FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Wheat Flour Tropical Wit (craftbrewer) Spargers (Warren Wangerin) Re: Guinness, Pours, and wha wha wha what? ("Scott D. Braker-Abene") Re: Cornie help (Jeff Renner) ("Kim") Fermentap thing? (Kb9ve0) Re: Beer in D.C. ("Dan Dewberry") CO2 Refills (Epic8383) Cleveland (Rod Prather) Big Buck Brewery (Rod Prather) Re: Your post to the HBD re: Big Buck Brewery (Rod Prather) Nitro/CO2 pouring, Dont say sorry, Bret yeast, Purity of Supply (craftbrewer) Morland's Old Speckled Hen (Rick Gontarek) High Output Gas Burners (Mjbrewit) Finally! ThunderMug Brewery [RIMS} up and running! (Wimpy48124)
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 17:03:11 +1100 From: craftbrewer at Subject: Wheat Flour Tropical Wit G'Day All Well I think you all know I'm not one to brag, BUT by crickey didn't I have a good brew day. One of those days it all comes together. And I write this just after putting the fermenters into the fridge I'm that pleased. Yes my wit was a success, lactic mash and all. Firstly my use of 50% wheat flour in the grist was not a fluke, (Krystal Weissen being my first). Did it again, and to all those buggers waiting for 'stuck mash', not a chance, even went smoother than my first attempt. Then there's the lactic mash. Did that 36 hours before the main day (5 % of the grain bill), and it went perfect. Strong smell of DMS when I got it. Tested it with the all singing and dancing ph meter, and perfect again, a nice 4.2. And even the wort ph just before the boil was spot on. Right on 5.1, exactly where I wanted it. Now to all those who offered advice about Wits and Lactic mashing to me about 2 months be prepared for something rare. Thankyou one and all - I'm one happy chappy Now I'm off to finsh my Krystal wiessen, and watch the wet set in Shout Graham Sanders Oh I'm that pleased I might even front SWMBO as have one of those rare special moments. And I wont use a paper bag Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 01:01:01 -0600 (CST) From: wewmrbeer at (Warren Wangerin) Subject: Spargers Will the person who requested info on home made sparge arms please write to me . I inadverdentaly deleted that issue & have lost his address . I have made them successfully and are very simple . Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 06:07:22 -0800 (PST) From: "Scott D. Braker-Abene" <skotrat at> Subject: Re: Guinness, Pours, and wha wha wha what? Chris Swersey Writes: "Starting with a fresh keg of Guinness, I would put between 45 and 50 PSI using your 80% N2/20%CO2 mix, depending on your refrigerator temp. At 40deg F, you could go as high as 53-55 psi (no higher). At 35 deg., you should be at around 45-47 psi (no higher). These pressures are necessary to do two things. One, they maintain the correct partial pressure of CO2 in the headspace necessary to keep 1.25 -1.3 volumes of CO2 in the beer.Two, elevated pressure like this keeps the N2 that is dissolved in the beer from flashing off." Chris... Commercial kegs clearly state that you should never exceed 40 PSI... pushing a commercial keg to that pressure just is not safe. I would not recommend what you suggest. Guinness says serve between 38-42f anywhere between 30-40psi. I got that information from a memo that is distributed by Guinness to their authorized Carbonics dealers. Not trying to flame. I thought you post was excellent... Still it lacked in the necessary plaid. C'ya! -Scott "Sometimes quitting your job gives way to brewing" ===== "Life without Plaid sucks" - Skotrats Beer Page - BrewRats HomeBrew Club __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 09:24:15 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <nerenner at> Subject: Re: Cornie help Anthony Torrez <perpacity at> writes perceptively >I hear about people using cornies as >secondaries and cutting off the dip-tube so as not to suck up any yeast. I >was wondering what the result would be if you left the full length tube >intact, and after a reasonable secondary fermentation (2-3 weeks), if one >could just siphon off a glass or two (maybe more?) of very sedimented beer, >and essentially remove the sediment from the beer. It seems like it'd work. I've been meaning to write about this as this is exactly what I do. I hate to mutilate a dip tube. I started kegging in 1/4 barrel Sankeys and still use both Sankeys and Cornies, and while I've since heard of people cutting the tubes of even a Sankey, this never occurred to me. The first glass or two is indeed turbid, but then it's clear sailing, so to speak. I often will rack once more to a purged clean keg so that I have a sediment free keg. You have to be sure to stop racking as soon as you hear the keg blow so you don't rack over sediment. This way I have even taken kegs to parties. Jeff - -- -=-=-=-=- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, c/o nerenner at "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 08:45:59 -0600 From: "Kim" <kim at> Subject: >>It is plumbed in with 1/2 or 3/4 inch galvanized pipe To my knowledge, gas is always plumbed with either black pipe or flare copper fittings. Galvanized pipe can flake thus causing many problems. I am using two 110,000 btu heating units from instantaneous water heater. Had to do some creative hard soldering (brazing) to connect to .5" flare fittings. Works like a champ. Should be able to get them from most any plumber. Kim Peterson Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 10:46:37 EST From: Kb9ve0 at Subject: Fermentap thing? I have only been getting HBD for a short while so this may have been discussed recently. I saw the ad for the fermentap and thought it looked good. I then read somewhere else that it didn't work with 6.5 gal carboys. Does anyone use this? Does it really work with 6.5 carboys? Any comments on it in general? It would seem to me to only be worth it if it works with 6.5s so you could have enough room to brew 5 gal batches and allow for foaming. ( I suppose one could brew 4 gal in a 5 gal carboy but who wants to brew less beer?) also I asked about secondary in a corny a while back and got lots of replies. I of 5/8 tubing over the gas side fitting and putting a small (don't know size # ) stopper and airlock right in the tubing. This works great if you cut the tubing so its just long enough to put over the fitting and get the stopper in, otherwise the airlock leans over. Thanks and happy brewing Andy Bedford IN Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 09:33:57 -0600 From: "Dan Dewberry" <dandew at> Subject: Re: Beer in D.C. Last year we went to John Harvard's & Brickskeller. John Harvard's Brewpub is near a metro stop downtown (1299 Pennsylvania Ave. tel:783-2739) and has good beer & excellent food. A MUST is a bar called Brickskeller. It's in the northwest corner of the downtown area (1523 22nd St. N.W. tel:293-1885) near a metro stop & also has excellent food. They have over 500 beers ! Enjoy! Dan & Joelle Dewberry Austin, Texas > HOMEBREW Digest #3487 Sat 25 November 2000 > > Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 07:02:57 -0800 (PST) > From: "H. Dowda" <hdowda at> > Subject: Beer in D.C. > > Are there any good brewpubs in the Washington, DC > area? Will be in the NW/Georgetown area. No car, near > metro. > > Harold ____________NetZero Free Internet Access and Email_________ Download Now Request a CDROM 1-800-333-3633 ___________________________________________________________ Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 15:19:57 EST From: Epic8383 at Subject: CO2 Refills I use a fire supply company to refill my CO2 tanks, they fill by weight and also do the required hydrostatic testing when necessary. They're also conveniently located near the hockey rink, so I drop off the empty, win a game, and pick up the refilled cylinder on the way home. Gus, Long Island, NY Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 14:11:56 -0500 From: Rod Prather <rodpr at> Subject: Cleveland I'm gonna be spending several weeks in Cleveland. Although I am familiar with the area I have not found an abundance of brew pubs there. The one down on the Flats closed shop. Too bad, good brew. Any suggestions???? - -- Rod Prather, PooterDuude Indianapolis, Indiana Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 14:57:19 -0500 From: Rod Prather <rodpr at> Subject: Big Buck Brewery I was in Pontiac Michigan last weekend. This is an evaluation on a brewpub in the Rennerian Woods. The Big Buck Brewery. Just walking into this place gives the feeling as to how far brew pubs have gone. This is a Cathedral to in house brewing. It's huge! A mega-micro so to speak. The tall cathedral ceiling and knotty pine post and beam design gives you the feeling that a higher being brought this place to life. It is reminiscent of a German Bier Hall gone North Woods. Trophy bucks and wooden animal carvings grace the hall. The brews? Well, I only tried 7 of I believe 15 that they had on tap. I focused on the specials. I tried the Red Bird Ale and Raspberry Wheat, both house standards. My choice of specials were the Belgian White, the Grand Cru, the Porter, Unfiltered IPA and the Stout. The raspberry wheat and the Redbird ale were uneventful if not rather plain. Nice, clean but nothing to write home about. This made me glad that I focused on the special brews. The Belgian Grand Cru ABV 8% plus. This Cru was quite tasty but lacked the sweetness and mouthfeel that I find typical of this style. Simply too light for a Cru. Not really bad but off style IMHO. The Porter was very nice. not overly hopped with distinct overtones of chocolate. Very nice taste with no off flavors, astringency or bitterness often found in porters. Clean and distinct. Highly recommended. The Unfiltered IPA is quite different. Wonderful but not a typical IPA. It has an cloudy unkempt appearance. The Hopping level was excellent with a slight nose. A broad and bold IPA. VERY NICE. The Belgian Wit was my favorite. Wonderful, with a distinct sourness yet fully flavored. The Saaz, orange and coriander were all distinguishable with the coriander lingering in the aftertaste. Excellent taste. Great balance. Highly recommended. I also tried the Stout. It was the last tasting and I was a bit on the tipsy side. After the six 5 oz tasting glasses of 6.5% plus ales my objectivity was beginning to suffer. I found it very nice and would try it again. Like the porter, it relied heavily on a fine balance of the dark grains. True to an English stout it was hearty had the increased mouthfeel and body compared to the porter. Wonderful flavor. Worth a try. If you are around one of these places, check it out. The brewer seems to be quite talented judging by the house specials. Kudos!!!! A worth while experience. I believe they have 3 in Michigan and 1 in Texas. The house beers appear to be non descript, built for mass appeal of their more than adequate flow of diners. The specials are just that, special..... a treat for the lover of fine beers. The food is very good and on par with the specials. Skip the onion fingers. Try the Bruchetta. Once again, no affiliation, just a good brew. - -- Rod Prather, PooterDuude Indianapolis, Indiana Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 20:50:22 -0500 From: Rod Prather <rodpr at> Subject: Re: Your post to the HBD re: Big Buck Brewery With regard to my post on the Big Buck Brewery. I was reminded that the Rennerian Woods and The Land of the Janitors are generally co-incidental. Sorry for the oversight guys. Wish I had such a fantastic example of brewery art in my North 40. - -- Rod Prather, PooterDuude Indianapolis, Indiana Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 23:11:48 +1100 From: craftbrewer at Subject: Nitro/CO2 pouring, Dont say sorry, Bret yeast, Purity of Supply G'day All Well I have decided to grow web feet. Normally up here with the build-up to the wet we will get our thunder-bumpers for a couple of days, then fine weather a week or two then the cycle repeats again and again til the Monsoon hits (then it susposed to rain). But not this year - No well into the fouth week and its still coming down. A record wet is looming. But onto beer related matters. There was a lot of talk about how to get the "The Surge" in a Stout, and in fact it has been well covered by the posts how to do it with a gas cyclinder with a 80/20 mix. But there is another way people. (Yes Nth Qld brilliance to the fore). Now I'm not a great fan of stouts, or nitro pouring but very occasional a nitro pour is in order. But what does one do when he doesn't have the gear. Try this. Firstly get your keg to serving temp. Then adjust the CO2 pressure to 25 KPA. Once stable I visit a mate with a Nitrogen cyclinder he uses for welding. His regulator sits at at 200KPA. Yes thats right I gas up my keg (with a very simple fitting) with his gas. (and the maths is of course a nice 75/25. Now its right Nitrogen is not very soluble, so it only requires a second visit when the keg is say half empty. The rest of the time I use CO2 to push out the beer. And how do I get "The Surge" . I just roll up some fine stainless steel wire (termite mesh) and shove it up the spout (of the tap). That breaks up the flow fine. So to other poor unfortunate souls Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 13:21:09 -0700 From: John Adsit <jadsit at> Subject: Speaking for others In the last HBD, I apologized for the anatagonistic response someone sent to Sean's tongue-in-cheek posting. I dared to speak for the group, assuming that people would have no problem with that. I have been told in rather blunt fashion that I should not have done so. I am therefore going to apologize for speaking for those of you who appreciated the antagonistic eponse. I should have let you speak for yourself.<<<<<<< John dont chicken out now mate. You did speak for the group, and thank God you did. I'll back you all the way mate (as for the majority of HBDers). In fact those poor sods who feel the need to pressure you want to have a go - well mate put them onto the Foreign Affairs Minister for North Queensland. I can arrange a Frontal Labotomy for all those poor deluded chaps (I'm also the Minister of Health in case you didn't know). One last thing - dont apologise - sh+t I don't. You can always seek asylum in utopia. - -- >>>Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 23:57:58 -0500 From: "Fred L. Johnson" <FLJohnson at> Subject: Culturing Brettanomyces lambicus Anyone have any suggestions for the best way to culture this beast? Or should I pitch the yeast into this wort with the undissolved calcium carbonate?<<< Now Fred, as my plans for world beer domination with my Longing for a Longon Lambic are delayed, I do have time to comment on this one. Firstly if you are going to use this little blighter (Bret) in your wort, DONT add CaCO3. After all that acidity is exactly what you after in the final product. seems silly to add Brett otherwise. As for storage well that depends. If its sterile water storage of the Bret, well it doesn't need CaCO3. remember the bugger is dormant, so no acid is being produced. But if you have yeast stored on a slant, on in a liquid wort for future use, well a pinch of CaCO3 is a good thing for medium storage. As you said, you want the yeasy healthy for the next batch. But it wont disolve you say. Big deal, it just needs to be there to react with the acid that is produced. It will disolve (or more accuately react) as it is needed. Now dave Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 00:18:31 -0500 From: dave at Subject: dirtclod brown ale As we were breaking 200 pound bales of whole hops into smaller packages the other day, we pulled a 2 oz. dirtclod out of the bale. That reminded me of the dried out chicken leg we found in a bale a few years ago. Metal picker parts, nuts and bolts, cigarette butts, hop twine, all part of life during hop harvest that occasionally end up in the final product. At least you can see what you've got with whole hops. Pellets?<<<<<< And how bloody true this is. Its a bit like buying take away chinese food. Yes it might have the local dog mixed in but how can you tell (is that fried rice or fried lice). At least whole ingredients you can pick out the odd dead sparrow, or what ever. Makes me think of that poor chap who swapped his bag of grain because of one expunged bird. Then uses pellets with probably part his mate ground up in it. And he worried about what the bird would do to his beer. (bet that contaminated bag of grain was still used or sold) I tell you if everyone saw what happened to get from planting/birth to your plate, you would immediately become self sufficient. Shout Graham Sanders Oh SWMBO is remarkably nice to me this morning. She might be happy, but me having to actually look at her enjoying herself has scarred me for life. Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 08:33:00 -0500 From: Rick Gontarek <rgontare at> Subject: Morland's Old Speckled Hen Hi All, I just harvested the yeast sediment from a bottle of Morland's Old Speckled hen, and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this strain. Have any of you ever brewed with it, or is it similar to any commercially- available strain? Any info you could provide me with would be appreciated. Thanks, Rick Gontarek Owner/Brewmaster The Major Groove Picobrewery Trappe, PA Rgontare at Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 11:32:12 EST From: Mjbrewit at Subject: High Output Gas Burners To the individual seeking high output natural gas burners. An obvious reminder. if you will be using it indoors, do not forget to vent and use a high quality carbon monoxide detector. I made a self inclosed mini furnace out of steel shelving brackets. Basically, I fitted my burner and stand inside a shell of brackets and screwed on sheet metal to the sides essentially creating a mini metal box or furnace. The entire top of the keg sticks out the top to monitor the boil and add hops. I vented the box on one bottom side with an exhaust port (drier tubing) putting an inline fan at the placed in a nearby window and turn both the inline and box fan on. This also vents the steam created. My basement does not get overly cold in the winter even with the fan on as the steam created produces a lot of heat to offset the venting. Carbon monoxide can be a big problem. My four stove burners created enough carbon monoxide once to set of my detector. The higher the output the more deadly gas. So don't forget to vent. Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 22:12:50 EST From: Wimpy48124 at Subject: Finally! ThunderMug Brewery [RIMS} up and running! After 14 months of dreaming, planning, building, and argueing [pleading and whining] with SWMBO, the ThunderMug Brewery [RIMS] is up and running. I've put 4 batches though it in the last week and as the more I brew with it, the more I get a handle on and reduce the learning curve problems. First the system: -Two tier with three 1/2 barrels with 3 propane burners -Unistrut framing -All stainless 1/2 " piping, most from, great prices [1/2" S.S. ball valves about $13] -High temp pump, RIMS chamber, quick disconnects, and norpene hoses from -MaxiChiller from [GREAT!! chiller, but I'm still waiting for my 180* -Mashmate 1600 controller from Paragon Brewing. It was a long time coming, but it seems to have been well worth the wait. It's like being a kid again, I want to brew on this everyday except for SWMBO standing in the way. Also 3 primarys and one secondary full, I guess I should control myself a bit! There's been a few problems {my first batch , an Amber ale I chilled down too far to 53 degrees, my second was a Weizen, A two hour total boil, I wasn't looking in the kettle and I managed to boil it down from 7 1/2 to 3 gallons] and I've got to make a check list for as I go along to keep track of things. The pump works like a dream once I figured out what to do to pump boiling wort through it. After reading about the problems others have had pumping boiling liquids I figured that with my luck I'd be SOL!!! Anyway, the first time I tried different things that others said to do and nothing worked. I finally shut down the pump, opened the valve over the kettle, grabbed the transparent hose and VERY carefully [ I don't know how to phrase this without getting alot of grief ] !!! I applied suction trying to create a slight vacuum in the piping. Whatever, it worked great. I circulate boiling wort through the system and the MaxiChiller for a 1/2 hour for sanitization. The pumps flow with boiling liquid is as good as cold liquid. Of course with Murphy's law I'll no doubt have problems with it next time!!! The Mashmate 1600 works great , the only problem I have is that I got my heating element from Movingbrews and it's a 4500w element [220v, I'm not sure what it is at 110v] but mashmate 1600 will take a 5500w element [220v which at 110w is 1500w] and to get to temps I have to turn on the gas. The element will hold the temps though. I bet that a hotter element would do the job. Also warmer weather would probably be easier on it but it's best to learn on colder days. Just one more factor to figure out . All in all a pleasure to use and for what it's worth IMHO the MaxiChiller and the Mashmate 1600 are well worth it. Lastly, any ideas for a single fermenter to ferment 10 gallons in? I had planned to get some 10 gal. cornys but there aren't any out there anymore Return to table of contents
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