%; this makes for a final gravity of around 1.010 (84% attenuation). Still tastes good with the 75% attenuation with Wyeast 1056, but we think that Larry Bell's yeast may be a high attenuator, and we are in the process of isolating the yeast from one of his beers to brew a batch with that. For those extract brewers, you can start with just plain light malt extract and steep the specialty grains, using enough of the malt extract to get the starting gravity up to 1.062. Hope this helps. My glass is empty, and my bladder is full, so it must be time to go. Kevin beer-geek at home.com Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 17:57:29 +1100 From: Steve Lacey <stevel at sf.nsw.gov.au> Subject: Are you serious This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.... >If you think this sounds irrational, and to put yourself in my shoes (or >to remind you of your own shoes, I don't know), try replacing the word '>beer' with 'firearms' in the above paragraphs. Are you suggesting that to say beer=firearms is not irrational??? Matey, you just don't know how funny that sounds to us down here where firearms are HIGHLY controlled and beer is, well, a national pass time. Chill! Stick to brewing and let the pollies eat each other. Steve Lacey Sydney Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 18:04:31 +1100 From: Steve Lacey <stevel at sf.nsw.gov.au> Subject: dead sparrows >David Fisher asks if his malt is ruined after finding a dead sparrow in >the bag. My answer is "BREW WITH IT, MAN!" Think of all the great >brew >names you can come up with for beers made with this malt... Dead >Sparrow >pale ale, Dead Sparrow bitter, yada yada yada... ;^) You overlooked an obvious one, Randy: "Cock Robin's Revenge India Pale Ale" Feel free to use it David, but an acknowledgement in your will would be appreciated. Cheers, Steve Lacey Sydney Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 09:02:39 +0000 From: Bob Hall <nap_aca_bh at nwoca.org> Subject: Yeast Questions Seems like my queries have piled up, so here goes: 1) 1056 QUIRKS - I do quite a bit of brewing with Wyeast 1056, and during the past year have had a number of batches with and alcoholic/medicine-like flavor (could be phenol, but I could never match a taste to a text description). Anyway, I recently brewed a 5 gallon batch (all grain) of pale ale, split the wort, and fermented half with a 1056 starter and half with rehydrated Nottingham. Primary and secondary fermentation for both was in glass. The Nottingham finished and was in the bottle much faster than the 1056, and when compared the Nottingham was clean but the 1056 displayed the above-listed off flavors. I thought about a possible infection, but used the 1056 slurry to immediately ferment a Sierra Nevada clone that seems fine. Any tips or thoughts on what could have caused the difference, or difference in nutritional/aeration requirements of the two yeasts would be appreciated. 2) WHITELAB EAST COAST ALE - The local HBS cut the price on some WhiteLab yeast that were reaching expiration, and I picked up a couple vials of East Coast Ale. My search of the archives turned up little. Does anyone out there use it? I'd appreciate your impressions and suggestions. 3) SAFALE S-04/WYEAST 1968 - I've always enjoyed the beers of Columbus Brewing Co, and recently found that they brew exclusively with Wyeast 1968. I thought about trying it, but the flocculation/aeration problems were a concern. In HBD #3472 Mike from New Orleans implies that Safale S-04 is the dry version of 1968. Is that so, and should one expect similar results when using the two .... and the same problems? 4) WYEAST 1007 - Brewed a kolsch and an alt this weekend, and split a starter of Wyeast 1007 German Ale between the two. I've never had such a violent fermentation ... out the top of fermentation vessels that typically had plenty of headspace to spare. No real question here, just an observation and was wondering if others had experienced such eruptions with this yeast. Thanks for the tips, Bob Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 09:23:20 -0500 From: "Jim Verlinde" <bean at voyager.net> Subject: Two Hearted Ale Rob and Kate ask about Two Hearted Ale. Here is a URL that will tell you all about it. www.bellsbeer.com Two Hearted Ale is just one example of Larry Bell's expertise in brewing some of the most wonderful ales in the country/world. Jim Verlinde Primetime Brewers Grand Rapids, MI Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 10:03:08 -0500 From: "Todd M. Snyder" <tmsnyder at buffalo.edu> Subject: San Antonio Brewing Supplies >From: "Weaver Joseph Todd Capt. 39MDG/SGOAM" > Would someone please help me locate shops in the San >Antonio area. Thanks. >Todd Weaver From: "T & S Klepfer" <lee-thomas at indian-creek.net> I recommend San Antonio Homebrew Supply, owned and operated by Todd Huntress, located on US Hwy 281 N. at Henderson Pass. Don't know the phone number. Besides being your only choice in SA, and being fairly small, it's a good store with good people. Thomas Klepfer Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 09:48:56 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <nerenner at umich.edu> Subject: Arkansas Common Cliff Huenergard <chue at hctc.com> wrote me this question because his post got rejected because of his mailer (I suggested he see HBD.org for formatting suggestions). I will do some further checking but Kentucky Common is a style I have heard of, and I seem to remember that it was a rough and ready ale of the last century, usually using some sugar, and fermented fast and kegged for quick consumption. If you answer, please do so directly to Cliff and/or HBD, not me. Jeff -=-=-=-=- From: "CH" <chue at hctc.com> To: <nerenner at umich.edu> Subject: Arkansas Common Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 10:12:15 -0800 <snip> In the past I have seen reference to something called Arkansas Common beer usually in reference to California Common being the only true American style. Do you know if this style exists and are there recipes for it? I have done an HBD and Internet search and haven't had luck. I decided to turn to you because of your knowledge of pre-prohibition lagers and hoped you'd know about Arkansas Common if it did exist. Thanks Cliff Huenergard Belfair, WA -=-=-=-=- - -- -=-=-=-=- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, c/o nerenner at umich.edu "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 09:58:50 -0500 From: "Pannicke, Glen A." <glen_pannicke at merck.com> Subject: Beer and the election Todd M. Snyder envisions the following scenario: > Gore trumpets this new cause around the >country and shames the house and senate into pushing through a "Beer >Ingredient Registration" program. You and I now have to register our >brewing equipment, apply for permits to buy barley malt, and are >portrayed as extremists in the media. Eventually there is another beer >related, headline grabbing tragedy, another 'brewing control' measure is >pushed through, and our now-registered equipment is outlawed and quickly >confiscated. Fellow brewmeisters, don't laugh. It's not too far removed from reality. Technically in the state of New Jersey, you neeed a permit issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control if you want to homebrew: NJ State Statute 33:1-75. Special permit for home manufacture of wine or malt alcoholic beverages for personal consumption; issuance, fee, tax liability. The director may, subject to rules and regulations, issue special permits authorizing the manufacture by a person who is 21 years of age or older, within a home or other noncommercial premises, of wines or malt alcoholic beverages in quantities not exceeding 200 gallons per calendar year for the person's personal or household use or consumption. The director shall, by regulation, establish a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in issuing the special permits required by this section. No the dopey thing about this is the last sentance. They charge a "reasonable fee" to cover the cost of the permit. Eliminate this useless piece of paper and you will eliminate all costs associated with this senseless act and therefore the need to collect a fee. Do I have a permit? No. Do I need one? Probably. Consider the following: my neighbor (who is a prick) sees me cleaning my SS fermentor, some kegs and my immersion chiller. He has no clue what I am doing because I don't speak to him (since he's a prick). He calls the police to bust my balls and says I'm making moonshine (because he's a prick). Then I get the police showing up at my door with the BAC and a search warrant, like they did to that poor slob on COPS. They confiscate my equipment because it looks like distillation equipment, the whole thing finally gets cleared up, but in the the state. Did I mention that my neighbor is a real prick? Then there's the other side of the coin. Once you get the permit, you may now have legally allowed the BAC free entry into your home to inspect your equipment, establish if you've produced over your 2000 gallon limit, make sure you're not selling or distributing.... No warrant needed... No advance notice... Just saunter in whenever they want... The only thing I *DO* like about these statues is the following: The Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control ... may issue a special permit for the temporary or emergency transportation of alcoholic beverages into or out of the State... Now I like the fact that they allow for an "alcohol emergency". I don't know what would constitute one on the state level, but I'm sure it's gonna be a blast! As for the political vein which has entered into the HBD in the last few days before the election, realize that all politicians are liars, cheats and swindlers. They all would slit their own momma's throats to get into office. None of them deserve beer! Carpe cerevisiae! Glen Pannicke http://www.pannicke.net "He was a wise man who invented beer" - Plato Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 15:06:12 GMT From: mikey at swampgas.com (The Artist Formerly Known As Kap'n Salty) Subject: re: Beer tubes revisited Doug Hurst wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. Sanders wrote: [humorous assertion that a beerline is not actually a cylinder snipped] First let me say that I never claimed to be a "knowledgable", just someone who remembered the equation. Next, let me refute your assertion that a coiled tube is somehow different from a cylinder. If you straighten your tube out it is certainly cylinder. Now if you put a bend in your tube what happens to the tube? The inside of the bend compresses and becomes shorter while the outside of the bend stretches and becomes longer. I don't know for sure but I would guess that the amount of shortening equals the amount of lengthening, creating a zero amount of change in the overall length and volume. Therefore a coiled beer line will hold close to, if not exactly, the same amount as a perfectly straight one. Or am I missing something here? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You're missing something, although you HAVE demonstrated that your understanding of the principle of conservation of matter is flawless. Graham was just having a little fun. ************************************** Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:14:39 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <nerenner at umich.edu> Subject: Re: Some interesting and informative historical points "Dr. Pivo" <dp at pivo.w.se> confesses > ... except the first one was the swim bladder of a Russian sturgeon, >which I had just finished using as a condom when I heard "Catherine the >Great's" husband coming. Well, it sounds like it was good for you and him. I do hope you had the good manners to make sure that Catherine was satisfied. Jeff (As bad as this is, it is much better than presidential campaign politics!) "Do you smoke after sex?" "I don't know, I've never looked." - -- -=-=-=-=- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, c/o nerenner at umich.edu "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:19:13 -0500 From: "patrick finerty jr." <zinc at finerty.net> Subject: Re: Gump reports howdy folks, here's some trivia for you: after iron, Zn is the second most abundant metal found in the human body. i'm wonderng how soluble inorganic Zn (ZnS04, ZnCl2) would be in wort, especially after a boil. usually there are phosphates in the water and from my experience in grad school (zinc finger proteins - hence my user name) Zn can and does form insoluble complexes with phosphates unless it is quite dilute. this effect is enhanced at higher temperatures. i doubt there is free Zn in the yeast; it is found in complex with various proteins. i'm assuming that many of these proteins will denature upon exposure to boiling wort but this does not mean the metal will be released. many unfolded proteins are still able to bind metals quite well (i.e. protein His tags are unstructured/unfolded) as the metal forms a type of folding nucleus. still, that requires the metal binding residues to be very near each other in the primary sequence. perhaps Zn loaded proteins do make their way into the chilled wort where the zinc can be utilized by growing yeast. or, perhaps the Zn concentrations are low enough that insol ppts are not formed. -patrick in Toronto - -- "There is only one aim in life and that is to live it." Karl Shapiro,(1959) from an essay on Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer finger pfinerty at nyx10.nyx.net for PGP key http://finerty.net/pjf Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 10:20:50 -0500 From: "Pannicke, Glen A." <glen_pannicke at merck.com> Subject: Will the true bladder fermenter please stand up Jeff wrote: >A likely scenario is that animal stomachs make good containers for >liquids. Your unrecorded human probably put milk in a young goat's >stomach for storage and lo! it turned into cheese. I'd like to propose that the BJCP guidelines be amended that Scottish Ales should only be fermented in the stomach lining of a sheep or calf as in the tradition of making haggis ;-) Blech! Ack! Ugh! Carpe cerevisiae! Glen Pannicke http://www.pannicke.net "He was a wise man who invented beer" - Plato Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 11:12:51 -0500 From: "Jones, Steven T" <stjones at eastman.com> Subject: Two Hearted This is slightly off topic, but given the interest in Two Hearted Ale and Hemingway's short story, I thought I'd pass on this link. I found an online copy of the story at http://xroads.virginia.edu/~DRBR/hem_river.html (no, the DRBR isn't Jay's Doctor Beer site - it stands for Digital Reserve Book Room). Steve Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 11:31:08 -0500 From: "Alan Meeker" <ameeker at mail.jhmi.edu> Subject: "Servo-myces" and the "Zn problem" Hubert writes from Austria, "It seems to me the product was developed and tested together with Weihenstephan. They wrote a report in German Brauwelt #45-46/99, p2158- 2160, titled "Zinc problem solved?" - and early this year I had the opportunity to discuss my fermentation problems with Dr. Clemens Forster from Weihenstephan. His diagnosis was clear: Zinc deficiency! - and I should try that ServoMyces zinc yeast, because their research has shown, that zinc "pre-digested" (metabolized) by yeast is superior to any other form of addition (and it goes with Reinheitsgebot)." Again, it sounds to me like the main driving force in developing these Zn-sequestering yeast was to allow a Zn addition that isn't prohibited by the Reinheitsgebot. If you are brewing under such strictures and this will allow you to sleep at night then by all means use it. I'll stick to ZnCl2 myself, especially as the mass of Zn salt one needs to add to reach the desired range in 20L of wort amounts to about a pinhead sized grain of the salt, thus it is unlikely that using these "servomyces" could possibly compete on a cost basis. The idea that the Zn contained inside these yeast has a greater bioavailability than inorganic salt additions sounds fishy to me seeing as how you are adding to the boiling wort. The Zn is likely bound up as a cofactor in some of the yeast proteins or in some other manner chelated to compounds inside the yeast, but once these are boiled their structures will be disrupted and the Zn should be released and then will be equivalent to exogenously added Zn salt. It should also be pointed out that by adding these yeast you are adding more than just Zn - the yeast addition can also be viewed as an addition of "yeast nutrient." How much are you adding per unit volume and what is the cost of the addition? If there is good /scientific/ data out there showing a real benefit due /specifically/ to the Zn content of these yeast (superior to the benefits of simply adding an equivalent amount of ZnCl2) then I'd be very interested in seeing it! -Alan Meeker Johns Hopkins Sch. Med Biochemistry, Cell and Mol. Biology Baltimore, MD Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:46:09 -0600 From: "Daniel C Stedman" <"daniel_c_stedman" at uhc.com> Subject: Re: RIMS/HERMS Piping Regarding Glen's question on flexible tubing for RIMS, I have had great luck using MovingBrews.com's 1/2" Norprene tubing and 1/2" Polysulfone quick disconnects. I haven't encountered any cavitation with my 1/25 hp pump (the 6144MM HIGH TEMP from Moving Brews) and it is VERY nice to be able to take all of my tubing off of my RIMS for cleaning, repriming my pump, etc... The Norprene is expensive but durable, and I found that I only needed around 12 feet to cover all of my system's needs (though my system is neither a HERMS or a PID-controlled RIMS - just simple recirculation). I've never had any leakage from the quick-disconnects (keep them lubed with keg lube, though) and it is nice to be able to just snap your tuns together as needed. Be sure to lay out how you are going to fit everything together on paper before ordering so that you get the correct number of each fitting. And don't be afraid to drill out the little x's in the middle of the disconnects - just be careful not to drill all the way through it, as I did on one... Good luck! Dan in Minnetonka Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:12:01 -0700 From: "Richard B. Dulany Jr." <RDulany at co.el-paso.tx.us> Subject: steeping bag hopping Having read the posts about mash hopping, I'm curious if us extract brewers could perform something similar. I often steep crystal malt (or some other specialty grain) at 155 F before the boil. What would happen, if anything, if I added hop pellets to the steeping bag? Has anyone tried this? Richard Dulany El Paso, TX Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:21:26 -0800 (PST) From: "Brian D. Kern" <bdk at srl.caltech.edu> Subject: Re: 3-way valve Glen Pannicke writes (HBD #3472): > Another question. Anyone know a good source for acceptable 3-way valves (or > a gated wye with a single lever?) This seems like a better single hand > alternative to multiple ball valves when diversion from one path to another > is required. Check out www.mcmaster.com, in their products tab do a find on "three-way ball valves". Cheapest is bronze ("three-way center-inlet diverting ball valve") at $12-14, brass ("three-way brass diverting ball valve") $14-28, etc. For some reason, the brass variety is only rated to 140 F, while bronze and steel are both good to 350 F. I absolutely love dealing with McMaster-Carr -- they never screw up, they always deliver exactly when they say they will, and they've never been out of stock on anything I've ordered. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 12:22:10 -0600 From: Jim Bermingham <bermingham at antennaproducts.com> Subject: Tom Moench - Politics and Beer Tom, I didn't want to post this until after the election was over. I don't believe politics belong on the Digest. BUT, You don't know Texas or Texans. Remember Bush is a Texan. Texan's don't believe in much government. Don't want it, don't need it, never did, never will. Our State Government only meets 4 months every 2 years. Most of us believe that's 3 months and 3 weeks too long. Until a few years ago it was legal to drink and drive in Texas. The BIG Government that you seem to love in D.C. decided to stop highway funds coming to us unless Texas passed a law making it illegal to do this. Since the last time we succeeded from the union it caused a war, and because we have more paved highways in Texas than any other state, we had to change the law. George W. may have stopped drinking, but he is still a good-o-boy from Texas and if we want to drink it's OK with him. When he said he wanted a smaller Government he meant it. As the signs coming into Texas say "Welcome to Texas, now go back home" "Don't Mess With Texas" Jim Bermingham Millsap, TEXAS Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 12:41:33 -0800 (PST) From: Beaverplt <beaverplt at yahoo.com> Subject: Oh so sad The big day arrived (OK so I rushed it a little) when I could pop open one of my first grain extract brews. I was just sick when the distict odor of soap was the first thing to hit me. The same thing happened on the second bottle. Obviously I did a lousy job rinsing these bottles, but I gotta believe I didn't screw up on the whole batch. The taste of the beer was spoiled by the soap. But I was able to determine that when I find a bottle that I rinsed properly, I will enjoy this brew. I also think the cleaner I used may have something to do with this. These bottles were cleaned with a bleach soap combination. It may be that this stuff clings to the glass and needs a better rinsing. At this point I don't know yet, but any input will be appreciated. At the very least I learned another lesson along the road of brewing. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one Place. http://shopping.yahoo.com/ Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 17:11:49 -0500 From: "Darryl Newbury" <darryl at sagedesign.com> Subject: Political Rants/Beer Engines/Two Hearted As a Canadian, the political pananoia of your Americans amuses, eer.... frightens me. Comments like "although Al Gore and his party may eventually figure out how to put an end to (voting)" from Todd Snyder in Buffalo are beyond belief. As for thoughts on BAC ... if the Republicans, counter part on this side of the border the Canadian Alliance Party is any indication, be forewarned. Stockwell Day, the leader of Canada's right wing, conservative, pro gun party is advocating a reduction of the legal driving limit from our current .08 to .05. Bob Boland was promoting the virtues of session bitter and milds a week or so ago and suggested serving them through a beer engine. Bob, anyone else from the St Louis Brews, or anyone out there.... I'd be interested in making a beer engine like the ones that the Brews had at MCAB, are there any instructions out there for making ones own beer engine? As for Two-Hearted Ale, I tasted it once at the Michigan Craft Brewers Festival .... wonderful stuff. If anyone feels inspired they can send me a case and a copy of the Hemmingway book, and I'll be one happy Canuck. Cheers, Darryl in Toronto Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 14:27:20 -0800 (PST) From: "H. Dowda" <hdowda at yahoo.com> Subject: Boston Trip Going to Boston, MA next Saturday for 5 days. Be in the Back Bay area,Dalton St (?), no car but public transportation available. Any recommendations in the area appreciated. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one Place. http://shopping.yahoo.com/ Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1904 16:35:16 +1030 From: "Fab & Simon" <bluetrees at picknowl.com.au> Subject: Degrees baume to %v/v Greeting to the collective. Hope this is an easy one. A friend has a hydrometer that is in degrees baume and would like to covert to %v/v. Is Baume equivalent to Degrees plato? Does anyone have a formula I could pass on? Thanks. Fab & Simon Ashlyn & Cedar & the hitchcock chooks (the chooks no longer brew) Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 09:07:30 -0800 (PST) From: Cabeca Dopenis <cabecadopenis at excite.com> Subject: Pathetic Damn straight Jethro!! A new organization for drinkers is forming. DAMM...Drunks Against Mad Mothers (Mothers may be defined as you will) C. Dopenis Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 12:03:44 +1100 From: "Richard Pass" <richard.pass at anu.edu.au> Subject: Re: Pseudo-lager Matthew t Marino <mattncherie at juno.com> wrote: <<I would like to make a good bock but I dont have the ability to ferment at recomended lager temps. I can realisticly ferment at 60 F and "lager" at 45 F. Does any one have experience with lager yeasts at this temp or even ale yeasts that might provide good results. Maybe wyeast 2112 California Lager. I also notice the temp range on Wyeast 2278 Chzech Pils is 48-64 F. >> Matt, a good compromise is Saflager yeast which should be available from most homebrew suppliers. I've used this yeast commercially in a number of beers including a Bock. 60 F is well within its range. You should let it warm up to 65 F when the gravity drops to one third of the original gravity to allow for diacetyl breakdown (one of Saflager's unfortunate tendencies). Leave it at 65 for a couple of days, by which time it should drop to around one quarter OG then rack and cool to 45 F or lower if possible for lagering. You will need to force carbonate because Saflager doesn't do much below 50 F. Oh yes, make sure you rehydrate the yeast as per instructions. From memory it was 30 mins in pure water at 25 C (77 F) which is a lower rehyd temp than most dried yeasts. 2278 is also good in a Bock but I'd be inclined ferment closer to the lower occurence of esters. Cheers, Richard Pass Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 20:31:33 -0500 From: Randy Ricchi <rricchi at ccisd.k12.mi.us> Subject: Green Bullets I bought some Green Bullet hops (New Zealand) a few months ago, but have yet to brew with them. 9.5 alpha, they are described as an "excellent choice for a hoppy lager, with a deep flowery and slightly citrus note. Does anyone have any experience with this hop? How is it for pale ales, pilseners, etc.? TIA Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 23:40:54 EST From: RBoland at aol.com Subject: Yeast for British Mild? We've had good luck with Wyeast Scottish (1968) and London Ale III (1318). The objectives are to get a good malty flavor and a bit of residual sweetness. Good luck. Bob Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 00:07:28 -0500 From: "Stephen Alexander" <steve-alexander at worldnet.att.net> Subject: re: ..."Pathetic"/new yeast/rennet Jethro (while squishing Tom Moensch like a bug) writes ... >forced mandate of a National .08 DUI legislation tied to >future federal highway dollars. Feds are prohibited from making certain laws, so coerce states to in exchange for returned tax dollars. Subverts the constitution. >...step towards a national series of >lawsuits against alcohol manufacturers, .... Feds force behavior they cannot legislate by means of lawsuits & contract award. Constitutional end-run.. >[...] considering the ridiculous confiscation laws in this country, Confiscation violates the 14th amendment (due process required), just blatantly ignored by DOJ. They haven't dragged Cicero's head through the streets but we just as certainly live in the post-Republic era. The early casualties are minority rights not valued by a demagogued majority, more at 11. == JGump also says .. > ServoMyces, [...] ! >This dry yeast, specifically grown to assimilate zinc, an essential, and >often under-rated key to success of yeast growth is currently under testing Zinc is a required nutrient (cofactor to many enzymes) and an underestimated one. I've written about it before in the HBD archives as have others. Excess zinc leads to problems like early/excessive autolysis. How does ServoMyces control for the ambient zinc level ? What level of zinc is target ? I'm guessing about 0.5ppm. == Jeff Renner says ... >Your unrecorded human probably put milk in a young goat's >stomach for storage and lo! it turned into cheese. Or perhaps some ancient butcher recognized already familiar curds in a young calf/goat stomach. Getting from there to harvesting rennet (containing rennin) is not for the squeamish. Is "Renner" really Old English for 'dances with goat entrails' ? [Sorry Jeff - couldn't help myself]. -S Return to table of contents
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