FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: re:why CAP ("Nathaniel P. Lansing") Cornelius regulator tip ("Nathaniel P. Lansing") Oh no! ("T & S Klepfer") 101 Glass Carboy Questions ("Todd Bissell") Austin Tx (YYZCLAYTON) re: AHA elections ("Houseman, David L") Aussie Beer Glasses (Ernie) deClerck ("Jan Willem van Groenigen") Carbon Filter Consequences (Mark Rogerson) Another possible explanation for the H:W observation (David Harsh) Home Brew in Chicago ("David Mackaway") East-Coast "Pennsylvania" Porter ("Denis Barsalo") Ice for Chilling (Ken Schwartz) Re: great beers in Southern England ("Dr. Pivo") RE: Intermediate Mashing Instructions? (Andrew Calder) RE: Converting All-Grain Stout to Extract (Andrew Calder) Re: intermediate mashing instructions? (Mike Mckinney) Pleased with East Coast Ale Yeast (WLP008) (leavitdg)
* * 2001 AHA NHC - 2001: A Beer Odyssey, Los Angeles, CA * June 20th-23rd See for more * information. Wear an HBD ID Badge to wear to the gig! * * * Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy! * Send articles for __publication_only__ to If your e-mail account is being deleted, please unsubscribe first!! To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message with the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to FROM THE E-MAIL ACCOUNT YOU WISH TO HAVE SUBSCRIBED OR UNSUBSCRIBED!!!** IF YOU HAVE SPAM-PROOFED your e-mail address, you cannot subscribe to the digest as we canoot reach you. We will not correct your address for the automation - that's your job. The HBD is a copyrighted document. The compilation is copyright HBD.ORG. Individual postings are copyright by their authors. ASK before reproducing and you'll rarely have trouble. Digest content cannot be reproduced by any means for sale or profit. More information is available by sending the word "info" to req at JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 08:02:58 -0400 From: "Nathaniel P. Lansing" <delbrew at> Subject: re:why CAP Dr.P asked,>>>Why a CAP? Why indeed this American insistance >>on brtewing beers of which there is no longer any examples to >>compare it to? I guess you'd need to taste one to know why. I can tell you there were numerous people that, after tasting my version, said immediately, "that's the beer I've been trying to make!" My version is a bit different than Jeff's, but then isn't Celebrator different than Salvator? I'm not say one is better than the other. I like my recipe because it is as nearly full bodied as a Bock, no where nearly as satiating, and not nearly as intoxicating, so you can enjoy it all evening without falling on ones face. It goes equally well with red or white meats but has the flavor to be a good mouth rinse after a garlic pie. NPL Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 08:35:34 -0400 From: "Nathaniel P. Lansing" <delbrew at> Subject: Cornelius regulator tip Those brewers that are using Cornelius regulators may like to know; if you have an older regulator and it becomes erratic, where the pressure starts drifting up and down from your set-point. If you let that continue it will bleed down your CO2 cylinder. Apparently the valving mechanism still is trying to keep the pressure constant, but since these are a bleed-down regulator ( if you adjust the pressure lower the regulator releases the 'over-pressure') during the bleed down phase it just drains the cylinder. It is an easy rebuild, but something to watch for as your regulator ages. NPL Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 08:00:59 -0500 From: "T & S Klepfer" <lee-thomas at> Subject: Oh no! Well, here we go again. What should have been a simple, fun experiment (project?) has devolved into a silly, contentious revolving argument. Honestly guys, get a grip! Remembering Charlie's "relax, don't worry...." might be a good idea about now. Thomas Klepfer Medina, Texas Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 06:15:19 -0700 From: "Todd Bissell" <bis9170 at> Subject: 101 Glass Carboy Questions Hi all: Ok, ok..., maybe not exactly 101 questions, but still a few newbie questions regarding glass carboys. (BTW, if all this is "old hat, dead-horse" territory for the HBD digest, please don't flame me too hard...!) I'm getting ready to make the jump from my Basic Starter setup (two plastic fermenters, that I've been using for the entire primary/secondary/bottling cycle) to fermenting in one or more glass carboys. I know this will probably improve my beers, but want to do the research before shelling out the cash.... 1) What sizes are usually available...? Which size is recommended for "standard" (no barley wine/imperial stouts, yet!) 5-gallon batches...? Is bigger really better? What about the airlock -- would a blow-off setup be more appropriate for some or most of the fermentation cycle...? 2) Fermentap sells a valve kit (to turn a glass carboy upside-down and into a conical-style fermenter), that also supposedly eliminates the need for a secondary fermentation (since the trub can be dumped) Pros...? Cons...? Good or bad experiences with this sort of setup...? 3) Cleaning and sanitation: any cool gadgets/tricks that would make this necessary chore faster and more effective than using the long crooked brush by itself...? Admittedly, I could probably find all this information from my own ever-growing stock of homebrewing books, but I'm currently on a business trip in Nagasaki, Japan -- 10,500 miles from my library! -- and I just wanted to poll the HBD first.... the sure-fire way of getting straight answers, good or bad, I've learned...! :) Any advice from those in the know would be greatly appreciated...! Cheers! Todd S. Bissell Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 09:32:42 EDT From: YYZCLAYTON at Subject: Austin Tx Howdy Brewers, I will be traveling to Austin Texas in a couple of weeks with my wife and 8 year old son. Me and the boy will be free to roam for five days while the wife attends a conference. Does anyone (especially Texans from the Austin area) have any recommendations for Brew Pubs (PubCrawler lists 9) and other attractions that will keep me and the boy busy while we are in the great state of Texas? We will have a car but would like to remain within an hour drive or Austin. Private e-mail would be best for any non beer related suggestions for things to see and do. Cheers, Joe Clayton Farmington Hills, MI USA Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 09:38:18 -0500 From: "Houseman, David L" <David.Houseman at> Subject: re: AHA elections Mark Tumarkin wrote "I'm more concerned with the larger issues of getting existing members more involved in the AHA and in recruiting new members. With that in mind, I'd like to say again that I'm really interested in hearing any thoughts, suggestions, complaints, etc about the AHA and the directions and programs you'd like to see." That's hit the nail on the head. The steps taken thus far to involve the members are elections and member run conferences. Anyone who's attended the last few conferences will attest to the success of having involved member organize and run these events. The AHA staff in Boulder can only provide support. It's up to us, the members, to make things work the way we want them to. With all the expertise that exist in the approximately 10,000 members, we could really rock if they volunteered to work for the good of the organization. How many of our members are computer literate, build web pages, and could help to improve the AHA web presence? Regional conferences? It's up to you. The AHA Board of Advisors are just volunteers out of the total 10,000. Let's see more step forward and we the BoA will help you get it done. Dave Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 09:11:19 -0700 (PDT) From: erniebaker at (Ernie) Subject: Aussie Beer Glasses Aussie Beer Glasses!! Ok Blokes, I have received a very good education on the types, sizes and where they use the various sizes. Guess what, I still do not know where to get one. Guess I am really interested in a glass without a handle in a 500-700 ml size. The glass must have the brewery or type beer logo on it....... Any help out there??? Thanks for all the responses, very interesting......... Cheers, Ernie Baker USMC Retired 29 Palms, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 08:58:41 -0700 From: "Jan Willem van Groenigen" <groenigen at> Subject: deClerck Hi, does anybody know whether the original book by deClerck was written in French or Dutch? And, if it was Dutch, whether it is still available? Jan-Willem. Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 12:07:58 -0500 From: Mark Rogerson <Mark.Rogerson at> Subject: Carbon Filter Consequences Brewfolk, Aside from removing chlorine, in what ways can I expect a carbon filter to affect my water? In case it's pertinent, here's what I know about my water: Ca: 52 SO4: 9 Mg: 5 Na: 33 Cl: 41 Carb: 196 Hardness: 153 Thanks, folks! Mark Rogerson, HMFIC Minister of Propaganda Randy Stoat Enterprises Kuykendahl Gran Brewers Houston, Texas, U! S! A! Houston, Texas, U! S! A! Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 14:37:57 -0400 From: David Harsh <dharsh at> Subject: Another possible explanation for the H:W observation Demonick <demonick at> wrote: > has been my observation that stirring > up the fermenter repeatedly, i.e., rousing the yeast, enhances > flocculation. My WAG here is that some yeast cells induce other yeast > cells to flocculate, and by stirring up the yeast cake, more > non-flocculating yeast cells are being exposed to the flocculation signal, I'll state I've never noticed this as I've used carboy shaking to keep the ferment going in high gravity ales that were slowing down before I wanted them to. (Never used a control, so cause and effect has not been proven) If the WAG is true and exposure to a yeast cell that has decided to floc convinces other yeast its also time, then the higher aspect ratio fermenters (at constant volume) would have yeast prematurely floccing because the yeast have a greater distance to fall until they hit the bottom and are out of circulation, so to speak. There could be a larger "size" of the floc required to sink to the bottom before an upcurrent lifted it into suspension again where it could influence other yeast. I put "size" in quotations, because I'm assuming the flocs are, in fact, fractal aggregates as opposed to dense "clumps" (great technical term, I know!) If this is correct, tank depth would be a more significant variable than aspect ratio. Of course, if I were [more] close-minded, I'd claim that the shear generated by shaking the fermenter was the cause and it was consistent with my original theory. Dave Harsh Bloatarian Brewing League Cincinnati, OH Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 11:38:45 +1000 From: "David Mackaway" <mackawad at> Subject: Home Brew in Chicago All I am an Aussie homebrewer who will be visting Chicago in a week. Can anyone give me some tips on: - Brew Pubs to Visit - Homebrew shops to visit It would be very much appreciated Regards Dave Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 23:00:49 -0400 From: "Denis Barsalo" <denisb at> Subject: East-Coast "Pennsylvania" Porter Hey y'all, Can someone give me more details on the flavour profile of this beer? I understand this is supposed to be a light flavoured, brown porter with plenty of hop flavour as opposed to a black, robust type porter where the roasted flavours dominate. I attempted one last week and upon racking it this evening I was a bit disapointed with the lack of malt profile. I thought the Caravienne and Crystal might show through a bit more. The black patent added colour and very little else. I'm considering turning some of it into a specialty beer and add some espresso coffee to it! Any suggestions on amounts? Can I wait till it's in the keg? The character should change quite a bit once it's gazed up and cooled so I don't want to risk screwing around with the whole batch. After all, it's pretty good, even with the low malt profile! Sorry for the metric units, but I'm not about to translate them now! I've put the percentages so that should help. Coast-toCoast Porter: 4Kg Canadian 6-row 84.2% 400g Flaked Rice 8.4% 150g Belgian Caravienne 3.2% 100g Special Crystal 160L 2.1% 100g Black Patent 2.1% 30g Willamette 60 minutes 30g Willamette 20 minutes 30g Styrian Goldings 5 minutes I fermented for 6 days at 15C with Wyeast 2112 California Common which is why I decided to call it a Coast-to-Coast Porter! Denis Barsalo Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 07:37:21 -0600 From: Ken Schwartz <kenbob at> Subject: Ice for Chilling Pete Calinski says he used sanitized Tupperware containers filled with sanitized water & frozen, and chipped out the ice for chilling. Seems that if you let the container sit out a little while (or immersed partway in warm ater), the ice adjacent to the container surface would melt enough to let the whole block come out. I understand your point about surface area but it seems if you could just lift the whole block out and gently place into the hot wort, it would be a whole lot less trouble. - -- ***** Ken Schwartz El Paso, TX Brewing Web Page: Fermentation Chillers, Brew Paddles, Keg Koolers, more at E-mail: kenbob at Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 16:12:12 +0200 From: "Dr. Pivo" <dp at> Subject: Re: great beers in Southern England Failing knowing a local with a real beer interest, I always rely on the latest copy of CAMRA's "Good Beer Guide". Whenever I want to "conquer England by pub crawl" in an area I don't know, I stop at a book store first and pick up the latest copy..... It's gotten up to 12 quid, which is a bit pricey for a paper back, methinks, but it is truly well researched, and includes maps, and will pay for itself by you not having wasted your time on six pints of not necessarily good stuff, when it could of been just round the corner. Dr. Pivo Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 09:02:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Andrew Calder <arcalder2000 at> Subject: RE: Intermediate Mashing Instructions? On 5/30 Don Price asked for recommended links or books that cover the mashing process. I recommend 3 books: "The Complete Handbook of Home Brewing" by Dave Miller, 1988. "Homebrewing for Dummies" by Marty Nachel, 1997. "The Home Brewer's Companion" by Charlie Papazian, 1994. Hope these help, Andrew Calder Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 09:34:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Andrew Calder <arcalder2000 at> Subject: RE: Converting All-Grain Stout to Extract On May 21 Nils A. Hedglin asked about converting an all-grain stout recipe to an extract recipe. In "Brew Your Own Magazine", March 2001, Vol 7 No. 3, The Extract Equation by Chris Colby, page 36-42. Gives step by step instructions on converting an all grain recipe to an extract recipe. I believe all the questions you listed in your post are answered by this article. Hope this helps, Andrew Calder Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 12:22:13 -0500 From: Mike Mckinney <mikemck at> Subject: Re: intermediate mashing instructions? Don Price writes: >I am looking for some web pages with intermediate level information on >the mashing process. I can't find my Joy of HB book and all my other >literature is very basic (though useful). Please don't waste your time >typing out something that I'm sure someone has posted on the web...just >post the link. I'll even buy a real book if someone can suggest some >good ones. A great website is: A great book on homebrewing is : Homebrewing for Dummies I read Miller, Papazian, etc. but when I did my first all grain batch I followed the advice in Homebrewing for Dummies and it turned out great. Hope this helps. - -- mikemck at Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 16:55:40 -0400 (EDT) From: leavitdg at Subject: Pleased with East Coast Ale Yeast (WLP008) I brewed an "East Coast Pale Ale" on 5/14/01, using a vial of wlp008. It had an end date of 3/02/01 ("Best Before..") but it took off the next day. It was put into secondary on 5/23/01, at which time I saved the slurry in a clean growler. A party the next weekend kept me from brewing...until today, ...the new batch is an "East Coast Amber Ale"...using the slurry that had been in the fridge from 5/23/01 to today (6/3/01)...and it started bubbling within the first half hour! I hope that the taste of the brews conforms to the behavior of the yeast...this seems to be a very healthy/ active strain. Has anyone used this before? <I won't bore you all with the recipes, unless someone wants them> ...Darrell Return to table of contents
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