FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: giddy (leavitdg) back to back brewing ("Micah Millspaw") Yeast Wrangling (Matt Benzing) Sam Adams Light Clone ("Paul Gatza") Pub discount and a judging story (Brian Lundeen) Hop Garden seeking gardener (Bob McDonald) Star San question ("Gary Smith") Bill's in trouble! ("Michael O'Donnell")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 06:57:03 -0400 (EDT) From: leavitdg at Subject: giddy Erik ( ShoesBrew3 at ) admits to getting giddy when a new brew is on tap at the local brew-pub. I too frequently experience the "giddy factor", which for me occurs when I realize that a batch that I bottled a week or so ago is now ready to sample...YIPEEE! at # at ! Beyond the obvious motivations for brewing (the taste of fresh ale, the fun of 'cooking', the pleasure derived from making your friends happy, etc..) I believe that there is something more intrinsic to it. That is, the activity itself, the challenge of managing the myriad factors that go into a good brew,.......... perhaps also the direct and concrete feedback that one gets....Psychologists call this by various names, but one is 'effectance', ie the sense that one has had an effect...and some (White, for example) believe that this type of motivation is itself innate,...not socially inculcated.... Happy Brewing! .Darrell Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 08:43:48 -0500 From: "Micah Millspaw" <MMillspa at> Subject: back to back brewing The discussion on the amount of time required to do back to back brews caught my interest. For the last couple of years I have been brewing in mad bursts, twice a year. I brew for a few weeks in the spring and then again in the fall. Making enough beer to last thru the entire year. (you don't want to know how much) Plus a few 'keeping' beers for the future. I usually do two 15 gallon batches per day and often squeeze a 5 gallon batch in as well (because I have only 1 carboy) In order to do this my brewing equipment has evolved to accomodate back to back brewing. The biggest boon to my homebrewing has been the oversized programable hot liquor tank. That combined with a hard piped system allows me use the HTL as a wort reciever for the second batch while the first is still in the kettle. The second mash is started as soon the first is in the kettle (mash / lauter tun gets a quick rinse between). In all, it only takes about 6-7 hours of my time to get 30 gallons into the fermentors. Micah Millspaw - brewer at large Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 10:36:42 -0400 From: Matt Benzing <benzim at> Subject: Yeast Wrangling I would like to try to wrangle yeast from a bottle conditioned beer. I have heard that some bottle conditioned beers are filtered and then injected with a dummy yeast, not the yeast that they were fermented with. Does anyone know which products still contain the true yeast? I am looking at Harvey's Elizabethan Ale, Harvey Imperial Extra Double Stout (aka A. le Coq Imperial Stout), Bluebird Bitter, and Salopian Entire Butt...pretty much all the bottle conditioned beers my local store carries. Thanks, Matt Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 09:49:16 -0600 From: "Paul Gatza" <paul at> Subject: Sam Adams Light Clone Darrell asked about some help with a Sam Light clone. What I know from the press kit is that it uses two-row as the base malt and 100 percent noble hops, including spalt spalter. The o.g is 1.040, and the abv is 4.0 percent. The beer has some color and more body than other light beers, but not that much body, so it likely that there is a small quantity of medium to medium-dark crystal malt in there. The promotion is that it is not just a light version of the lager. I don't recall a fruitiness in the sample I tasted, so they are likely using their lager strain. If I were doing it on my system and my efficiency level at home, I would likely do something like: Sam Light Clone 5 gallons soft to medium-soft water 7 lb U.S. two-row malt 0.25 lb U.S. 80 L crystal malt 1/2 oz German Hallertau (bittering) 1/4 oz German Spalt (flavor) 1/4 oz German Spalt (aroma) A medium attenuating lager yeast As I am wont to do, I would likely knock my runoff tube out of my kettle or knock the mash tun over losing some wort and then make a random guess of how much I lost and compensate with some extra light dried malt extract. Please note this recipe is untried and should be seen as an experiment to compare with the target and make adjustments from there. Paul Gatza Director--American Homebrewers Association Director--Institute for Brewing Studies Association of Brewers 736 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 ph: +1.303.447.0816 ext. 122 fax: +1.303.447.2825 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 10:51:19 -0500 From: Brian Lundeen <BLundeen at> Subject: Pub discount and a judging story William Menzl writes: > I thought I would ask about the AHA > pub discount program. The most helpful waitress Jonelle, > indicated that she had not heard about it but she would ask. > I ordered the Pale Ale and when she came back she indicated > that they did not participate but that the manager had heard > about it and the beer was on them! That is what I call a > discount! And I didn't even have my membership card! Hmmm, so you took the initiative and were rewarded. There's probably a lesson in there for people who go through life with the attitude, "Why should I do other people's jobs for them?" :-) Speaking of the AHA, which being blind, stupid and retarded I foolishly joined, I received my free book on winning homebrewing recipes. I'm not going to harp on the fact that the book is 13 years old, I mean, it's not like homebrewing has changed at all in the past 13 years, right? I just want to relate something from the book. For many of the recipes, the book includes comments from the judges that evaluated the beers at the AHA competitions. I'm reading a judge's comments on an IPA entry, and all of a sudden, this feeling of deja vu washes over me. All of a sudden this feeling of deja vu washes over me. I backtrack to the barleywine section and there is a review of a barleywine (which strangely enough was by the same brewer) with almost the exact same wording in several sentences. I don't have the book in front of me, but I do recall both of the reviews including the phrase (excuse me if I don't have it exactly right), "I really love this beer. Needs more oomph from the hops". Although stranger coincidences have happened, one would have to assume that the same judge wrote these two reviews. The weird part is the competitions for these two beers were a year apart. Interpret this as you like, what it says to me is this. There is (was) a judge out there who, rather than writing individualized reviews for individual beers, preferred to just call up macros as needed. That strikes me as lazy, or at least jaded, and probably not very effective judging. Judges, feel free to slap me down if you think I'm being too harsh on this kind of thing. Cheers Brian Lundeen Sniping at [314,829] aka Winnipeg Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 11:53:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Bob McDonald <rcmcdonald at> Subject: Hop Garden seeking gardener Greetings all - I've been growing hops in a community garden plot in my neighbirhood for the last four years. They are vigorous cascade vines that produce a good amount of hops, usually overgrowing my 14' trellis by early June. Since my son was born two years ago, I barely have time enough to brew, let alone weed and tend to my hops. I'm also thinking of taking a job outside of the area. If there's an HBDer living in Adams Morgan or nearby in Washington D.C. who'd like to inherit my hops, please let me know, otherwise someone will likely dig up my Cascades to grow tomatoes. Thanks Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 20:05:42 -0500 From: "Gary Smith" <mandolinist at> Subject: Star San question Hi, I am using my first run with Star San. I just soaked the bottles for about 5 min & then hung them upside down to dry but there's sooo many bubbles left behind. I called the people I bought it from and they said not to worry, that's the way is is but it will be no problem whatsoever. Seems like the bubbles would indicate some kind of surfactant (soap) & that would reduce head retention. I wonder about it's effects on the yeast when I bottle (if it's a sanitizer won't it make it hard for the yeast if there's bubble residue left behind after hanging to dry)? It must be OK because so many people like it. Reassurances would be appreciated. Thanks, Gary Gary Smith "The only things worthwhile in life are music and cats" - Albert Einstein - Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 18:42:01 -0700 From: "Michael O'Donnell" <mooseo at> Subject: Bill's in trouble! I am in the same boat as you and slowly building my own all-grain setup. By all means, get ye to a salvage yard! I've found kegs there ripe for the cutting, I also found a pallet of Home Depot shelving that I have cut up and welded into a 2-tier setup (I am intending to put pic's on my website... soon). I have even seen stoves there that were not quite right for ripping burners out of. Keep an eye out for SS valves too. At 12:36 AM 8/13/2002 -0400, you wrote: >know it would depend on the specifics >but I am looking for a general list of places people have had the best luck >finding stuff they could use in their brewing rigs. Return to table of contents
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