FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: malted oats... (leavitdg) Cleaning SS Stones ("A. J.") Historical Science v. Art ("Abby, Ellen and Alan") re; side trip to Munich ("Murray, Eric") jockey boxes (Aaron Robert Lyon) Hofbrauhaus (Marc Sedam) mash/lauter tun worry ("Walker, Randy") Growing grain ("Jamie Smith") RE: suggestions/questions for Wyeast 2565 Kolsch ale yeast ("John B. Doherty") pH ("Jim Busch") Winter Warmers ("Dittmar, Robert D") Tennessee Brew Recommendations (Richard Foote) First All-Grain Brew Session Debriefing ("John Zeller") Yeast and Beer Color, Grinding ("Gustave Rappold") first all grain (Ed Jones) Big Bavarian Red Ale (leavitdg) Duvel yeast, recipe ("John Thompson") Delayed mashing and boiling ("Don Watts")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 07:40:51 -0400 (EDT) From: leavitdg at Subject: malted oats... Muddie; The malted oats come from Thomas Fawcett, through North Country Malt Supply, here in northern NY State. Marc Sedam has suggested to me that it may be the mash schedule that has created the apparent difference...If his response does not appear here, and if he doesn't object, then I will post his private response to me on this... .Darrell Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 11:35:52 +0000 From: "A. J." <ajdel at> Subject: Cleaning SS Stones The only thing I've had any luck with in cleaning clogged SS stones is acetone! Don't ask me why this works or should work but it does better than boiling in caustic for example. Note also that it doesn't always work - it's just the best I've found. Most nail polish removers contain lots of acetone and a whole mix of other non polar solvents such as MEK, ethyl acetate etc. so people who don't have access to chemicals or who don't want to spend $20 a liter for cleaner might want to try those. A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 07:46:06 -0400 From: "Abby, Ellen and Alan" <elal at> Subject: Historical Science v. Art "I mean... what did those old guys do 200 years ago before scientific instruments???" I think it is a very interesting question: science v. art and quality. Having had a wide range of cruddy beers from nicely polished contraptions with every form of measuring tool thrusting into the mash/wort/beer, I am not convinced that science has improved what art in the past failed to achieve. That being said, what has the opportunities of science added to brewing? - fewer brewers, style standardization, more adjuncts, longer shelf life, greater profitability, lower alcohol. I would hypothesize that where in brewing economies there is a lower level of scientific application, there are more brewers, more differentiation, fewer adjuncts, shorter shelf life and lower profits with higher alcohol. [Please kick this theory if you like.] It has not added scale of operations as in the mid to late 1700's porter vats in London were massive (20,000 barrels) and output was huge - Whitbread having 200,000 barrel annual production in the years before 1800: ["Porter" by Terry Foster, pages 21-22.] In "Scotch Ale" by Gregory Noonan [at p.49] there is an interesting comment that the water of Edinburgh gave a constant temperature. It could be that through not having such a range of factors going into the brew which were available for fiddling with, the brewmaster, had less opportunity to deviate from his given brew's makeup. As Doug Moyer wrote, the breweries would have perfected their product over time [and over generations of brewmasters] through learning the nature of the local water, local malt and, as with some belgian beers still and many fine french wines, sometimes even the nature of local airborne yeasts. You may not find mocha raspberry bock in Ireland or Scotland, but you would find a range within the geographical style. Also, with prices fixed by statute, there was also less inclination to experiment, though the style shift from porters to cheaper pale ales, which required less storage time, was in part apparently caused by profit margin. I would suspect that while any given brewer of 1680 could have a foul batch or poorer skills than his competator, there would not have been a general inferiority of product due mainly to the freshness of the brew at time of consumption. I would fear a wine from that era more than a beer - oxidization during storage being such a problem few reds would not have been brown. Alan in PEI Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 08:35:55 -0400 From: "Murray, Eric" <emurray at> Subject: re; side trip to Munich Excellent suggestion from Marty Nachel >> Yes, skip the Hofbrauhaus, but by all means visit Augustiner (right inside the pedestrain mall near the Karls Tor on the west entrance) and Schneider's Weisses Brauhaus just beyond the pedestrian mall to the east of the Marienplatz, where Aventinus is served vom fass (on draught). << To which I can add that Andechser Dopplebock was the very best I had in Munich. It is not easy to get and you cant get it here, so try hard. Right down the sidewalk from Schneider's Brauhuas in Marienplatz is a small place located in the back corner of the big church (the one with the two big towers you can see from anywhere around there). Most of my German comrades that live in Munich prefer the beers in this order (1: Andechser, 2: Schneider, 3: Augustiner, 1009878th: Hofbrauhaus) If you get stuck in a small club that doesn't sell anything but paulaner on tap, see if they carry "Lowenbrau Triumphator", you would never guess that it is Lowenbrau. It's a really dark full bodied dopplebock I'd guess in the 9% abv range. Eric Murray Louisville, KY Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 09:37:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Aaron Robert Lyon <lyona at> Subject: jockey boxes Hi, I've been looking at jockey boxes lately for family gatherings, etc and I'm wondering if there is any reason why I would want/need more than a 50' coil in one? A lot of people want beer at these things, but it's not as if the tap will be running non-stop throughout the entire life of a corni. Thanks. -Aaron Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 09:50:07 -0400 From: Marc Sedam <marc_sedam at> Subject: Hofbrauhaus I'll side with those suggesting to go to the Hofbrauhaus. But here's a hint...SIT OUTSIDE! The tourons like to go inside because it's inside and American tourons like their vacations neatly packaged. But when I was there in July, my wife and I found a nice table outside (in one of the beer gardens) next to a pleasant German family. They drank, we drank. I had some wurst and a delectible helles, said a few "Prosts!", and had an overall great time. It's amazing that your choice of seating by a few hundred feet can have such an effect but it does. And even in the middle of July, the atmosphere under the huge tree (walnut...chestnut...I forget) was nice n' cool. And do visit Kloster Andechs. Magical, magical dunkles. Mmmmmm....dunkles... - -- Marc Sedam Chapel Hill, NC Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 07:54:56 -0600 From: "Walker, Randy" <Walkerr at> Subject: mash/lauter tun worry I am planning to buy a 5-gallon Gott cylindrical cooler for a mash/lauter tun. I am going to use a Phil's false bottom with it. I was reading one of Papazian's books yesterday and it stated that it is important to keep your sparge water above the grain bed to prevent compaction of the grain bed and a stuck sparge. Well, if you are mashing and sparging in the same vessel, aren't your grains compacted when mashing? Will stirring in 25% of your sparge water, to raise the mash temp for mashout, float the grains somewhat? Someone please tell me why I shouldn't worry. Randy Walker Litton Guidance & Control Salt Lake City, UT 801-539-1200, X-7484 walkerr at Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 11:43:09 -0300 From: "Jamie Smith" <jxsmith at> Subject: Growing grain I tried to read the archives but there was nothing there. Does anyone here grow their own grains for brewing? Jamie on PEI Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 08:00:13 -0700 (PDT) From: "John B. Doherty" <dohertybrewing at> Subject: RE: suggestions/questions for Wyeast 2565 Kolsch ale yeast >From: Don Price <dprice1 at> >Subject: suggestions/questions for Wyeast 2565 Kolsch ale yeast > >My Kolsch ale is fermenting along nicely. Any suggestions for pitching a >new brew onto the cake? Don, I highly recommend brewing an Altbier to pitch onto your Koelsch yeast cake. If you're looking for something a little higher gravity, then do as I did last time with my WY2565 and brew a Sticke Altbier - which is a specialty "secret" Altbier brewed to a higher gravity and hopping rate than regular Altbiers. A few pointers on altbier - you want alot of Munich Malt character in the beer as opposed to Crystal Malt character, so try to avoid US & UK malt extracts. I've heard of one liquid extract out there (St. Pats, I believe) which is supposed to be made from a large portion of Munich Malt. Also, go extremely light on the chocolate and black malts and roasted barley - but if you feel you must, use german black malt up to about 2 oz. for color. I prefer a longer boil (90 to 120 minutes) to develop color and melanoidins. Of course, I really prefer decoction mashing for an alt, but extract brewing precludes that. For hops, I'd say try Spalt for middle and late kettle additions, if you can find it. I've fallen in love with this "not so easy to find" hop. Any German or Czech noble-type hop will do nicely as well. Altbiers are up there in bitterness, so you may want to use Hallertau N. Brewer or even German Magnum for the bittering addition. Some local craftbrewers I've spoken to of late have sung the praises of Magnum as a nice high alpha, low cohumulone hop. I'd say ferment it closer to 60F if you can, and attach a good blow-off tube - those German ale yeasts tend to make a huge froth, especially when a large amount is re-pitched. Hope this helps. Cheers, -John Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 11:28:15 +0000 From: "Jim Busch" <jim at> Subject: pH I like the historical take on pH and instruments and value...... As for 0.5 pH being significant, recall that pH is a log scale, so a factor of 0.5 on a log is exponential in results. Jim Busch Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 10:34:33 -0500 From: "Dittmar, Robert D" <Robert.D.Dittmar at> Subject: Winter Warmers Can anyone share a tried and true recipe for a spiced winter ale. I was looking for something using the whole gamut of Christmas spices - orange peel, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger - the works. Thanks for the suggestions, Rob Dittmar St. Louis, MO Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 12:33:19 -0400 From: Richard Foote <rfoote at> Subject: Tennessee Brew Recommendations Hi All, I am planning a little family vacation next week to the Knoxville/Gatlinburg area. What family vacation would be complete without beer? Consequently, I would be very appreciative of any recommendations on brew pubs/micros to check out. SWMBO even suggested I start checking on area beer offerings. I'm a lucky man. TIA. Private e-mails please. Rick Foote Murrayville, GA Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 11:07:10 -0700 From: "John Zeller" <jwz_sd at> Subject: First All-Grain Brew Session Debriefing Travis, Check out this site for a good deal on a fully adjustable malt mill: My opinion is it would be nice to have the adjustable feature weather you use it or not. This mill appears to be well made and sells for under $100 with a money back garantee and a lifetime warranty. I don't have one yet, but I plan to order one in the near future. Your problem with keeping the sparge arm rotating is likely due to not having the HLT elevated enough. Be sure the HLT is at least a foot above the sparge arm. Even higher would be better in order to have enough head pressure to spin it. Keep the HLT as full as possible even if you do not use all of the water. The head pressure increases with the depth of the water in the HLT. You will need to adjust the flow rate with the spigot valve as the water level drops and the head pressure decreases. -John Z. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 15:47:53 -0400 From: "Gustave Rappold" <grappold at> Subject: Yeast and Beer Color, Grinding HI Y'all, There was a Zymurgy Special Yeast Issue that commented on different beer colors resulting from the same wort pitched with different yeasts. If anyone wants, I'll dig it out and relate what they have to say on the subject... Adjustable mills are great when milling different grains like wheat, which has no husk, and can be milled tighter for a finer grind and better efficiency. Grinding barley malt is a trade off between fine, for good efficiency, and loose to preserve husk for lautering and less tannin extraction. Welcome to All-Grain!! Gus - --- Gustave Rappold - --- grappold at - --- EarthLink: It's your Internet. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 17:09:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Ed Jones <ejones at> Subject: first all grain After making my first all-grain brew today (an english special bitter) I now understand why all your wives kicked you out of the kitchen. :-) But, it's a labor of love! My question is: What does SWMBO mean? I assume it means wife, but what exactly does the acronym stand for? - -- Ed Jones "When I was sufficiently recovered to be permitted to take nourishment, I felt the most extraordinary desire for a glass of Guinness...I am confident that it contributed more than anything else to my recovery." - written by a wounded officer after Battle of Waterloo, 1815 Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 18:28:40 -0400 (EDT) From: leavitdg at Subject: Big Bavarian Red Ale I just tasted a brew that was created on 3/09/01, secondaried, then bottled just 5 days ago (I is a bit early) and it tasted so wonderful that I had to tell someone. Now, given the fact that I learned most of what I "know" about brewing from this forum...well, you are the "someone" whom I need to tell. I called this a Big Bavarian because it was the second time that I had used this yeast (Wyeast 3056, originally a starter, then used in a lower gravity Bavarian, then here), and I planned to make it a little bit "big". The malt bill was: 9lb Fawcett's Lager Malt 1 lb Fawcett's Crystal 2 Lb Wheat 1 lb Maize Strike temp was 160F 1st rest was at 142F for 30 ramped up to 158 for 60 mashout at 170 for 10 7 gallons of wort was collected. First runnings were 1.089 Boil gravity was 1.06 90 minute boil. OG was 1.068 FG was 1.015 %abv was about 7.25% Hops were: Perle (7%) after 30 minutes of rolling boil Cascade (7%) at last 15 min of 60 minute additional boil. I don't know if it fits any style...but damn it, it is really good. Thanks to all who have helped me learn how to brew (at least some) good beer! And, thanks to the Janitors and Sponsors who understand the value of this list. ..Darrell Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 17:37:35 -0500 From: "John Thompson" <jthomp6 at> Subject: Duvel yeast, recipe Hello all. Which of the Wyeasts is closest to the Duvel strain? I haven't brewed a Belgian strong ale in a while... Also, if someone has a good recipe, it would be appreciated. Thanks. John Thompson Baton Rouge, LA Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 22:38:36 -0400 From: "Don Watts" <dwatts23 at> Subject: Delayed mashing and boiling I am sure that this has been discussed before but I want to bring it up again. I am considering starting my mash in the morning before I go to work, around 7:30 am, then sparging in the afternoon around 5:00pm. I am using a single infusion 155 degree mash with a 10 gallon Gott cooler. what are the draw backs to this, the cooler loses about 3 degrees every 2 hours. Has anyone done this and what was the results? Is it a good idea to try this? Thanks Don Watts Return to table of contents
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