HOMEBREW Digest #4005 Fri 02 August 2002

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  Re: The Thirsty Traveller ("Dan Dewberry")
  Re: The Thirsty Traveler (Matt Walker)
  CCCA ("John Misrahi")
  Cats In The Phone And Who Wants To Buy A Sparge Arm? ("Phil Yates")
  Re: CO2 Cannisters - Newbie Question (I/T) - Eastman" <stjones at eastman.com>
  I would!!!!! (R.A.)" <rbarrett at ford.com>
  RE:RE:Carboy caps (I/T) - Eastman" <stjones at eastman.com>
  Repairing the corny.... ("Berggren, Stefan")
  Summer Brewing ("Dan Listermann")
  re: Beer Joints in Boston (McNally Geoffrey A NPRI)
  re: Maine brewpubs (McNally Geoffrey A NPRI)
  RE: Vanilla Brew ("Jonathan Savage")
  Wyoming wild hops and Food grade plastic ("Mike Racette")
  Chest freezer problems ("jeff")
  Potato beer? (Bill Wible)
  Former brewpub owner dies a hero in Colo. fire (Roger Deschner)
  Tampa brews/ Wyoming hops/ Hop harvest ("Mark Kellums")
  locating peat smoked whiskey malt (Seth Johnson)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 00:06:50 -0500 From: "Dan Dewberry" <dandew at ev1.net> Subject: Re: The Thirsty Traveller From: Nathan Kanous <nlkanous at pharmacy.wisc.edu> Subject: The Thirsty Traveller >This program was "Belgium: Beer Paradise". They >also have "Scotland: The Water of Life". It looks like a potentially >interesting show (and one I've contemplated in the past). >.... I'll set >the VCR and duct tape the kids in closets so that I can get a copy of the >episode to watch. Some of you may be interested in this series. Did anybody else see this? >Comments? Nathan...I have seen both programs & have been pleasantly surprised. Kevin Brauch, the host, has done a pretty good job of not making a fool of himself. As a Belgian beer freak, it is easy for me to see a show on Belgian beer & rip it apart like a film critic, but I didn't do that after watching the program. The Scotch episode was quite nice also as he took a trip to the Isle of Islay and I believe to the Laphroaig distillery. Very cool!! I highly recommend those two episodes. Watch & enjoy! By the by....can I have the blueprints on your duct tape trick??!! That could come in handy! Dan Austin Zealots Homebrew Club Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 23:50:28 -0700 From: Matt Walker <matt at suckerfish.net> Subject: Re: The Thirsty Traveler Excellent recommendation on the Thirsty Traveler. I watched the Belgian Beer episode yesterday and loved it. There's more info on the Thirsty Traveler at http://www.thirstytraveler.tv/ and an interview with the Thirsty Traveler himself, Kevin Brauch, at http://www.ratebeer.com/Story.asp?StoryID=71. Cheers! -- Matt - -- Matt Walker http://www.suckerfish.net/~matt/beer/blog/ Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 07:12:54 -0700 From: "John Misrahi" <lmoukhin at sprint.ca> Subject: CCCA Due to extreme laziness in making a starter (fairly shameful, from a guy with a fridge full of white labs and wyeast packs), i pitched 2 packs of Danstar Nottingham. Though due to the low gravity (1.038) due to over-watering down the beer, i'm afriad it will be pretty thin. I generally find Nottingham to be verrry attenuative and dry. I used Danstar Windsor in a pale ale recently. Danstar Manchester is next. Anyone here use the stuff? -John the Montreal Mad Man- Montreal John posts his CCCA recipe - looks good John! What yeast are you using? Pothole? Thats luxury! I have to ferment directly in my mouth. On brew day I fill up my mouth with wort in the am and drop a few yeast cells in and 3 hours later I swallow. Wish I had a pothole to ferment in. -Mike Brennan on the HBD "Ah, Billy Beer... we elected the wrong Carter." -Homer Simpson Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 22:28:53 +1000 From: "Phil Yates" <phil.yates at acenet.com.au> Subject: Cats In The Phone And Who Wants To Buy A Sparge Arm? I can see a lot of people cringing, surely I am not going to put out a post involving cats again?!! Well I sort of have to. I have here in my garage a dedicated "brew phone". This is something like a "bat phone" but it has a cat in it, or did have. If I'm on the line and someone calls, they get a dial tone which sounds like a cat purring and they know the line is busy. Well they once did, but somehow the cat has got out (I'm not even going to suggest how they got the cat in there in the first place, Dave Humes would be gunning for me!). I wouldn't bother to mention this but that my good friend Wes Smith, and now business partner, has discovered that the cat has got out of his dedicated "brew phone" as well. This means people ring you and are not alerted to the fact that you are deep in conversation on some brew related matter. They hang on until you finally answer the call, very annoying! Telstra had better get onto this and recall the missing cats. It's called "call waiting" here in Oz but I have no idea how it works in America. Anyway, things came to a head last weekend. Whilst preparing to sparge, the "brew phone" rang and the next thing I know, the catless phone was trying to receive a second call. Whilst juggling between caller one and caller two, I notice serious amounts of very hot water running about my feet. Horror of horrors, my plastic hot liquor tun had split its seams (hell I've only had five years of service out of it!). Then a third caller gets in the action and without the purring cat to subtly tell him to F off, he wants to talk to me as well. At this point a lesser brewer would throw his phone in the hot liquor tun and spend the rest of his day hunting cats. But I am trained to handle emergencies. Whilst juggling three callers on my catless bat phone, I calmly bucket the best part of thirty boiling litres of water from the disgorging liquor tun, straight onto the grain bed in the lauter tun. Hey, I always wanted to try my hand at dump sparging. Sorry Dan Listermann, looks like I won't be needing the sparge arm on this occasion. And what was the end result? Probably the best extraction I have ever got out of my grain. I'm now a dedicated dump sparger and whilst I loved my sparge arm, I won't be using it again. For immediate sale: One Phil's Sparge Arm One Catless Bat Phone One Slightly Used Hot Liquor Tun Cheers Phil Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 08:24:40 -0400 From: "Jones, Steve (I/T) - Eastman" <stjones at eastman.com> Subject: Re: CO2 Cannisters - Newbie Question I just wanted to add a few comments to Larry Bristol's fine reply: I found an out-of-date 20lb CO2 cylinder several years back in a junk store, and had to have it hydro-tested before filling. It cost me $19. Please note that if the test fails, they will drill a large hole in the cylinder and still charge you the test cost. Also, if I had an aluminum cylinder, I would NOT use the swap process as it would be very likely that I would get a steel tank in return, and never see my aluminum tank again. There are two local shops - one is a swap only, the other fills while you wait. I almost always have mine filled at the second shop. Steve Jones Johnson City, TN [421.8 mi, 168.5 deg] Apparent Rennerian State of Franklin Homebrewers http://hbd.org/franklin Proud member of the American Homebrewers Association Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 08:35:53 -0400 From: "Barrett, Bob (R.A.)" <rbarrett at ford.com> Subject: I would!!!!! I can't believe Mark from Kalamazoo didn't comment on this, so I'll have to say a few words. In HBD #4002 Bryan Gros mentioned that he was: "Interested in smoking my own malt." Then in HBD #4003 Eric Brady asked when purchasing a turkey fryer, if there were: "Any issues with using the pot that is supplied? I would tell Eric that if they're supplying pot with a turkey fryer, I may just have to go out and buy me one just for the pot!!!! I wouldn't have any issues with using it. Now it may not be as good as some, but now a days almost all of it is good enough for me. And Bryan, maybe you should forget about smoking your own malt and get yourself a turkey fryer. In case you didn't hear, according to Eric there is pot supplied with the fryer when you buy one. This must be happening in California. I know they have all sorts of crazy laws out there and getting pot supplied when you buy a turkey fryer just may be one of them. Now as for Jim Bermingham's post on HBD #4004 about Jeff Renner being confused from using an aluminum pot. I think that the confusion may have come from the pot being *supplied* and not necessarily that it is aluminum!! We make the beer with drink!!! Bob Barrett Ann Arbor, MI (2.8, 103.6 rennerian) I don't know about the confusion, but man can he ramble!!!!! Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 08:49:59 -0400 From: "Jones, Steve (I/T) - Eastman" <stjones at eastman.com> Subject: RE:RE:Carboy caps Alan Meeker comments on my post about using Carboy caps & CO2 for racking. Well, for some reason a single line was omitted from the HBD post - I had copied Nils and his reply contained it, so the HBD cut out the line. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is what the HBD published: (just shove it in), add another 6" length of 1/2" ID tubing to the other there is NOT a complete seal so that pressure won't build up too high to be hazardous. What I had sent was: (just shove it in), add another 6" length of 1/2" ID tubing to the other there is NOT a complete seal so that pressure won't build up too high to be hazardous. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the siphon starts I cut the CO2 flow very low just to keep a blanket of CO2 on the beer. Gravity is still the main force, but instead of room air entering the carboy, CO2 is entering. Alan, my racking tube is attached to the curved end of my SS racking cane with a worm drive clamp. The tube is about 6 ft long to easily reach the bottom of the receiving vessel. I sanitize the assembly by filling with iodophor for a half hour or so, then rinse well with hot water after use. So, I've never had a tube pop off, but one time the carboy cap popped off the carboy due to high pressure - that made me visualize an exploding carboy & was pretty scary. Steve Jones Johnson City, TN [421.8 mi, 168.5 deg] Apparent Rennerian State of Franklin Homebrewers http://hbd.org/franklin Proud member of the American Homebrewers Association Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 08:21:46 -0500 From: "Berggren, Stefan" <stefan_berggren at trekbike.com> Subject: Repairing the corny.... There is a glue better than that of rubber cement, along the same lines, but stronger. 3M makes a trim adhesive called Fast Tack(automotive trim adhesive) this will bond like nothing else. I use it for gluing my tubular bicycle tires and have found many other uses for this glue. Apply a good base coat to both pieces after cleaning with acetone to make sure no residual oil or contaminant is present. Then when they are pretty much dry press together (making sure they are aligned, because it will be hard to realign) and let cure for 24 hours ! Good Luck ! (BTW Ace hardware carries or can order 3M Fastack) Stefan Berggren Brewing in the stone cellar Madison, WI....... Previous Email from Kent and Richard... Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 20:10:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at yahoo.com> Subject: Corney Keg Repair Richard Schmittdiel asked about: >Has anyone ever successfully glued the rubber bottom >back onto a corney keg? If so, what kind and amount >of glue or cement did you use? Richard, Contact cement (aka Rubber Cement) should work well. As to surface prep, both parts should be as clean as possible. Apply glue to both parts and allow to dry til just tacky (usually 10 15 minutes), and stick them together firmly, bond will be instant. Kent Fletcher brewing in So Cal Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 09:27:19 -0400 From: "Dan Listermann" <dan at listermann.com> Subject: Summer Brewing A customer came up with an interesting and simple way to keep his fermenters cool during the summer. He has central air conditioning so he just tore the bottom out of a cardboard box, set the fermenter over a register and put the bottomless box over it. The cooler air from the air conditioner passed over the fermenter on its way to the room. A little imagination can make this work with wall registers and window units. Dan Listermann Check out our E-tail site at www.listermann.com Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 09:42:56 -0400 From: McNally Geoffrey A NPRI <McNallyGA at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil> Subject: re: Beer Joints in Boston Hi All, In HBD #4004 Bob Fesmire from Downington, PA (home of Victory Brewing) asked about beer in Boston, MA. I live about 1.5 hours south of Boston so someone more local could probably provide more details, but here are some recommendations. A couple of taprooms with good selections of local/regional beers are Redbones in Somerville (http://www.redbonesbbq.com) and the Sunset Grill in Allston. There are quite a few brewpubs in and around Boston. For a good overview of the Boston beer scene check out the local links page on the Boston Wort Processors web site (http://www.wort.org/local-links.html). Compared to your area, you will probably find Boston more expensive than Philly but less expensive than DC. Hope this helps. Jeff McNally Tiverton, RI South Shore Brew Club Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 10:34:45 -0400 From: McNally Geoffrey A NPRI <McNallyGA at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil> Subject: re: Maine brewpubs Hi All, In HBD #4004 Ben Rodman (who doesn't tell us where he's from) asked about brewpubs in Portland, ME. The only brewpub that I can think of right in Portland is Gritty McDuff's (http://www.grittys.com) (I'm sure there are others too). It is located on the waterfront in the northern end of the downtown area. A great place to sample a wide variety of local and regional beers in Portland is the Great Lost Bear (http://www.greatlostbear.com). They have beers on tap from pretty much every micro in Maine (and there are a lot of them). Jeff McNally Tiverton, RI South Shore Brew Club Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 07:42:29 -0700 From: "Jonathan Savage"<jonathansavage at earthlink.net> Subject: RE: Vanilla Brew >For vanilla flavor/aroma, I would suggest adding >a vanilla bean to the >secondary (split, with seeds scraped and added >also) and letting it sit for >2 weeks or so . . . just my $.02. Hope it helps. I have used 1/3 bean and 1/4 bean - 1/4 of a vanilla bean split & boiled briefly with the priming solution gives a nice vanilla note to beer. IMHO using more than 1/4 bean for a 5 gallon batch results in too much vanilla flavor. (YMMV). Beer with this adjunct also seems to need a week or so more in the keg than usual for the flavors to marry & mellow. If I was bottling I'd add the vanilla to the secondary for a week or so and then bottle as usual. I do believe that boiling the bean helps extract more aroma which probably explains why I use so little vanilla. Bests Jon Savage Long Beach CA Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 08:57:43 -0600 From: "Mike Racette" <mike.racette at hydro-gardens.com> Subject: Wyoming wild hops and Food grade plastic Most wild hops found in the Rocky mountain area are American hops, Humulus americanus as opposed to the species used in brewing, Humulus lupulus. I once found a nice web article showing the distrubution of each and describing the differences but couldn't seem to find it this time. In my searching I did run across some hop varieties that were listed as collected in Colorado and labeled H. lupulus, so maybe there are some around that were planted by immigrants a long time ago, I don't know. Try a search for Humulus americanus to see what you can find out. Chuck asked about food-grade plastic. HDPE 2 are all food-grade, its just a matter of what has been stored in them previously. If they have never been used to store anything then they are ok for storing food. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 10:37:35 -0500 From: "jeff" <philosophersstone at gbronline.com> Subject: Chest freezer problems Help, my beer fridge is overflowing! I have used a chest freezer with great success for the past two years. I lager and ferment in it. That leaves my upright freezer free for use as a bottled-beer refrigerator. Now the chest freezer isn't working. I have stuffed everything into the upright. I can't figure out where to start with the chest freezer. I live near Tulsa, OK. We have had temperatures near 100 and humidity around 60%. The freezer is in the garage. I noticed recently that the chest freezer was not cooling well. It wouldn't cool below 60 degrees. When I examined the chest freezer, I found the walls around the top of the compartment to be were cold, with some ice forming in one corner. The walls around the bottom of the compartment were warm. I assume that the top coil(s) are cooling, but not the coils at the bottom. Several brew club (FOAM) friends said to clean the heat exchange coils. But, I cannot figure out where they are or how to get to them. Unlike my upright, there are no exposed coils to exchange heat with the air. At least I cannot find them. The only panel I find is very small and located at the back near the floor. It gives me access to the compressor. I even tilted the freezer and looked at the bottom. I saw no coils and no apparent access. Does anyone have any ideas? Do these symptoms indicate a different problem? Jeff Pursley Bixby, OK Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 11:45:44 -0400 From: Bill Wible <bill at brewbyyou.net> Subject: Potato beer? I saw a show recently on the Food Network that was all about potatoes. One of the last segments was about a company that 'still' makes vodka from 100% potatoes. This was news to me, I thought all vodka was made from potatoes. Anyway, they described the process, and it sounded alot like making beer. They said they cut up the potatoes and held them at a high temperature, like mashing. They didn't actually say they boiled them. Then, of course, to make vodka, there's distilling involved. But this led me to wonder if it is possible to make a beer from potatoes, or mostly potatoes. I'm sure someone has done it. I recall reading one article on this in the past, it was something I downloaded from an internet site, and it wasn't real detailed. Anybody done this? What's the procedure? What can I expect the beer to be like? I imagine we would boil the potatoes, same as we do corn grits, to gelatinize them? Then mash them with some 6 row? And if one can use potatoes, what about similar vegetables, like turnips? Turnip beer sounds rather interesting.... What kind of hops would go in that? hmmmm.... Thoughts?? Bill Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 11:26:25 -0500 (CDT) From: Roger Deschner <rogerd at uic.edu> Subject: Former brewpub owner dies a hero in Colo. fire A toast tonight to honor Gordon Knight, former co-owner of the Wolf Tongue Brewpub in Nederland, Colorado, who died a hero on Tuesday. Knight was the third person claimed by the Big Elk Fire, near Rocky Mountain National Park, a toll which has shaken Front Range residents. Many of us visited Wolf Tongue while it was open. He was also involved in the Estes Park Brewpub, and the Twisted Pine and High Country microbrewries in Boulder. Among those interviewed in the article below is our good friend Jim Parker, Knight's former business partner at Wolf Tongue, and before that on the staff of the American Homebrewers Association. Parker is himself regarded as somewhat of a hero, for his brave and ultimately successful battle against cancer. The following article appears on the front page of today's edition of the Boulder Daily Camera, and may also be seen online at http://www.dailycamera.com/ Roger Deschner rogerd at uic.edu - ------ begin forwarded text ---------- The Daily Camera, Boulder, Colorado Pilot's father: 'He was my great hero' By Justin George and Christine Reid, Camera Staff Writers August 1, 2002 They say Gordon Knight veered his doomed helicopter away from firefighters on the ground as one last selfless act. If he had lived, friends said, he wouldn't have taken any credit. He rarely did. At home, he kept his Great American Beer Festival Gold medals - honors that breweries customarily turn into television commercials - in a sock drawer. During the Vietnam War, he earned a Purple Heart flying helicopter missions, something his father never knew. "He never told me that," said Knight's father, Leonard Knight. "He never did brag much." Friends, relatives, business partners and firefighters said much the same about Knight, the 52-year-old Boulder pilot killed Tuesday when his Lama helicopter crashed five miles south of Estes Park while fighting the Big Elk fire. When his aircraft was in trouble, instead of setting it straight down where two crews of firefighters were working, Knight steered away to avoid endangering their lives, said Marc Mullenix, Boulder Wildland Fire Division chief. "That's just the kind of guy he was," Mullenix said. Knight was born and raised on a cattle farm near Scottsbluff, Neb., where he was a state-champion wrestler. He joined the Army and flew scout missions and troops into battle during the Vietnam War. "He was my great hero," his father said. "He was my best friend." Later, Gordon Knight flew tourists in Hawaii. He also worked as a commercial pilot in places such as Indonesia and Africa. He was the first pilot for Life Flight rescue service in Des Moines, Iowa, said Michael Whipp, a 32-year-friend and business partner, who first met Knight taking a physical for the Army. Knight met his wife, Susan, while shuttling near-death victims from car wrecks to hospitals in Des Moines. She was an onboard nurse, Whipp said, and the couple later worked for Flight for Life in Denver. Knight began fighting wildfires about 26 years ago and at one time co-owned a business with Whipp that contracted helicopters to the U.S. Forest Service and other agencies battling wildfires. He was known for his proficiency in dropping buckets of water with great accuracy, firefighters said. Since June 1, he logged more than 200 hours fighting fires, including the Hayman fire, Colorado's largest ever. He was directly credited with saving homes from the Million Fire near South Fork in the Rio Grande National Forest in Rio Grande County. When not fighting fires, Knight made award-winning beer. He won three gold medals for the beers Renegade Red, Twisted Amber and Coffee Porter at three different breweries he co-owned over the years. "He was one of the finest brewers in the country," said friend Jim Parker, who co-owned the Wolf Tongue Brewery in Nederland with Knight in 1998 and 1999. Parker entered Knight's Coffee Porter in the Great American Beer Festival in Denver after Knight would not. He won gold. When Parker faced cancer more than two years ago, Knight borrowed beer-making equipment and re-made a beer the pair had sold in Nederland called Mr. Hoppy. Knight sold the batch, renamed Sir Hoppy, in the Denver area and gave $2,000 of the proceeds to his ailing friend. He never told Parker about his plan beforehand. "He just does not want to take any credit for anything, ever," said Parker, who now lives in Oregon. Parker remembers Knight dipping into his pockets and giving employees advances they never had to pay back. That was a surprising act for a frugal businessman who "could make a dollar scream" when he ran the Twisted Pine Brewery in Boulder, said majority owner Bob Baile. But, Baile said, Knight was a generous man outside of work expenses. He once drove almost 150 miles to the Royal Gorge in southern Colorado every Thursday during a summer to take over an injured race-car driver's day job flying weekend tours over the scenic chasm. He gave the salary to his friend's wife. "It was always someone else first," said Baile, recalling Knight's anger when Baile framed the gold medal for Twisted Pine's Twisted Amber and hung it with Knight's name in the brewery's entrance. But he was as careful and meticulous a businessman as he was a brewer, Baile said. "His whole life was conducted by the book," he said, a sentiment echoed by firefighters. Friends and firefighters were not surprised that Knight's last words came over the radio quietly and calmly: "Helicopter going down." A public memorial service honoring Knight will be at 5 p.m. Friday at Planet Bluegrass, 500 W. Main St., in Lyons. Camera Staff Writer Greg Avery contributed to this report. Contact Justin George at (303) 473-1359 or georgej at dailycamera.com. Copyright 2002, The Daily Camera. All Rights Reserved. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 13:08:53 -0500 From: "Mark Kellums" <infidel at springnet1.com> Subject: Tampa brews/ Wyoming hops/ Hop harvest Hello, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who responded to my request for good brews to be had in Tampa. We managed to make it to the Tampa Bay Brewing company for a couple of beers. I had the Elephant Foot IPA and my wife had the Moose Killer Barleywine. Both were very good. While at the condo we survived on Ybor City Gold in bottles. It was pretty good also. Just down the road on Gulf Blvd. we found a place called the Red Lion. They had Fullers, Tetley's, Boddingtons, Newcastle Brown, and more on tap. I don't think they were exceptionally fresh but they were enjoyable none the less. The food there was very good and the waitresses very friendly. Back when I was in the hop business with Just Hops a customer of mine sent me a rhizome from either Montana or Wyoming I can't remember which. Anyway I sent a sample of the resulting hops to Ralph Olson of Hopunion. He reported back to me that they were probably an old Cluster variety. The co-humulone numbers were very high, some where around 70%. Going from memory here, the alpha acids were around 8% and the storageability numbers were very good. The batch of bitter I made with them turned out extremely coarse in flavor and bitterness. The hops on the vine though had a very pleasant spiciness. It was an extremely vigorous grower and hop producer. I've often gotten two crops from my Cascades. Usually a smaller batch at the much larger crop about a month later. At that point there were just too many hops to pick individually, the plant had to cut down to for picking. Thanks and hope this helps. Mark Kellums Decatur Il. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 14:53:20 -0600 From: Seth Johnson <seth.johnson at colorado.edu> Subject: locating peat smoked whiskey malt I was wondering where I could get a bag of peat smoked whiskey malt? Is it the same as peated malt found in homebrew supply shops? Can you order different levels of peatyness? Any experience you would care to relate would be appreciated? Thanks, Seth seth.johnson at colorado.edu Return to table of contents
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