HOMEBREW Digest #3818 Thu 20 December 2001

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  re: Guinness (Canada) (D Perry)
  Brewpubs near Mesa AZ ("Dave Howell")
  RE: Request for recommendations of Brewpubs in the Mesa AZ (Phoenix) area (Jay Swartzfeger)
  Large commercial yeast pitching options (Alan Meeker)
  Club yeast banks (Chad Clancy)
  Keg Fridge Problems ("Dennis Collins")
  Clearing the Smoke ("Ray Daniels")
  Re: new Unibroue beer ("Drew Avis")
  Tobacco / smoked / stout (Nathan Kanous)
  Re: Club Yeast Banks (Joel Plutchak)
  Re: h2o2 aeration (Jeff Renner)
  some painless water chemistry (long) (Jeff Renner)
  yeast bank (Marc Sedam)
  Re: Club Yeast Banks (Rob Dewhirst)
  Club Yeast Banks vs. HB Stores (Paddock Wood Customer Service)
  StarSan and Counterflow chillers (Stephen Johnson)
  15.5 gallon batch ("Milone, Gilbert")
  Unibroue 10 (RiedelD)
  San Antonio (Spencer W Thomas)
  Unibroue 10 (Subject: Rauchbier / Samiclaus / Unibroue special beer) ("Michael Bolam")
  Re;  British Ale/Traquair Character ("Bill Frazier")
  re: Yeast temps (Rama Roberts)
  English Ale flavours, and Guinness ("Rob Compton")
  Re: Unibroue 10 (Svlnroozls)
  Bamberg and Smoked beer (GordonRick)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 22:06:42 -0800 From: D Perry <daperry75 at shaw.ca> Subject: re: Guinness (Canada) I believe our bottled Guinness is brewed by Labatts. You can also still get the imported can's with the widget in it, I think these can's are from Ireland. Now I am not sure but the local pub that I drink Guinness at says the kegs come from Ireland, but even if it did it wouldn't taste the same because I believe (and I am no expert on this) but all imported beer must be pausterized. This may attribute to the off-flavors or difference in taste. Well that's my two cents. Dave Prince George, BC, Canada [1937.5, 308] Apparent Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 23:52:49 -0700 From: "Dave Howell" <djhowell at qwest.net> Subject: Brewpubs near Mesa AZ In HBD #3816, Walt Hodges asks for recommendations of brewpubs in Mesa Az. Walt, I live in Mesa. I can't think of a single brewpub in Mesa. But, there are a few (some even brew beer from grain ;) in the neighboring cities. In Tempe: Four Peaks Brewing, near University and McClintock, 1340 E. 8th St. Others abound, how far do you want to drive? Dave Howell Mesa, Az Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 23:54:51 -0700 From: Jay Swartzfeger <jswartzfeger at home.com> Subject: RE: Request for recommendations of Brewpubs in the Mesa AZ (Phoenix) area > Subject: Request for recommendations of Brewpubs in the Mesa AZ > (Phoenix) area > > Emergency trip to Mesa has just appeared on my calendar. Any > decent (or > Great) brewpubs in the Mesa area? If not Mesa, how about the Phoenix > area? Best of the bunch has to be Papago brewing in Scottsdale, AZ. 30 taps and 400 different bottles in the cooler. Here's a link to what they currently have (their taps are rotated on a weekly, sometimes daily basis): http://www.papagobrewing.com/tap.html http://www.papagobrewing.com/stock.html They carry a great selection of local, regional, national and international beer. You may also want to check out Four Peaks Brewing, Rio Salado Brewing and Sonora Brewing if you have the time... Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 08:01:54 -0500 From: Alan Meeker <ameeker at mail.jhmi.edu> Subject: Large commercial yeast pitching options Stephen Ross correctly points out that the newer Wyeast "XL" smack packs contain essentially pitchable (for 5 gallon batch volume) quantities of yeast. This is also true, by the way, of the newer White Labs pitchable tubes. I neglected to point this out in my post - shows you how old this post was! -Alan Meeker Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 05:36:02 -0800 (PST) From: Chad Clancy <chadclancy at yahoo.com> Subject: Club yeast banks Mark Vernon writes: > I have a question for those of you in Brew Clubs. Does your club > offer a club Yeast Bank? If they do how is it run? Our club was > offering a Yeast Bank - we have several members into yeast ranching > and they were gracious enough offer it to the club. For a small > donation ($2) to the club, to cover culturing costs, a member could > request a strain of yeast, we would whip up a small 10ml starter and > the member would then step that up to whatever level they felt they > needed to pitch. > What are the groups opinions as to the legal/ethical > aspects of this type of yeast bank? > The reason I ask is that our local homebrew shop owner heard about > this (we did not try and hid it), called one of the big yeast suppliers > and had them send a letter threatening us with legal action, if we did > not "Cease and Desist" selling "their" yeast. They also threatened to > stop selling their yeast to him (the homebrew shop) because, > supposedly, we purchased our source yeast from him (some we did, > some we did not). So what is the opinion of the group? Are these > types of yeast exchanges/banks legal? Ethical? Can I give a > buddy the yeast cake from the batch I just brewed or am I > 'stealing' the yeast from the supplier? I hope I'm not falling for a troll post because this sounds so out of whack, its almost hard to believe. All of the dealings I have had with the major yeast suppliers have been good and they seem to have a good understanding of what this hobby is about. For this reason, it is troubling to think that one of these guys would go to such an extreme to prevent those who wish to use cultured yeast from doing so. I'm convinced that the typical homebrewer enjoys learning about the entire brewing process and making beer more than drinking it and I think that most yeast suppliers are mindful of this. Given the nominal fee to cover culturing costs, it is clear that this is not a moneymaking venture. Therefore, I doubt that what the club is doing is illegal (I'm not a lawyer so take my opinion for what it's worth). Furthermore, a single homebrewer who is trying to maintain a sizeable bank of yeast will have trouble saving much money, let alone break even so it makes sense to get other brewers involved. The main thing that strikes me about the yeast supplier is that they typically admit that their yeasts were obtained from outside sources. They rarely name these sources, however for obvious reasons. At any rate, they did not synthesize the yeast. At best, they may have selectively cultivated and cultured the yeast. I'd suggest that you ask the yeast supplier (notice how we don't call them yeast manufacturers) what law or ethical standard you're violating. Again, I hope this doesn't turn into a yeast supplier bashing thing because I suspect that the attitude that Mark encountered is an isolated case. I think that the yeast suppliers have done a lot to improve the state of homebrewing over the last decade or so. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 08:44:50 -0500 From: "Dennis Collins" <dcollins at drain-all.com> Subject: Keg Fridge Problems Happy Holidays All; This question is for the refrigerator technician group within the collective. I bought my fridge used about 1 year ago and I would guess its about 15-20 years old. Its a Kelvinator type. I use it for serving beer only, not fermentation. It has worked very well and keeps a fairly consistent temperature of about 42-45 F as measured by a floating thermometer in a cup of water inside the compartment. The thermostat dial is set at about "1" which is the very low end of the scale for cooling. Anyway, about every 2 or 3 weeks, I will open up the fridge and the cup of water with the thermometer in it is frozen solid. It's not possible for me to turn the thermostat down any further because it's already at the bottom of the scale (yes I'm sure that 1 is at the "warm" end of the scale and not at the "cool" end). The freezer compartment seems to be working fine (I keep the jugs for my fermentation chiller in there and they always seem to be frozen solid). After a day or so, the temperature returns to normal and it will be fine for a few weeks and then this process repeats itself. Is there anything I can do to prevent the refrigerator compartment from freezing up periodically? I'm fairly mechanically inclined so I wouldn't mind working on it myself, I just don't know what I'm looking for. I'm hoping to avoid using a separate temperature controller because I still need the use of the freezer compartment. Any ideas? Private e-mail is fine. Thanks in advance. Dennis Collins Knoxville, TN [386.04 Nautical miles, 182.2 degrees] Apparent Rennerian "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but not in practice." Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 07:41:53 -0600 From: "Ray Daniels" <raydan at ameritech.net> Subject: Clearing the Smoke Let's see, a few facts need correcting from HBD #3817. Herr Zellmann incorrectly states that Schlenkerla is made from Weyermann smoked malt. Schlenkerla smokes their own malt and it is this product which constitutes about 97 percent of the grist in their smoked beers. "Farb" or "color" malt is used for the remainder of the grist and this specialty malt comes from Weyermann. Dave Harsh incorrectly states that Schlenkerla is now made with just "30-40% smoked malt." The proportion of rauch malt remains the same in the classic Marzen-style beer. Perhaps he has confused the original with the Schlenkerla Weizen beer which was recently imported in to the US. The Weizen is made with rauch malt for the barley portion of the recipe, wheat malt making up the balance. Finally, Paul Kensler reports having made a nice rauchbier from the book which Geoff Larson and I wrote on this subject and using a grist containing 40% Weyermann rauch malt. (Thank you Paul.) His example points out an important point, namely that the Weyermann rauch malt is more strongly flavored than that used for making Schlenkerla. As a result, efforts to follow the Schlenkerla recipe using Weyermann malt are likely to result in a beer that is overwhelming in its smokiness. Those interested in further information on the making and use of smoked malts and smoked beers might enjoy picking up a copy of "Smoked Beers." Those with a, ahem, "burning" desire to do so can find a copy on Amazon.com or directly from the AOB. Best regards, Ray Daniels Editor, Zymurgy & The New Brewer Director, Brewers Publications Call Customer Service at 888-822-6273 to subscribe or order books and single magazines. Don't Miss: Real Ale Festival - Feb 27 - March 2, 2002 - Chicago, IL www.realalefestival.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:15:07 -0500 From: "Drew Avis" <andrew_avis at hotmail.com> Subject: Re: new Unibroue beer Dave Harsh asks about the 10th anniversary Unibroue beer. Yep, it's true, but only in French. The English section of the web site is mute on this subject, but the Francais home page has quite a bit of information. Babblefish makes the customary dogs breakfast of the page, good for a laugh but you get the gist: http://fets3.freetranslation.com:5081/?sequence=core&language=french/english &url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unibroue.com%2Fproduits%2F10.cfm Basically, it's a tripel style beer made with four spices, 6000 cases made, 2,500 for export outside of Quebec. On a related topic, where's the best place to pick up Unibroue beers in Hull? Cheers! Drew Avis, Merrickville, Ontario ~ http://www.strangebrew.ca Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:21:49 EST From: CMEBREW at aol.com Subject: USE OF A 10 GAL COOLER Just used my 10 gal igloo cooler for mashing a 6 gal batch and it couldn't be easier. 12 gal of 168 degree strike water. Stirred in 9.5 lb of grist. Temp was then 156. Rested for 60". Temp then 153. Added 22 qts of 180 degree sparge water to mash out, but temp was only 164 then (raise this water to 184 next time). I let it rest for 10" anyway and recirculated til clear. Began run off into FWH and ran off to 28 qts. Boiled for 60" with hop schedule: 15gr Ultra fwh, 20gr Perle 60", 15gr Ultra 10" IBU's are 30. Used a first generation wyeast 1056 slurry stepped up in fresh 500ml wort. grain bill: 7 lb american 2 row----2 lb flaked corn----8 oz dextrine (carapils) The 10 gal cooler made it a chinch. If anyone is interested I brew coffee as well. Check it out www.cmebrew.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 08:31:03 -0600 From: Nathan Kanous <nlkanous at pharmacy.wisc.edu> Subject: Tobacco / smoked / stout Oh, oh. Now that we've beaten tobacco stout to death and I've requested information about rauchbier, what's next? I don't think it's the dreaded clinite*t debate. I don't think it's the b*tulism thread. Hmm....what's botanically related to hops, smoked like tobacco (roll your own) and known to have been put in beer? No, we won't go there. Happy Holidays to all and to all a good beer. nathan in madison, wi Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 08:26:01 -0600 (CST) From: Joel Plutchak <plutchak at uiuc.edu> Subject: Re: Club Yeast Banks In HBD #3817 "Vernon, Mark" <mark.vernon at pioneer.com> writes: >So what is the opinion of the group? Are these types of yeast >exchanges/banks legal? Ethical? Can I give a buddy the yeast >cake from the batch I just brewed or am I 'stealing' the yeast >from the supplier? If I buy a bag of Idaho Russet Potatoes from the local grocer and use half of them for planting, am I stealing from the grocer, the distributor, or the farmer when I harvest my crop? Joel Plutchak <plutchak at [...]> Champaign Illinois Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:26:36 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <JeffRenner at mediaone.net> Subject: Re: h2o2 aeration Joe Gibbens <jgibbens6 at attbi.com> suggests: >In Dr. Pivo's recent hydrogen peroxide experiment, is it possible that >the "stalled" fermentation could be the yeast briefly returning to an >aerobic cycle from the oxygen addition before resuming anerobic activity? The same thing occurred to me, and yet another confounding possibility, that the bubbling of the evolved O2 might have scrubbed some supersaturated CO2 from the fermenting wort, and another delay was due to the CO2 level reaching supersaturation before bubbling again. Of course, neither of these possibilities is incompatible with the possibility that H2O2 is also toxic to yeast. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at mediaone.net "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:35:46 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <JeffRenner at mediaone.net> Subject: some painless water chemistry (long) "Dennis Lewis" <dblewis at dblewis.com> writes from Warren, Ohio: >I thought that hardness was defined by the sulfate (permanent) and >carbonate (temporary) content of the water.... So did I when I first started brewing and trying to figure this all out. I've been turning over in my mind a narrative explanation of these matters for Zymurgy. I have wanted to write it up as "Water Chemistry without Pain" or some such title. Chemical symbols and formulas can scare some folks off right at the start. Here is a very rough first draft. It is not for dissemination or publication, although you may pass it along, with the same conditions. Naturally, I retain all rights. I hope it is a useful explanation. First, hard and soft water - what are they? Historically, before anyone knew anything about chemistry, people discovered that some water made lovely, soft, creamy lather with soap. Rain water is an example of this, which is why people had rain barrels to collect water for washing laundry and hair. Other water, such as well water, made sticky, unslippery, unlathery "soap curd," left a bathtub ring of this material at the high water mark, and was generally poor for cleaning, unless a lot of soap were used. Naturally, the term "soft water" came to be applied to the former, and "hard water" to the latter. Sometime in the 19th century, science found the explanation for this phenomenon. Hard water has dissolved calcium and/or magnesium ions from dissolved underground minerals. Why do these make soap work poorly? To understand this, we need to know what soap is. It is a sodium salt of a fatty acid. It is a fat molecule with a sodium ion at the end. This allows the mixing of two things that don't like to mix, oil (or fats) and water. The fatty end mixes with fatty dirt, and the ionic sodium end is attracted to water. Voila, emulsified dirt. However, the fatty part of soap would rather have a calcium or magnesium ion on its end, so in the presence of these ions in hard water, they replace the sodium ion. Unfortunately, calcium and magnesium soap is not soluble in water, so it precipitates out as soap curd. If you use enough soap, it uses up all of the calcium and magnesium ions, and then then you have some sodium soap left for cleaning. At about the same time as this was explained, it was also discovered why certain kinds of waters made better beers of certain styles. This is the proper definition of hard water, the presence of calcium and magnesium ions. It has nothing to do with the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate, chloride, sulfate, etc. This confused me no permanently hard water, and carbonate and sulfate waters. I then learned that temporarily hard water has calcium (and magnesium, usually in smaller amounts) in the presence of bicarbonate ions, which, when boiled, lose carbon dioxide and become carbonate ions, which are insoluble in the presence of calcium or magnesium ions, and precipitate out as calcium (or magnesium) carbonate, which are virtually insoluble. Permanently hard water has calcium and magnesium in solution with little or no bicarbonate. The positive ions in this case are typically sulfate and chloride. Boiling has no effect on these ions, so the calcium and magnesium remain in solution to produce soap curd or, happily, to react with phytase to produce phytic acid in our mash and bring the pH to a proper level. How does adding slaked lime, Ca(OH)2, reduce bicarbonate? Well, again I'd like to offer the full explanation (my kids say I can never give the short answer). How does bicarbonate get into water in the first place? Rain water falling through the atmosphere dissolves carbon dioxide, producing carbonic acid, naturally acid rain. (Rain falling through atmosphere polluted with smokestack sulfates from coal burning produce sulfuric acid, unnaturally acid rain). This slightly acid rain percolates through the ground, where it encounters limestone, or calcium carbonate, which is the remains of the shells of prehistoric sea life. Calcium carbonate is virtually insoluble in water, which is a good thing for the sea life. A clam would be in real trouble if its shell dissolved! But it is soluble in acid. So this acidic rainwater, now ground water, dissolves the limestone. The addition of carbonic acid to the carbonate produces bicarbonate, a terrible name, HCO3(-1). The Germans call it hydrogen-carbonate, which is a much better name. Bicarbonate in the presence of calcium is very soluble. It is also fairly alkaline, which causes troubles when mashing pale grains. However, this alkalinity is useful when mashing dark grains, which are acidic. Brewers discovered this empirically centuries ago when they found that certain areas such as Munich, London and Dublin, with their carbonaceous (really, bicarbonaceous) water made good dark beer but lousy pale beers, while Burton-on-Trent, with its sulfate water, or, more to the point, non-carbonaceous, water, made good pale beer. And Pilsn, whose water is soft, can make good pale beer, not because it is soft per se, but because it has no bicarbonate. Slaked lime, which is called that because it is lime, or calcium oxide (CaO), mixed with water, just as we slake our thirst with water. Lime is also called burnt lime, because it is produced by heating limestone (CaCO3), which drives off carbon dioxide (CO2) and leaves CaO. When this burnt lime is added to water (H2O), it becomes slaked lime, (Ca(OH)2), calcium hydroxide. This is the calcium equivalent of lye, and is strongly alkaline. If you remember, calcium bicarbonate is the result of acid dissolving calcium carbonate, which is soluble only in an acid. If we add enough slaked lime, a strong alkali, to the calcium bicarbonate solution to raise the pH beyond pH 10.8, it can no longer hold the calcium bicarbonate in solution. The bicarbonate gives up an H+ ion (which combines with an OH(-1) ion from the calcium hydroxide and becomes a water molecule) becomes carbonate, which combines with the calcium present, and precipitates out as calcium carbonate. It seems counterintuitive that adding calcium would reduce it, but it does, by greatly increasing the ph, or alkalinity, of the water. The addition of slaked lime, Ca(OH)2, reduces the bicarbonate, but also the calcium, in a 2:1 ratio. This means that by itself, it presents problems for preparing brewing water, since we want calcium in the water, too. As a matter of fact, adding lime is a common, inexpensive way of softening (reducing calcium and magnesium) municipal water supplies. Such municipal water has a high residual pH, typically over pH 9, but it is not strongly buffered, so it typically presents no problem, as long as there is sufficient calcium remaining. Home water softeners accomplish the same end result, reduction of calcium and magnesium ions, by ion exchange. Sodium ions are exchanged in the water for the calcium and magnesium ions. Soap now works fine, but the bicarbonate remains. No problem for soap, but this water is doubly unsuitable for brewing, since it not only still has the pH raising bicarbonate, but none of the pH lowering calcium ions. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at mediaone.net "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:43:34 -0500 From: Marc Sedam <marc_sedam at unc.edu> Subject: yeast bank I love it. The perfect topic to stir up debate just when the list is a little flabby on content (save creative ways to torture squirrels). My local HB club (to which I've just now become an active member) has a yeast bank. Will I use it? Maybe every now and again. Let's face it...culturing up yeast from a single cell is a lot of work. For most homebrewers making a starter is even stretching it. I like the idea of HAVING those strains available (especially the wacky ones) if need be, but the truth of the matter is that I don't often have the time or energy to do all that culturing. As for the "cease and desist" language--that's just crap. It's not like these yeast strains are patented by the yeast labs. They are a provider, and a convenient one at that, of biological materials. Recognize that the yeast strains are not proprietary, and those that are considered "proprietary" are generally called that because the brewery does what it can to prevent distribution...a trade secret, in other words. I'm a big supporter of both major yeast labs which supply to the HB community. That being said I don't think anyone should get up in arms if 0.2% of all brewers choose to culture their own yeast and give some to others. As long as your designated yeast banker isn't making any financial gain off the $2 transaction, I don't even see the ethical dilemma. If it's OK to use the same yeast repeatedly in your own brewery, why isn't it OK to give the same yeast to a friend? Unless someone decides to create "Terminator" yeast (like the Terminator seeds sold by your competition), this is just traditional handing down of good materials. - -- Marc Sedam Chapel Hill, NC Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 07:19:45 -0600 From: Rob Dewhirst <robd at biocomplexity.nhm.ukans.edu> Subject: Re: Club Yeast Banks > >The reason I ask is that our local homebrew shop owner heard about this (we >did not try and hid it), called one of the big yeast suppliers and I try to support my local homebrew shop, but if mine were to do this, I'd stop shopping there and tell others in my brew club to do the same. What on earth was that shop owner thinking? One of the reasons we shop at brew stores is to have a consumer advocate. My brew shop owner went to bat with me over over several bad products. >had them >send a letter threatening us with legal action, if we did not "Cease and >Desist" selling "their" yeast. They also threatened to stop selling their >yeast to him (the homebrew shop) because, supposedly, we purchased our >source yeast from him (some we did, some we did not). Please finger the guilty here. Which yeast supplier did this? Can you reproduce the letter? The devil may be in the details. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 11:17:23 -0600 From: Paddock Wood Customer Service <experts at paddockwood.com> Subject: Club Yeast Banks vs. HB Stores Mark Vernon asks for opinions on the ethics and legality of club yeast banks. Whether a club should advertise strains as "So and so's Irish Ale #6666" is more of a legal than an ethical question. I won't touch the legality issue. Ethically I see no problem with local club yeast banks- from an ownership of strains perspective. As a retailer of course I'd be thrilled if every time a beer was brewed a new yeast pack was purchased. But I don't make money on yeast. Many of my customers re-use their yeasts. Wyeast has good information on yeast washing, on starters and storage on their website. Fresh pure yeast is a necessity for good beer, so I tolerate the hassle of stocking fresh yeast cultures and trying to juggle strain availability with freshness. I could use the floor space for more profitable items. When a local group decided to refresh their banked strains with fresh yeast from Paddock Wood I was very happy, not because I could get rich on a single annual sale of a $5.50 yeast pack, but because I knew that they would have pure yeast, make better beer, and that's good for the hobby. What's good for the hobby, is good for my shop's continued survival. I do not see major financial loss coming to any HB store if a local club makes a bank available to its members - but that doesn't mean it won't have an effect on the shop. I would have a problem with larger scale re-culturing and sale of commercial yeast varieties that would have a significant impact on retail outlets, but I seriously doubt that any club that was more interested in quality than in economy-beer would intentionally harm their local shop IF their shop is serving their needs. To do so for whatever purpose, such as saving $3 on a yeast purchase, would be more than shortsighted, and the club may soon find itself without a local resource. I would like to think that the brew club would act with enlightened self-interest, and so would the shop. It should be a symbiotic relationship, not an antagonistic one. If only for customer goodwill, it may have been more prudent for Mark's local shop to work with the club than to rattle legal sabers. Likewise, if Mark's club relies on their local shop, and makes special requests, or club orders, it would be foolish for them to jeopardize that relationship over yeast. My biased personal opinion is that if you are fortunate enough to have a shop that carries fresh liquid yeast, use it or lose it. While a club yeast bank will not seriously affect the store's bottom line because yeast is not a high return item for the retailer, lack of club support may well be enough to make the hassle of stocking the yeast not worthwhile and you could see yet MORE wine kits spring up where you once had a fresh yeast fridge. If you can't get the yeast from the shop, or if special order turn-around time is too slow, or if the selection of strains is limited, or you wish to maintain unique strains, I think a club yeast bank is a great resource. Just my $0.02 cheers, Stephen Ross -- "Vitae sine cerevisiis sugant." Paddock Wood Brewing Supplies, Saskatoon, SK, Canada experts at paddockwood.com www.paddockwood.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 11:51:39 -0600 From: Stephen Johnson <Stephen.Johnson at vanderbilt.edu> Subject: StarSan and Counterflow chillers Some of our local club discussion of late has revolved around the use of counterflow chillers. Most recently, the question came up about using StarSan solution as a final rinse at the end of a brew session and possible problems with the long-term contact of said acid solution inside a copper counterflow chiller during storage in between brew sessions. One of our members was concerned with the possible reactivity of the copper with the 3 pH acid that is present in a StarSan solution when mixed according to the 5 Star brand directions. I've been doing this with my Precision Brewing System chiller (copper coil within larger copper coil) for several years now and have never noticed any discoloration or residue when I re-clean and re-sanitize the chiller prior to use during my next brew session. Although the chiller is more or less drained prior to storage, I would imagine that there are some areas that remain "coated" or in contact with StarSan for the entire storage duration (some times as long as several months). I use a pretty rigorous CIP (clean in place) set of procedures that involves a 12-volt pump to recirculate hot water, then a caustic solution, followed by warm water rinse, and wrap up with the StarSan rinse both before and after using the chiller each time. Any thoughts from our resident chemists and/or metalurgists out there in the HBD collective? Steve Johnson, President Music City Brewers (http://www.musiccitybrewers.com) Winners of the 2001 Mid-South Club of the Year competition Nashville, TN (A few grits south of Jeff Renner) Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 13:03:09 -0500 From: "Milone, Gilbert" <gilbert.milone at uconn.edu> Subject: 15.5 gallon batch Has anyone every undertaken brewing a half keg batch? I'm contemplating making a 15.5 gallon batch. I'm not really sure how to go about it though, because I do not have a fermenter or kettle that big. -Gil Milone Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 13:48:09 -0500 From: RiedelD at pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca Subject: Unibroue 10 Dave, Stephen Beaumont tasted the 10th anniversary beer from Unibroue recently. He wasn't all that impressed, see his World of Beer site for the review: http://worldofbeer.com/ktt/ cheers, Dave Riedel Victoria, Can. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 14:19:00 -0500 From: Spencer W Thomas <spencer at engin.umich.edu> Subject: San Antonio Late, but better than never... I'd like to thank everyone who wrote to me concerning where to find beer in San Antonio. I managed to make it to Blue Star on Saturday. I liked it. The folks were friendly, the atmosphere was laid back (at least late on Saturday afternoon), and the beers were good. The rest of my drinking time was spent in the company of my co-conferees at one or another of the bars in the Hilton. Although it was kinda hokey, the "Irish" pub was convivial and fun, and the Guinness on draft was excellent. Per one recommendation, I wandered down to "Dirty Dick's" on Saturday night, but it was too young a crowd for me. :-) =Spencer in Ann Arbor, MI Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 15:12:22 -0500 From: "Michael Bolam" <thrashlibrarian at hotmail.com> Subject: Unibroue 10 (Subject: Rauchbier / Samiclaus / Unibroue special beer) Dave (and others who might be interested), I tried the Unibroue 10 this past weekend. I was pretty impressed. It reminded me of their Fin Du Monde, but possibly a bit stronger (over 10%, I believe) a bit fruitier, and from what I remember of Fin Du Monde, a bit "fizzier". I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not great at writing about beers yet. Hopefully this helps you. I would buy it again. Mike From: Dave Harsh - ----------------------------- While we're on the topic of rare beers, I saw an ad in All About Beer for a tenth anniversary beer from Unibroue. Has anyone seen it, had it, etc? Comments on it? Dave Harsh Bloatarian Brewing League Cincinnati, OH - ----------------------------------------------- Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 12:04:45 -0600 From: "Bill Frazier" <billfrazier at worldnet.att.net> Subject: Re; British Ale/Traquair Character Drew Avis asks about the interesting flavors in Traquair House Ale. You can produce Traquair-like flavors in your home brewery by boiling a gallon of first run wort down to about a pint, over high heat, while you sparge the rest of your mash. Then add this thick, caramelized syrup back to the boiling wort toward the end of your boil. I've done this technique several times trying to capture the caramel flavor in Fuller's ESB. The flavor of caramelized first-run wort is Traquair-like while the flavor of caramelized table sugar is more like FESB. If you add the caramelized syrup too soon in the boil the caramelized flavors will be lost. It may even be better to add the caramelized syrup to the secondary although I've not tried that method. A fellow from the UK-HBD adds the caramelized syrup to the finished beer in the keg. He says the beer is sweet for several days but the unique flavor is quite pronounced and lasts long enough for the keg to be drained. There was an article in one of the brewing mags some time back about Traquair. It's brewed in very small batches (for a commercial beer) and the boil is something like two hours over direct heat~sort of like what we do when using a Cagin Cooker for the heat source. This long boil creates the caramelized flavor found in Traquair House Ale. Bill Frazier Olathe, Kansas Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 13:04:52 -0800 (PST) From: Rama Roberts <rama at retro.eng.sun.com> Subject: re: Yeast temps > I'm going away > for 4 days over the holidays and will probably turn my > thermostat in the house down to around 60 or less to > conserve energy. Should I worry about a stuck > fermentation if the temperature drops down to 55-60 F? British Ale yeast likes to be in the 65-75F range. You can probably hold it in this range for a couple of days by placing it in a water bath, like your bath tub. (std disclaimer about wet carboy safety, etc). You'll probably need to rouse the yeast when you get back, but it should be fine. - --rama Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 21:45:13 -0000 From: "Rob Compton" <compton at btinternet.com> Subject: English Ale flavours, and Guinness Seasoned Gratings Ale-ians! Many people have tried to exactly emulate their favourite ales without success, me included. The fact of the matter, as far as I can put my grubby finger on it, is..... It be the water maaaster! Here in sunny Bedfordshire, in the town of Biggleswade, we used to have the Wells & Wynch brewery, which was taken over by Greene King in the 60's. The Biggleswade brewery supported the multitude of Greene King houses (and free trade) around this area for many years, until closing about 5 years back. The IPA brewed in biggleswade did not tast the same as the IPA brewed at GK's main brewery in Bury St Edmunds, nor did it taste the same as the IPA brewed at there other brewery at Furneaux Pelham (also closed now!). The head brewer used to live locally, and frequenty my then local embibing establishment, and he reassured me that the recipie was the same at all three breweries, the yeast was the same, and that the water was chemically identical at all three breweries. However, it did not taste the same! The water drawn from the spring in the heart of the Biggleswade brewery comes from a sandy soil, with underlying chalk. It is quite hard in it's natural state. The water drawn from the well at the old Rayments brewery in Furneaux Pelham comes from an area of predominantly clay soils, with underlying chalk and is softer. The water drawn from the well at Bury St Edmunds is from a light sandy loam soil area, with a bloody great sugar beet processing plant under half a mile away, with it's drainage beds seeping into the surrounding strata! We always knew when there was a production (errr... infection) problem at Biggleswade. We'd first be fed Bury IPA, then get the odd barrel from Pelham. Sales of Light Ale would increase when Bury IPA came in, to make it more palatable to local taste, such was the difference. Since Greene King have taken over Morland, who had only just swallowed Ruddles, we now have Bury St Edmunds style Ruddles County, and Morland Old Speckled Hen, neither of which taste as they did, and are now only a fading memory. Accountants know best, and chemists are the experts that tell us that water has no taste, and imparts no flavour on the overall brew. We have a phrase.... RHUBARB! If breweries all used triple distilled water, which was distilled in identical equipment, and tested to be pure H20, no parts per trillion of anything other than pure H20, then we could possibly stand a chance at getting our beers to taste just like those that we buy. There were similar differences in Whitbread's Flower's IPA which was brewed in a number of different location. As was (is) Bass, I be ramblin' now. I best shuts up on that subject.... On to Guinness. There are three different guinness recipies, as brewed at the Park Royal brewery, London NW10, and as I have been reliably informed, that goes for that brewed in Eire too. I cannot comment on the differing flavours, but a well travelled friend tells me that Irish brewed Guinness is sweeter than that concocted in Park Royal, but is the same strength there as it is here. There are weaker stouts on offer in Eire, brewed by quite a few other breweries. Beamish to name but one. Guinness Extra Stout - Bottled - 4.3% abv Guinness Export Extra Stout - Bottled - 7.5% abv (sold all over the world, not much of it here!) Draught Guinness - 5% abv Merry Xmas to all / Humbug (delete as applicable) Rob. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:09:13 -0700 From: "Gary Glass" <gary at aob.org> Subject: OFFICIAL CALL FOR NOMINATIONS >From Steve Casselman, Chairman, AHA Board of Advisors OFFICIAL CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Attention all members of the American HomeBrewers Association. Once a year the AHA makes nominations for election to its Board of Advisors. This year the board has voted to accept petitions from its members for Board of Advisor candidates. We're looking for members who want to make the AHA a better organization by giving direct input to the AHA and the AOB and helping grow our organization. Candidates should be heavily involved in the American homebrewing movement, be willing to work to grow AHA membership andbe willing to work online daily and meet once a year at the National Homebrewers Conference. Petitions should include the name, mailing address, city/state, and email address of the nominee. Please check with the nominee to be sure that she/he wishes to be placed in nomination and will serve if elected, and indicate so in the nomination. The nominee must be a member of the American Homebrewers Association. The Board of advisors will review the petitions and select a manageable number for formal nomination, at which time a full biography and letter of candidacy will be required. On a personal note, I am the last of the "anointed" (i.e. people not elected to the board), and since the day I joined the board it has been my goal to be voted out of office. I fought hard to get the membership to have a vote in this board of advisors, but I never thought the membership would ever have the power we have now to control and expand the organization. Three members of the AHA board of advisors now also sit on the board of directors of the AOB, and have direct fiduciary responsibility to the AOB. For anyone who knows a little about corporate law this is an important part of having a direct and real input not only into the AHA, but all facets of the AOB organization. Check out the bylaws for full details: http://www.beertown.org/AHA/Legal/ahabylaws.htm So if you think you can help make a difference--or know somebody who can--step up and be counted! Submit nominations before January 31st to gary at aob.org via email. Steve Casselman, Chairman AHA Board of Advisors PS Remember to Vote. We will have online voting this year so there is no excuse not to vote. It's your organization. We want your input! Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 23:30:43 EST From: Svlnroozls at aol.com Subject: Re: Unibroue 10 In a message dated 12/18/01 8:15:02 PM, Dave Harsh writes: << While we're on the topic of rare beers, I saw an ad in All About Beer for a tenth anniversary beer from Unibroue. Has anyone seen it, had it, etc? Comments on it? >> Several months ago, BJ's Brewhouse had their Unibroue night as one of the monthly beer appreciation nights and the guys from Unibroue were there to personally present their impressive array of brews. After the tasting session, a few of us hung out for a while with the Uni-guys (They liked my witbier! The former brewer of Chimay liked my wit! Is that just the coolest or what?) and they brought out a bottle of 10, which, though they thought was a tad young, we all agreed was a mighty delectable brew. It is very Belgian in character and strong, not surprising from Unibroue. It is a deep gold in color with a rich, spicy aroma and warming maltiness. I've had 10 once again since then and would like to have it again. For a fan of strong Belgian-syle beers, it's worth looking for. C.T. Davis Los Angeles, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 22:29:56 EST From: GordonRick at aol.com Subject: Bamberg and Smoked beer Gruss Gott, Herr Zellmann! Bamberg was, and maybe still is, rightfully the beer capitol of the world. Not only do they have more breweries per capita than anywhere else in Bavaria (or technically Uber Franken), but they also host Weyermann malting house to go along with a truly beautiful city. My first real beer "in-country" in the spring of 1982 was a Rauchbier from the Schlenkerla. Gregor is right though; I didn't fall in love until the second half-liter (many more were to follow!) Thanks for the grain bill tip, Since smoked malt became available in my area, I had been wondering how much would be too much. I always use some chocolate malt to get the color very deep brown, but not opaque, as I recall. I also tried smoking my own malt, but it tends to be much harsher (acrid?) than the commercial malt. As an aside, I had the opportunity to visit last year but by the time I made it to Bamberg, the Schlenkerla was closed for Christmas. It may have been the first time my children saw me cry. Aargh! One other classic beer from the area was Leonardbock (a doppelbock I believe) from the Weiss Rossl brewery in Rosstadt, just up the road - hard to get but worth the effort (Although my wife always said it would have been more properly named "Flatulator"). The Wiess Rossl "Weizen", the smooth-as-silk "Landbier" from Brauerei Beck in Trossdorf, the standby "Pils" from Brauerei Thein in Lembach, the "Marzen" from the Drei Kronen in Memmelsdorf, the list goes on.... What a great place! BTW - Squirrels (AKA Tree Rats) were why they invented BB guns. You can't win this battle. They are just like furry cockroaches and will probably be here long after we are extinct. Best wishes for the Holidays! Prost! Rick [580.2, 181.4] Rennerian (If Mr. St Laurent's calculations are correct) Return to table of contents
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