FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Going on vacation? Going to be out of the office? (Pat Babcock) Re: Oxygen ("J. KISH") Re: Growing hops / Japanese Beetles ("Stephen Alexander") All Grain ("Colby Fry") RE: World Homebrew Competition ("John") UPS shipping woes - followup (Dean Fikar) What do YOU have? Cheer 'em on! (Beaverplt) calories, methane, etc. ("Dr. Pivo") Home brew powered robots, no really ("bsmnt")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 10:46:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Pat Babcock <pbabcock at> Subject: Going on vacation? Going to be out of the office? Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager... Going to be out of the office? Going on vacation? PLEASE, PLEASE, PUHLEASE! Set your vacation program to *NOT* respond to any addresses. We recently had incidents on the HBD and another of our lists where vacation autoresponders set up loops with the software causing their ISP's mail server and ours to enter into a war of mail bombing. Being very efficient, the servers were capable of sending HUNDREDS of replies back and forth in a matter of minutes, swamping the HBD server while, in at least one case, destroying their mailbox on their ISP. If you use a "vacation" program, please set it specifically not to reply to the domain, and we'll be all set. Thanks. - -- - See ya! Pat Babcock in SE Michigan pbabcock at Home Brew Digest Janitor HBD Web Site The Home Brew Page "The monster's back, isn't it?" - Kim Babcock after I emerged from my yeast lab Saturday Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2001 22:55:18 +0000 From: "J. KISH" <jjkish at> Subject: Re: Oxygen The question of hydrogen peroxide as a source of oxygen keeps coming up, Marc Hawley asked June 9. My answer: H2O2 is a powerful sanitizer. Why? When it breaks down, it releases oxygen. A single atom of oxygen. That's sometime called 'nacent oxygen', or "newborn" oxygen, and it's looking to burn something or combine with something real fast! It will kill your yeast or other living things immediately. Oxygen appears in the atmosphere as O2, two atoms of oxygen combined as one molecule of oxygen. That's the kind of oxygen that yeast likes. Oxygen bottles are not very expensive. Get one and blow a cubic foot into your fermenter. Then, when you rack your wort to the fermenter, put a clamp on the end of the tubing so that the wort "squirts" a little stream, and "splashes" on the bottom of the fermenter. This will oxygenate the wort very nicely. Only takes a little longer and works like a charm! Joe Kish Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 02:45:54 -0400 From: "Stephen Alexander" <steve-alexander at> Subject: Re: Growing hops / Japanese Beetles David Burki asks >Anyone ever try preying mantis as an insect control >method? Do a web search to locate a mail order >supplier. The long-term solution is obvious - get rid of your lawn. No lawn roots for the grubs to eat - so no beetles. No lawn to mow - so more time to brew. No brown burn spots in the non existent lawn. No need for 'lawn-mower' beers - so you can enjoy more serious brews. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 08:04:55 -0400 From: "Colby Fry" <colbyfry at> Subject: All Grain Getting ready to brew my first all grain recipe and have to ask a few questions. Should be a rather exciting time at the Fry household on Saturday. 1. Should I strain the liquor from the mash/tun before I start the boil? 2. Whats up with the "Cold Break" and do I strain that? 3. Should I use more grain than necessary on my first couple runs until I get my efficiency up to par? 4. last but not least- When I sparge, is it kosher to press the grain bed to gain the excess juice in the boiler? Thanks for any response; personal or public. P.S. any good starter grain recopies? _________________ *** Colby *** colbyfry at Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 09:12:55 -0400 From: "John" <John at> Subject: RE: World Homebrew Competition The contest only ran in 96' & 97'. I'm glad you brought this up! Longshot Hazelnut Brown Ale was one of the first microbrews I tried when the "microbrew fad" hit. I loved it. It inspired me to try other beers and eventually led to this hobby I love so much. Fortunately I printed the recipes off of the WHC website before it was shut down. I have three winning recipes from that year. An American Pale Ale, the Hazelnut Brown Ale, and a Black Lager (Schwarzbier). Email me if you're interested in any of these recipes. JohnB Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 10:41:50 -0700 From: Dean Fikar <dfikar at> Subject: UPS shipping woes - followup Greetings all, Awhile back I posted a scary tale of nearly being denied shipment of beer to an important competition (MCAB finals) by the semiliterate beer nazis at my local UPS substation. With the first round entry deadline of the AHA NHC also looming large I was nearly panicked since I'd apparently worn out my welcome at UPS. I received many great suggestions from fellow HBDers as to how to finesse this problem. The most workable solution for me was offered by two local brewing mavens, Johnny Thomasson and Jim Layton. They suggested that I take my beer to the local homebrew shop for shipping. I took their advice and have since shipped beer to two competitions with zero problems. Not only does it cost the same but the shop is closer to me than the UPS substation is. I also get to deal with the owners who are my friends instead of playing cat-and-mouse games with paranoid close-minded clerks at UPS. I would think that this would be a good solution for anyone who has problems like I did, assuming you live near a homebrew store. If you do use them for shipping I'd also suggest that you support them for purchases of homebrewing supplies as much as possible since they make no profit on shipping beer, at least at my store. Dean Fikar Fort Worth, TX Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 12:02:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Beaverplt <beaverplt at> Subject: What do YOU have? Cheer 'em on! I have a local liquor store that has a vast selection so my fridge usually has 5-20 different single bottles of different micros. Rather than bore everyone with those I thought I'd speak up for two local breweries that have excellent beer. New Glarus Brewery in it's namesake town and Capitol brewery in Madison WI. The New Glarus Uf Da Bock and Capitol's Amber are tops on my hit parade. I just returned from a trip to Table Rock Lake in Missouri and had my first Fat Tire at a pub on the lake. Whoever listed that as part of their fridge made a great choice. Now if I can find it here.... I also want to second the comment about buying micros along with making your own. A lot of my homebrews have been made because I liked a specific micro and looked for a recipe to copy it. ===== Jerry "Beaver" Pelt That's my story and I'm sticking to it Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 21:43:05 +0200 From: "Dr. Pivo" <dp at> Subject: calories, methane, etc. Marc Sedam writes regarding evaluating the caloric content of the "left over" FG: > It's just that the degree of breakdown in > the various parts of the gut is too unpredictable to serve a > useful purpose. > Which is exactly what I believe, and why you can't just give a number of "carbohydrates", and know how much is going to get used. He continues to expound, regarding our gut flora: > They can take care > of the dextrins and produce methane along with a bit of > sulfur > Now personally, I've never considered "methane" as having much "food value" or "nutritional status". I regard methane as falling under the category of "entertainment". Any real "flame off", is entirely dependent upon it's production, to produce any interesting results at all. In fact. the production of the "blue flame", has such local historical significance, that I firmly believe it has exhibited a genetic influence on the local inhabitants, with some individuals having been the product of an evolutionary process, that allows them to do performances that would do honour to a Chinese New Year. Indeed, this gaseous production, has been so closely tied to local culture, that it has influenced the behaviour, habits, and customs. People no longer greet each other by "shaking hands"....... for fear of falling prey to the ol' "pull my finger" trick. Now, if the residual dextrins in beer can contribute to this fascinating, and wonderful hobby, then I think it is all the more reason to imbibe it. Frankly, I think it will have a hard time competing with the "deadly trio" of Sauer Kraut, hard boiled eggs, and onion rings..... but I am willing to accept the possibility, and the "triangle test" is already forming in my mind on how to access this. As to "calories" and the numbers I presented, many have pointed out that the numbers I presented were probably closer to the KJoule value. Not surprising, considering the metric part of the world I live in..... but still a bit surprising..... since I LOVE metric measurements (because I can do them in my simple mind), with the exception of the replacement of the "calorie" with the "Joule". It seemed such a wonderful thing, to make so many things based on water (which is the basis of both life and beer). 1/100th of the basic unit of length (a centimeter)... make a lilttle box that size and you get one "cc". That is the same as 1/100th of the basic unit for volume (a millilitre)... which if it's water, is the basic unit of "weight" (a gram)....... How nice it is to take the difference between freezing and boiling of water and divide it into a hundred parts and call that the temperature scale (Centigrade)........ Indeed, how nice it is to say: "Let's make one cc (or ml., or gm.) of water, get heated one degree, and we will define that as out basic unit of energy (a calorie)". I suppose if you are measuring motors in "dynes" then a "joule" is a handy unit to have.... but in "life processes" I'd sure hate to loose the "calorie". But let's face it. When the original question was raised, and what people are really interested in, is not the "delta-G-prime" kind of calories..... but EXCESS calories in thier diets. As we all participate in the modern practice of: "Let's continually, and gradually, engorge ourselves to death.", it is nice to know where the excess is coming from, and where we can cut back. In my case it is quite obvious, that each and every day, the major caloric contribution to my diet is "beer". In that sense, my "rule of thunb" that a protein is equal to a carbohydrate, and a fat is worth twice as much, while alcohol is about half way in between, can be quite handy. When I feel the bulge beginning, that doesn't let me into my pants, or inhibits me from swinging a leg up on a bicycle...... I can easily calculate just how much meat, vegetables, grains, and fruits I'll have to cut back.... in order to maintain my present rate of beer consumption. Dr. Pivo Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 22:00:42 -0400 From: "bsmnt" <bsmntbrewr at> Subject: Home brew powered robots, no really Brewers, Home brew is responsible for the next generation of robots...sorta. Check out the article at the following link. I cringed a bit while reading since it...well you'll understand I think. phenom_jul01.html Bob Bratcher Roanoke, VA Star City Brewers Guild Return to table of contents
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