HOMEBREW Digest #369 Fri 02 March 1990

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  cooking with beer (Mark Stevens) <stevens at stsci.edu>
  carbonation (Mark Stevens) <stevens at stsci.edu>
  Homebrew Digest #368 (March 01, 1990) (Michael Bergman)
  re:	yeasts and rumors (florianb)
  re: mild ale malt (Darryl Richman)
  re: Volume vs. weight measurement (Chris Shenton)
  Recipe log sheet -- LaTeX format (Chris Shenton)
  mild ale malt (Pete Soper)
  Homebrew Digest #365 (February 26, 1990) (Wayne Allen)
  plastic keg problems (Mike Charlton)
  boil over preventer (mage!lou)
  RE: soft drink-like carbonation... (Dick Schoeller - ZKO2-3/R56 - DTN 381-2965  28-Feb-1990 1615)
  re: Volume vs. weight measurement (Chris Shenton)
  Recipe log sheet -- LaTeX format (Chris Shenton)
  First Time Mead Brewers (Mike Zentner)
  Sierra Nevada yeast culturing (Dave Suurballe)
  Re: The purpose of info-gcc.
  Homebrew Digest: Recipe log sheet
  Brew sheet
  Great LaTeX recipe log!
  Recipe log sheet
  I'm a bitter man :-)
  re:	#368, cooling, logging, and heading (florianb)
  beer pancakes (Marty Albini)
  immersion-type wort chiller (concern) (Doug Roberts  at  Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  Re: Recipes of a different nature (John S. Watson)

Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com Archives available from netlib at mthvax.cs.miami.edu
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 08:58:08 EST From: (Mark Stevens) <stevens at stsci.edu> Subject: cooking with beer In Homebrew Digest #368, Mark Leone wrote: > Anyone have any good *food* recipes using beer as an ingredient? Jack Erickson wrote a book called "Great Cooking with Beer" (1989, Red Brick Press, Reston, VA). The book includes quite a few recipes, from standbys like Beer Bread, to some more unusual things, like using beer in cake. To tell the truth though, I was somewhat disappointed in this book because Erickson puts entirely too much filler in the book...I really don't give a rat's ass about what foods were served at tastings he conducted at local restaurants...I want a *BEER-FOOD COOKBOOK*. Erickson could easily have found more recipes that use beer. In just thumbing through it I realized that he did not include things like, * Steamed Chesapeake Blue Crabs * Chili I've got some recipes that aren't in Erickson's book, these include: * Belgian Fruit * Stout & Sour Meatballs * Hoppy Lentil Soup Some other recipes I've heard of, but don't have, include: * Black Bean Soup * Cherry Creek Pie (made with Kriek lambic ale) Last year I was in Boston and stopped by the Commonwealth Brewery. They served up a delicious plate of mussels cooked in stout. I accompanied the meal with a glass of stout, then a winter warmer for dessert and was in heaven all night.... Erickson's book is a good starting point in finding these recipes, and it's pretty reasonably priced--I believe I paid about $12. In "Great Cooking..." Erickson alluded to a second volume coming down the pike, I hope he treats the cooking part more seriously in the 2nd volume and omits the extraneous generalities (I want cow, not bull). Bon appetit, - ---Mark Stevens stevens at ra.stsci.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 08:58:35 EST From: (Mark Stevens) <stevens at stsci.edu> Subject: carbonation In Homebrew Digest #368, Max Newman writes: >After one week...I tried one bottle. The beer tasted fine but had little >carbonation. Your beer will probably be fine. When I sampled my last batch of brown ale after only one week it too was rather flat. I let the beer sit another 3-4 weeks before opening another bottle; this bottle poured with a very nice head and subsequent bottles were fine. - --Mark Stevens stevens at ra.stsci.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 10:09:50 EST From: bergman at m2c.org (Michael Bergman) Subject: Homebrew Digest #368 (March 01, 1990) Mark R. Leone <mleone at cs.cmu.edu> asks for recipes for food with beer as an ingredient. I have never had them myself, but have heard lots of praise heaped on the "shrimp steamed in beer" at Poli's Seafood in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh. A happy coincidence that Mr. Leone is currently in the right city to take advantage of this! Let's hope he likes shrimp (I don't, which is why I've never tried Poli's) Any good bread book should have a recipe for beer bread, in which beer is used as the source of the yeast, as well as replacing some of the liquid. Most mediaeval recipes for either bread or cake call for beer for this purpose, since standardized freeze dried yeast packets were not yet available ... any of the mediaevalists out there want to post a recipe? - --mike bergman Massachusetts Microelectronics Center 75 North Drive, Westborough, MA 01581, USA +1 (508) 870-0312 UUCP: (...harvard)!m2c!bergman INTERNET: bergman at m2c.org Return to table of contents
Date: 01 Mar 90 08:06:08 PST (Thu) From: florianb at tekred.cna.tek.com Subject: re: yeasts and rumors A couple of issues ago, Mark Stevens commented on my question about SN yeast: >good, pure strain. Heurich said that if a brewery does NOT use >only a single strain that they risk infection of the strains >by each other and that by restricting your brewing to that single >strain you can better maintain its purity. This However, in the same issue, BRW commented that SN uses two yeasts in their brewing. I've heard a similar claim from other sources. This sort of discussion isn't really important to my brewing, since I use either package or liquid yeast. But it does serve as an example of how the brewing industry and hobby are full of rumors everywhere you look. Case in point: I made two identical brews using the Wyeast British yeast and hydrated Red Star ale yeast. The Red Star produced a cleaner, clearer, tastier beer, a whole lot faster. Other Wyeast ale yeasts have, however, given me much better performance than the dry yeast. Florian the doubting. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 09:00:33 PST From: darryl at ism.isc.com (Darryl Richman) Subject: re: mild ale malt From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com> " I recently got some Munton and Fison mild ale malt but could get "no color information. If any of you know the approximate lovibond "or EBC rating of this grain I'd greatly appreciate it if you could "let me know via email. If you've had experience with this grain and "could even say something like "It is a bit lighter than light Munich", "or "Twice as dark as British pale malt" that would be very helpful. "Thanks. Please pass along the source of your malt--I'd like to order some. Mild malt is darker than the pale Munich malt generally available. I would guess that it is about 10 Lovibond. The local shop once had mild malt but is unable to obtain it any more. I made several Mild Ales from it, with OGs as low as 31, that turned out very pleasant. Without informing someone that they were drinking a low alcohol beer (2-2.5% v/v), they would never suspect it. The perfect drink for parties. --Darryl Richman Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 13:50:04 est From: Chris Shenton <chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: re: Volume vs. weight measurement (Mark Stevens) writes: > Dick is absolutely right that you can't measure whole hops (or even > pellets) by the cup. I got one of those cheesey little drug-scales, the kind they sell at head shops (er, excuse me: smoking paraphernalia emporiums) for $7.00. It's not too much of a pain to clip on a baggie (er, zip-loc sandwich bag), fill with hops, and subtract the weight of aforementioned baggie. I'd hate to have to guess weights that small. Price seems fair for what it does. Ultimately, I'd get one of the $40 - $60 Sohnle (or whatever) scales which read up to about 8 Lb, in 1/2 ounce increments, but it's too expensive now. For pound increments, I'd be measuring grain, anyway, and volume measures seem tolerable for that. Cheers! PS: I use the AAU measures for my records, in order to account for alpha acid content of the particular hops. As soon as I can figure out the other, more professional system (IBU's?) I'll probably switch over; the advantage there is that the measure of bitterness is *not* dependant on the amount of beer you make. _______________________________________________________________________________ Internet: chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov ( NASA/GSFC: Code 735 UUCP: ...!uunet!asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov!chris Greenbelt, MD 20771 SPAN: PITCH::CHRIS 301-286-6093 Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 13:50:19 est From: Chris Shenton <chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: Recipe log sheet -- LaTeX format I've been hacking a recipe log sheet so I can keep all my info consistent, organized, and compact. It fits on one page, so there's room on the back for plenty of comments. There's plenty of room for all kinds of things, I think. I designed it to be very quick to fill in, with as many check-the-appropriate-box-isms as I could. I haven't done all-grain yet, so the format for that data may be a bit off. Also, I'm still tweaking it, so send me any feedback you have; I'd like to hear your comments. Also, if you don't have LaTeX, I can send you a Postscript formatted version. - -------------------- Cut here -------------------- %%% brew-sheet.tex %%% %%% 1990 Jan 24 Wed 16:19 Chris Shenton (chris at asylum.GSFC.NASA.GOV) %%% Moved amount columns to beginning of tables. %%% Created batch name header. %%% Added `dry' box to extracts. %%% %%% 1990 Jan 25 Thu 16:15 Chris Shenton (chris at asylum.GSFC.NASA.GOV) %%% Deleted grain names from Malts, Grains, and Adjuncts -- too much space. %%% Added Acid rest to Procedure. %%% %%% 1990 Feb 28 Wed 15:23 Chris Shenton (chris at asylum.GSFC.NASA.GOV) %%% Tweaked number of lines in some of the entry sections. %%% Instead of including `macros', define the commands here; this way, %%% remote users can use the file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[twocolumn,twoside]{article} \pagestyle{myheadings} %%% %%% Commands %%% \newcommand{\degree}{$^{\circ}$} \newcommand{\degrees}[2]{#1\degree #2} \newcommand{\setnewlength}[2]{\newlength{#1}\setlength{#1}{#2}} %%% %%% Page size and style %%% \setlength{\footheight}{0in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.25in} % ?? also evensidemargin ?? \setlength{\textwidth}{7.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{10.0in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5in} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \markright{Batch name:} \raggedbottom \renewcommand{\thepage}{} % Prevent page numbers %%% %%% Various widths for lines, blanks, and so on %%% \setnewlength{\underblank}{-0.02in} \setnewlength{\blankwidth}{0.25in} \setnewlength{\thinline}{0.005in} \setnewlength{\onecolumnwidth}{0.5\textwidth} \addtolength{\onecolumnwidth}{-\columnsep} %%% %%% Command macros for the various sections and section entries. %%% \newcommand{\mysec}[1]{\section*{#1}} \newcommand{\ledgerline}{\rule{\onecolumnwidth}{\thinline}\\} \newcommand{\extract}[4]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 \\} \newcommand{\extractentry}{\extract{}{}{$\Box$}{$\Box$} \hline} \newcommand{\malt}[5]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 \\} \newcommand{\maltentry}{\malt{}{}{}{}{} \hline} % color (#3) not used \newcommand{\hop}[6]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6 \\} \newcommand{\hopentry}{\hop{}{}{}{$\Box$\rule[\underblank]{\blankwidth}{\thinline}}{$\Box$}{$\Box$} \hline} \newcommand{\yeast}[6]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6 \\} \newcommand{\yeastentry}{\yeast{}{}{$\Box$}{$\Box$}{$\Box$}{$\Box$} \hline} \newcommand{\adjunct}[4]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 \\} \newcommand{\adjunctentry}{\adjunct{}{}{}{} \hline} \newcommand{\procedure}[5]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 \\} \newcommand{\procedureentry}[5]{\procedure{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5} \hline} \newcommand{\record}[3]{#1 & #2 & #3 \\} \newcommand{\recordentry}{\record{}{}{} \hline} \newcommand{\blankentry}[1]{#1 \rule[\underblank]{\blankwidth}{\thinline}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \mysec{Extracts and Kits} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|c|c|} \hline \extract{Lb}{\makebox[2.0in][l]{Brand and Name}}{Hopped}{Dry} \hline \hline \extractentry % 1 \extractentry % 2 \extractentry % 3 \extractentry % 4 \end{tabular} \mysec{Malts, Grains and Adjuncts} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|c|l|l|} \hline \malt{Lb [oz]}{\makebox[1.25in][l]{Variety}}{\degrees{}{L}}{Brand}{Country} \hline \hline \maltentry % 1 \maltentry % 2 \maltentry % 3 \maltentry % 4 \maltentry % 5 \maltentry % 6 \maltentry % 7 \maltentry % 8 \maltentry % 9 \end{tabular} \mysec{Hops} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|l|ccc|} \hline \hop{AAU}{\makebox[1in][l]{Variety}}{Form}{Boil}{Steep}{Dry} \hop{ }{ }{ }{(min)}{ }{ } \hline \hline \hopentry % 1 \hopentry % 2 \hopentry % 3 \hopentry % 4 \hopentry % 5 \hopentry % 6 \hopentry % 7 \hopentry % 8 \hopentry % 9 \end{tabular} \mysec{Yeast} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|cc|cc|} \hline \yeast{Amount}{Brand and style}{Ale}{Lager}{Dry}{Liquid} \hline \hline \yeastentry \yeastentry \yeastentry \end{tabular} \mysec{Additives and Other Ingredients} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|c|l|} \hline \adjunct{Amount}{Ingredient}{Boil}{Procedure Description} \adjunct{ }{ }{(min)}{ } \hline \adjunct{}{}{---}{Priming} \hline \adjunctentry \adjunctentry \adjunctentry \adjunctentry \adjunctentry \end{tabular} \mysec{Procedure} \begin{tabular}{lll} Mash water & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Amount} \\ Mash-in & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{pH} \\ Protein Rest & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Time} \\ Acid Rest & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Time} \\ Starch Conversion & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Time} \\ Mash-out & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Time} \\ Sparge Water & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Amount} \\ Boil & \blankentry{Time} \\ Yeast Pitch & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{pH} \\ \end{tabular} \mysec{Notes} \ledgerline % underfull \hbox (badness 10000) \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \mysec{Record} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline \record{Date}{SG}{\makebox[2.7in][l]{Action or Observation}} \hline \hline \record{ }{ }{Original gravity} \hline \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \end{tabular} \end{document} suggested one month of waiting, or should I use more priming sugar in subsequent batches? - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 11:20:56 EST From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com> Subject: mild ale malt I recently got some Munton and Fison mild ale malt but could get no color information. If any of you know the approximate lovibond or EBC rating of this grain I'd greatly appreciate it if you could let me know via email. If you've had experience with this grain and could even say something like "It is a bit lighter than light Munich", or "Twice as dark as British pale malt" that would be very helpful. Thanks. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pete Soper The George Fix book is finally out! +1 919 481 3730 soper at encore.com Encore Computer Corp, 901 Kildaire Farm Rd, bldg D, Cary, NC 27511 USA - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 10:26:00 CST From: wa%cadillac.cad.mcc.com at MCC.COM (Wayne Allen) Subject: Homebrew Digest #365 (February 26, 1990) In #365 Louis Clark writes: >I have always used a glass (pyrex?) or stainless "boil over preventer" ... Louis, what is this you refer to? Where do you get it? Inquiring minds, etc. wa - ------------------------------ Date: 28 Feb 90 11:41 -0600 From: Mike Charlton <umcharl3 at ccu.umanitoba.ca> Subject: plastic keg problems In digest #367, Jeff Casey talks about problems he's had with things breaking on his plastic keg and problems with overcarbonation. Luckily, I haven't had anything break on my keg, but I too have had problems with beer coming out all foam. I don't know about Jeff's problem, but it turns out that with me the excessive foaminess was not a product of overcarbonation. It was a problem of the spigot being too short. Sticking a 2 inch length of flexible tubing on the end of the spigot solved the problem by introducing a bit of back pressure. However, I now have a new problem. Even though I can draw a pint of beer in little under a second (Well, I have to only half open the spigot so that it doesn't shoot off the bottom of the mug and go all over me...) The beer is not carbonated enough (at least for my taste). It's not a big problem (and to tell the truth, I've only tried the keg once so far) but I'm curious how something with such an obvious amount of pressure could be undercarbonated. Mike - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 13:46:28 MST From: hplabs!mage!lou Subject: boil over preventer In digest #367 a.e.mossburg writes: #>I have always used a glass (pyrex?) or stainless "boil over preventer" after I #>spent two days cleaning my first batch out of the stove. While this is quite #>effective at preventing boil over, I wonder what effect it might be having #>on my hot break. I'm not real sure what to expect from a hot break so I can't #>tell if it's making any difference. Any suggestions out there? #What is a "boil over preventer"? You may know of this by some other name such as "pot watcher". A boil over preventer is a device available in the housewares section of a supermarket and in some hardware stores for about $2. It has a disc-like shape and is roughly 3 inches in diameter. My glass one was thick around the rim and thinner in the middle, somewhat like the shape of a red blood cell. I managed to crack this one from thermal shock and replaced it with one made from stainless steel. It resembles the lid of a tin can except the indentations are more pronounced and the rim is curved down somewhat (although it clearly is not symmetric I just toss it in without regard to which side is up and it works fine). Both of them have channels to permit gasses to escape from underneath them. To use the device, just put it in a pot to be boiled and forget it. It *will* eliminate boil over problems. Louis Clark mage!lou at ncar.ucar.EDU - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 13:16:36 PST From: Dick Schoeller - ZKO2-3/R56 - DTN 381-2965 28-Feb-1990 1615 <schoeller at 4gl.enet.dec.com> Subject: RE: soft drink-like carbonation... >or...) The beer isn't flat, though, as you can see and feel the bubbles >when you drink, it's just that there's no head. What could be a cure >for this? Thanks a lot in advance. Try adding some crystal malt or cara-pils to your recipes. These contribute dextrins which aid head retention and add to the body of the beer. Dick Schoeller | schoeller at 4gl.enet.dec.com Digital Equipment Corporation | 603-881-2965 110 Spit Brook Rd., ZKO2-3/R56 | "Either Judaism has something to say to the Nashua, NH 03062-2642 | world or it has nothing to say to Jews." | - Dennis Prager - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 17:16:11 est From: Chris Shenton <chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: re: Volume vs. weight measurement (Mark Stevens) writes: > Dick is absolutely right that you can't measure whole hops (or even > pellets) by the cup. I got one of those cheesey little drug-scales, the kind they sell at head shops (er, excuse me: smoking paraphernalia emporiums) for $7.00. It's not too much of a pain to clip on a baggie (er, zip-loc sandwich bag), fill with hops, and subtract the weight of aforementioned baggie. I'd hate to have to guess weights that small. Price seems fair for what it does. Ultimately, I'd get one of the $40 - $60 Sohnle (or whatever) scales which read up to about 8 Lb, in 1/2 ounce increments, but it's too expensive now. For pound increments, I'd be measuring grain, anyway, and volume measures seem tolerable for that. Cheers! PS: I use the AAU measures for my records, in order to account for alpha acid content of the particular hops. As soon as I can figure out the other, more professional system (IBU's?) I'll probably switch over; the advantage there is that the measure of bitterness is *not* dependant on the amount of beer you make. _______________________________________________________________________________ Internet: chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov ( NASA/GSFC: Code 735 UUCP: ...!uunet!asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov!chris Greenbelt, MD 20771 SPAN: PITCH::CHRIS 301-286-6093 - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 17:16:26 est From: Chris Shenton <chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: Recipe log sheet -- LaTeX format I've been hacking a recipe log sheet so I can keep all my info consistent, organized, and compact. It fits on one page, so there's room on the back for plenty of comments. There's plenty of room for all kinds of things, I think. I designed it to be very quick to fill in, with as many check-the-appropriate-box-isms as I could. I haven't done all-grain yet, so the format for that data may be a bit off. Also, I'm still tweaking it, so send me any feedback you have; I'd like to hear your comments. Also, if you don't have LaTeX, I can send you a Postscript formatted version. - -------------------- Cut here -------------------- %%% brew-sheet.tex %%% %%% 1990 Jan 24 Wed 16:19 Chris Shenton (chris at asylum.GSFC.NASA.GOV) %%% Moved amount columns to beginning of tables. %%% Created batch name header. %%% Added `dry' box to extracts. %%% %%% 1990 Jan 25 Thu 16:15 Chris Shenton (chris at asylum.GSFC.NASA.GOV) %%% Deleted grain names from Malts, Grains, and Adjuncts -- too much space. %%% Added Acid rest to Procedure. %%% %%% 1990 Feb 28 Wed 15:23 Chris Shenton (chris at asylum.GSFC.NASA.GOV) %%% Tweaked number of lines in some of the entry sections. %%% Instead of including `macros', define the commands here; this way, %%% remote users can use the file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[twocolumn,twoside]{article} \pagestyle{myheadings} %%% %%% Commands %%% \newcommand{\degree}{$^{\circ}$} \newcommand{\degrees}[2]{#1\degree #2} \newcommand{\setnewlength}[2]{\newlength{#1}\setlength{#1}{#2}} %%% %%% Page size and style %%% \setlength{\footheight}{0in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.25in} % ?? also evensidemargin ?? \setlength{\textwidth}{7.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{10.0in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5in} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \markright{Batch name:} \raggedbottom \renewcommand{\thepage}{} % Prevent page numbers %%% %%% Various widths for lines, blanks, and so on %%% \setnewlength{\underblank}{-0.02in} \setnewlength{\blankwidth}{0.25in} \setnewlength{\thinline}{0.005in} \setnewlength{\onecolumnwidth}{0.5\textwidth} \addtolength{\onecolumnwidth}{-\columnsep} %%% %%% Command macros for the various sections and section entries. %%% \newcommand{\mysec}[1]{\section*{#1}} \newcommand{\ledgerline}{\rule{\onecolumnwidth}{\thinline}\\} \newcommand{\extract}[4]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 \\} \newcommand{\extractentry}{\extract{}{}{$\Box$}{$\Box$} \hline} \newcommand{\malt}[5]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 \\} \newcommand{\maltentry}{\malt{}{}{}{}{} \hline} % color (#3) not used \newcommand{\hop}[6]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6 \\} \newcommand{\hopentry}{\hop{}{}{}{$\Box$\rule[\underblank]{\blankwidth}{\thinline}}{$\Box$}{$\Box$} \hline} \newcommand{\yeast}[6]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6 \\} \newcommand{\yeastentry}{\yeast{}{}{$\Box$}{$\Box$}{$\Box$}{$\Box$} \hline} \newcommand{\adjunct}[4]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 \\} \newcommand{\adjunctentry}{\adjunct{}{}{}{} \hline} \newcommand{\procedure}[5]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 \\} \newcommand{\procedureentry}[5]{\procedure{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5} \hline} \newcommand{\record}[3]{#1 & #2 & #3 \\} \newcommand{\recordentry}{\record{}{}{} \hline} \newcommand{\blankentry}[1]{#1 \rule[\underblank]{\blankwidth}{\thinline}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \mysec{Extracts and Kits} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|c|c|} \hline \extract{Lb}{\makebox[2.0in][l]{Brand and Name}}{Hopped}{Dry} \hline \hline \extractentry % 1 \extractentry % 2 \extractentry % 3 \extractentry % 4 \end{tabular} \mysec{Malts, Grains and Adjuncts} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|c|l|l|} \hline \malt{Lb [oz]}{\makebox[1.25in][l]{Variety}}{\degrees{}{L}}{Brand}{Country} \hline \hline \maltentry % 1 \maltentry % 2 \maltentry % 3 \maltentry % 4 \maltentry % 5 \maltentry % 6 \maltentry % 7 \maltentry % 8 \maltentry % 9 \end{tabular} \mysec{Hops} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|l|ccc|} \hline \hop{AAU}{\makebox[1in][l]{Variety}}{Form}{Boil}{Steep}{Dry} \hop{ }{ }{ }{(min)}{ }{ } \hline \hline \hopentry % 1 \hopentry % 2 \hopentry % 3 \hopentry % 4 \hopentry % 5 \hopentry % 6 \hopentry % 7 \hopentry % 8 \hopentry % 9 \end{tabular} \mysec{Yeast} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|cc|cc|} \hline \yeast{Amount}{Brand and style}{Ale}{Lager}{Dry}{Liquid} \hline \hline \yeastentry \yeastentry \yeastentry \end{tabular} \mysec{Additives and Other Ingredients} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|c|l|} \hline \adjunct{Amount}{Ingredient}{Boil}{Procedure Description} \adjunct{ }{ }{(min)}{ } \hline \adjunct{}{}{---}{Priming} \hline \adjunctentry \adjunctentry \adjunctentry \adjunctentry \adjunctentry \end{tabular} \mysec{Procedure} \begin{tabular}{lll} Mash water & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Amount} \\ Mash-in & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{pH} \\ Protein Rest & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Time} \\ Acid Rest & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Time} \\ Starch Conversion & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Time} \\ Mash-out & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Time} \\ Sparge Water & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{Amount} \\ Boil & \blankentry{Time} \\ Yeast Pitch & \blankentry{Temperature} & \blankentry{pH} \\ \end{tabular} \mysec{Notes} \ledgerline % underfull \hbox (badness 10000) \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \ledgerline \mysec{Record} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline \record{Date}{SG}{\makebox[2.7in][l]{Action or Observation}} \hline \hline \record{ }{ }{Original gravity} \hline \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \recordentry \end{tabular} \end{document} - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Feb 90 23:12:59 -0500 From: zentner at ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Mike Zentner) Subject: First Time Mead Brewers A question for the more experienced brewers...We are following the simple recipe in one of the appendices of Papazian for ginger honey mead. After a week in the primary, we racked to the secondary, which merrily bubbled away for about two weeks. It now appears that most activity has stopped, even after a thorough rousing. The book says to let it age for 1-1.5 months in the secondary. Does this mean that there should be visible signs of fermentation until sometime after a month? If the fermentation has stopped, should we still let it rest in the secondary, or will this allow the yeast to starve to the point where they will not be able to carbonate after bottling? Any help is appreciated. Another question. What is the best way to sparge? After reading horror stories about shattered glass carboys due to heat shock, we've been sparging into a plastic bucket first and cooling the wort before transfering to the glass primary. Well, we bought one of those nylon hoops an elastic band to strain out solids and tried it in the latest batch "Hair of the Dog Wheat Beer" (so named because a few stray dog hairs crept into the boil) with little success. The bag quickly filled up and clogged (probably due to the use of hop pellets), then broke loose and fell into the wort. Any suggestions? One last thing. Does anybody else start their siphons like this? We use a piece of tubing which has an OD that matches the ID of the siphon hose. Standing on a chair, you can use your mouth to suck the wort up a point just before the hose clamp in the siphon, close it off, quickly pull off the mouthpiece hose, lower the outlet of the siphon, and let it fly. Contamination can only be by the breath. Usually the harder, white plastic hose available in hardware stores slips in and out easier. Mike & Lynn Zentner zentner at cn.ecn.purdue.edu zentnerl at ma.ecn.purdue.edu - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 09:10:06 PST From: hsfmsh!hsfdjs!suurb at sfsun.West.Sun.COM (Dave Suurballe) Subject: Sierra Nevada yeast culturing Steve Harrison at Sierra Nevada tells me that they use one strain of yeast for both fermenting and bottling. They filter before bottling to remove protein and dead yeast and then repitch for bottle conditioning. My own opinion is that Bigfoot Ale is the worst choice of the Sierra Nevada product line to get yeast from, that their weaker beers are better choices. Nevertheless, it's all the same yeast. Suurb - ------------------------------ End of HOMEBREW Digest #368, 03/01/90 ************************************* - ------- From gnu-misc-discuss-request@ cis.ohio-state.edu Thu Mar 1 04:19:33 1990 Received: Thu, 1 Mar 90 04:19:30 est from tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (tut.cis.ohio-state.edu.ARPA) by asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov (4.12/1.5) Received: by tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (5.61-kk/5.900222) id AA11956; Thu, 1 Mar 90 04:17:45 -0500 Errors-To: gnu-misc-discuss-request@ cis.ohio-state.edu Reply-To: gnu-misc-discuss at cis.ohio-state.edu Sender: gnu-misc-discuss-request@ cis.ohio-state.edu Received: by tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (5.61-kk/5.900222) id AA11187; Thu, 1 Mar 90 04:09:17 -0500 Received: from USENET by tut.cis.ohio-state.edu with netnews for gnu-misc-discuss at tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (gnu-misc-discuss at tut.cis.ohio-state.edu) (contact usenet at tut.cis.ohio-state.edu if you have questions) Date: 1 Mar 90 08:21:13 GMT From: wuarchive!texbell!texsun!newstop!grapevine!bitbug at zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu (James Buster) Organization: Sun Microsystems Federal, Inc. Subject: Re: The purpose of info-gcc. Message-Id: <BITBUG.90Mar1002113 at lonewolf.sun.com> References: <9002272346.AA01632 at sugar-bombs.ai.mit.edu>, <708 at qmfl.jrdc.go.jp> To: gnu-misc-discuss at cis.ohio-state.edu In article <2201 at milton.acs.washington.edu> skyhawk at milton.acs.washington.edu (Scott Northrop) writes: >In article <35328 at grapevine.EBay.Sun.COM> bitbug at lonewolf.sun.com (James Buster) writes: >>How about the creation of a new newsgroup, gnu.design.discuss? > >I fail to see why gnu.misc.discuss is not adequate for design >discussions. It's there, why not use it? Because gnu.misc.discuss seems primarily for political discussions. I want a newsgroup exclusively for software design issues. Politics has its place, and it isn't there. - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------- James Buster (Domain) bitbug at lonewolf.ebay.sun.com Mad Hacker Extraordinaire (UUCP) ...!sun.com!lonewolf!bitbug - --------------------------------------------------------------------- From hera!afd at bellcore.bellcore.com Thu Mar 1 08:48:20 1990 Received: Thu, 1 Mar 90 08:48:16 est from rutgers.edu (rutgers.rutgers.edu.ARPA) by asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov (4.12/1.5) Received: from bellcore.UUCP by rutgers.edu (5.59/SMI4.0/RU1.3/3.05) with UUCP id AA12222; Thu, 1 Mar 90 08:50:06 EST Received: by bellcore.bellcore.com (5.61/1.34) id AA24685; Thu, 1 Mar 90 08:45:47 -0500 Message-Id: <9003011345.AA24685 at bellcore.bellcore.com> From: hera!afd at bellcore.bellcore.com (adietz) To: chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov Date: 1 Mar 1990 8:41 EST Subject: Homebrew Digest: Recipe log sheet Please send the postscript version of your log sheet! -A Dietz Bellcore, Morristown bellcore!hera!afd afd at hera.bellcore.com From Mark.Leone at F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU Thu Mar 1 08:49:27 1990 Received: Thu, 1 Mar 90 08:49:25 est from F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (f.gp.cs.cmu.edu.ARPA) by asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov (4.12/1.5) Received: from f.gp.cs.cmu.edu by F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU id aa03958; 1 Mar 90 8:50:47 EST To: chris at asylum.GSFC.NASA.GOV Subject: Brew sheet Date: Thu, 01 Mar 90 08:50:40 EST Message-Id: <3956.636299440 at F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU> From: Mark.Leone at F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU Looks pretty useful! Thanks... - -- Mark R. Leone <mleone at cs.cmu.edu> "Don't just do something, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University sit there!" Pittsburgh, PA 15213 From jaenicke at XN.LL.MIT.EDU Thu Mar 1 09:13:11 1990 Received: Thu, 1 Mar 90 09:13:07 est from XN.LL.MIT.EDU (81370101) by asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov (4.12/1.5) Received: by XN.LL.MIT.EDU; Thu, 1 Mar 90 09:54:55 EDT Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 09:54:55 EDT From: jaenicke at XN.LL.MIT.EDU (Richard A. Jaenicke) Posted-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 09:54:55 EDT Message-Id: <9003011354.AA16761 at XN.LL.MIT.EDU> To: chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov Subject: Great LaTeX recipe log! Chris, I thought I'd just take a moment to thank you for the LaTeX brew recipe log sheet you sent in to the homebrew list. It really looks great. I just starting brewing (first batch of Brown Ale just turned out very good), and I was just berating myself for not keeping a good record of the process. Thanks to you it will be easy in the future! - -------- Richard A. Jaenicke MIT Lincoln Laboratory InterNet: jaenicke at xn.ll.mit.edu 244 Wood Street UUCP: ...!ll-xn!jaenicke Lexington, MA 02173 From at encore.encore.com:soper at maxzilla.encore.com Thu Mar 1 10:28:23 1990 Received: Thu, 1 Mar 90 10:27:36 est from encore.encore.com (815b010e) by asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov (4.12/1.5) Received: from maxzilla.encore.COM by encore.encore.com with SMTP (5.61/25-eef) id AA27444; Thu, 1 Mar 90 10:28:40 -0500 Received: by maxzilla. (4.0/SMI-4.0) id AA09127; Thu, 1 Mar 90 10:31:44 EST Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 10:31:44 EST From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com> Message-Id: <9003011531.AA09127 at maxzilla.> To: chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov Subject: Thanks Thanks for the recipe sheet. It looks really nice. Here is the postscript for a date decoder. It works for Sierra Nevada, Courage, Watneys, etc. It is designed to be cut out and taped onto a business card. Cheers! - --- snip --- %!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Title: hbindex %%Creator: PageMaker 3.0 mof-pvk-jdn %%CreationDate: 2-28-1990, 17:16:4 %%For: %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 %%Pages: 1 0 %%DocumentPrinterRequired: (atend) %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%DocumentSuppliedFonts: (atend) %%DocumentNeededProcSets: %%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: AldusDict2 209 25 %%DocumentPaperSizes: Letter %%EndComments %%BeginFile: PatchFile userdict /AldusDict known {(A previous version PageMaker header is loaded.) = flush} if %%EndFile %%BeginProcSet: AldusDict2 209 25 /AldusDict2 300 dict def AldusDict2 begin /AldusVersion 209 def /AldusRev 25 def systemdict /currentpacking known {/AD_OldPacking currentpacking def true setpacking } if /AD_PrevMatrix matrix def /AD_SomethingOnPage false def /AD_OutlineWidth 30 def /AD_ShadOffset 0.06 def /AD_OLShadOffset 0.06 def /AD_OLSmearFact 0.03 def /AD_BoldSmearFact 0.03 def /AD_ObliqueAngle -0.21 def /AD_TrueSetscreen /setscreen load def /AD_NestedMirror false def /BEGJOB { 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ne } bind def /bdef { bind def } bind def /FTRENAME { dup (|______) exch ftMakeName cvn /NewName local FontDirectory NewName known {pop} {cvn findfont dup maxlength dict false copyDict dup /FontName known {dup /FontName NewName put} if NewName exch definefont pop } ifelse } bdef /FTRECODE { dup (|______) exch ftMakeName cvn /NewName local FontDirectory NewName known {pop} {cvn findfont dup maxlength dict false copyDict dup /FontName known {dup /FontName NewName put} if dup /Encoding MacEncoding put NewName exch definefont pop } ifelse } bdef /FTOUTLINE { ReENCODED FTOLINE } bdef /FTOLINE { /AD_fontbits exch def cvn /OlineName local dup /AD_solidfont exch def AD_solidfont FontDirectory exch known not { AD_solidfont ReENCODED AD_fontbits _iand _AutoRecode } if FontDirectory OlineName known {pop} {cvn findfont dup maxlength 2 add dict true copyDict dup /FontName known {dup /FontName OlineName put} if dup /PaintType 2 put dup /StrokeWidth AD_OutlineWidth put OlineName exch definefont pop } ifelse } bdef /AD_nameString1 66 string def /ftMakeName { 1 index length /PrefixLen local dup length PrefixLen add AD_nameString1 exch 0 exch getinterval dup PrefixLen 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval } bdef /copyDict { /NoUnique local /NewFont local {exch dup /FID ne NoUnique {1 index /UniqueID ne and} if {exch NewFont 3 1 roll put} {pop pop} ifelse } forall NewFont } bdef /MacEncoding 256 array def MacEncoding 0 /Times-Roman findfont /Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval MacEncoding 16#27 /quotesingle put MacEncoding 16#60 /grave put /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /degree /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registersans /copyrightsans /trademarksans /acute /dieresis /notequal /AE /Oslash /infinity /plusminus /lessequal /greaterequal /yen /mu /partialdiff /summation /product /pi /integral /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /Omega /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /radical /florin /approxequal /Delta /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /space /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /divide /lozenge /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /apple /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron MacEncoding 128 128 getinterval astore pop /getAnInt{2 getinterval dup 0 get 16#100 mul exch 1 get add cvi}def /CharBitStr 30 string def /BuildCharDict 16 dict def /AFONT { gsave /FName local /BMFSize local 1 add /LastChar local /FirstChar local /DefChar LastChar FirstChar sub 2 mul def 20 dict dup begin 10 1 roll /LocTableLen local /OWTableLen local /BMRowLen local /PixelHeight local /FontWidth local /MaxWidth local /MaxKern local /Descent local /Ascent local /Bits BMRowLen PixelHeight mul string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def /LocTable LocTableLen string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def /OWTable OWTableLen string currentfile exch readhexstring pop def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix matrix def /FontBBox[MaxKern Descent neg MaxWidth MaxKern add Ascent]def /Encoding 256 array def Encoding 0 MacEncoding 0 256 getinterval putinterval /Mummble 257 array def 0 1 256{Mummble exch DefChar put}for FirstChar 1 LastChar{Mummble exch dup FirstChar sub 2 mul put}for /BuildChar { BuildCharDict begin /1Char local /FDict local FDict /Mummble get 1Char get /2Char local FDict /OWTable get 2Char getAnInt 16#FFFF eq {/2Char DefChar assign}if FDict /LocTable get 2Char getAnInt /BitLoc local FDict /LocTable get 2Char 2 add getAnInt BitLoc sub /BitWidth local BitLoc 8 mod /ShiftVal local 16#FF 8 ShiftVal sub dup neg /RemShift local bitshift 16#FF and /BMask local 16#FF 8 BitLoc BitWidth add 8 mod sub dup 8 ge{pop 0}if BitWidth 0 eq{pop 8}if bitshift /AMask local BitWidth ShiftVal add 7 add 8 idiv dup 0 eq{pop 1}if /ByteWidth local BitLoc 8 idiv /WhichRow local FDict /OWTable get 2Char get cvi /Offset local FDict /OWTable get 2Char 1 add get cvi /Charwidth local Charwidth 0 BMFSize divPoint FDict /MaxKern get FDict /Descent get neg BMFSize divPoint BitWidth Offset add FDict /MaxKern get add FDict /Ascent get BMFSize divPoint setcachedevice gsave ByteWidth 8 mul FDict /PixelHeight get true [FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 1 add 0 0 FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 1 add neg Offset neg 0.5 add FDict /PixelHeight get FDict /Descent get sub 0.5 add] { FDict /Bits get WhichRow ByteWidth getinterval CharBitStr copy /ThisRow local 16#100 ByteWidth 1 sub 1 neg 0 { /iV local ThisRow iV get 1 index 16#100 eq{AMask and}if dup BMask and RemShift bitshift 3 1 roll ShiftVal bitshift add 16#FF and cvi ThisRow iV 3 -1 roll put }for pop ThisRow /WhichRow WhichRow FDict /BMRowLen get add assign } imagemask grestore end }def end FontDirectory FName cvn known {pop} {FName cvn exch definefont pop} ifelse grestore }def /const /def load def /var /def load def /local[/exch load /def load]cvx def /assign /def load def /incr{dup cvx exec 1 add assign}bdef /postIncr{dup cvx exec exch incr}bdef /SpaceChar 16#20 const /cvPA{2 array astore cvx}bdef /point{cvPA def}bdef /locPoint{3 1 roll point}bdef /pointXpoint{3 -1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch}bdef /pointDpoint{3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div exch}bdef /setPoint{load astore pop}bdef /dupPoint{2 copy}bdef /addPoint{exch 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add}bdef /subPoint{exch 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub exch}bdef /mulPoint{dup pointXpoint}bdef /divPoint{dup pointDpoint}bdef /exchPoint{4 2 roll}bdef /overPoint{3 index 3 index}bdef /anyStatD systemdict /statusdict known const /thisProduct anyStatD {statusdict /product known{statusdict /product get}{()}ifelse} {()}ifelse const /PerCentChg 1.0 -1.0 point /boxPath{/y2 local /x2 local /y1 local /x1 local x1 y1 moveto x2 y1 lineto x2 y2 lineto x1 y2 lineto closepath}bdef /dump{4{pop}repeat}bdef /rBoxPath{/r local /y2 local /x2 local /y1 local /x1 local x1 r add y1 moveto x2 y1 x2 y2 r arcto dump x2 y2 x1 y2 r arcto dump x1 y2 x1 y1 r arcto dump x1 y1 x2 y1 r arcto dump closepath}bdef /SaveMatrix matrix var /ButtCap 0 const /SquareCap 2 const /MiterJoin 0 const /BevelJoin 2 const /Black 0 const /White 1 const /Wide 0 const /Narrow 1 const /PictPostScript false var /isHairline false var /PBEGIN{ dup not {save /PSave exch def} if /isLBO exch def /PBotRight locPoint /PTopLeft locPoint isLBO not {newpath PTopLeft PBotRight boxPath clip} if newpath isLBO {ButtCap}{SquareCap} ifelse setlinecap MiterJoin setlinejoin 3 setmiterlimit AD_PointsToUCS setlinewidth /deviceRound { dup AD_DeviceScale mul round AD_DeviceScale div dup 0 eq { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def /HairWidth AD_PointsToUCS 4 div AD_DeviceScale mul deviceRound dup 1.5 lt { pop 0 } if const Black setgray /LineScale 1 var /LineWidth AD_PointsToUCS var /LineHeight AD_PointsToUCS var /DoingWedge false var /DoingArc false var AldusDict2 /PatternShade known not { /psb {} bdef /pse {} bdef /PatternShade Black var /DeclaredPattern <00> var /PCurPat <01> var } if }bdef /PEND{ newpath isLBO not {PSave restore} if /AD_SomethingOnPage true def }bdef /SetPattern { dup /PatternShade exch def setgray } bdef /bitison{ /ybit local /xbit local PCurPat ybit PatWidth mul xbit 8 idiv add get 1 7 xbit 8 mod AD_NestedMirror {exch pop}{sub} ifelse bitshift and 0 ne}bdef /PSHADE{ STD_SCREEN 100 div dup /PatternShade exch def setgray <01> /PCurPat local } def /BK { Black setgray } bdef /WT { White setgray } bdef /PBLACK /BK load def /PWHITE /WT load def /PUSETHISPATTERN { dup PCurPat eq {pop}{ PPATTERN } ifelse PatternShade setgray /VerifyUsedPattern false def } bdef /PUSEPATTERN { VerifyUsedPattern {DeclaredPattern PCurPat ne {DeclaredPattern PPATTERN} if } if PatternShade setgray /VerifyUsedPattern false def } bdef /PDECLAREPATTERN { /DeclaredPattern exch def /VerifyUsedPattern true def } bdef /PatWidth 1 const /PatSide 8 const /PFreq 300 32 div const /PPATTERN{/PCurPat local /VerifyUsedPattern false def 0 /Onbits local 0 /Offbits local AD_Invert {{1 exch sub} settransfer} {{} settransfer} ifelse PFreq PerCentChg pop dup 0.96 eq {pop}{div}ifelse 0 { 1 1 addPoint 2 divPoint PatSide mulPoint cvi exch cvi exch bitison AD_Invert xor {/Onbits incr 1} {/Offbits incr 0}ifelse } setscreen Offbits dup Onbits add div AD_Invert {1 exch sub} if SetPattern /AD_StdScreen false assign}def /vertLines{pop dup mul -2 mul 1 add}bdef /sPat { AD_Invert {{1 exch sub} settransfer} {{} settransfer} ifelse setscreen setgray }def /PALDUSSHADE { <11> /PCurPat local /AD_StdScreen false assign Wide eq { 0.774 20 45 {vertLines} sPat } { 0.643 30 45 {vertLines} sPat } ifelse } bdef /PHAIRWIDTH { HairWidth setlinewidth /isHairline true def } bdef /LW { LineScale mul deviceRound /LineHeight exch def LineScale mul deviceRound dup /LineWidth exch def setlinewidth /isHairline false def }bdef /PLNWIDTH /LW load def /PLNSCALE{div /LineScale exch def} bdef /roundCoord { 0.5 add round 0.5 sub } bdef /roundPoint { transform AD_EvenRound { 2 div round 2 mul exch 2 div round 2 mul exch } { round exch round exch } ifelse itransform } bdef /adjWidth { currentlinewidth dup 1 AD_DeviceScale div gt { deviceRound 2 div } { pop .5 AD_DeviceScale div } ifelse } bdef /pULAdj{ roundPoint adjWidth dup addPoint }bdef /pLRAdj{ roundPoint adjWidth dup subPoint }bdef /PLINETO { PictPostScript { moveto lineto } { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def currentlinecap ButtCap setlinecap newpath x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq and { LineWidth 1 le LineHeight 1 le and { x1 y1 moveto } { x1 y1 x1 LineWidth add y1 LineHeight add boxPath fill} ifelse } { y1 y2 eq { LineWidth x1 x2 lt { x2 add /x2 exch def } { x1 add /x1 exch def } ifelse LineHeight setlinewidth x1 y1 LineHeight 2 div add roundPoint moveto x2 y2 LineHeight 2 div add roundPoint lineto mayStroke } { x1 x2 eq { LineHeight y1 y2 lt { y2 add /y2 exch def } { y1 add /y1 exch def } ifelse x1 LineWidth 2 div add y1 roundPoint moveto x2 LineWidth 2 div add y2 roundPoint lineto mayStroke } { x1 y1 pULAdj moveto x2 y2 pULAdj lineto mayStroke } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse setlinecap } ifelse }bdef /HairRect { save /here exch def /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def PHAIRWIDTH newpath x1 x2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs lt { x1 x2 add 2 div dup y1 roundPoint moveto y2 roundPoint lineto stroke} { y1 y2 add 2 div dup x1 exch roundPoint moveto x2 exch roundPoint lineto stroke} ifelse here restore } bdef /PHAIRLINE { count 4 gt { newpath PHAIRWIDTH addPoint 2 divPoint roundPoint moveto addPoint 2 divPoint roundPoint lineto pop pop stroke } { HairRect } ifelse } bdef /PHANGLINE { roundPoint /yb exch def /xr exch def roundPoint /yt exch def /xl exch def deviceRound /delta exch def { {yt delta sub /yt exch def} {yb delta add /yb exch def} ifelse } { {xl delta sub /xl exch def} {xr delta add /xr exch def} ifelse } ifelse newpath 1 AD_DeviceScale div 2 div dup dupPoint xl yt addPoint exchPoint xr yb exchPoint subPoint boxPath fill } bdef /PRECT{newpath pLRAdj exchPoint pULAdj exchPoint boxPath}bdef /PRRECT { pLRAdj /Botts locPoint pULAdj /Tops locPoint currentlinewidth dup subPoint /Diams locPoint newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop Botts Tops subPoint /Sides locPoint Sides pop abs Diams pop ge{Diams}{Sides}ifelse pop Sides exch pop abs Diams exch pop ge{Diams}{Sides}ifelse exch pop /Diams locPoint Diams 2 div /YRad local 0 gt{Diams div}{1}ifelse 1 /PRRscale locPoint Tops translate PRRscale scale 0 0 Sides PRRscale pointDpoint Diams 0 gt exch 0 gt and{YRad rBoxPath}{boxPath}ifelse SaveMatrix setmatrix}bdef /POVAL{newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop 0 359 false pArc closepath SaveMatrix setmatrix}bdef /PARC{ newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop /DoingArc true assign false pArc SaveMatrix setmatrix }bdef /PWEDGE{newpath SaveMatrix currentmatrix pop /DoingWedge true assign true pArc closepath SaveMatrix setmatrix }bdef /modAdj{ dup 360 gt{360 sub}if dup 0 lt{360 add}if}bdef /pArc{/Fill local /ArcAng local /BegAng local pLRAdj /PLR locPoint pULAdj /PUL locPoint 360 BegAng ArcAng add sub 90 add modAdj /StartAng local StartAng ArcAng add /EndAng local PLR PUL subPoint 2 divPoint /Rad locPoint PUL Rad addPoint translate Rad neg scale Fill{0 0 moveto}if 0 0 1 StartAng EndAng dupPoint eq {pop pop 0 359 arc closepath} {ArcAng 0 lt {arcn}{arc}ifelse } ifelse }bdef /PBEGPOLY{ newpath pULAdj moveto }bdef /PPOLYPOINT { pULAdj lineto } bdef /PENDPOLY{ /Closed local Closed{closepath}if }bdef /PBEGRGN{mark}bdef /PREGION{PRECT cleartomark}bdef /PTXBEG {/PTSave1 save const} bdef /PROTATE { currentdict /PRotateSave known not {save /PRotateSave exch def} if 3 1 roll dupPoint neg exch neg exch 5 2 roll translate rotate translate } bdef /PHFLIP { currentdict /PRotateSave known not {save /PRotateSave exch def} if dupPoint neg exch neg exch 4 2 roll translate -1 1 scale translate } bdef /PVFLIP { currentdict /PRotateSave known not {save /PRotateSave exch def} if dupPoint neg exch neg exch 4 2 roll translate 1 -1 scale translate } bdef /PROTATE_END { PRotateSave restore } bdef /PSCALETEXT { AD_PointsToUCS mul div /Xscale exch def AD_PointsToUCS mul div /Yscale exch def currentfont [ Xscale 0 0 Yscale 0 0 ] makefont setfont /AD_fontscaleX AD_fontscaleX Xscale mul def /AD_fontscale AD_fontscale Yscale mul def } bdef /PSTBEG { userdict /md known not { userdict begin /md 0 def end } if PBLACK /PictPostScript true def } bdef /PSTEND { /PictPostScript false def } bdef /mayStroke{ currentlinewidth 0 gt isHairline or { gsave DoingWedge {MiterJoin setlinejoin} if currentlinewidth 1 AD_DeviceScale div sub setlinewidth stroke grestore } if /DoingWedge false assign } bdef /PFRAME{mayStroke}bdef /PPAINT{mayStroke eofill}bdef /PERASE{mayStroke eofill}bdef /PFILL {mayStroke gsave eofill grestore}bdef systemdict /currentpacking known {AD_OldPacking setpacking} if /AldusDone AldusVersion def end %%EndProcSet %%EndProlog AldusDict2 begin %%BeginSetup letter mark { mark 1.0 1.0 .98 .9 .82 .68 .56 .48 .28 .1 .06 .0 counttomark dup 3 add -1 roll exch 2 sub mul dup floor cvi dup 3 1 roll sub exch dup 3 add index exch 2 add index dup 4 1 roll sub mul add counttomark 1 add 1 roll cleartomark } bind %%Feature: NormalizedTransfer settransfer erasepage cleartomark /#copies 1 def (; document: hbindex) statusdict /jobname 3 -1 roll put statusdict /waittimeout 300 put 2550 3300 true false false BEGJOB 300 SETRES 25000 S_WORKING save /SUsv exch def %%EndSetup %%Page: 7 1 BEGPAGE 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN 0.0 0.0 LW <F87422478F172271> PUSETHISPATTERN 225.0 506.0 895.0 1534.0 PRECT PPAINT 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 506.0 895.0 1534.0 PRECT PFRAME 0.0 0.0 LW WT 225.0 570.0 830.0 1467.0 PRECT PPAINT 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 570.0 830.0 1467.0 PRECT PFRAME PEND SURSTR false S_LOADFONT (Courier) FTRECODE SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 369 973 0.0000 0.0000 (8) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 813.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 809.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 813.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 817.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 813.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 813.0 376.0 813.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 739.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 734.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 739.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 743.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 739.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 739.0 290.0 739.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 757.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 753.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 757.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 761.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 757.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 757.0 311.0 757.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 776.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 772.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 776.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 780.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 776.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 776.0 333.0 776.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 795.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 790.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 795.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 799.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 795.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 795.0 355.0 795.0 PLINETO PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 304 749 0.0000 0.0000 (1) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 326 768 0.0000 0.0000 (2) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 348 786 0.0000 0.0000 (4) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 369 805 0.0000 0.0000 (8) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 391 824 0.0000 0.0000 (16) 2 0 38 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 832.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 828.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 832.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 836.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 832.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 832.0 290.0 832.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 851.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 847.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 851.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 855.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 851.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 851.0 311.0 851.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 869.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 865.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 869.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 874.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 869.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 869.0 333.0 869.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 963.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 959.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 963.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 967.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 963.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 963.0 355.0 963.0 PLINETO PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 304 842 0.0000 0.0000 (1) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 326 861 0.0000 0.0000 (2) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 348 880 0.0000 0.0000 (4) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 369 898 0.0000 0.0000 (8) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 907.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 903.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 907.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 911.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 907.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 907.0 290.0 907.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 925.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 921.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 925.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 930.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 925.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 925.0 311.0 925.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 944.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 940.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 944.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 948.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 944.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 944.0 333.0 944.0 PLINETO 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 888.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 884.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 888.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 892.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 888.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 888.0 355.0 888.0 PLINETO PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 304 917 0.0000 0.0000 (1) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 326 936 0.0000 0.0000 (2) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______Courier 28 124 mul 497 div 660 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 348 955 0.0000 0.0000 (4) 1 0 19 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND 0.0 0.0 LW BK 225.0 720.0 PBEGPOLY 249.0 716.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 720.0 PPOLYPOINT 249.0 724.0 PPOLYPOINT 225.0 720.0 PPOLYPOINT true PENDPOLY PPAINT 2.0 2.0 LW BK 249.0 720.0 453.0 720.0 PLINETO PEND SURSTR false S_LOADFONT (NewCenturySchlbk-Roman) FTRECODE SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 28 124 mul 497 div 1100 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 477 732 0.0000 0.0000 (INDEX \(Deep Notch\)) 19 3 337 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 28 124 mul 497 div 1100 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 369 776 0.0000 0.0000 (DAY) 3 0 74 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 28 124 mul 497 div 1100 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 369 861 0.0000 0.0000 (MONTH) 5 0 136 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 28 124 mul 497 div 1100 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 369 936 0.0000 0.0000 (YEAR) 4 0 97 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR false S_LOADFONT (NewCenturySchlbk-Bold) FTRECODE SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Bold 48 124 mul 497 div 1960 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 287 624 0.0000 0.0000 (Beer Freshness) 14 1 461 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Bold 48 124 mul 497 div 1960 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 360 674 0.0000 0.0000 (Calculator) 10 0 317 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 36 124 mul 497 div 1420 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 237 1119 0.0000 0.0000 (Align index with deep notch) 27 4 560 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 36 124 mul 497 div 1420 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 237 1160 0.0000 0.0000 (in label. Then add up total ) 28 6 542 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 36 124 mul 497 div 1420 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 237 1202 0.0000 0.0000 (values for notches within ) 26 4 515 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 36 124 mul 497 div 1420 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 237 1243 0.0000 0.0000 (day, month, and year areas.) 27 4 558 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 36 124 mul 497 div 1420 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 237 1285 0.0000 0.0000 (For instance, April 3, 1989 ) 28 5 544 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 36 124 mul 497 div 1420 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 237 1326 0.0000 0.0000 (would have day notches 1 ) 25 5 524 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 36 124 mul 497 div 1420 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 237 1368 0.0000 0.0000 (and 2, month notch 4 and ) 25 6 523 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 36 124 mul 497 div 1420 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 237 1409 0.0000 0.0000 (year notches 1 and 8.) 21 4 424 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR false S_LOADFONT (ZapfChancery-MediumItalic) FTRECODE SUSAVE /|______ZapfChancery-MediumItalic 28 124 mul 497 div 980 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 314 1451 0.0000 0.0000 (Copyright ) 10 1 124 OUT save /SYMsv exch def /Symbol 28 124 mul 497 div -999 16 0 SET 438 1451 0.0000 0.0000 (S) 1 0 25 OUT SYMsv restore 463 1451 0.0000 0.0000 ( 1989 Pete Soper) 16 3 198 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Bold 36 124 mul 497 div 1480 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 249 1021 0.0000 0.0000 (Read The Date Codes of) 22 4 535 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND PEND SURSTR SUSAVE /|______NewCenturySchlbk-Bold 36 124 mul 497 div 1480 16 0 SET 225.0 506.0 900.0 1538.0 false PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN S_TEXTSEGBEG 833.0 200.0 964.0 200.0 PSCALETEXT 249 1062 0.0000 0.0000 (Certain Beer Labels:) 20 2 461 OUT S_TEXTSEGEND 2.0 2.0 LW BK 225.0 506.0 895.0 506.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 895.0 506.0 895.0 1534.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 895.0 1534.0 225.0 1534.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 225.0 1534.0 225.0 1467.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 225.0 1467.0 830.0 1467.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 830.0 1467.0 830.0 570.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 830.0 570.0 225.0 570.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 225.0 570.0 225.0 506.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 225.0 570.0 225.0 712.0 PLINETO 2.0 2.0 LW BK 225.0 973.0 225.0 1467.0 PLINETO PEND 0.0 0.0 3300.0 2550.0 true PBEGIN <F87422478F172271> PDECLAREPATTERN 0.0 0.0 LW WT 1389.0 105.0 2480.0 554.0 PRECT PPAINT PEND ENDPAGE ENDJOB end %%Trailer %%DocumentFonts: Courier %%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Bold %%+ ZapfChancery-MediumItalic %%DocumentSuppliedFonts: %%EOF From lexicon!rt at ursa-major.SPDCC.COM Thu Mar 1 11:52:26 1990 Received: Thu, 1 Mar 90 11:52:16 est from ursa-major.SPDCC.COM (ursa-major.spdcc.com.ARPA) by asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov (4.12/1.5) Received: by ursa-major.SPDCC.COM with sendmail-5.61/4.7 id <AA23253 at ursa-major.SPDCC.COM>; Thu, 1 Mar 90 11:52:34 -0500 Received: from fear.lexicon.com (fear.ARPA) by lexicon.lexicon.com id AA10253; Thu, 1 Mar 90 11:15:53 est Received: by fear.lexicon.com id AA05889; Thu, 1 Mar 90 11:39:57 est Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 11:39:57 est From: rt at lexicon.com (Robert Tillman) Message-Id: <9003011639.AA05889 at fear.lexicon.com> To: chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov Subject: Recipe log sheet Chris - Could you please send me a copy in postscript? Thanx! - Bob Tillman rt at lexicon.com ...!harvard!spdcc!lexicon!rt From at encore.encore.com:soper at maxzilla.encore.com Thu Mar 1 12:29:33 1990 Received: Thu, 1 Mar 90 12:29:20 est from encore.encore.com (815b010e) by asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov (4.12/1.5) Received: from maxzilla.encore.COM by encore.encore.com with SMTP (5.61/25-eef) id AA03175; Thu, 1 Mar 90 12:31:11 -0500 Received: by maxzilla. (4.0/SMI-4.0) id AA31162; Thu, 1 Mar 90 12:34:22 EST Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 12:34:22 EST From: Pete Soper <soper at maxzilla.encore.com> Message-Id: <9003011734.AA31162 at maxzilla.> To: chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov Subject: I'm a bitter man :-) Chris, I've been writing papers for my homebrew club's newsletter. Last month's was the techie side of yeast while this month is the practical side. But thinking ahead, I'd like to make something comprehensive about hop bitterness so more club members can get a handle on their beer designs. Last night one club member told me on the phone he was going to use a single ounce of 3.7% Saaz hops for bittering a 10 GALLON BATCH OF BEER. Without choking or spluttering too much I suggested that that might well result in bitterness that was below the threshold of taste and that perhaps more should be used! Anyway, you expressed an interest in IBUs and so I thought you might like to read some very raw thoughts on the subject and let me know what you think. I *really* like your recipe form, incidently. It seems to be a wonderful balance between comprehensiveness and lack of clutter. Now for the rambling: David Line came up with AAU (Alpha Acid Unit) and it is simply defined as one ounce of 1% alpha acid hops. Somebody in the AHA ripped this off and came up with the HBU (Homebrew Bittering Unit). Both of these units convey potential bitterness which was a good start for the late 70s but it is time for homebrewers to move beyond this. Actual bitterness comes about by isomerization and subsequent solution of alpha acids, ordinarily during the wort boil. The proportion of the starting alpha acids that end up dissolved represent a figure of merit called "hop utilization" expressed as a percentage. Wort boils in commercial settings result in roughly 27-34% utilization. Based on what I've read homebrewers only approach 30% utilization with best case boils. Randy Mosher suggests utilization in the mid twenties makes more sense for many homebrewers (for reasons discussed momentarily). So this is the dilemma. The above utilization estimate is the key to mapping AAUs with the wort volume to a measure of dissolved acids. This measure is called the IBU (International Bittering Unit), although the Europeans call it the EBU. Both are defined as one milligram of isoalpha acid dissolved in one liter. Commercial brewers directly measure the alpha acids and establish the real IBU ratings for their beers. We don't have the equipment to do this, thus the dilemma. With 30% utilization, one AAU in one U.S. gallon results in 22.5 IBUs. So, for example, 5 AAUs in a 5 gallon batch of beer made in such a way as to get 30% utilization would have a bitterness of 22.5 IBUs. Jackson's World Guide to Beer is an excellent source for the bitterness of actual beers. A lot of factors affect utilization. One that is frequently a major one in homebrew settings is the boil gravity. The higher the gravity of the wort during a boil, the lower the utilization. That is, homebrewers that boil their extract and hops in, for example, 2 gallons of water, have a boil gravity that is around 5/2 of the eventual original gravity. Terry Foster suggests increasing bittering hops by 5% for each 10 specific gravity points over 1.050 to compensate for this. George Fix says that hop pellets result in 15% greater utilization than whole hops, all other things being equal. Wort pH has a drastic effect on utilization, but at pH levels that are much higher than optimum. I don't have decent data about this but I know that at a pH of around 10, utilization goes to almost 100%. Unfortunately, if your boil was somehow at a pH of 10, you'd be in for some very very bad times. Certain minerals, especially gypsum, can affect extraction of bitterness. I don't know how to quantify this. The length and vigor of the boil are the two remaining variables that homebrewers vary over wide ranges. I know homebrewers that have been brewing for years that barely simmer their wort for no more than 20 minutes. I won't go into how their beer's clarity ranges from that of dish water to that of the Mississippi, but I'm convinced that their hop utilization is drastically lower too. Commercial brewers use boilers that are specifically designed to violently agitate the wort during a 60-90 minute boil. So, a wort that starts the boil slightly *lower* than the eventual original gravity, that is boiled very vigorously (i.e. leave out those goddamned "pot watchers"!!!) for at least 60 minutes, probably approaches utilization levels of 30%. Data from Miller's book suggests that utilization from 10 minutes of vigorous boiling is around half what you get from 60 minutes. This feels about right, since it is definitely very nonlinear (i.e. a 30 day boil would not get you much over 35% utilization). Because all my boils fit the above criterion I guestimate my utilization is around 29% for 60 minutes, 24% fo Return to table of contents
Date: 01 Mar 90 12:46:42 PST (Thu) From: florianb at tekred.cna.tek.com Subject: re: #368, cooling, logging, and heading In #368, tony g quotes Farnsworth's article in Zymurgy which claims that inserting a submersible cooler substantially increases the chances of wort contamination. This is pure bullshit. If the wort is hot and the cooler is cleaner than a toilet, there is no problem. This quote fuels my previous claim that the world of brewing is full of rumors. Max Newman inquires about head on his new beer. Yes, Max, you should wait a while. The head and carbonation will improve. I use 3/4 cup of sugar in all my brews and get consistent carbonation results. The head varies depending on ingredients (see Miller's book). The British tend to like less "gassy" brews. Chris Shenton submitted a log sheet in a particular type of format. Two comments: (1) Have you ever used a Macintosh? (2) It would be preferrable to send a message to HB DIG regarding the *availability* of the material, rather than the LONG message containing the data. The actual data could be then sent to interested parties directly. This would be much more economical. Please, no offense intended. Your efforts are appreciated. Incidentally, I use a log book I obtained at a business supply shop. Florian the complainer. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 13:57:51 PST From: Marty Albini <hplabs!hpsdl39!martya> Subject: beer pancakes >Anyone have any good *food* recipes using beer as an ingredient? How about beer pancakes? dry stuff *1/4 cp oat flour *1/4 cp graham flour (a coursely ground whole wheat flour used for making graham crackers) *1/2 cp whole wheat pastry flour (1 cp total) -or- *1 cp whole wheat pastry flour 1/2 tsp baking powder (use 3/4 tsp of the non-alum kind) 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 heaping tbl dry malt extract 1 heaping tbl health-food store brewer's yeast optional: 1 tbl sesame seeds wet stuff 1 cp bland, boring, light beer, easy on the hops (unless you want to eat the whole batch yourself) 1 1/2 tsp lemon juice (1 good squeeze of 1/2 a lemon) 1/2 stick butter/margarine Set margarine in the frying pan to melt. Mix dry ingrediants in one bowl, wet in another. Add the melted butter to the wet and mix well just before stirring in dry stuff. If you want skinnier pancakes, thin batter with beer. Serves two. You might want to make a double batch, as this leaves 1/2 a can of bad beer sitting around, and I for one don't drink before breakfast, and if I did, I wouldn't drink this stuff. If the beer isn't flat, you can reduce the baking powder and soda. The lemon juice is just to react with the soda, so that can go away too. If you use fresh beer, the above makes very light and fluffy pancakes. Enjoy! - -- ________________________________________________Marty Albini___________ "Thank god for long-necked bottles, the angel's remedy."--Tom Petty phone : (619) 592-4177 UUCP : {hplabs|nosc|hpfcla|ucsd}!hp-sdd!martya Internet : martya%hp-sdd at hp-sde.sde.hp.com (or at nosc.mil, at ucsd.edu) CSNET : martya%hp-sdd at hplabs.csnet US mail : Hewlett-Packard Co., 16399 W. Bernardo Drive, San Diego CA 92127-1899 USA Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 20:19:06 MST From: roberts at studguppy (Doug Roberts at Los Alamos National Laboratory) Subject: immersion-type wort chiller (concern) > From: tony g <giannone at BBN.COM> > > I was thumbing through my Zymurgy "Yeast & Beer" (1989 special issue) last > night when I came upon an interesting statement in Paul Farnsworth's > "Healthy Homebrew Starter Cultures" article. On page 11 Mr. Farnsworth says > "Cooling the wort before transferring it to the fermenter, using ice > immersion or a copper cooling coil placed inside the boiling pot vastly > increases the chance of contamination." > > I thought that using an immersion-type wort chiller would vastly 'decrease' > the chance of contamination since it allows the yeast to be added sooner. > Is Mr. Farnsworth assuming that the wort chiller is being place in the > wort 'after the boil' instead of 'during the last 10-15 minutes'? I was disappointed with that article. I completely disagree with Farnsworth's contention that an immersion chiller coil increases the chance for contamination. Ice immersion, of course, would be a completely different story. However, if you practice healthy sanitation procedures with your primary, and let the immersion coil rest in the boiling wort for 10 - 15 minutes prior to starting the flow of cooling water, there is no additional risk of contamination. - --Doug ================================================================ Douglas Roberts | Los Alamos National Laboratory |I can resist anything Box 1663, MS F-609 | except temptation. Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 | ... (505)667-4569 |Oscar Wilde dzzr at lanl.gov | ================================================================ Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 20:22:51 -0800 From: John S. Watson <watson at ames.arc.nasa.gov> Subject: Re: Recipes of a different nature In HOMEBREW Digest #368 Mark.Leone at F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU writes: > Anyone have any good *food* recipes using beer as an ingredient? I've > had good beer-batter fried chicken, and now my curiosity is piqued! Here a cookbook I found recently at B. Dalton's Book store: Brew Cuisine: Cooking with Beer by Judith Gould and Ruth Koretsky Summerhill Press, 1989 192 pages, $9.95 Other information from the inner leaf: Printed in Canada, Distributed in the United States by: Sterling Publishing 2 Park Avenue New York, New York 10016 ISBN 0-920197-73-6 I've only made a few of the recipes in the book ... mainly the stews. There are recipes for: appetizers, bread, sauces, marinades & salad dressings; soups; vegetables, eggs & cheese, fish & seafood, poultry, beef, lamb & veal, pork, desserts. Some of the recipes seem kind of bogus, because they require only a teaspoon or so of beer. (Maybe it's just an excuse to have to dispose of a little less than 12oz or beer :-). But some recipes require goodly portions , as much as 4 cups, "Traditional Carbonnade". There is also a lot of beer and brewing history and lore mixed in between the recipes. have fun, John Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #369, 03/02/90 ************************************* -------
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