HOMEBREW Digest #383 Fri 23 March 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Detailed beer tastings at Bluebonnet Conference in Dallas (John Mellby)
Detailed beer tastings at Bluebonnet Conference in Dallas (John Mellby)
Re: Texas Brown Ale (Chuck Cox)
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Date: Thu, 22 Mar 90 09:12:50 CST
From: jmellby at ngstl1.csc.ti.com (John Mellby)
Subject: Detailed beer tastings at Bluebonnet Conference in Dallas
Next Wednesday, March 28th, the American Homebrewer's Alliance, together
with the North Texas Home Brewers Association will present the
1990 Bluebonnet Conference & Competition
I have sent out information on this before, but I got further details on
Michael Jackson's tasting and Fred Eckhardt's Beer and Chocolate tasting.
This occurs at the Harvey House Hotel, in Plano, TX (suburb of Dallas).
Michael Jackson's Comparative Beer Tasting
Thursday, 8-10 PM
MJ will be comparing pair of beers:
Collin County Pale Gold Pilsner Urquell
Duvel Sezoens
Young's Special London Ale Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada Porter Sierra Nevada Stout
Sierra Nevada Stout Guinness
Anchor Porter Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout
Timmerman's Framboise <alone>
Fred Eckhardt's Beer and Chocolate Tasting
Saturday, 10 PM -- and into the night
1. Collin County Black Gold Tobler Orange Nirvana
2. Sierra Nevada Porter Swiss Lindt Cappucino
3. Hillsdale Farm Porter Tobler Swiss Milk Chocolate
4. Paulaner Salvator Tobler Swiss Mocha
5. Timmerman's Peche Chocolate Chip Cookies
6. Young's Old Nick Hershey's Dark
7. Guinness Chocolate Chunk Brownies
8. Chimay Grand Chocolate Decadence (cake)
Roy Mengot and I will be working the registration desk.
No, you can't get in cheaply by plying us with beer, which is
not to say that you shouldn't try.
P.S. Other news - I said earlier that Reinheitsgebot Brewery (the
only microbrewery in the Dallas area) had gone out of business.
It turns out they are still in business, at least for awhile. They
sold (green) beer at the North Texas Irish Festival. They are having
a tour of their brewery as part of the conference, and will be
supplying significant amounts of beer to the conference.
John R. Mellby
jmellby at ngstl1.ti.com
Texas Instruments <has nothing to do with this conference>
(214)343-7585 <w> (214)517-5370 <h>
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Date: Thu, 22 Mar 90 09:12:50 CST
From: jmellby at ngstl1.csc.ti.com (John Mellby)
Subject: Detailed beer tastings at Bluebonnet Conference in Dallas
Next Wednesday, March 28th, the American Homebrewer's Alliance, together
with the North Texas Home Brewers Association will present the
1990 Bluebonnet Conference & Competition
I have sent out information on this before, but I got further details on
Michael Jackson's tasting and Fred Eckhardt's Beer and Chocolate tasting.
This occurs at the Harvey House Hotel, in Plano, TX (suburb of Dallas).
Michael Jackson's Comparative Beer Tasting
Thursday, 8-10 PM
MJ will be comparing pair of beers:
Collin County Pale Gold Pilsner Urquell
Duvel Sezoens
Young's Special London Ale Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada Porter Sierra Nevada Stout
Sierra Nevada Stout Guinness
Anchor Porter Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout
Timmerman's Framboise <alone>
Fred Eckhardt's Beer and Chocolate Tasting
Saturday, 10 PM -- and into the night
1. Collin County Black Gold Tobler Orange Nirvana
2. Sierra Nevada Porter Swiss Lindt Cappucino
3. Hillsdale Farm Porter Tobler Swiss Milk Chocolate
4. Paulaner Salvator Tobler Swiss Mocha
5. Timmerman's Peche Chocolate Chip Cookies
6. Young's Old Nick Hershey's Dark
7. Guinness Chocolate Chunk Brownies
8. Chimay Grand Chocolate Decadence (cake)
Roy Mengot and I will be working the registration desk.
No, you can't get in cheaply by plying us with beer, which is
not to say that you shouldn't try.
P.S. Other news - I said earlier that Reinheitsgebot Brewery (the
only microbrewery in the Dallas area) had gone out of business.
It turns out they are still in business, at least for awhile. They
sold (green) beer at the North Texas Irish Festival. They are having
a tour of their brewery as part of the conference, and will be
supplying significant amounts of beer to the conference.
John R. Mellby
jmellby at ngstl1.ti.com
Texas Instruments <has nothing to do with this conference>
(214)343-7585 <w> (214)517-5370 <h>
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Date: Thu, 22 Mar 90 13:20:17 EST
From: bose!chuck at uunet.UU.NET (Chuck Cox)
Subject: Re: Texas Brown Ale
Doug sez...
> My brew is definitely darker
> and maltier and hoppier than, say, Newcastle Brown Ale or Samuel
> Smith's Nut Brown Ale. But it doesn't fit any other classification.
> Is it a Texas brown ale? (I know, I know. Words don't convey much.
> Here...have a sip.)
Hmmm, nice looking head, but some cloudiness...
oops, just a smudge on my screen.
It sounds like you might have a Texas Brown,
send a bottle and I'll let you know for sure.
> Is there anything commercially available that comes close to a tasting
> reference?
No, there is no commercial example by definition.
It is, as you noted, a category for all those dark hoppy homebrew ales
that don't fit into any other category.
> PS If Chuck Cox responds first, then we _know_ he's America's
> FASTEST beer judge!
Hmmm, robust yet fragile, well rounded yet naive.
Good body, well balanced, rocky head.
38 points.
- Chuck Cox - america's fastest beer judge -
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #383, 03/23/90
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